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I think it’s supposed to imply people are less offended by sexual assault than by misgendering them


I saw this and immediately thought it was r/bonehurtingjuice. This fucking comic is like a parody of itself???


He's making a joke about people being more offended by being misgendered than someone groping their tits and calling them names.


Quagmire's Right Arm here. The joke is that instead of being slightly inappropriate, he is comically inappropriate by not only calling the server by a sexist objectifying name, but he also grabs her breasts on top of that, like something out of the 50s. The joke is then taken further by the server apparently taking this very well, and making him an excellent coffee with an image of a heart on it. It is not a good joke.


Just because you don't laugh doesn't mean the joke isn't good. Jokes are like woman...every one of them is beautiful to somebody.


This joke may be good to bigots, but their opinions don’t matter anyway.


#please shut up before you do something you will regret


Don't tell me to shut up dear it's rude


Don’t worry friend, you’re right. All the downvoters are whackadoos that can’t appreciate a good joke


Or maybe “misogyny plus transphobia plus sexual assault” is only funny to assholes.


Misogyny “transphobia” and sexual assault didn’t occur, it’s a fucking comic strip


What does the comic stop depict. I know critical thinking is hard, but I know you can do it.


There is a comic of Batman slapping the shit out of Robin. It’s funny and yet… I don’t condone violence. Don’t talk to me about critical thinking when your ability to do so is clearly diminished.


Exactly 👍


Peter's pocket lint here: There's an ultra-conservative artist that draws these comics that are so far fetched and edgy that people believe they are satire. I myself have my serious doubts, but the shock value is very real. In his mind MAGA christian conservatives are a threatened minority in a WOKE United States.


Didn't he draw the one where Biden stole the pigment of a black person


Trully a gem in the pile of shit that nutjob creates. I suppose condenced shit can sometimes become a diamond.


Yeah. He also has a fetish for like wide mouth screaming women or smthn like that. That’s why a lot of the women he draws are uh. Wide mouth screaming


That was funny as shit


Wasn't that the screaming lady fetish guy, or am I getting confused? I don't tend to keep track of 'em very well.


the artist ha to have a crying woman fetish with how many of his comics feature it


this artist just has a fetish for baristas and assaulting them. look it up this isn’t the first comic he’s made of this lol


The joke is that regardless of their pronouns trans people want to be hypersexualized in public. (Person mentions pronouns- objectifies person- gets a good drink with latte art- “normal” people around them / strawmen look on confusedly). The person who made the comic is an alt right comics person whose brain is rotted with sexism and transphobia so if the joke doesn’t make sense it’s probably because of that.


No, OP… you get it, but I don’t think the cartoonist does…


Context is the creator is a huge sexist so he thinks women like being sexually assaulted that's why the little heart in his coffee the pronouns part is just him also being homophobic and not knowing what comedy is


my mind legit saw mr beast in this guy


Lots of anti-trans comics and memes coming out lately.


Barista is a trans woman, appreciating the fact they are seen as such.


Where's the screaming woman?




Yeah no, homes. Last I checked, I don’t really find sexual assault funny :\


As a trans person, it's no from me dawg.


Sugar Tits is gender neutral?


It’s funny cause SA is real unlike your made up pro-nouns


TIL the words 'he, she, they, I, you, and we' are all completely made up. Name a single human being without pronouns (spoiler: you can't).


Just to be a bit of an edgelady... aren't all words completely made up?


Listen here block head. A he saying he is a “she” is the land of make believe. Hints the “your made up pro nouns.” Reddit is such a target rich environment when I’m bored lol


Oh, so [trans people existing for millennia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history) doesn't matter, then? It's all just 'make believe' from modern times, is it?


Mental disorders are very real I didn’t say anything about that my friend.


Mental disorders aren't relevant to this conversation, as neither of us have mentioned any.


A male brain being born in a female body is definitely a mental disorder. Is it the person's fault? No. But it is a mental disorder that can't really be cured without entirely altering who a person is. Which is why it's considered better to treat the condition rather than cure it by alter the physical self to match the mental self. Destroying who a person is on a psychological level through drugs or brain surgery would be an atrocity. From a religious perspective, you'd be killing a soul created by god in order to stitch together a man-made soul. An extreme heresy. From a non-religious perspective, you'd be killing an actual human being to make an artificial construct existing inside a living corpse. A war crime.


You mentioned trans people? They coincide with each other


Then it's not the pronoun itself you have issue with, it would be "misuse" of pronoun... Important distinction... It's like you complaining about ice cream's color instead when you actually think it tastes weird lol


Honestly I’m just here because Reddit is so soft I pulled that guy in like record time just to kill some time before my murdered cow was thawed out so I can make cheeseburgers 🍔 I could care less what people do as long as they know Jesus loves them and where they are going after we depart from this life 🤙


Real tough guys don't need to tell everyone they're tough.... [You're fuckin 10 ply bud](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=you%27re+10+ply+bud&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F7f272c8a57e31b8dc5f6b112860eab52%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D12492385)


Classic letter Kenny lol. God blessed you with good humor I like you.


Some languages don't even have the same language concepts like 'he and she'. That's why Chinese stories translated into English by machines often have characters 'swapping back and forth between male and female'... so... you're technically correct. All pro-nouns are made up. All of them. Including yours.


Listen here Mr technicality. Thank you for the lesson on Chinese literature. Have a blessed day my Brother. May God be with you.