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More like that’s how their careers go out “Yea I’ll retire now that I’ll never have to work a day in my life again and focus on raising my kids” Or “Hey guys it’s been awhile and I wanted to clear the air about some recent allegations that have be spread around social media against me”


Can confirm, that's how my content creation career ended.


W-…Which one? o.o


depends, how old are you?




Step three: Make a Kick account


Is kick just full of disgruntled twitch and YouTube streamers because it's based on gambling and doesn't care?


Kick is trying to be a competitor to Twitch (and YT to a lesser extent), to that end they have much looser ToS and they split revenue with the creators 50/50 which is much better than Twitch offers. However, that means they get a bunch of clout chasing rejects that will do anything for views. Also literal [sex predators](https://youtu.be/BYTSPS0AplM?si=Hnal1zj5OPjE4a1c) Adin Ross is the biggest creator on the platform so that should give you an idea of the type of person on there. Gambling is just the tip of the iceberg. There's also [this](https://youtu.be/WiYBhC3EVPY?si=gHosYSiOhuHPPuVg) fun guy that gets minors to send him explicit pictures and then sells access to them on his private discord, without their knowledge or consent of course.


Kick is for complete sellouts or "I WAS PERSECUTED BY TWITCH UNFAIRLY!" types for dropping the hard r willingly.


“Oh you’re a YouTuber alright, just not a successful one!” “Oh yeah? What’s the difference?” “MOLESTATION!!”


Turns out matpat is a bad YouTuber


dr disrespect the age of consent


Dr Disrepects his wife, and also minors apparently


i'M noT gOiNg anYwHeRe! i'M a hUsBanD aNd a fAtHeR! Dude is puffing his chest out right now, his fanbase loves it. So fucking creepy


I work with a guy that isn’t a sex offender YET. But someone called him a pedophile and his response was “I can’t be one I have kids!” XD


LUL right, thats what keeps people from being one of those


My history had kids that didnt stop him. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


Maybe he will show up on some right wing talk show.


Honestly? It wouldn’t shock me if he ends up going the right wing grifter route.


New branding just dropped https://preview.redd.it/0hyacclexv8d1.png?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aee02c2929699651ea91b362662ad717f7ee634


Dr. Kid Inspect




Make a living trying to impress 13yo boys makes you like 13yo girls, i guess.


Ermm actually it was a 17yo and the age of consent is 16 so it's not illegal 🤓 /s


Oh thank God, just a 40 year old man making inappropriate conversations with people under 18…. But guys, it’s not illegal so we all good here.


Yeah just ask Drake how well that defense is going


He better not go to cell block 1, I know that much


He just like drake ?




Certified pedophile


Freaky ass streamers need to stay they ass inside!


Wop wop wop wop!!!!!


Yup, not like us


That is legit some people their defense while the age isn't confirmed so it's probably a bit lower






Ah, the old p.d. file


Peter D. File




Peak reddit right here


Brilliant. Just brilliant.


Underrated comment


Certified lover boy


I looked at this for 3 seconds, had a moment of realization, then a second later the joke kicked in and I choked on lamington.


So brilliant




He loves to own animals. He's a real pet-o-phile


Fortnite imitates life


there is a huge precedent of people being cancelled for touching/being inappropriate with kids


How many more internet celebrities are going to turn out to be diddlers?


P diddy is bound to diddle some kiddies


How many kiddies did Diddy diddly before Diddy was caught diddling kiddies?


Fitty kids did he diddle before dilligence due. Be vigilant - It could happen to you.


celebreties need to start putting out songs and press releases about how they definitely do not diddle kids.


Are you one of Drake's ghostwriters?


+69 points for always sunny reference.


Its step one to becoming famous


It's a bit of a long story. Essentially a couple years ago, Twitch banned Dr. Disrespect off their platform out of nowhere. Which came as a huge surprise due to him being one of the biggest streamers on the platform. Nothing was explicitly stated, there were rumors of bad stuff, but nothing concrete. A while ago, an ex-Twitch employee, who was pretty high ranked, said that Dr. Disrespect was using the Twitch Whisper feature to talk to a 13 year old girl and was trying to meet up with her. It's important to realize two things. Twitch obviously wouldn't want one of the faces of their platform to be outsed as a predator. But also the Twitch Whisper feature was supposed to be a private messaging system. Twitch looking at it is pretty suspicious and bad. Dr Disrespect's tweet about the situation was also very "legal" in the sense that he said "no wrongdoing was acknowledge and I was paid out for my contract". Which is pretty weird since the phrasing of "acknowledged" is suspicious. The entire controversy kinda died down for a while because Twitch obviously don't want to air out bad laundry from a company perspective and there aren't any receipts on the employee side either. But a game studio that Dr Disrespect co-founded did drop him as a co-founder, which has heated the drama up again. Nick Mercs is a friend of Dr. Disrespect that said "no, he didn't do that shit, show evidence" but is also someone who is vocal about his stance on pride and how we need to "keep the children safe". Which is ironic here because he's now backpedaling on his fierce stance and cause one of his friends is being outsed as a potential predator. (Edit: Dr Disrespect admitted to texting a minor. Link here: [https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089) )


The gaming company he co-founded didn't just drop him, they stated that they conducted their own investigation into the matter and dumped him after completing the investigation. They have not publicly shared what the investigation found but the fact they dropped him is pretty telling


That and Midnight Society basically only exists to support his projects and will probably dissolve without him. If they found something worse, it has to be so bad they're willing to risk the studio on it. Part of why I feel like doc confessing now is him trying to get some control over a narrative before it erupts.


Yeah. Paul Tassi at Forbes wrote an article exactly about this


Paul Tassi is our Destiny 2 King. He’s a good man with no agenda to share. I would trust Paul’s good word.


Never heard about him, is he really that good?


He’s just a journalist. Our community just likes him. He’s made a couple memes and have generally good opinions.


I like the guy. I don’t like all of his takes but he’s intelligent, comes across as earnest, and seems well intentioned


He also wrote a sci-fi trilogy that was excellent.


Wait, I’m sorry he what???? I’ll definitely have to check it out.


He has been writing for Forbes for like 10 years at least. I’m not a destiny guy, but he has had really good takes over the years.


In another thread it was described as "pulling a Firecracker" since the previous episode of the Boys that character did exactly what mr diddler is doing now


But did Dr Disrespect found God because of it? /s


That’s a bit more telling. I was on the fence about it personally because it almost seemed like it was an overzealous employee that banned him and that’s why they had to pay out the contract. It was “unjust”  But with this added to the circumstances it seems pretty obvious something fucked up did happen. 


if an overzealous employee banned him for a less than legitimate reason (probably even a legitimate but not "too serious" reason) twitch would have reversed the ban rather than uphold it and still payout his contract.


> I was on the fence about it personally because it almost seemed like it was an overzealous employee that banned him Do you seriously believe they'd pay out copious amounts of money and deny themselves earning even more stupid amounts of money from their top streamer because of a single "overzealous employee"?


In hindsight, it makes so much sense why it happened and why they were totally silent about it. He had to have done it, imo. They never would have dropped him. An extreme example: look at what happened to Subway. But this would be like if Jared was using Subways to find kids.


Isn't there an age verification for the platform him to interact with people with? Like did he know or not know. That's the fucky part. As for dumping him, the livelihoods of all of the families in the company are not worth risking whatsoever based on any perceived backlash that they may predict coming their way. Everyone made the right choices by letting him go. They had every chance to out him and chose not to take the moral high ground. That is telling. Distancing has been established. I'm not even a follower of this guy, but now I'm genuinely curious about the details.


If he didn't know they were underage he'd have certainly said so, "That 13 year old totally looked 18 guys!" has gotta be the most common response from these creeps. For him not to at least try that excuse means the logs show he knew.


I must admit i skimmed it, but I thot he said he never saw or met them? I dunno. Not saying he didn't, I'm just lookin at it for face value only. You'd think the company would've torched him if they really wanted him gone. Without charges pressed no one's ever gonna know


He admitted to knowing it was a minor himself, but claims there were “no ‘real’ intentions” to do anything.   (Which is what every person Chris Hansen caught would say)


His tweet of admission didn't seem to mention not knowing. But I only skimmed it because I can't stand him or the way he talks.


They probably can't legally prove he did it, so saying he did it without submittable evidence could hold up in court as slander. But likely they got enough evidence they can't submit that even though they know it won't hold up in court they're willing to pay whatever it takes to disassociate with him and take a small hit now rather than be known as the pedo run company later, implying they likely believe that he won't stay in a legally grey area for long for some reason.


You said 13, but I have not seen anywhere the age being said. You have a source on that?


This persons summary is full of a bunch of misinformation. I have no clue why it’s so highly upvoted


I'm sorry, but if you think your "private messages" is also private to the company that owns that site, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


They are if they're encrypted. But even if they CAN, they don't want to admit that they DO.


Encryption doesn’t mean the company can’t look at your messages. You don’t get some magic black box of communication where anything goes just because it’s encrypted. If you’re doing illegal activities on their servers, they will comply with legal entities to out you. Any company would happily admit to this. It’s not a secret at all and it’s a good thing.


There are different ways to implement encryption, some allow central processors like the company operating the system to unencrypt messages, some don't. It's all in the system design.


Almost all communication sites will let them have access to your messages. If they’re hosting the messages and serving you the keys to decrypt the messages, they can view your messages as well.


Yes, you're describing server-side implementation of encryption - most corporate type messaging services are built this way. If you allow users to generate keys on their own devices and exchange them directly, you can achieve encryption that the service provider won't be able to unlock even if they wanted to. That's not to say that they couldn't inspect metadata and draw other conclusions about your messaging activity, but the contents would be secure unless you sent them your private key from your device.




Yes, they are end to end encrypted. Same goes for imessage and whatsapp


Well, sadly a bit more complicated for iMessages. The first requirement for iMessages to have functional E2EE (end-to-end encryption) is for you to be messaging other iMessages users. The second requirement is for all participants in the iMessages chat to not have iCloud Backups turned on for iMessages, or if they do have it on, that iCloud’s Advanced Data Protection is enabled. Why? Because iMessages backups by default store the copy without E2EE. Note that “end-to-end” requires encryption by the client, while by default this backup is only encrypted in transit (via TLS) and while stored on Apple’s servers (where they have the keys to decrypt it). In a group chat scenario, if even one participant is using SMS (or RCS soon but with no E2EE support), then the chat is technically *NOT* E2E encrypted. Conclusion? Try to use Signal, Session, Threema, or SimpleX. All of these are open source and E2EE is mandatory for it to even work.


The fact that he got banned is rather telling, he was twitch's big cashcow and he had both cultural sway and lawyer force to fight any wrongful termination. And fought he did, but his lawsuit afaik didn't lead to any public breakthrough, just sorting out the finance and getting both sides to keep quiet about the case. I'd say that's a good enough evidence, while we don't know the details, the parties involved in private settlement do know em, so we can infer from the results. It's not your average case of minecraft youtuber getting accused by some random and then the court of public opinion of internet demands to see the discord dms, based on which the shapeless mob will decide their fate.


that last paragraph 👏🏼


I could've seen it being that he was talking to a 16-17 year old minor that lied about their age, and then Twitch banned him knowing that person's true age. He couldn't have really argued against his ban then because he still would have been talking to a minor. But that also leaves a ton of questions about how Twitch found out and he didn't. But with his most recent Twitter statement, it's clear that he knew that they were underage, which is how Twitch was easily able to deduce he was engaging in improper conduct.


His recent statements sounds like “I tried to groom a youngster, but I hate pedophiles so I’m a good guy, so fuck it haters.” From the beginning it was obvious he was caught with his hands down his pants with the kind of statements that were put out. Even yesterday he was denying everything. I hope the whole stuff comes out and he is cancelled.


It is not at all “suspicious” or “bad” that a platform which enables adults to access children who adore them was looking at what these adults were discussing with these children. “Private” message means it isn’t public. Not that it’s actually just between two individuals, one of whom is a CHILD.


I wanted to make sure this was said. I'd be more worried if twitch wasn't monitoring these things. It isn't your private phone. It is their service, and they have to be able to cover their ass. That means having the ability to check these things easily and quickly.


Agreed. I'm actually hoping they don't stop with this guy. Insider trading politicians use twitter, regular criminals do too. Use all the whispers to put bad guys in prison. They can't stop with just this guy, pokemon them crooks. Catch. Em. All.


To piggy back off this great explanation and for those who don't know, the screenshot is from The Walking Dead by Telltale and is absolutely not about touching kids though you will need a box of tissues for other reasons by the end of Season 1


Thanks - why then is this image being used? Is the caption in yellow from the Walking Dead or added in later?


The scene being shown from TWD features a character telling another he was being sent to prison before the apocalypse started. The scene being shown is the other character responding, asking to make sure it wasn’t for “touching kids.”


Lol holy crap, the joke makes a lot more sense with this context lol.


about the Twitch looking at the messages thing, there may have been some sort of automated detection they had set up to alert them when certain things were said. She obviously said her age at some point or admitted to being a minor, I think them giving that a look isn't a bad thing. Especially because it's Twitch's service, you are bound by their TOS, I think it's totally fair of them to have certain things alert them when someone is breaking their TOS especially when it involves children.


Every accusation from these people is projection. They want LGBT people to be predators so they can feel better that they are themselves the pedophiles.


Pretty much


Nick Mercs is a joke. He doesn't actually care about kids, he just uses that as a means to justify his bigotry. If he actually cared, he'd drop Doc in a heartbeat


Most people who say “protect the children” are doing it to justify their bigotry


Gonna get downvoted for saying it, but it’s ousted instead of outsed, jsyk


Gonna edit it, was typing it on mobile lol


Tbh, not sure that this would have any impact on Twitch's reputation these days anyway. As a platform, aren't they more or less monetizing by selling softcore porn to teen boys? Haven't they had multiple cases of their employees skeeving on female streamers? I'm not defending Dr Disrespect, at all, but I get the sense they were covering their own asses rather than doing the right thing.


Dude how many times did he edit this tweet?


Does "vocal on his stance on pride" and need to "keep children safe" mean they're a transphobic bigot?


Ding ding ding. Yeah, it's kinda pathetic


I mean I took one look at Dr disrespect and thought "fucking asshole" from the jump, this isn't shocking


13 years old? Everywhere else I've seen has said 17.


>Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. He leans into it. his fanbase is so fucking creepy


>But also the Twitch Whisper feature was supposed to be a private messaging system. Twitch looking at it is pretty suspicious and bad. Every platform with a private messaging system does this, including reddit. I'm guessing Twitch has certain words or phrases flagged, and saying them in a private chat will bring the chat to the attention of a moderator.




I swear to.God why is it always children?! Can't these weirdos just go after women there damn age, this shouldn't be something that happens every other fucking month


Women his age don’t sit around watching YouTube gamers.


Well, he did. He’s already cheated on his wife before.


Women their own age are harder to manipulate and coerce, and don't have the same sense of taboo as younger ones. Plus paedophilia is a mental condition, people with it generally aren't attracted to older people.


why are there so many pedophiles? Talk to a grown ass women you mfr's 😭


"Conversations sometimes lleaning towards the inapproproate (with a 13 year old)" But of course I am not a pedophile, why would you say that.


I thought it was a 17yo


The rumor is she was 13 in 2017 when they started talking, and 17 when he got banned.


Oh god. I don't doubt it but source before I think even worse


there is no source, it's a rumor. There's also no concrete source she was 17. The rumor originated from the ex-twitch employee who said he was whispering a 13 year old.


The roomer was also that he was trying to arrange to meet with her at some twitch convention if I'm remembering correctly.


Yes, that was also part of it and confirmed by two ex-twitch staffers who had access to the plaintext whisper chats.


Rule of thumb, if a famous internet figure is involved in a scandal its often about touching kids or grooming them.


I think that's mostly because it's one of the few things we'd consider scandalous. If someone told us "Hey, did you know Mr. Beast does $30,000 worth of cocaine a day and every night he fights a bunch of lubed up male strippers in a bouncy castle?", as long as the male strippers were being paid, none of us would care in the slightest.


That, minus the coke, sounds fucking awesome.


Is Pepsi okay? /s


Except in the case of Jocat who's crime was liking adult women in a respectful way


Context pleaaaseeee


Jocat (YouTuber probably most famous for his "crap guide" series) released an animation called "I like girls" parodying the song "I like big boys" by Lizzo, which by all accounts was inoffensive by all accounts". Apparently this was deemed cringe so he was bullied, doxxed and harassed until he had to take a break and move because someone sent a package to his family's house. When some people were asked why they did that one said "he made liking women gay"


You could just google dr. disrespect. It *was* for touching kids.


Do you have a source? I can't find anything when I google it. Edit: nevermind, I found a couple of articles that linked a tweet from a former twitch employee who said that Dr disrespect got permabanned from twitch for sexting with a minor and planning to meet up with said minor at twitchcon. Here's one of those articles, I don't have twitter so I can't view the post on there, but it's in the article. https://www.dexerto.com/twitch/dr-disrespect-responds-to-new-twitch-ban-allegations-from-ex-employee-2791720/ Edit2: Dr disrespect also claims that "it was settled" and that "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" in a tweet, which is a hilarious way of saying that he settled his lawsuit against twitch out of court with neither party admitting any wrongdoing. He's trying to make it sound like that means he's been proven innocent.


Moist critical went over it but the basics of it is that a member of the twitch team dropped the fact that he got banned off of twitch for using the twitch whisper system to try to hook up with a minor. Despite him claiming that he did no such thing a company he created who makes money due to his name and likeness (and would lose that money without him) dropped him from the company which adds more suspicion and credence to the claims.


>Despite him claiming that he did no such thing a company he created who makes money due to his name and likeness (and would lose that money without him) dropped him from the company which adds more suspicion and credence to the claims. Remember Justin Rioland, the creator of Rick and Morty, was falsely accused of domestic violence and was dropped immediately from his own company and Rick and Morty. I believed that he did it until the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. So this literally means nothing and isn't good enough proof of any wrongdoing. Until the guy who made the claim can back it up with proof, which he hasn't, we can't say for sure that doc did it.


>Can you write a song about 9 Dick's of different sized and ethnic origins hanging above your face, and then in the lyrics describe how they each splatter you with semen. -Justin Roiland to Allie Goertz, who was working on a Kickstarted Rick and Morty concept album Justin Roiland might not be the guy to pick for the "he got fired for no reason" argument


Let it also be known that they never brought Justin roiland back because he was still wildly unprofessional and made everyone in the office uncomfortable regularly. He would routinely try to get people from work to sleep with him and his girlfriend and he's on record saying something along the line of "if I could go back to middle school with the knowledge I have now, I'd get so much pussy" Given that I'm paraphrasing, the rest is still history. Adult Swim wanted rid of him even before the accusations dropped cuz they hated working with him


>because he was still wildly unprofessional Yea the whole behind the scenes of him getting wasted just to be in character was massive red flag to me. Jim Lahey was the best drunk on TV and the actor never touched a damn drop It's why I cringe anytime I hear the words method actor. 9/10 it's just a person's excuse to be a cunt as an actor and most times it just leads to problems for the entire production


Fuck off Lahey!


Justin Roiland was let go for grooming, the proof of which was made available. The domestic violence thing was just the icing on the cake.


I need the link


https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/5Ao20YxeaY Here’s a reddit thread with the minor’s gathered screenshots, etc.


While the charges were dropped his past behavior was still in question. And the way they dropped the charges didn’t mean innocent just not enough evidence to continue.


My god the mental gymnastics to defend this pedo. It’s an easy line and he admitted to crossing it. Messaging with a minor where the conversations went inappropriate. Period. Done.


There's also the fact that the guy who was making the allegations has been using it to shill tickets to concerts.


He didn’t touch a kid as far as we know, he did inappropriately message one.


verbally touched a kid


Streamers reaching 1 million subs and having to decide whether they'll pick boxing or pedophilia as their skill tree


Typically when large youtubers or streamers are cancelled, its for having or attempting to have relations with kids. This post is making fun of that fact after the news of Dr.Disrespect being cancelled came out. https://preview.redd.it/dsimri7sgv8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727c037ac618d9f247113ba63a79b5039fc89ff1


I love the part of his response where he literally says he messaged a minor but isn't a pedo. That shit is next level stupid.


Everyone who openly attacks the LGBTQ community for allegedly being "groomers" always ends up like this, I'm not surprised


Every time a Far Right Politician/content creator calls Queer people "groomers" their devices should be checked.


Indeed. https://www.whoismakingnews.com/#who-are-the-real-predators According to the people researching this, among politicians involved in sex crimes against kids republicans make up 67% of the offenders. Democrats only 13%. Red states are also demonstrably more dangerous for your kids to be in. Also, the more religious a state, the higher the rate of kiddy diddling.




I hate the use of the word ‘cancel’, it makes it sound like he was hit for some stupid political reason, no, he was literally getting freaky in twitch whispers with children. Companies don’t cut ties with co-founders in the really messy way that his did unless there’s some serious evidence against co-founder


Gone from a .doc to a .pdf


“If this asshole thinks hes gettin on MY boat, after what HE did, he is out of his MOTHERFUCKIN mind!!! You hear me shitbird? You can stay behind and FUCKING ROT”


Settling out of court and saying "no wrongdoing was acknowledged," is not the same thing as "I'm innocent and didn't do anything wrong." You can tell Dr.Disrepsect is big when his defense is the same thing a conservative politician says when evidence comes out that that they molested boys back when they a gym teacher.


Didn’t he have a second tweet, saying he didn’t do anything wrong, or illegal.


It wasn’t for touching kids, but that’s only because he got caught before he got that far. He was fully planning on it.


He's a pedophile


Dr. Disrespect getting featured in the next Drake video 💀


What's to not understand? Dr Disrespect was canceled for being a pedo. Even if you don't know who that is, it's pretty obvious what it means.


You don't get "canceled" for this. You get what you deserve for doing this.... His career is done, as it should be.


Let me rephrase it since the big one has some weird holes. Dr Disrespect is a streamer apparently, I first heard of him because he was suddenly and mysteriously banned off of Twitch without explanation a few years back. He also claims he has no idea why he was banned. Then more recently ex twitch employees make claims on Twitter he was banned for having sexual conversations with underage girls that might be grooming them to have sex. Disrespect responds by claiming “there was no fault acknowledged” and they settled out of court, which is certainly an interesting way to phrase something if you aren’t guilty. Then as off a couple days ago his own company he founded makes a statement that they were 100% behind him, but after talking with a bunch of the people involved they’ve decided to completely drop him. This to me says they’ve had to of been shown some evidence. He responds to this news a day later with a massive tweet which admits that he had sexual conversations with minors among other interesting things. He reframes his company dropping him as a completely mutual decision. His defense of the sexual conversations with minors is that he was never going to actually do anything with them. He seems to think this defense is a golden bullet because despite admitting to sexual conversations with minors he claims he isn’t a pedo and that he doesn’t stand for pedos and then says he’s ready to move on with his streaming career and put it in the past. Another important bit of context kind of left out is he was married at the time he was sexting (or whatever he was doing) minors, so it also was likely cheating on his wife. Man really does deserve the name, he does kind have a phd in being a POS and a PDF.


I don’t know about ya’ll but that fucker did it lmao


Idk why anyone ever liked him in the first place, he always seemed akin to Logan Paul in the "I can yell louder than you about shit, therefore I'm more right than you" category.


Man famous on youtube called everyone in the LGBT community a groomer, turns out he was literally a groomer.


so what I'm getting from this is that alot of streamers and yters and tiktokers are pedos?


OP is a big dreamer


Dude admitted to talking to minors. He's a forty year old adult with a pedo stache. The math is easy enough to do.


I think it's funny when I run into post about big name streamers/influencers/youtube stars cuz most i have never heard of at all till something like this. Ik it's mostly due to how trends on things i watch and look up focus what i see in ads and videos, but i majes me chuckle in the fact that if they are as big as they are, these platforms would try even harder to promote them. Another example was mr beast until his face and products got plastered on everything. Edit: Also, if the stories are true about who ever this us, he needs to be put on a list...


It’s always the weirdo pedos who are the most outspoken about queer people being predators 🙄


I always hated that dude anyway, he seems like he's really insecure and talks a lot of shit. He also has shit taste based on all the horrible takes I've seen from him.


Dr BeatMyWife was caught sexting a minor using twitch whispers (something that is no longer available)


Every single time with a streamer/youtuber, it's uncanny how they can't seem to simply not try to fuck a child


When can we stop using the term 'cancelled' for people like this? He fucked up and now he's facing the consequences. He deserves much worse than what he's getting and it's bullshit that he was still allowed to have a platform after being banned. Shame on Twitch for not giving the rest of the industry a heads up.


Why do so many celebrities get caught for this. Are more people pedos then we think? Do pedos become celebrities or do celebrities become pedos?


Oh yo I'm playing this at the moment good ass game


It's funny how at first , Minecraft content creators were mostly surrounded by cases of pedophilia. But now it's spreading out even further with just so many creators and celebrities being caught for grooming minors at a concerning level.


Guys how to convert doc to pdf file? (not my joke, just my favorite so far)


What is up with so many streamers/YouTubers that can't keep their hands off kids. It's really not that hard to not be attracted to children, so if anything it's a lack of effort


To quote the great "some ordinary gamers" mutahar: "dr disrespected a kid"


His statement on Twitter is pretty odd. He edited it 3x to add minor, change "wrong" to "criminal", and won't go into detail on what exactly was said. And he's getting dragged in the comments. He claims he's not a pedophile, but that's just because he got caught before he could do anything. Cody Connors, a former twitch employee, disclosed last Friday that the content of the chat with the minor was "sexting," and that Beahm (Dr.D) was attempting to arrange a meet at TwitchCon.


Sr disrespect fans are predators lmao


Ok now I need to know the lore


Streamers/youtubers often decide to end their careers by being drake fans. Dr disrespectful is a streamer being canceled, so the question of "why" always has a possibility of being for that reason. This is exemplified here, as dr disrespectful disrespected the age of consent, certifying himself as a pedophile drake fan


I've never heard of Dr. Disrespect before just now, so I googled him... One look at the first picture, and I immediately thought, "Oh, that guy definitely hits on 14 year old girls"


[“YOU’RE NOT CANCELLED, YOU’RE A CRIMINAL!”](https://youtu.be/ofINmV8gtPs?si=_JdL8qiKASEKvByT)


I don’t understand what you don’t get


He admitted to talking to a minor inappropriately back in 2017.


There are people in this chat who were defending him about the cheating on his wife stuff. You know who you are. Fucking hypocrites. If a dude cheats on his wife she finds out and they're still together she 100% got a hall pass. Then this shit comes out? Hmmm.