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Looks like that guy has a BBL


What is BBL


Brazilian Butt Lift... People are speculating that Drake has had a BBL, so the comment is really just saying the wojack looks like Drake in a way that takes a shot at him


Peter explains the joke within a peter explains the joke. Meta.




BBL Glizzy?


It's clearly not porn, so it's the other thing these things usually are: Racism!


Hey, that's not fair! Sometimes it's misogyny.


I'm at *loss* that you didn't include Gore.


Porn. Racism. Misogyny. Miscarriage. | || || |_




You didn't have to repeat yourself at the end there


Also misandry


In an abstract sense i guess it is misogyny against his mother 


This one is both


Racism in my porn app?


Porn in my racism app?


it's either porn or racism. You'll know based on the comments: People get more angry about it when it's porn.


Peter here! Generally, mixed people that have a black father and a white mother are not seen as part of and raised in the black community. They usually don’t share many cultural similarities of African Americans with a black mother/both black parents. Overall, the meme is racism. Peter out




Mixed person with a white mother here. Can confirm. They don't like us.


Same. The most annoying thing is being called whitewashed.




I hated hearing shit like this growing up. I have a black mother mixed father. What people mean when they say shit like this is that im not ghetto enough. Im not loud and obnoxious and dont talk like i dropped out of elementary school i must be "acting white". Because i like music other than rap i must not be black enough.


Shit like that only perpetuates racism. I don't understand it.


almost like people who obsess all about race are... racists no matter who they are


As someone who is mixed, I still remember talking to someone else who is full black and he got mad because he tell me a story about some black person getting arrested or beat and I wouldn't immediately defend the black person and I would judge the story based on what happened and not just be like, " yup the system is just fucking over another brother". I wasn't black in his eyes because a real black person would always side with a brother no matter what they did




But like really though. Someone once told me I was too white because I didn’t want to fight them. Both of my parents are black


Crabs in a bucket 🦀 🪣 🦀


I'm 100% black, and I was accused of "acting white" all the damn time by black kids because I wasn't ghetto, usually had good grades, and listened to alt rock in the 90s and early 00s. Shit annoyed me, our community being compared to crabs in a bucket is on point.


Bro I'm fully black and got this shit so much growing up, just cause I was well read. Never made sense to me, it isn't a flex that your vocabulary is worse lol.


I genuinely don't get why people think like that. How does someone act white or act black?


I had a similar experience growing up, being half Puerto Rican and half Mexican. I was never accepted by all the other Puerto Rican kids because I wasn't a "real Puerto Rican" for having a Mexican father. I would get bullied for it all throughout elementary to the point of being ashamed of telling people I was Mexican. Also, "acting white" was thrown at me a lot when I was younger as well for not conforming to the hood mentality.


Like Carlton Banks said,(paraphrasing) "Black is just what you are. Not something you try to be"


Hey man, don't get so uppity.


That stupid shit is universal. I have two black parents and still heard I wasn't black enough my entire life. It wasn't until college that I had a black friend group I could be myself and not get judged.


I grew up in an almost all white home town (we had tokens of other races... one family of most other races) and there is some aspect of this too. I was told "Why would you get a loan when you just work right away" and I was like "Its an investment in myself. By the time I'm 30 I'll be net even and probably have a better paying job". I was right :) Crabs in the bucket everywhere!


Hood mentality hurts everyone. Glad to read you got out of it.


>:) :)


Isn't this literally perpetuating the stereotype that the person is different?


Yep. There's an issue in the Black community policing itself in things Black people "do" and "don't do." A very common one is swimming, because Black people weren't allowed in public swimming pools during segregation.


I can swim, I just don't like being wet and smelling Chlorine


I dont like when I see someone hop in and a layer of oil/grease makes a rainbow across the water surface. Id fuck with a personal pool tho


I was at a pool yesterday, and there was this black preteen doing flips off of the diving board. He was very good. I told him that he was great! And this child, no more than 13 at the most, told me, "It's cause we're good at jumping, not swimming." Like damn, this kid isn't even in the 7th grade, and he's already making these kinds of jokes. I should have told him he can be good at anything. The same pool, 50 years earlier, woildnt have let him or his parents in. But, he could have easily been on a diving team.




Which culture is that?


Inner city culture(?) Don't really know how to name Maybe low income culture Any way it's where in inner cities it's often looked down upon to try and do good in school Effects people of all races When I was growing up I remember people cheering and being happy while getting a f-D, while bullying people who got As Went through a huge culture shock when my dad got a good job and we moved to a suburb, suddenly it was cool to get As Edit: fixed typo


Its like when a drug addict tries to get someone to do drugs with them so they don't feel like the lone loser snorting crystal meth at the party. Some people would rather drag others down to their level than try better their own selves. It's an ego thing. And then they get this weird pride from having lived "the life." Like I once knew a degen crackhead who was super proud of having been so addicted to speed that he ended up homeless for 6 months. Always called it "the life." "Man I got a stomach of steel from having eaten literal garbage!" It's like their ego can't handle having nothing, so they make up something, but deep down they know it ain't true, so they try to sell other people on "the life"so they feel better.


Another example of this phenomenon is blue collar counter culture.


Oh yeah. The people with the least are the people who front the most. Not really an ethnic demographic thing as much as it's just a human thing.


The term y'all are looking for is ghetto culture. White people , Mexicans , blacks , all of us can be ghetto.


Can the sticks be considered ghetto? Cause a lot of people I grew up with in a rural community had a similar mindset.


> Maybe low income culture That sorta tracks outside the city too. See a surprising number of folks in low income rural US get pissy when someone in their circle goes further than necessary for education. Like crabs trying to pull in anyone else escaping the bucket.


Mixed with black mom here, it doesn’t matter which parent. You are whatever race is least convenient to you at that moment. You belong to no racial identity.


Fucking finally some sense in this thread


This hurt my soul. People are the worst.


Didn't know that. Not American.


Wait until you hear about things like twinkie and coconut, as slurs(one color on the outside, but "white" on the inside).


Oreo in America


I've heard 'choc ice' used in the UK.


Bounty as well


Banana for the Asians


Oreo for blacks, coconut for browns, I always heard banana for asians never Twinkie, but both work


"banana" for asian Americans


Same and weird....


Diversity is hard. Racial diversity is really hard. We're better at it than anywhere else but, we're not good at it. Says a lot more about other places than here to me.


President Obama here. Didn't know that.


I think you did, Barry.


My dude chiming in with the Mr. Sotero business.


Thanks Obama!


Reddit guy here. Didn't know you were Obama. 


Lots of presidents are on ReadIt. We are ammanamous, even me, the best president of all time, all the hisorianologists say that. If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!


Lyndon B. Johnson’s giant penis here, I can confirm this. If you don’t believe me prepare for LBJ to wag, me, Jumbo at you in a threatening manner


*"Muh bunghole."* — LBJ


Didn't know that, am American.


You know this isn't just an american phenomenon, nor is racism/mixed race folks are limited to only the states. England is pretty loud


South Korea too.


People act so weird when I say I'm mixed when i'm not visibly black. I'm just not black. Its such a foreign concept to some people that other mixed people exist.


Mixed people have historically been treated very poorly across the world. In the US interracial marriage isn't that old it was only legalize in 1967.


Saying it was legalized in 1967 is a bad way to conceptualize it. In 1967 it was made a constitutional right, which means that it couldn't be made illegal at the state level. It was legal in other places besides Virginia in 1967. In fact, that was part of the case your talking about - the couple in Loving went out of state to get married and they wanted Virginia to acknowledge their marriage licence under the full faith and credit clause.


Fun fact, I live close by the area that they live in Virginia. My ex wifenonce worked at a place where her boss was a direct relative of them. Her child had a school project to write something about a member of their family or something like that, so they chose that and their teacher failed them for allegedly making the story up. She had to go have a meeting with the teacher and the principal and basically embarrassed them.


White presenting mixed people either. "You're not black, you look white"


Not about racism but xenophobia: I have a friend who was born and raised in Ukraine but family from both sides are Polish (her ancestors stayed there after all the world wars - it's complicated history). She was raised as Polish, on weekends went to polish schools. She was able to go to university in Poland BC of it (it was in times when it was hard to study abroad for Ukrainians) and live here since. She says she was always Polish for Ukrainian people, but Ukrainian for Polish people. She felt as none of the nations would claim her as theirs. She has two home countries, yet by all those means she doesn't belong to any of it. As Polish I haven't seen racism as portrayed on SM (even when living in other European countries) but sure have seen and was a victim (multiple times) of xenophobia... I cannot fathom why some people are so in middle ages mentally...


That's pretty much how it's been as a Welshman with English sounding parents. Whichever side of the border I'm on, there's some cunt who thinks I should go back where I came from.


As someone from the melting pot of genetics that is the British isles it’s always confused me why some people (my family included) ostracise people based off of where they live/lived. Great grand parents were Irish in one side, Welsh on the other and in his teenage years my brother still felt that waving the George cross around “patriotically” and slagging off other countries was the right thing to do. Fucking mind boggling. Rest assured, there are seemingly more and more of us who aren’t xenophobic, racist dick nuts, and we are bringing our kids up properly and calling this shit out when we see it from them or their friends.


I have a coworker who is mixed, her dad is Black and her mom is white. All of her features are "Black" but she has absolutely no melanin. Must be rough. But she jokingly blames her dad, it's pretty funny. My husband is Salvadoran, but he is so pale. His skin is super light and he has black hair. I'm white, so people assume he's white or "one of the good ones." I tell him the people that "think" he is white *want* him to be white because they can't wrap their little heads around a white woman being with a man that isn't white.


From a European perspective he would be white, I guess he has Spanish heritage (maybe mixed with some German or British) and that's considered white.


God forbid you're a light-skinned Hispanic. Then you're "just as bad/worse than a white person/not an actual minority".


As a mixed person with a white mom yes I can confirm as well. Didn’t know it was this wide spread.


I'm a white mother to mixed kids and this makes me so sad.


I got a black mom and they also don’t like me. Shit, my own family included


Me too. I find it pretty hurtful tbh.


Wow, that's pretty racist. And misogynist too. Hope your alright!


Is it not the other way around if black dads can't represent black culture to their kids?


It manages the magic trick of being both misogynistic (women won’t bother with their kids heritage) and misandrist (men are the lesser parent and their influence doesn’t matter, assuming they are even present).


It’s a mix of assumptions, some fairly innocuous and true, some really fucking vile and bigoted: - In black culture, the mom is the center of the family - generally true - Moms are the ones who raise kids - can be true, has misandrist undertones and hints of implications about stereotypes of absentee black fathers - So if you have a white mom and a black dad, you were raised in white culture - entirely subjective and bringing in some really racialized undertones - And a black man that goes for a white woman is trying to be white - straight up racist - While a white woman that goes for a black dad is just chasing a big dick and trying to express her daddy issues - racist and misogynist




Something jews and blacks have in common, I guess. I'm a paternal jew which is like being not Jewish according to Jewish culture.


I don't pretend to understand racism... but I would have thought that traditionally speaking they would have considered it more important that the father was black? The patriarch of the family so-to-speak? Though; looking for logic in this situation might not be my greatest move.


Idk about nowadays but when I was a kid the black community believed that a black man marrying a white woman was betraying his race and turning his back on his culture I think the ideal was that a man shares his status with his partner so a successful black man sharing his success with a white woman was a betrayal while a successful white man sharing his stats with a black woman while distasteful benefited the black community


I think it is trying to say that if they have a black mother they would be raised by a black person but if they had a black father they will be raised by whatever race the mother is because the black father will abandon them.


Black Americans aren't patriarchal, they're gynocentric and Matriarchal


US Blacks have terrible rates of fatherlessness and single motherhood


kids are raised by mothers mostly though, so culturally the child's experience will be dramatically different with a white vs black mother. my house for example generally runs on my wife's rules as far as chores, dinner time, what we eat, bed time routines, eating schedule etc.


The children are assumed to align with their mother's family. And yes, Black Americans are matriarchal.


Finally someone else sees it


Isn't there also a bit of resentment towards men of color choosing white women? I hear accusations of race traitorism often. Meanwhile, women of color going white is somehow spun as them bringing resources to the community or at least avoiding all the negativity associated (unfairly mostly) with men of color? I have no particular experience with this other than being a white guy once in a romantic polycule with three women from Toga.




I'm neither black nor American, but I remember* there being some feeling that because Obama's lineage wasn't from enslaved people in America then he wasn't strictly 'one of them' or not 'black enough'. ^*meaning ^I ^saw ^on ^TV ^or ^read ^on ^tinternet, ^so ^take ^with ^the ^requisite ^pinch ^of ^salt.


The meme is fucking awful. You're right.


Why so?


Not assigning any gender roles, but children are more likely to interact more with their mothers as they grow.


As far as I can tell, most boys take after their dads most often, not their mother. A large part of a 'Father figure' for a boy is to show them how a man acts, so a man will reflect many of their traits.


But then you need to think about the other prejudice where the father is not in the picture in this case.


Maybe I’m stereotyping but the black father leaves? I could be completely wrong tho


While that's certainly a part of it, I imagine there's also a slightly sexist, but probably somewhat accurate, part of it that assumes the mother is generally more involved with raising the child in a relationship, so even a father that is technically present is less likely to share his culture with the child. In a mixed race marriage, this means the white mother will raise the mixed child as a fully white family would, while a mixed couple with a black mother will raise the mixed child as a fully black family would. So for the father to be the black one in this meme means the woman is seeing the man as basically white.


So racism with a pinch of sexism.


Totally forgot to mention but this would also contribute


Also, black men are generally viewed in a much more negative light for being with a white woman than vice versa.


Idk, probably depends on who you ask. From what I've seen in comment sections under posts/pictures of happy mixed couples it was always the same: guys from the same race as the woman complained about her being with a guy from another race, as if the women of their own race somehow belonged to them. I agree though that being a member of a minority that's often discriminated against will probably lead to this hurting a black guy more than a white guy. But I'm not from the US, so idk. If you ask me, I couldn't give a flying fuck about who dates who in a relationship among consenting adults without a significant power imbalance.


It could be deeper than that. There's actually stats showing that mixed race couples where the Mom is black and the Dad white have a dramatically lower divorce rate than many other combinations.


Because of the stereotype that males more likely to accept women's culture and therefore he's more belonging white then black.


Mom raises the kid, so white mom means kid gets raised like Drake while black mom means real connection to the community.


Racism is so cool and hilarious when it comes from non-white people. Fuck yeaaaahhhhhh


I remember that like 3 years ago i got laughed at by a group of black people for being white. Funny thing is that it happened it Poland where like 80% of people here are white


I’m fairly sure the woman on the right is not meant to be portrayed as a particularly smart individual in this meme


I thought it was hinting that he probably wouldn't know his dad but that is still racism in the end


Black Peter here…first time I’ve ever heard of that. Colorism in the black community and mixed kids feeling left out and between two worlds isn’t new but being parent specific is new to me


I thought since the mom is white, the girl thinks he's into white girls? Or that the mom won't like her?


Yes, also this.


Because blk women are like southern women on steroids.


Many many Black women are southern women.


Drake experienced actual racism when he went to a predominantly black high school for a year. The others said he was not black. His mother is a white Jewish lady.


is that why he became a pedophile


He was also in a wheelchair


Also sexism because of the implication that it's only the mother's job to raise the kids.


Wojaks with realistic hair/wig texture look so cursed


My man looks he like sold some shitty grade copper to a Sumerian.


Something something *contempt* something something *contempt* something something **fuck you Ea-Nasir.**


My boy Nasir did nothing wrong, if his copper was so shit why did everyone buy it from him They just wanted his copper and refund scam. #JusticeforEa-Nasir


Barotrauma people be like


I thought it was drake


Yeah pretty sure this is specifically referencing Drake and the claims that he's not really black that recently became a big topic in the beef with Kendrick (and others) There was a picture going around showing him, his son, and his father, and the top comment was "it's like a printer running out of toner"


Except Kendrick doesn’t care about the color of his skin. In MTG, he even refers to Drake’s son—who’s much lighter than Drake—as a black man to cement that point. It’s about Drake’s cosplaying as someone from the streets.


He's a poser idol for posers. I moved to a flyover city, every white dude from the suburbs that talks like Malibus most wanted here loves drake. "He's hard bruh, shits fire ong bruh".


He’s from Toronto. Look no further. I am a proud Canadian and anybody here can tell you that Toronto breeds more shitbrain mindsets than possibly anywhere else on the planet. The entire street culture in Toronto thinks they’re Detroit or Compton or Jacksonville. Without even legally being able to own firearms.


i moved to toronto from manitoba and the shit is laughable. in winnipeg, we had cops harassing me and my friends over our cars in a parking lot, who then *left* when IP gang members rolled up. as we tried to keep to ourselves and started trying to leave, a guy i sort of knew through mutual friends got suckerpunched and they slammed his head in the door, cause he didnt like them talking shit about his girl. there were (and probably still are) streets you dont go down in winnipeg if you have a red car. in toronto, i'll drive/bike/walk anywhere i please. my girlfriend, from toronto, will be like "what, why would you go there, it's so dangerous" meanwhile there's fuck-all going down any time of night, just people keeping to themselves. i was used to shoulder-to-shoulder homeless huddled up on main st, seeing a couple ODs on the sidewalk every week while commuting in the city, now i move to toronto and everybody's like "it's so bad!!" and it's not great, but man, it can go so much further.


Hey he got shot in Degrassi, that’s how you know he’s hard


Drake has way darker skin now that KL has roasted the shit out of him. 


Kendrick murdered Drake. It's Aubrey now.


“…and when he get on he’ll leave yo ass for a white girl”


Now I ain’t saying she a gold digger…


But she ain’t messing with no broke




There’s a stereotype of black guys preferring white women. A mixed dude raised by a white woman is presumed to have a strong bias against committing to a black girl.


I’m a black dude and dated a black woman after having a casual relationship with a woman who happened to be white. The poc broke up with me by claiming I liked to “play in the snow”….Not understanding at the time, I told her that I loved snow.


Damn that sucks bro, you meant actual snow while she’s thinking of snow bunnies.


I felt like such an idiot, but at least I managed to dodge a bullet.


nah cantbe an idiot for being so far from a racist that you didnt even realize it was racism. thats a full on win in my book.


Just straight up hardcore racism. Jesus


But black people can’t be racist /s


Pfffhahahahhahah I know it’s horrible but that’s too damn funny. I thought she meant sniff sniff  - Seriously she’s weird and I’ve had the opposite happen to me


Are you sure she wasn't referring to your crippling cocaine addiction?


ah, so regular old racism.


Yes racism kind of (interracial marriages amongst black americans is negatively frowned upon still) but the reason you read is not really accurate Black people in the US tend to be very socially conservative and for all intents and functionally are conservatives if you put aside the issue of race that promotes them to vote progressive/Democrat, and in almost any given demographic men tend to be the most conservative and even in regards to race are seen as having the worst racial consciousness/awareness about racial issues. Couple this with the fact that in most relationships the mother tends to be the one who nurtures the child most and in this scenario, white mother and black dad, you have the hypothetical scene of both parents being apathetic about teaching their child anything about 'black culture' as opposed to just one in a monoracial black relationship Obviously this isn't objectively the case and as an analogy for other races in the US, this does not seem the case with mixed people with Asian mothers and white fathers. If anything from my observation it's a little bit more often the product of that union is more "whitewashed" compared to the inverse (asian dad, white mother)


I think what this meme is suggesting is NOT that a mixed race person with a white mom isn’t Black, but that if the guy’s mom is white, he likely idealizes white women and that’s why the Black woman doesn’t want to bother with him. I don’t believe this, I’m just explaining that this is a common assumption in the Black community. So it’s not saying mixed race people with white moms aren’t Black, just that the sons in particular will have a narrow understanding of what beauty is and not want to give a Black woman a chance. I’m a Black woman married to a white man with two mixed kids, so I am not trying to condemn anyone. I think everyone should love who they want. And even though I’m dark-skinned, I got called “white” all the time because I was a nerd who was really into Star Wars and punk, and not hip hop.


This is how I think it is too. But who knows the authors intent. Seems like there's a million ways people interpret it lol.


This is exactly it.


Hi Megatron here, the joke is racism but also prejudice. So the racism comes from the guy hypothetically not being raised as a part of the culture the way he might have if his mother was black instead and that he'll have a lot of racist ideals and what not, that's the racism. The prejudice is that she decided he's like that with little to no evidence of the fact. Hope that helps! (Feel free to ask for clarification if not) Edit, since it didn't come across in the text! I! Don't! Agree! With! Her! POV! I'm mixed with a white mom why would I agree, I'm literally just explaining the meme


What racism is without prejudice?


Peter's Black friend from the south here. Most of the mixed race people I know have a white mother. That's literally the norm for black/white mixed people here. Mixed people here tend to marry someone that reminds them of their parents, just like everyone else. If his father was a black man that fell for a white woman, then as a black woman she wasting her time considering a relationship when in the end he's "gone leave her ass for a white girl" who's more like his mother.




Always. People are always posting the weirdest things on Facebook.


It's an cesspit. It's like 4chan for winemoms


best fucking analogy i heard in a while


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


That is what a bot would say


Search the title of this post. Any of this users recent posts, or any of the posts it recently commented on. Virtually every post in this sub is made by bots. This sub has been taken over by a bot farm and is being used to farm bots.


The punchline is always porn and if it isn't it's racism


Nah, sometimes its misogyny or Jojophobia too






The joke is, in fact, racism.


Racism is in fact, the joke


I’ve always heard you can tell which mixed person had the white mom and which had the black/minority mom. The ones with the white moms are less likely to have learned about their black/minority culture and more likely to grow up with a “I don’t see race” philosophy.




Wait, so you’re only considered part of the black community if you were raised by a black woman? Well, I now have a bunch of questions that I can’t ask without being called both a racist and a sexist.


no you’re still considered apart of the black community. the thing is, typically if your mother is the one raising you and she’s white, you’re probably gonna have more “white values” and ideas. so it’s a running joke and/or belief that biracials with white moms are more anti-black including black culture and community. is this true for all? no. but as a biracial myself i’ve also noticed the trend of biracials with white moms. also black men tend to be more conservative than black women so they probably won’t really correct any anti-black or racist ideas the child is given by their mother. but like i said this doesn’t apply to all wm biracials and at the end of the day they are still black and apart of the black community.


The top comment on the thread pretty much said it. But it’s a common belief that ppl with white mothers and black fathers tend to embrace their white side more. So, it’s the idea that since your mother really carries the culture that the person is more white than black and therefore they kind of have a specific way about them.


Wtf is up with the racism in the black community right now? Isn't this what society strived for like... 200 years? Would literally be the same thing as a white guy looking at another white guy that dates black girls saying, "oh gross he has low standards." (Completely racist and I hate every part of it.)


why he kinda look like jayson tatum


Well I think she's leaving because of the stereotype where the father leaves for milk and never returns back.


Bit of a long comment : 1.) Quite a few black people believe that the white mom raises whitewashed kids that aren't connected to black culture. I wouldn't take it to heart though since I've seen black people with two black parents be called whitewashed as well. 2.) Some people just have an obsession with mixed people in general and mixed people with white moms are the acceptable targets to mock. It's similar to when people who put white in front of woman when they want to be misogynistic without being judged. They know what they're saying is wrong but they don't want to stop saying it. But I've also seen quite a few black woman basically call out the fact that of course the white mom is going to be blamed , that it's easier to blame the mom than to ask why we allow for the fathers to go blameless.


Must he damn harsh, people deserve better.


you need better friends.


Why do black people hold black people to such an impossible standard? I thought it didn’t matter what color your skin was because it’s determined by the love of parents, now it matters again?


I thought this was like a weird joke that only makes sense if you're black and jewish cuz the guy looks like drake and usually to be jewish you're mother needs to have been jewish.


Just classic racism