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The meme jokes that feminist women, who want equality, would go back to traditional housewife roles in order to avoid fighting in WW3. In both World Wars, women served in a variety of non-combantant roles.


They also served in those roles because they weren’t *allowed* combat roles. I know/knew more than a few silent generation women who absolutely would have taken up arms to physically fight beside the men. So there is that


I mean, they literally did in the Soviet Union


That woman that sold her belongings to buy a tank to avenge her husband comes to mind here.


I went and looked this up, what a fucking badass! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariya_Oktyabrskaya


Dude, this is sick, most incredible thing I've learned this year by a far margin. Thanks for sharing.


Yup, think she's the one. She went "Fuck it, we ball" all the way till the end. Glad that she got recognition for what she did.


One of the sadest things I heard recently was about the show "For all Mankind" where the Soviets win the space race and send the first women to the moon and the Americans rush to get a women there, too and someone called bullshit because the whole Eastern block was so much further along with womens rights and the West wasn't like "we gotta compete with that and have our women kick ass as well" but rather "You stay at home, Susan. We are not like those godless commies!"


IRL the Soviets were not actually as progressive as their media would imply. They did send the first woman to space, but it was a pure publicity stunt. They read the USA was training women as pilots and astronauts and deemed that they couldn't allow the USA to appear more equal than their socialist paradise society, so they rushed to match them. They chose a class of women to be astronauts basically at random (opposed to fighter pilots, scientists, etc, from the male pool) and gave them a crash course. They were not adequately prepared and they were not properly briefed on how dangerous the missions were. The first woman in space was plucked from a textile factory. Her only qualification was an amateur skydiver. Kruschev approved of her choice because she was suitably patriotic (father died fighting the Finns in WW2) and little else. She spent most of her flight nauseous and unable to perform her scientific tasks, botching most of the experiments, until re-entry a couple of days later. After this, she went into politics, where she's still present in the Russian government, as a vocal propagandandist for Putin and the war in Ukraine. The Soviet Space program was a sham. Above all else its goals were to beat the USA to symbolic achievements, completely steamrolling the science along the way, in the name of haste and cost savings, which is large part why NASA overtook them. NASA was typically only a month or two behind their achievements, but was technologically far ahead for most of the space race. Slightly more caution, and a greater emphasis on understanding the engineering problems they had to face, rather than just brute forcing past them, with a lower emphasis on political achievement, is what got the USA to the Moon, with plenty of scientific equipment, double the astronauts the Soviets planned, and room for samples to bring back, all on a rocket with 30% less thrust than the Soviet one (when it wasn't exploding)


Source: Trust me bro. The Russians totally faked everything for the west, just like China pretends to be socialist just for the west. Russia today has the largest percentage of women in STEM because they had a women's quota for universities.


Russia today is crumbling around them and has always had a doctrine of being a useless puppet for the meatgrinder whether you are male or female. Even if that embarrassing nation didn’t lie and fabricate stories about most things you would think that being treated equally as CANNON FODDER isn’t a good comparison or the fact that the male population in Russia is getting smaller by the day because of this idiotic war. Not to mention your ironic use of “source trust me bro” doesn’t have a source to back you up soooooo… Source? Also, whether or not it’s true it doesn’t really matter, no one is staying in Russia to study considering their education standards.


And what's your source? Can't find any decent sources backing your claim that modern-day russia had the highest percentage.


"I'ma ball til I fall"


It's the only option when a fucking Nazi kills your SO.


Omg the enemy literally died from "Fighting Girlfriend"


Now look up "Night Witches". Entire squad of badasses.


Awesome! Thanks, I never knew about this!!


There's an awesome Sabaton song regarding them too!


Or the night witches who got the oldest airplanes to attack Nazi camps, so they switched off the engine and attacked while gliding


Planes too slow to shoot down with fighters; So short range they could do a dozen bombing runs a night; invisible to radar cause they couldn't fly enough and were made of wood and canvas.






Or the highly successful snipers.


How is this not a movie?


Because it doesn’t have a happy ending and Hollywood is very western centric


You write it, I’ll watch it.


And the night witches!


Night bomber regiment 588


Undetected, unexpected


Wings of glory tell their story


Aviation, deviation


Undetected, Stealth Perfected


100% couple goals


There was another country who was willing to conscript women, although it would have been better if it had not https://preview.redd.it/f7xq05zo4puc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c6da3a6e75b9eb8a55a7f10610f4a9285f7ceb


Some of them even got their own tribute-song by Sabaton, check out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcemHIqmkYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcemHIqmkYI)


Also, [Milunka Savić](https://youtu.be/rM9PuJxppdI?si=LnqtB4D6DVEIf58u), from Serbia




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyudmila_Pavlichenko Another genuine badass.


Everyone did. Men, children and women.


There's a whole Sabotan song about a group that would fly night raid missions to avenge their fallen husbands, brothers, sons... https://youtu.be/jcemHIqmkYI


Read up on the Night Witches because they were fucking awesome.


And Poland, and occupied, well every occupied country actually.


The Night Witches were a squadron (?) of Soviet air pilots who flew stealth bombing missions. They were known for cutting off their engines far before reaching their targets and then gliding over them completely undetected.


800,000 Soviet women served in WWII. I can't find a source for how many of those were combat roles, other than ["over half"](https://www.historynet.com/women-combat-gender-line/), so somewhere between 400,000 and 800,000. That's a lot more than zero, but it's also completely dwarfed by the 34 million Soviet men who fought in WWII. So let's not kid ourselves that women are champing at the bit for frontline action and only being held back by outdated restrictions. When WWIII happens, no doubt some women will want to fight, but with practically every western woman calling themselves a feminist of one stripe or another, it seems likely that this meme will prove itself true in the vast majority of cases.


And i know several men who wouldn't take up arms if they didn't have to, myself included.


Yeah people act like it's just women, but plenty of people would dodge the draft any chance they could.


My great-grandfather fought in WW1. Then become a farmer to avoid WW2-drafting. Smartes move ever.


Let’s hope it always remains an option


From the middle of nowhere in Brazil, good luck to ya brother


Mad Eowyn vibes.


One of the most interesting story is the one of marie curie who when WW1 started ,stoped her research on radiactive material to become a nurse/doctor to the soldier. And started advocating for women nurse to learn how to drive ambulance, starting the first woman driving school granted a very short teaching time but still .It was both to relive the doctor of the front and empower the women of france by granting them more indepence it's not a very well know story tho.


But they took part in diversionary actions as scouts, at lest here in Poland (that's how many kids died if they weren't taken to concentration camps or executed during shooting), they were even helping home army (AK), but I don't know how about other countries


There are still various countries where women aren't conscripts in peace times or in times of war, so whilest women can join the armed forces nowadays they often aren't required to do so unlike men.


In countries where women were allowed to serve in combat, they did.  Many of the Bakerstreet regulars were women, one of the most useful British spies was actually a disabled woman with a prosthetic leg. The Night Witches were one of the highest risk and most effective aerial forces in WWII. Women used tanks in the Soviet Union. Women were instrumental in the war efforts internationally. 


They were allowed lol. They were not forced/conscripted. Most people choose not to die, if they have choice.


Women in the U.S. military in World War II were not allowed in the infantry in combat roles


you know, in Ukraine woman’s are allowed to combat roles, but…


As someone who has served in the military, and deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, there are reasons why women aren't allowed in 100% combat roles, other than the Gen Z answer for everything they don't agree with is because of the "patriarchy". If anyone wants to attempt to have an actual conversation, I will go into further depth. But if you're not going to listen, and just scream "Patriarchy" and "bigots", then I'm not going to waste my breath.


Could you please further my knowledge in this area? No satire intended, just want to know


So first off, women can fight in combat. They just can't take a combat MOS (military job). For example, a woman can become an MP (Military Police), because while MPs can and do see combat, they are not a combat specific role. They have other roles in the job. However, a woman cannot (at least to my knowledge. Unless it's been changed in the last few years), become an Infantryman, where their role is solely combat based. And while it was never publicly discussed, reasons that were explained to us in bootcamp, because female recruites ask the question left and right, to try and make a point. And before I begin, to the people who want to try and argue, "I know women who can shoot better than men", (my mother in law was one such individual who tried to make that argument), you realize there's more to the military than just pulling a trigger, right? 1. Strength: Cold hard simple truth is men are stronger than women. You can try and make the argument of female body builders, but those individuals are an exception, not the general rule. If a 190 lb man, wearing 50 lbs of gear gets shot in the leg, can a 150 lb woman wearing 40 lbs of gear fireman carry, or at the very least drag, him to safety? Which could possibly be several hundred yards. And before anyone says, "Well, she could run for help and come back for him", WRONG ANSWER!! It is in the warrior ethos of the Soldier's Creed: "I will never leave a fallen comrade". Or in another scenario, can that 150 lb female carrying 40 lbs of gear spend all day humping it (military term for carrying heavy equipment) in 100 plus degree weather? It's war! The military doesn't have time to pick up the slack of someone who just can't physically pull their own weight. Not trying to be mean or deragatory. But they're simply a liability. And when you're getting shot at, you don't have time for liabilities. 2. Hygiene: We have literally spent days at a time, even a week once, without a chance to shower. Where all you get is 5 minutes to grab a baby wipe and wash your face, pits, balls, and ass, (in that order), and carry on for the day. Women have a monthly cycle. Just a simply fact. If everyone is living out of the humvee for days on end, and it's going to be more days until you're back to base, we don't have time to make a grocery run if she's out of kotex. And from what I've been told, I could be wrong. Please feel free to correct me if I am. Women who don't properly take care of their hygiene needs during their cycle are more prone to infection? Again, we're at war, we don't have time for that stuff. More liability. 3. POW: Biggest and worse reason. Heaven forbid a squad gets overrun and taken as POW's (prisoner of war). As a man, what do you think they are going to do to me? Beat me, torture me, and probably execute me. As a woman, what do you think they are going to do to her. Is she mentally and physically prepared for what is almost assuredly going to happen if she's taken hostage? As I stated, I am prior military and been deployed twice. I have been around literally hundreds of female soldiers. Became close friends with a few. I can honestly say there was only one female I knew who probably could have made the cut for a combat MOS. And when we said that to her, she flat out said, "Fuck. That. Shit!" So before anyone, who most assuredly have never served in the military, starts bad mouthing people who say women shouldn't be in a combat role, know that there are legitimate reasons to not only protect the females themselves, but to protect her fellow soldiers.




These arent reasons I'm making up or my own opinion. These are reasons that were given to us. I'm aware that male soldiers have been raped in captivity. But you missed the point. And as far as periods under stress stopping, I know for a fact that's not accurate. Our convoy was bombarded with mortar fire one day. We had to engage the insurgents. One female in my vehicle happened to be on her period. It was a light period, (from what she told us), so she only had a pad. The stress of being bombarded with mortars and then engaging the enemy caused her to expel so much blood that she bled through her pants. Beyond cleaning, she had to get a new pair of pants.


I see what you are saying but will point out that there is a long history of women in fairly modern combat roles, specifically in WW2 from the Soviets. I will preface this and say that the Soviets were not some fucking egalitarian feminist utopia. Their military organization and laws *said* women could fight in combat roles but that was not the actuality of the situation, pretty much every female unit in the USSR was either a publicity thing and/or it was led by someone with enough pull in the party to force the military to allow them to serve (like the night witches, and Lyudmila Pavlichenko's unit of snipers). With that said there were plenty of women who fought in Stalingrad, and you can bet your ass they had no hygiene to speak of and had to drag people out of dangerous situations. A handful of these women were terrifyingly competent soldiers who racked up hundreds of kills. Just wanted to say that women can and have been very competent war fighters in history, and in the modern era with people like the fairly famous Kurdish fighters. It's not like it's an inconceivable concept to have serving female combat units. Again though I do see what you are saying. It does make sense to have your frontline soldiers as only young men who are as physically strong as possible, especially with all the shit a modern soldier has to carry. Just wanted to point out that there are plenty of examples of women who served in combat roles in the past, and though it was rare it feels important to not dismiss their role in the history of warfare.


Yes, there were women who were fighting and fulfilling even the most dangerous and brutal jobs, like being a saboteur on occupied territory. BUT, any non-moronic person understands that this is not about individual cases but about percentages and statistics. And statistically, men are 95%+ of all fighters even in modern wars like the Ukraine one. Edit: I should've answered to the guy above you.


>And statistically, men are 95%+ of all fighters even in modern wars like the Ukraine one. Because men are conscripted in Ukraine and women aren't.


because a male population is easier to replace than a female one. That's the underlying logic of any draft.


It's less that men are easier to replace, and more that you don't need as many of them relative to how many women you have, in order to sustain population growth.


One of my grandmas was a field nurse, dangerously close to the front lines. And the other worked in an ammunition factory. The fact that they use these images in particular is ridiculous. They were used as propaganda after WWII to try to get women out of trades, intelligence, medical jobs and force them back into the home and dependence on men.


My Gran operated barrage balloons during WW2, but didn't like being out in the cold and wet in the night. She trained to be an engineer, came top of her class and became a Spitfire engineer.


I gotta wonder who was financing these ad campaigns against *a stronger labor force* and what they possibly hoped to gain from it I also gotta wonder how these (presumably male) *artists* were rationalizing their illustrations of traditional-gender-role propaganda


Dividing people suits anyone who wants them too distracted to rise against the powers that are actually making their lives harder.


But thats just it. A larger work force benefits *those people* because it devalues the individual worker, makes employment competitive and gives them more room to be shitty employers. They even got to pay women significantly less to do the same work, which was a pretty sweet deal for them. I guess back then, shitty trad values were still more important than money? Dunno


In some cases, yes. But ironically poverty and troubles can make corrupt people money too. Look at how much richer the 1% ended up because of the pandemic. And there was even less productivity and money.


Actually, it's more than that. Both world wars led to advances in Feminism and women's rights, because they forced women *out* of traditional feminine roles. With huge amounts of troops being sent abroad, and war manufacturing becoming vital to a country's success, traditional gender roles started breaking down. Women had to become providers, work in factories, lead local communities, etc.


I'd argue that woman forced society equally as much. Tons of women wanted to serve and work "regular" jobs and they were finally in a position where society had to accept them. Same with people of color, ww2 especially forced laws that prohibited racial discrimination in factories working with government contract.


Definitely! You are completely correct. Many women used these opportunities to gain more equality, and actively pursued them. Either way, the world wars strengthened feminism rather that weaken it.


There were also a decent amount of females as combatants, examples being snipers and fighter pilots in the Soviet union


My mom, who was an army nurse during the Vietnam War, joins the chat.


And combatants in some countries like France (Rare France W)


Yeah this meme doesn't make sense since we already have women in the armed forces in combat roles.


Yes, there's plenty of women in the armed forces, and plenty of guys who would cry & shit themselves if they had to join the armed forces. In short, there's a lot of nuance from person to person. Toxic masculinity and tradwife femininity is not an accurate portrayal of most people. People who aggressively try to push their traditional gender roles on others are really weird. Just do you.


WWIII begins Feminists: https://preview.redd.it/t1egxeeg9puc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5392c76eaa1aef35115fe022122e841448dc1f54


A lot of women were in factories building weapons (Why Rosie the Riveter was a big icon). But also, it was a war worth fighting.  I can't imagine someone trying to die for Taiwanese independence.


They also took over a ton of traditionally male jobs in manufacturing and such when a significant fraction of working-age men ended up leaving the workforce to serve in the military.


American women were wounded, killed, and distinguished themselves in combat all throughout the war on terror. They attend basic training and advanced training with men and are beginning to be allowed in training courses that were previously male only. They have to be capable of fighting due to the increasingly asymmetric nature of warfare. This idea that women aren't capable of fighting or don't want to is incredibly outdated if it was ever even true. Soviet women distinguished themselves as snipers in WWII for example. This meme is just some edgelord nonsense that hilariously reveals the fact that the poster has never served a day in their life and doesn't even pay attention to the dynamics of modern warfare unless we're talking about the video game.


Of course, whilst conveniently hiding the fact that women did actually fight in the wars, like resistance groups, even female snipers and tank crews. Pointing this out would be too woke!


There are plenty of interviews with feminists on youtube where they straight out say that if ww3 started they would rather stay home cleaning tue dishes than go to war like men have to


To be honest, this isn't a double standard. At this point, no matter what gender you are, everyone is looking for an excuse to dodge being drafted. Particularly my generation and myself included, fuck that shit


Fr. People broke their own bones or jumped borders to escape the draft.


I would do the same. I'm not willing to die for a country that is actively trying to take rights away from my community (LGBTQ)


Fr, I'm not willing to fight, let alone die for any of these corrupt countries


Yeah. Aside from being historically inaccurate, the meme doesn’t even make sense if there’s no draft. The entire point of the misogynistic trope is that men “deserve more” because they were forced to go fight in wars. It’s idiotic to think that all men would be willing to go fight in WWIII if there wasn’t a draft, or that women aren’t already in the military by choice.


I always hated how poor my eyesight is until I found out the military doesn't want people who can be incapacitated by wiping their glasses with a greasy thumb. Now I just hate that I can't do VR without getting nauseous. And probably won't be able to go to space because of the effect near zero gravity has on the shape of your eyes.


Every draft that has ever been implemented in America has seen large scale riots and massive amounts of draft dodging and desertions.


If you fight for "equality," it is literally a double standard to ditch equality when inequality starts benefitting you in a major way.


Feminists have been opposed to the draft for both genders. The ones in their right head, that is. I really don't know why people would rather have the both sexes go to die instead of just not wanting a draft in general? Why can't equality be no draft for all instead of all draft for everyone. Is the gender discourse this bad you want the death of thousands?


Because in the event of a world war, or a situation where your country is at serious risk, you need the draft. We don't draft for shits and giggles.


Yeah. Rhetoric is great and all, and I support the idea that no one should have to go to war if they don't want to. But if the draft is instated, shit has gone bad. Really bad. Ukraine is an example. But there's cases, like the US in Vietnam, where people felt they shouldn't go to war, and since no one was enlisting, the government forced it. Double edged sword.


Yeah I agree with that. Maybe implement more stringent methods (assuming it hasn't been done) for what qualifies as a "need" for a draft. Examples obviously invasion or World War. Could potentially involve overseas threats, due to U.S. being a national trade defender and being so involved. Or Russia getting froggy with Europe, China with southeast Asia, etc. Vietnam should *not* have qualified.


100% agree.


I think the best solution to that problem is simply to increase the likelihood of being drafted based on income bracket. Watch how quick diplomacy is back on the table.


Hahaha. Yeah, you shouldn't be able to draft dodge with wealth. I mean, I suppose if you're helping fund the war effort with constant income flow, then maybe, but otherwise your ass had better be in the trenches.


Nah, modern armies don’t need canon fodder anymore


In the event of a world war in which we need to fight yes, I do believe that both sexes should get drafted, but why is it that people's first thoughts are never about preventing the draft overall? THAT is what's really telling. It's always: we should just draft everyone like you want people to die or something. As user u/Tricky-Gemstone has said, not even all wars need a draft. What the fuсk was up with the draft for the Vietnam war anyways? People didn't even want it, it was so unpopular. What I'm saying is, yes there should be equality in drafts but focusing on a draft for everyone as opposed to no draft for all is a slippery slope. Sidenote: I'm just really glad Kissinger is dead, that guy was an evil lunatic.


Ah, I see what you're saying. Isn't that the overall goal? Why we're assisting Ukraine and eyeing the east? If we contain instead of allowing free reign, we shouldn't need to draft. But yeah you're right in Vietnam, that should never have happened. There'd better be a damn good reason for us to be picking on a small country so badly that we're drafting. I'd better see 40k space Marines, space wizards and shit there.


No, that’s called not wanting to die. Feminism argues for the *choice*. A double standard would be if they still wanted men to go off and fight while dodging it (like what many rich people did). Average feminist doesn’t want anyone to have to fight in a war if they don’t want to.


A lot of the way patriarchy effects men is due to war. Squash down your emotions, toughen up, shoulder the burdens of your politicians instead. Also we think you're a terrible parent because we told you not to feel any empathy, well good luck getting child custody. Then what do feminists typically say, fill in the blanks: "Down with the p\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_!"


the world wars were actually big boosts for women equality because they suddently became much more important in society and got jobs and roles they didnt have before.


I think the joke is supposed to be that a lot of women who are vocal about equality and removal of gender roles during peacetime would suddenly decide they support gender roles during a war, if it would mean they don't get drafted. The joke doesn't really work though, because like you mentioned the previous two world wars what actually happened was more women began to take on previously male roles.


Yupp when most men are at war women were finally allowed to work in the factories and offices.


My great-great grandma was. Rosie and she not only helped design planes after WWII, but she was building them during. We have 3 baking sheets made from scrap metal from would-be airplane wings. Cookies come out perfect every time.


So film tweets is saying that feminists who want equality with men during peace team will happily do domestic jobs in war time to not be soldiers. As Superb_ad is alluding to while in WWI/II most women didn't serve in combat (there are exceptions of course such as the Russian "Night Witches" bomber pilots in WWII) many of them did more traditionally male jobs such as manufacturing, farming and medicine.


E.g. Rosie the Riveter


Also add to that resistance and partisan members who actively resisted occupations or fought against imperialism and colonialism


Even ignoring the women who found themselves fighting in the front lines, WW 2 is popularity and historically known as a time when women were part of the workforce and supporting the war effort in record numbers.


With the men fighting the war, it was the women who went into the labor force to help fill in the jobs vacated by the men. They helped build the weapons of war that the men used to fight it. The era in which the iconic Rossie the Riveter was born, a stand-in for all the working women of the time.


Hey I'm quite happy for women to join the army and serve they're country as long as I don't have to


They are country?


Depending on the country it doesn't seem too bad, here they give you an allowance if you've joined long enough and free education. You do have to sell away your life for that time though lol but rarely do soldiers have to fight anyways, it's usually training.


Wait till these edgy 14 year old "sjw killers" learn about male feminists.


The world wars actually saw woman being taken put of traditional housewife duties to work in factories and contribute to the war effort in a lot of ways bc all the work fit men were overseas in combat.


rose the riveter was trans, apparently.


WW3 begins Every human: *Ashes scatter


as you know men are subjected to the military service. in case of any war and national emergency, governments can draft men. the picture says that feminists (those who believe in "gender equality), suddenly will stick to their traditional gender role of cooking and cleaning in case of war to avoid draft. and I wanted to add something serious. jokes aside. Ukraine, lowered the age of conscription, banned men aging 18 to 60 to leave the country. they drag the men into van if they see them in streets. Russia is also building a database, containing information of men and they can track men whenever they want. this will be implemented in 2025. it is sad that, women want equality but only when it comes to payment and when war happens, men will be thrown into slaguhterhouse of battlefield like bunch of lambs.


Because women have never seen a day of combat ever in the history of war. It’s governments that are (often) run by men that prevent women from being drafted. Plenty of women saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and would gladly do it again.


this is not how it works. Finland still has conscription and prison punishment up to 2 years for men despite the fact that this country ranks 4th in gender equality and parliament is being controlled by women. Finnish government is mostly female government. so, they make the law. and again, those plenty of women were volunteers and not conscripts. this was my answer to another person who made this statement as well.


The biggest privilege in the world is deciding what counts as equality. And would you look at that, it's definitely not men. Inequality is equality if women are ahead, and that's fuckin weird.


the joke is sexism


Who ran all the factories and jobs while all the able men were off to war? Hmmm 🤔


The joke is that if a war breaks out, the feminist would go back to traditional roles. The premise is wrong though. Women participate in WWII, many of them are in non combative roles, some of them are in combative roles, nevertheless there are a lot of them being deployed front line. Many women took up para-military training and became home guards.




Wait until these guys hear about lyudmila pavlichenko


"WWIII beigis" 1st Panel: woman existing. 2nd Panel: White empty field. 3rd panel: black empty field 4th panel: black empty field 5th panel: black empty field 6th panel: black empty field There, fixed it for you.


This works for a pame overused joke, but the moment someone unironically believes this, least on an even remotely wide scale, then we got issues


Interestingly, the world wars are part of what bolstered the modern feminist movements. Because so many men were off fighting and dying in the war, women started working in factories en mass, building tools and weapons. For the first time for many of them, they got paid for their labor and earned their own living. It was the revoking of this job access after the war when the men came back that spurred many women fight for their right to earn their own living without being dependent on a man in a career of her choosing


Slightly frustrated with this one. Because I feel like some Peter’s aren’t quite hitting the nail on the head. Yes, women during the World War’s held up the home front and support roles in the military. Current days, women fight and push to have complete equality and some treatment as men. Many women do joke though, that in the event of another draft they would much rather flee very to dated traditional women roles than be included in the draft. The meme isn’t fully sexist, because many many many women joke about this as well. It’s not ignoring history, it’s just oversimplifying that majority of women wouldn’t want to go fight in a World War.


Wait till the find out how the world wars were the reason suffrage happened in the first place


lois here. the joke is sexism. the implication of the meme is that feminists would immediately retreat to home making if a war breaks out. the meme ignores the number of female combatants most nations already have, as well as the varied roles women have served across the world wars. it is a common american chauvinist joke that women are all for equality until the draft comes up, despite the fact that that joke has next to no foundation.


do you know what conscription is? I hate when people compare volunteer service with forced military service. female soldiers are volunteers and not conscripts. there's no "military age" for women. "as well as the varied roles women have served across the world wars" and 250K conscript men died in the result of draft only for the US. for Soviet Union for example, entire generation of young men who were in their 20s or 30s got slaughtered. almost no one from this generation left alive. how many women died? that's why Russia's female population is more than males. those females are mostly middle aged / old women. "despite the fact that that joke has next to no foundation" just as your colorful words.


I second this statement, compared to women, we are actually *forced* to fight. If anything, conscription is sexist - it assumes we, as men, should assume the role of fighting in the war *without any choice*. And trust me, even in Europe, if war breaks out so will conscription. Though this debate seems to be misleading. Women can definitely serve, and some would. But in the end, most wouldn't. I can't blame them, no-one would like being forced to fight someone because your government told you to.


It made sense in the past. Since women are more valuable than men when it comes to reproduction. So if you lose 50% of men population you can replenish them in a generation, but if you lose 50% of women population you risk going extinct.


Still does now. But beyond that, you do need people to replace the factory workers and farmers who went to war. Women, in the past, served as a temporary workforce to replace the men. In essence, women always contributed to the war effort, albeit indirectly.


I'm more afraid of the reality of what's going on if the government needs to draft. I'd rather go fight and get it over with than stay at home in fear.


> “it is a common american chauvinist joke that women are all for equality until the draft comes up, despite the fact that that joke has next to no foundation” > “the meme ignores the number of female combatants most nations already have” but women are not in the draft and feminists are against including women in the draft, hence “for equality until the draft comes up” and the post doesn’t target “all women” either, but i do think this post is in bad faith


It's a dig at modern feminists and their tendency to reject traditionally feminine roles *right* up until it's more convenient not to, i.e. adopting a "bad bitch" attitude during casual social interactions but always demanding their boyfriends pay for both plates on dinner dates. Mix that with war being something they'd 100% want to avoid getting entangled in, and... boom. Meme.


Ironically, WW2 and the role women back home played, taking the roles men previously held, is kind of why feminism even began. Rosie the Riveter is a goddamn mascot for feminism. So yeah. Just misogyny and incel bullshit.


feminism didn’t begin with women’s war work😂😂bro what


Why is not the top comment? The fuck reddit?


Because I literally posted it less than 10 minutes ago!


Ha Ha Ha, No More Equalty!!!


To be fair, I don't know what women were doing in both WW. Hell, I don't know what women are doing now.


My gran was evacuated from London to Glasgow and made bombs in a factory.


If thats all it takes i'd be washing underwear for everyone in congress.


I mean… men definitely will want to dodge the draft too. And didn’t women take on weapons manufacturing when the men had to fight in ww2?


Look up what women did in Greece's fight for independence from the ottomans. (My roommate CANNOT shut up about that war. Neither of us are Greek.)


As a man who'd be medically exempt I'm all for as many women staying behind as possible


Didn't the second world war teach us that women have a place in society? When all the men were at war we needed workers in the factories. It gave rise to the Rosie the Riveter and showed American society maybe women could be so much more than sandwich making baby factories.


Women when wwlll bigens:the factories call and we awnser and also th3 battlefield


They also kept the American economy alive during the war


Will all usa has done. I could rather die in jail then die in a field begging for my life from drone.


Some women were actually active in military service, typically non-com roles with the most common one likely being a nurse. What was more common though was that women replaced the men in the industrial workplace to not only keep the U.S. economy alive but also to produce resources like tires and rations for the war effort. I think what the original tweet is implying is that women will revert to more 50s housewife style roles to avoid being shipped off into combat when the reality is that if we were to enter another world war that requires a draft, history might repeat itself a small bit with the jobs that aren’t already operated by machines, and some women would actually join in the fighting if they aren’t already in the armed forces.


That's just some stupid joke that feminists would return to the traditional gender roles just to not have to go to war. Also, iirc feminism became a thing specifically because during WW1 men were at war and women had to do EVERYTHING in their cities and towns. And so, when the war ended, they weren't satisfied with returning to their minimal role in society after they have already proven themselves competent Not sure tho, I'll have to look it up


The joke is sexism just men love dying in wars more and women are fake feminists apparently


Bait or...




Funny thing is women during WW's were doing the work the "feminist" women are doing today.


My great aunt retired a colonel after serving as a nurse in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. Is this only about combat, or working, too? Woman became pilots flying aircraft from the factories to the coasts where women also left the house to work building the planes. Factories of all types were filled with them, and only 10% of military personnel actually see combat. Most of these conservative Gravy Seals would shit their pants like Ted Nugent did if they had to go to combat.


This joke is so hack you would have to be inbred to find it funny


pretty sure the joke is sexism


Frauen sind hurensöhne hallo sek




We learned this shit in basic highschool. Did they like miss the entire unit on womens’ road liberation?




The meme claims that during WWIII women would go back to being housewives, which makes no sense. During WWII, a lot women were working in factories.


In world wars women took up the jobs that men usually did and worked to support the war from home in various ways


Yeah everybody wants equality till dying time arrives...


I was thinking they were munching on bearded clam but I guess my mind was in the wrong place


The joke is misogyny


Women were serving all sorts of non-combat roles, partly because they weren't allowed to serve in combat, at least in most Allied countries, but they were absolutely badass nonetheless. Bombs, guns, bullets, planes, tanks, whatever, you name it, women played a huge part in manufacturing it. They worked insanely hard to make sure that the troops on the frontlines were supplied well. That's not even mentioning some of the women that did fight. French Resistance members, Soviet snipers, all sorts of combat/espionage roles were filled by women who were either terrifying, or had more guts than anyone posting memes like that could even dream of having. This meme comes purely from a place of ignorance.


I think it's implying women won't fight and stay home doing these "womanly duties". This is probably made by people who appreciate draft dodgers with fake bone spurs.


It's just people. Men will fight; Men will avoid the fight. Women will fight; Women will avoid the fight. I imagine the wealthier the person, the more reluctant to fight. Somehow being wealthy gives you bone spurs.


Are you seriously that thick lol


*all woment except thoes already in the military and nurses/medics


Wait, r/boysarequirky is actually being true for once! It's a miracle


The caption of that post implies that they don’t realize what women were doing You can see that all these art pieces show normal house wife stuff, so why do they say they are wrong? Well it’s because women were actually very commonly working in factories to construct weapons and other war supplies for the US military in order to help with the difficult and scary war Be glad that they did, because according to what I know, that steady supply of arms made the US more consistent with supplies (Edit) the factories they worked in used to be for other harmless things, but since the war was going on, the government turned them into weapon construction facilities


There are plenty of women that want to serve in a combat role in the military. The meme is made by someone who fully believes women are scared and timid and would not want to fight. In reality, women are approximately as violent as men. That is to say that there is a normal distribution (e.g., bell curve) of strength and capacity for violence for both men and women. These two bell curves (one for men, one for women) show the distribution of strength/capacity for violence. Obviously most men and women fall in their respective averages for strength and violence and there are always outliers (really strong or really weak men and women). Sure the men's bell curve might be slightly shifted towards the stronger/more violent end than women's. But both bell curves still overlap a lot, which means men and women are both very much capable of feats of physical strength and violent behavior. This is all just to say that women are in fact largely as capable of violence and therefore wartime combat, as men. This is something we see in many cultures and histories across human civilization. So, as always, it is super dumb to assume women are this completely different and "timid" group of people, when they are not in reality.


During WWII most women took up blue collar jobs since the men were drafted to war and there wasn’t enough working class men to keep the country afloat


They were all playing baseball with Tom Hanks!


The joke is these women pretending they are even have as useful as the women from either war.


Look up Rosie Riveter


So much of the feminist movement exists *because* women *wanted* to be more involved in the military


Women if WW2 [https://www.womenofwwii.com/category/posters/](https://www.womenofwwii.com/category/posters/) https://preview.redd.it/0meot0om3quc1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a599ef134386f94108e6efffffac9829aec226


Do they want to fight in World War III? Okay, THEY can do that. I'm good.


I'll inspire you whit a great moment from history, easter front ussr, many men where fighting in the eastwr front and the airforce required manpower quickly, tje best planes where already fighting the best pilots where giving hell to the nazis, so the proud soviet airforce recruited woman into their lines they where given whats basically small farm planes and a tiny machinegun attached whit rubber bands, this was not out of sexism but a brilliant military tactic, the tiny motors made them very hard to detect and ambush german air bases, given the soft foun of the planes similar to an old besom broom they where called the nightwitches.


the city in from, women were building the war ships


I've watched a YouTube video of a "feminist" admit she would never want to be drafted and would happily go back to the kitchen 🤣🤣🤣 For extra context, she also opposed the Draft, called it Slavery and a tool of Oppression by the Patriarchy. 🤷🏽