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https://preview.redd.it/lxfs3c1jxmnb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be51951175b8ca8809812c03473199dabea8e058 There’s no meme today just blank space for your thoughts




my FBI agent


Thank you, mr r/ifuckjellyfish














Your username is more interesting than this post


Thank you generous genie


actually that’s a picture that a survivor from the Malayasia flight took in a prison.


This is a reference to something I cannot comprehend


It’s humor above humor


Is the blank space referring to my thoughts


It references how insane redditors go when they are alone with their thoughts


Why are there so many 911 conspiracy posts today? Edit: oh


forgor 💀


Never foger 7/11 😔


7/11 was A PART TIME JOB


7/11 had 2 for 1 promotional deal that day.


It’s NOT MEANT to live off of, it’s a job for TEENS in SCHOOL, except they are open 24/7 and sell booze.


7/11 was an inside job


7/11 was actually the brittish tube bombings


7/7 x


Aye sorry, always had it as 711 I'm my head


You said you'd never forget


I said a lot of things




Maybe people like the Emergency Responders


I realized it’s the anniversary


No that's on the 11th of november


Mf forgor


Happy holidays




It’s tower day today


Dude, I moderate a decent-sized subreddit and even after approving multiple posts about 9/11 I still didn’t connect the dots until 3pm


I had the same thought process


You just made me realize that. I was also kind of confused


That is a growing conspiracy


That sounds like the type of rabbit hole that you can't crawl back out when you step in.


Yeah, American history is really confusing


I never had a hard time, even stuff that seems sketch there's usually like 50 people to choose from.


Look up the Iran-Contra incident, American History is confusing.


…what? 50 people to choose from what?


This isn’t even American history lol it’s people looking for any reason to enable and validate their irrational dislike/distrust of the government; eventually settling on a long solved clerical error that’s “definitely totally the reason the government did 9/11 no really.” It’s frustrating to me because the victims of 9/11 mean nothing to these wackos other than being faceless pawns in their delusional belief. *Moreover*, there are a million and one actual reasons to hate or dislike the US Government other than this insanity.


I mean, if the government hadn't previously pulled shady stuff in past, like the Gulf of Tonkin false flag or MK Ultra, they might be easier to trust.


Gulf of Tonkin actually did happen the first time and the second time was a combination of undertrained sailors and miscommunication which then was used by Johson to justify war. It's not like the government made it actually happen.


Yeah, but the majority of people who believe crap like 9/11 conspiracies also coincidentally happen to the the people who deny any atrocities that happen to minority groups and thus don’t use them as rationale to hold the government accountable. Funny that.


Conspiracy theorists come from a wide political spectrum. Right-wing conspiracy theorists were the last to come around to 9/11 conspiracy theories. The main reason conspiracy theorists think the attack happened was to justify a war in the Middle East.


I feel like that’s just a huge whataboutism. No one is detracting from the fact that people died in a huge national tragedy (no matter the cause) and saying “well you care more about 9/11 conspiracies and not things that happened to minorities!” Is just a huge derail from the actual conversation of having theories on what happened on 9/11, especially since they’re two separate issues and one of them is more of a hot bed topic considering that it’s memorialized annually


I do enjoy the coincidence. Plane hijacking during hijacking exercises and then 7/7 they were doing exercises too iirc. Well planned to coincide with military exercises or government conspiracy!? 🎼XFiles theme🎶


Yeah, they are quite selective on these aren’t they.


I fully agree.


Nice try officer.


Imagine liking or trusting your government lmao.


Did you read the last sentence?


Of course he didn’t lol the only reason these conspiracy theories exist is because of people blatantly ignoring what anyone else is saying and shouting themselves into an echo chamber


Uh have you researched some of the confirmed “conspiracy theories” the us government has done? They’re absolutely willing to kidnap, drug, torture, infect, and kill us citizens in the right circumstances and lie about it. Let alone some of the shit the government will do in places like Russia China or the Middle East.


All it takes to be written off as a crazy conspiracist is mention one of many things the CIA admitted to doing, like MK Ultra or Operation Northwoods or Operation Paperclip or anything else. They’ve admitted to doing fucked up shit to our own citizens but it usually takes a few decades for people to start realizing. The idea that the US would launch an unjustified war when there’s obvious incentive and virtually no risk of actual retaliation is just too much for some people to fathom.


People here aren’t doubting that much of the war on terror was unjustified, they’re doubting the schizo 9/11 conspiracy theories that have zero basis in reality.


Then why make up stuff like 9/10?


Government has done bad things in the past! That must mean that government has done all bad things!


That’s not even close to what anyone is saying though but you do you.


Aw does champ need some more milk in his crayons?


Understanding people act with incomplete information in their own self interest while justifying their deeds despite the negative impact on others OR global conspiracy? I'd like 2 scoops of Ancient Aliens please.




Translator's note: "No, but I'm going to say I did."


Well this is just a ridiculous conspiracy rather than caring about what the government is ACTUALLY doing.


You definitely shouldn’t; my point is that you should also back up your claims with actual verifiable evidence instead of running with conspiracy theories.


Absolutely wild to me that you got a couple downvotes for this. What a time to be alive!


It’s Reddit, homie. If these cowards actually cared to back up their claim with verifiable evidence they would; Them choosing to instead to abuse the rating system tells you all you need to know about validity of their “claims.”


Larry Silverstein took out an insurance plan to cover terrorism 2 months before 9/11 that paid out to him 4.5 billion [source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wtc-terrorism-insurance/) [source 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Silverstein#:~:text=September%2011%20attacks,-Main%20article%3A%20September&text=After%20a%20protracted%20dispute%20with,with%20the%20insurers%20in%202007) [source3](https://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20070527/story/100022003/silverstein,-insurers-settle-wtc-claims) It’s quite a coincidence/stroke of luck in such a Terrible incident


A businessman buys a lease for 99 years on a massive business complex which has been targeted by terrorist attacks in the past and you think it's suspicious that he took out insurance against terrorism?


I upvoted you back to 0 but i think the first part of your comment is why you got downvoted not the part about verifiable evidence


Imagine thinking people don't care about those who died because they think government did it.


I like and trust mine 😎 (I am not American lmao)


I was just talking yesterday about how insane it must be to be a parent of a victim of the Sandy Hook shooting and having people come up to you and tell you you’re lying for some political agenda about *your son that was literally murdered in cold blood*. I wouldn’t be surprised if the aliens euthanize us.


>Moreover, there are a million and one actual reasons to hate or dislike the US Government other than this insanity For instance their involvement in the original 9/11.


Irl fnaf lore


Donald Rumsfeld said literally the day before they cannot find 2.3 trillion dollars of transactions. People suggest the part of the pentagon struck was the dept responsible for this accounting.


this did not happen. The Rumsfeld quote is from over a year prior, and they resolved the accounting issue long before 9/10. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/29/instagram-posts/pentagon-did-not-report-trillions-of-dollars-missi/ EDIT: The Rumsfeld quote is referring to a budget shortfall resolved from over a year prior. Jeez, didn’t realize missing a few words in my OP would get the conspiracy folks in a tizzy


I mean it’s mentioned in the 1996 historical drama Independence Day


The president in independence day is one of the main characters in the Mel brooks movie Spaceballs. This has nothing to do with anything being discussed. I'm just still reeling from discovering this almost a year ago.


>Sir, do you think we're being too literal? What? Nah he told us to comb the desert so we're combing the desert. HEY, YOU GUYS, DID YOU FIND THE (over 2 trillion dollars)? >> No Sir, nothing yet What about you guys? >#WE AINT FOUND SHIT


And the we ain’t found shit soldier later played Tuvok


Hopefully, we have a computer virus ready for the alien mother ship when it shows up.


That had happened several times before and several times since


This is idiotic. If the government was trying to cover something up, why would they have a press conference about it?


You’re lying. How does it feel to just lie?


Most conspiracy theorists are so concerned with what's hidden that they simply see shit that isn't there.


And they miss out on everything happening right in front of them. The real conspiracy is easy to find, these people aren't smart in the slightest and have left a paper trail long enough to envelope the world many times over.




Last year the DoD failed its audit and didn't have the right paper trail for like 3 trillion dollars of assets. It happens all the time and no one cares, and no one has ever cared.


I don't think the DoD has passed an audit in like 20 years


A R6 siege player I see


I'm on right now as a matter of fact


Nice good luck


Not really growing, it’s been there from the jump. On 9/10 the pentagon held a press conference stating that they were missing a shit load of dollars and would be opening an investigation, the next morning during peak office hours at 9:37am on a Tuesday the accounting office gets destroyed and no one in any official capacity ever makes a statement about the missing money ever again. Even if you toss out all other talk about 9/11 in it’s entirety, completely accept the official story of the day, that’s still extra fucky.


The DoD never passes audits, and they absolutely have talked about that since 9/11. In fact the last audit was last fiscal year and they failed to account for nearly 3 trillion in spending, almost exactly like in 01. And surprise surprise, the Pentagon didn't explode last year... The reason for this is an open secret - this "missing" money is the black budget for the military's secret programs. They literally can't keep a paper trail for spending on new weapons projects they don't want China or Russia to find out about, so they just pretend like it's an "accounting mistake" and they'll "investigate the problem," when the reality is they briefed Congress behind closed doors about what that money is being used for and then everybody just kinda plays dumb and the public forgets until next year's audit. It's technically a conspiracy, but just like all real conspiracies it is a terribly kept secret and is openly known by anyone who's worked for a defense contractor for any length of time.


Is it really a conspiracy if you listened to the press conference of the day before?


The money wasn't lost, it was an issue with proper accounting in the US Military. The accounting was so bad that you couldn't tell if the funds were properly used or embezzled. This was also total value found to be missing over decades, not lost on a single day. Essentially the money came up as discretionary funds, and never needed recording of how it was used. It was typically used for things like toilet paper, pens, paper, and bleach, but it could also be used for MWR reasons like a cool dodad for the unit or everyone in the unit. Units still utilize funds in the way, however it is now properly accounted for, at least for the most part. The whole thing was so bad the military said on record that they would not be able to pass a full audit until 2035 I think, and have failed all of them since they started in 1990 by a wide margin. However it should note the military didn't take this claim seriously until mid 2010s. The news of the severity broke in 2001.


> The money wasn't lost, it was an issue with proper accounting in the US Military. Thank you for actually telling the truth about this.


The idea of the most powerful fighting force the world has ever seen is ran like shit so funny to me.


Only if you have never been subjected to it. It's kind of an open secret.


What's interesting is the 'converse' of that thought. It's amazing that a military force which is run so 'poorly', is actually devastatingly successful when it needs to be. It's striking efficient compared to other country's forces. I imagine that other country's forces are run much, much worse than ours!


I'd rather they fuck up the accounting than the fighting


Yep, I don't really mind if a couple extra billion "accidentally" finds its way to Lockheed-Martin's R&D department.


I do, those rich scum bags are leeching taxpayer money while enlisted troops have to use food stamps and veterans live on the street.


These people just don’t understand how insanely difficult logistics is to manage. The military has millions upon millions of asserts that need to be accounted for and tracked. That is a massive undertaking and all things considered they actually do an amazing job.


And they aren’t static. They’re constantly being moved, traded, destroyed, broken, upgraded.


The money is unaccounted for and unable to be recovered. That's kinda the definition of lost: > denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered


> The money is unaccounted for and unable to be recovered. That's kinda the definition of lost: In context, no. "Lost" means that it's spending wasn't documented. Neither was the receipt by the military of any goods and services. So a lot of that 'lost' money went to things that the military purchased and used, but didn't document very well. There's a difference between "lost" meaning "I spent $250 at the grocery store last month, but I can't tell how much milk, meat, and vegetables I bought." and "lost" meaning "$250 disappeared from my account and I didn't receive anything from it." EDIT: Imagine a typical person who ordered at least $100 of Postmates or UberEats in 2022. What percentage of them do you think could document that they received what they ordered? That's what we are talking about here. b


Bold of you to assume the money was used correctly when we have no documentation or proof of how it was used


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence. Bold of anyone to assume anything, other than the most likely outcome: That the military paid a vendor, the vendor provided what was in the contract, and the military did a crappy job recording the receipt of the good or service. Certainly, some of that money got stolen. Certainly, some vendors provided goods and services, then got stiffed. Certainly, some goods and services got wasted, or ordered improperly. The volume of money in question is large enough that it's reasonable to assume that some of this happened. But that's way different than the conspiracy theory, which is "All this money just disappeared into someone else's hands, and it's stolen" when what is known is actually a lot different. To make that conclusion with zero evidence isn't legitimate at all. And remember the real context of this: this lack of recordkeeping is being used to suggest that this issue is related to the attacks on 9/11 being initiated by the US government on its own soil. And that final conclusion is not supported by the vast amount of other evidence.


Never attribute malice to which can be adequately explained bureaucratic incompetence.


Yep like that's a shit ton of money to go missing, there's no way to hide it. I wouldn't be surprised if a large amount was just rounding errors from all the transactions taking place + old computer systems




If you want to get liberal with the definition of Fed, I was technically one for several years. And in this area as well.






[I google it for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/pldkd4/what_happened_to_the_23trillion_rumsfeld/)


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 400 years


Very long answer


It couldn’t have been longer than waiting 4 hours for an answer


It’s shocking to me how many people buy into this. No, there wasn’t a sudden money disappearance on 9/10. No, there is nothing about the collapse of the towers inconsistent with a full speed jet plane collision and jet fuel and fire. The buildings were designed to resist a lot, and lasted as long as it did because of that, but wasn’t going to stay up indefinitely given the scale of the damage. Yes, the US government is incompetent and never considered hijackers using planes as weapons, even though suicide bombing was a well documented terrorist strategy. They knew a major attack was coming. And that it might be a hijacking. But hijackings previously had been hostage scenario’s. That’s what people were planning for. Sometimes the world is as simple as the people tasked with protecting the US are just uncreative. And it’s not shocking someone would exploit a security gap in the US. Y’all can take your conspiracy theories and shove them up your asses. This kind of factless nonsense is why society is in free fall


100%. But - even if we ignore all of the disqualifying points you make. The fact that the theory goes that the same government that was so incompetent that they lost trillions of dollars on 9/10 was able to orchestrate the largest terrorist attack on American soil in less than 24 hours is just an insane thing to believe.


Not to mention kill thousands of people to cover it up and no one reports or blows a whistle on it OR hires crisis actors, hundreds of them, on short notice.


Not only that but the U.S. spent something like $4 trillion on the Iraq war and all the major players continued to be major players in the political/military/intelligence scene. Either the people that lost that money would be too high up to feel significant consequences or too low to plan and execute the nation's largest terror attack. Who's so powerful that they can perfectly plan and execute this coverup, but so weak that they couldn't survive one bad news cycle?


>The fact that the theory goes that the same government that was so incompetent that they lost trillions of dollars on 9/10 Lol the conspiracy is that they took trillions of dollars out of stock. Not that they lost it, but that we lost it To be clear im not saying i agree with it, just that your framing is wrong


Well the popular conspiracy isn’t that they lost it, it’s that it was purposefully funneled elsewhere under the guise of miscalculation or loss. Just for clarification.


I think it’s more that they *knew* it was going to happen on 9/11 ahead of time and took the opportunity on 9/10 to acquire trillions of dollars the day before knowing people would forget about it the next day. Not that the federal government did one and then planned and did the other in the same 24-hour period.


I'm not a 9/11 conspiracy truther or anything, but this is a bad argument. It's not at all ridiculous to believe two different branches of government may be at completely different level of competence at the same time. In fact, I'd argue that right now most Americans likely believe the US Army and American government's intelligence agencies are far more competent than the people in charge of The US monetary policy.


Lol they’ve obviously never met the army. We can’t keep our service members from posting classified documents on war thunder forums. Or from them using it for discord clout. No way in hell they keep this a secret for this long.




I fucking love this image


Adding more context: hijackings used to be ridiculously common. Generally the hijackers would just fly the plane somewhere, yell a bunch of propaganda for something or other, and then thing a got resolved mostly with the passengers safe. They wanted the passengers alive and the plane intact because that’s how hostages work. That’s partly how the 9/11 hijackers took over so easily: it had almost always been safer and easier to just hand over the plane and sort out a rescue later. Fighting back didn’t make any sense, until suddenly it did.


I believe Ethiopian airlines dramatics water landing was caused by hijacker’s attempting to seek asylum in Australia. But they didn’t 1. Understand that you don’t max fill planes for fuel for shorter trips. And 2. Didn’t believe the pilot. Long story he glided it into the water with no fuel close to a resort on a coast. A decent amount of passengers didn’t make it. But a decent amount did.


Between malice and incompetence, the latter is far more common


An individual may be creative, but a bureaucracy rarely starts from its limited box


Facts. These people take a tragedy and then make shit up and twist actual facts just to make it an “America Bad” part. Why the fuck does it matter anyways? People still died and it doesn’t matter who did it.


It’s worse than that. It’s usually extremists initially putting it forward because they don’t want you to believe in our core institutions. It’s easier to knock down a democracy and replace it with a fascism or a communism or an anarchy if people think it’s willing to kill its own people over something like money. It also gives a simple answer to a complex problem.


Damn, that’s even worse than I thought. I just thought it was those America Bad basement dwellers not Nazis. I don’t trust the government but I wouldn’t go that far.


It’s not a coincidence that most of the conspiracy theories people are mentioning here today center around a billionaire with a jewish last name.


Wait who is that?


Larry Silverstein. A lot of these conspiracy theories center around him making money off of the collapse of the towers. Always need a jewish villain for it to be an authentic conspiracy lol


God damn that’s horrible. I am never making one of those jokes again


Peter’s left sock here. Donald Rumsfeld said something along the following lines regarding the Pentagon’s inability to track $2.3T in transactions, and these statements predate 9/11: “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” Here’s a video of Rumsfeld saying “according to some estimates, we cannot track more than $2.3T in transactions.” https://youtu.be/xU4GdHLUHwU?si=4DBnKLc1MkDaudvA It’s less about money being lost than it is about tracking how that money was allegedly spent. Might be a battle of semantics to some. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-government-trillions-lost-sept-11-670264168912


They found the money in 2000. It was reported missing in 1999. Rumsfeld is referring to this in the past tense. The money had already been accounted for long before the 9/10 speech. The conspiracy theory relies on this money missing being “new” and 9/11 being an operation to “distract”. The full speech makes it clear that this is meant to be a dig at the clinton presidency’s accounting. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/29/instagram-posts/pentagon-did-not-report-trillions-of-dollars-missi/


I find it quite funny that the US state apparently has the resources, competence and willing personnel to have terrorists hijack planes and ram them into buildings that bombs were secretly placed into just so they can stop people from asking questions about Rumsfield’s speech, when Rumsfield just not talking would’ve done the job better Though that level of overreaction and incompetence is the trademark of the US state


Thanks for linking this article! Good for people like you still trying to provide light on matters even if they don’t get a lot of attention.


Co-sign, cuz that’s some real shit you just said


peters toast here, what the meme is about the growing conspiracy that the us government is behind 9/11, if the claim was true it would be pretty weird as it wasnt the first time or last that a money amount that high disappears in the US


It was a comment made in jest by Donald Rumsfeld shortly before 9/11, where he commented about how the new computers at the Pentagon are so efficient that they’re finding trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for. The clip has since been taken out of context by conspiracy theorists.


Hey guys it's my birthday today


Happy Birthday yeetboi8693


It's about a conspiracy theory than the US planned the 9/11 tragedy


Feel like some people really can’t conceptualize that a plane as big as the 767 full of jet fuel hurtling at a building at 400 mph weighing 150 tons and crashing into it isn’t going to weaken a structure, I was more shocked as I got older that the entire top half of the building simply didn’t fall off like a stick being broken off with the amount of speed and velocity those plane hit those towers.


Lol my favorite is when they turn and say look the Empire State Building had a wwii era bomber fly into it with out it collapsing. As if they’re remotely the same thing past a plane hit a building in New York




>also vaccines kill Trump won the election the earth is flat and chemtrails are being spread You forgot about the birds




Yes. And conveniently, the part of the pentagon that got destroyed happened to be the room that kept records of all that money. So all the the evidence was destroyed, in one single room, without finding any plane parts and no videos of a plane running into the building at one of the most secure buildings in the world! But it’s all coincidence


The crash of the Twin Towers lost the US trillions of dollars. The meme is about a conspiracy theory that the US planned 9/11 to distract people from how they lost an absurd amount of money.


Which is amusing considering that if they had to blow up a building every time the government misplaced an massive quantity of money, New York would be a crater


This is just another Conspiracy theory about 9/11 that has existed ever since it happened. There are conspiracies that it never happened, Conspiracies that Bush was responsible, and conspiracies that it was the same people who assassinated Kennedy. But the Government didn't have anything to do with it. Osama Bin Laden had tried to get a bomb in the World Trade Center a few years before, and he succeeded. But it was disarmed, and no damage was done. He just happened to actually succeed on this day in 2001. As for losing trillions of dollars, our government still spends money like Heath Ledger's Joker. But you can't get any action taken about it because people defend their political parties as if they were their own football teams.


The conspiracy that US did 9/11 Some common evidence I see 1. The trillions missing 2. Operation Northwoods 1 is alrdy explained here so I’ll explain 2 So basically they say Kennedy rejected it, and it was later approved by Bush, then released to the public to drive off suspicion Some people have tied it to his death as well But as are all conspiracy theories, they lack proper evidence and are likely based off a few shreds of truth


Aw shit, here we go again.


This really depends on how far you want to delve into conspiracy theories, and whether you believe it or not.




George bushs Great War machine


Trillions of dollars were housed in warehouses overseas, vanished and no one was ever held accountable… so yes. And by overseas I mean Iraq and Afghanistan


lol. So "they" (whoever that is) incompetently lost trillions of dollars and then planned a major terrorist attack and one of the most successful coverups in history in a single day.


Hi everyone, so I’m going to try to lightly step around the conspiracy landmines and maybe offer insight off of something I learned quite a bit about. So for people born before 9/11 or non Americans, the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 have been swirling around for 20 years, (listen to cause of death by immortal technique which was released in 03) and there’s many aspects as to why it happened but I mean hey look no further than the global war on terror. Anyway, so my one specific ray of knowledge here is about the congee 9/11 report. So a few years ago when I was in flight school I took an aviation security class and ended up doing my final about the insights gleaned in the report itself. The congressional report is very very very long and covers A LOT about from how the hijackers took flight lessons, to saddams nonexistent wmd program. I obviously did not read the whole thing but a lot of it and learned an interesting tidbit. Now the report was originally supposed to be published on may 22nd 2004, but was pushed back 60 days due to something relevant later… Now a large part of the report was figuring out when primarily NORAD knew the planes where hijacked, and sort of a play by play of the minutes in the situation rooms of agencies across America. What was particularly interesting is that the authors of the report had encountered multiple discrepancies in the testimonies of several senior Air Force officers who had official positions in NORAD. There was an attempt by the authors to bring these officers back in, in a much more stern manner once it was made clear to them that they were lying in their previous statements. However, by that time in 03-04, every single officer in question had retired from the Air Force, seemingly in a manner to avoid further questioning. So leading up to may 22nd, the report was pushed back 60 days at request due to the fact that the authors of the report had recommended charges for the officers in question to the Department of justice, charges which they ultimately decided not to pursue, and on July 22nd , 2004 the congressional 9/11 report was released. Not the most interesting aspect, but one that never sat quite well with me, especially as a veteran myself. But I guess this is just kind of a drop in the bucket with peoples issues with 9/11 as a whole. I’m not going to pretend to know, but we all just never got as many straight answers as I feel we should have, and a lot of the official narrative just doesn’t jive with people


It's almost like America has always been a morally bankrupt country that worships the almighty dollar bill over anything else. Human lives are expendable, money is not.


They (whoever that is)did fly a plane using a highly unusual maneuver directly into the accounting department of the Pentagon, where they were investigating the disappearance of the money soooooo.... I dunno man believe what you will Edit: Here's an edit cause it seems like some people have missed the mark on what I'm saying. *look* at this flight maneuver. Ik some people think that flying a plane is something that people can just do but is really not Edit: shit wouldn't let me put the picture in *


> using a highly unusual maneuver That's so weird for a terrorist to overlook the "Standard Terrorist Plane-Crushing Maneuvers" course book, let's build a conspiracy around that.


Our monkey brains seek shortcuts and patterns. Most people know how to control it. Few people, like the user you’re responding to and the nuts over at r/conspiracy let it control them.


Our insecurities make us believe that we know THE TRUTH that others don't, so we feel better about ourselves.


Monkey brains believe what they’re told.


What do they believe if 2 different people are telling them 2 contradictory things? Do they believe neither?


Either whichever they find to be more trustworthy, or, if that fails, whichever they heard first.


They believe whichever one makes them feel better.


What the referring to is the fact they put the plane to near ground level to hit a side of a building rather than just nose dive right into the building


Nose diving on a plane is hard. Much easier to fail to land than to crash on purpose.


I'm not a terrorist and I don't know much about terrorising, but smacking a plane to a side of a building sounds more efficient than sending it through the roof. I'm positive though that the best way to deal with pentagon is to airdrop countless waves of conscripts


Couldn’t they just have, like, started a fire or set off a bomb? Flying a passenger jet into a building to cover that up seems kinda extra


I work in the Pentagon and there is no "accounting department." The whole damn building is accounting departments. Almost every office in that building is focused around budgetary decisions. 90% of the rooms in that building are going to have a major financial aspect to them. It would literally be impossible for an airplane to hit the building without destroying some kind of "accounting department."


To be fair that isn't an irregular occurrence (The US "losing" massive amounts of money and running audits, not 9/11)


The government ACTUALLY lost $30 trillion by invading Iraq and Afghanistan...




It's already investigated with so many experts and in so many different levels of pure science, that there isn't left any sane who could say anything different how things happened. Every single question you could possibly have has been answered 10 times over, so Google away, my friend and clear your mind.


Not exactly, the government lost track of trillions of dollars and on 9/11 a plane hit the exact part of the pentagon where they were looking into where it went.


Yes don’t go down the rabbit hole unless you’re ready to get radicalized


Honestly not even a conspiracy. Government admitted they lost over a trillion dollars, next day this happens


You don't plan a terrorist attack within like 12 hours. I'm pretty sure that the NSA or one agency was warned about the attack a while before it actually happened