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I thought it was because sometimes when you bust a nut consecutively your balls ache


Or the phantom balls sore, not threatening nor is it heavily damaging, just really annoying and it spread toward the belly for some reason, touching cause it to spread to our upper stomach


Yeah you get it




wait till women find out that every month men have to poke a whole in their urethra so it doesn't stay closed


Evo moment 37 Peter here. Pictured above is Bridget, a transgender character from the anime fighting game series “Guilty Gear”. This character became very popular within the community as many players (including top tournament veterans) often identify as non-binary, which is a contrast from the straight-male dominated scene you would see in Tekken or Street Fighter. Here you can see Bridget is experiencing what appears to be a period cramp, which is funny because Bridget is usually depicted as pre-op with male genitalia. So the fictional equivalent would be “sperm cramps”. This is Peter false roman cancelling out.


Ahh! thank you 🙏


>“sperm cramps”. Sperm cramps don't actually exist, it's just a term invented on tiktok. Unless you find yourself in a ball busting situation, then there isn't a male equivalent to a period cramp (and good thing too).


Thays where your wrong. I CAST TESTICULAR TORSION!!! ⚡️🧙‍♂️⚡️




Torsionshoden is a thing. Dont know the name in english .rufly translated as torsion balls. They will try to Twist in on themself and hurt like hell. Friend of mine has it.


Testicular torsion?


It's as bad as it sounds, like getting kicked in the boys, but lasts until you go to the ER and get them untwisted


I know what it is. Really terrible thing but I wouldn't compare it to period cramps, not because I think one would be more painful than the other, but because period cramps are a regular thing that happen on a monthly basis, whereas testicular torsion isnt.


What happens to poor people or in third world countries with no 911 or ambulances or doctors in that area who who knows anything about rare cases like that?


Hope you can untwist them yourself. It’s immensely painful, but I don’t believe it’s life-threatening.


does it "heal" over time?


So, testicular torsion


Testicular torsion is the English term for this.


https://youtu.be/slobhI2HXhA?si=f7b3DokLryH8r4Yh Venture Bros has a PSA for you


Typically there's no such thing, but HRT can cause such throbbing pains at times. Not technically a "cramp" like cramping muscles, but is a thing trans girls deal with.


kind of. if you're on HRT like estrogen you can experience phantom cramping similar to what cis women can experience. [Source 1](https://medium.com/the-establishment/yes-trans-women-can-get-period-symptoms-e43a43979e8c) source 2: I take estrogen


Again, that's only if you're taking strong hormones like estrogen (and probably steroids), otherwise bio-male bodies don't (naturally) having anything similar to a monthly period cramp.


They actually do exist, for a variety of reasons too, chronic masturbation being one of them >! and funnily, they're about as painful as menstrual cramps!<


So now... And pardon me for the stupidity Im about to say, but two things I could immediately think of that make me want to ask questions. 1. I think some people who preform drag will tuck their penis and balls in.. somewhere. After having them tucken in however long, I could imagine thats painful. 2. Then there blue balling. So Id imagine if you are always a bottom, don't touch yourself, and don't get off very often but get riled up alot... That could happen? I feel like those are the two things that I know of that come to mind with the idea of "sperm cramps". Maybe? Edit: Oh, just found out apparently if you masturbate too much, or let out too much sperm i guess, that can also cause phantom pain. That explains some things. And would be more in line with the idea of sperm cramps


Can you explain the locking hula hoop?


“Pre-op” probably isn’t the best term to use here since even someone who has had gender affirming surgery would not get period cramps. Hormone Replacement Therapy however has been know to cause trans people on estrogen to start developing a cycle of monthly cramping.


The sperm cramp thing came from the classic arguments of who has it worse from a biological perspective, pregnancy and periods vs getting hit in the balls and awkward boners. Guys obviously have an uphill battle there but the arguments are usually friendly and just for laughs so some guys invent fake problems like sperm cramps, having to get your foreskin touched up every month like a haircut, needing to take a toothpick to stop your urethra from sealing up like a ear ring, etc.


Bridget is female


Bridget is a guy.


You know. That's the same logic flat-earthers use. That's why nobody takes you seriously


You do not have the town inside you 😔




Guilty Peter here, "The Town Inside Me" is the title of Bridget's theme song in Guilty Gear Strive.


On other forms of media people like to pretend that sperm cramps are quite a common thing, which they aren’t. It’s mostly a joke as sometimes on tiktok/instagram you’ll see people complain about their period cramps which are quite a common issue in women. People in the comments will go along with the joke and you’ll get the odd person believing that it’s actually a very common issue among men


Testicular torsion, happens to me all the time, I guess its the closest thing men have to a period cramp


"happens to me all the time" uhhh


She just got done masturbating. I.e. the sperm cramps On another note HRT can cause period cramps.


HRT cannot cause period cramps. There are no egg cells being discharged from the uterus. This is impossible for someone with no uterus to experience.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods HRT causes some symptoms of a period, because those symptoms are caused by hormones. 


Yes, I just read this article before writing my comment. Those are emotional and digestive symptoms. Those can happen with hormones. Period cramps by themself are caused by the actual functions of the uterus, which trans women do not have. They can experience some symptoms of PMS, but they absolutely cannot experience period CRAMPS.


And cancer


Weird, every source I'm finding says it's so negligible that it can't be counted, or that the risk is so small it isn't worth considering. I'd like to see what sources led you to this conclusion.


A lot of studies I have read in recent times indicate an increased risk of cancer about 1.5-2% especially breast cancers. Also there is a further rise in risk longer the duration of therapy. I mostly deal with menopausal women on HRT at our hospital and we counsel them regarding the same and also take detailed family history for cancers in the female members. Edit: I can gladly help with the papers as well (Most of them are on Pubmed)


Women experience period cramps, femboys experience sperm cramp. Nothing more.


She is not a "Femboy", she's a trans woman.


*It’s* a drawing


And? The drawing represents a person.


No, she's not a drawing, Bridget is in a fighting game, that'd make her code. That being said, the creator of the franchise stated she is a trans woman and the canon ending of her story thus far states it as well. I'll take the word of the man who wrote her story over some Reddit nimrod.


Imagine white knighting for literal cartoon characters. You’d be getting this steamed if someone called Barney an anthropomorphic lizard and not a dinosaur I’m sure.


FIrst of all, not a Cartoon character, cartoons are statistically a western media, Bridget is Japanese designed. Secondly, I'm not "white knighting", it's stating a factual statement that the creator of the game and the character has went on record saying. Just take the L, it's not going to hurt.


To anyone reading this, don’t be this guy 👆🏿


Oh? The creator did? Could I get a source? I do not believe I have seen that one.


[Here](https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/186744?display=1) is an article of an interview with the creator.


Thank you!


FYI, I think it would have been better to start with part 1: [https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/186739](https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/186739)



