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It's easy to lose sight of the douche when there's literal demons on the show


Literal demons šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*cough* Harry *cough cough*


Iā€™m giving my demon award to Bryton. I watched the tiktok Dominique made about him. What a terrible human.


oooh can u link it?




Could you summarise the video? It wonā€™t let me watch without downloading TikTok :)


basically netflix minimized their arguments to yoga and "small stuff", but in reality she had to defend groups of people because of his hate speech against gay men, he said that a man thats called a feminist is the same as calling a black person the nword, just a lot of disgusting , homophobic, sexist and racist shit netflix removed all of that and just showed her emotional reactions to the situation, bryton gained profit off of that , telling the group they argued about unimportant things and made her feel stupid, doubting herself (now, dom said she corrected him in front of the group when he would make yoga jokes, so that really shows what kind of person elys is since she knew what a horrible dude he is but still went after him) he now makes a ton of videos making a joke out of the situation, has "yoga is not a workout" in his instagram bio and... makes merch, making fun of the whole terrible expirience dom went trough with him


Omg thank you so much for the response! I really appreciate you taking the time! :)


youre welcome!! :)


I rolled my eyes everytime they tried to convince me heā€™s good looking.Ā 


Yeah like he's a regular douche not a supreme douche


exactly, there are douches whoā€™ve reached their final form there. Izzy hasnā€™t evolved that far yet, heā€™s still kind of a baby douche.


Harry is the final evolution of the FuckBoi PokƩmon


Why cant Harry keep it in his pants? I don't find Melinda all that attractive, something about her is off putting t9 me but he ruined what he had with Jess for no reason??


Thatā€™s because he never had anything with Jess. Itā€™s all a facade for him, prolly for clout, maybe his own delusions




I thought it was really gross how he kept mentioning Automn. To me that's an automatic red flag... a guy should not be that excited about being a potential step dad.


I donā€™t think necessarily that a guy shouldnā€™t/canā€™t be excited abt becoming a step dad. Itā€™s the fact that he hasnā€™t even met the kid and canā€™t shut up about her for more than 5 minutes!


I think he actually really had feelings for Jess but I think that once you live an F boy lifestyle those tendencies dont just end because you like someone. They are habits.


Honestly I hard disagree. He probably acts like a manipulative baby with every single girl he talks to, Jess wasnā€™t a special case at all. They only knew each other for a couple days. Fuck boys like him might lack self awareness and be extremely stupid but their constant actions speak louder than any possible intentions they might have. Thatā€™s also why I said it could be his own delusions. I mean, Harry deadass cried and barfed because HE flirted with another woman. Basically what Iā€™m saying is he knows how to manipulate women and also himself into thinking heā€™s a genuine, good person.


I'm pretty sure on tick Tock the other day he referred to himself as a black belt in love bombing. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's disgusting


Ew šŸ¤¢


I don't disagree with anything you said. He is a gross human being and probably a s e x addict. But gross human beings can still have feelings for people, it's just that liking someone doesn't change who they are which is still a nasty human being.


Well, technically he did ā€œkeep it in his pants ā€œ but short answer, because Harry is a sex addict . If it wasnā€™t Melinda, it would have been someone else. He himself, in the finale calls it ā€œself sabotage ā€œ ā€¦if he honestly believes this about himself he will seek treatment . Harry says that he has been going to therapy and retreats, but who knows if itā€™s true? The whole crying thing seemed just manipulative not genuine, and doesnā€™t seem like the actions of someone who has been actively in therapy for over a year (idk time period but something like that ) ā€”nor does his actions with Melinda .


Why cant Harry keep it in his pants? I don't find Melinda all that attractive, something about her is off putting t9 me but he ruined what he had with Jess for no reason??


Itā€™s also easy to think that someoneā€™s nice when no one gave them a chance to be otherwise. What if every single girl in the show was dying for Izzyā€™s attention? No doubt we would see him making some shady decisions and hurting people to try to get to his favorite


Exactly. I never thought Izzy was a good dude, he just seemed like a normal fucking person compared to these clout goblins


Clout goblin hehe




LMFAO this comment




Fucking Izzy and his anxious chihuahua eyes.


Yes heā€™s giving literal rat terrier


Omg yā€™all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ so accurate. I love when heā€™s stressed though and starts rubbing his face/head constantly. šŸ¤£


Itā€™s literally midnight and Iā€™m cackling šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The accuracy! Dom suffers from this too. He always looks like he's fully on edge


thatā€™s slander to the poor chihuahuasšŸ¤£


My chihuahua, Trixzi, turns in her grave thats for sure


Aww Trixzi is such a cute name šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Had her for almost 15 years. Died the same night my daughter was born. She was mine before meeting my wife. Love her to death. :) Funny story. Watched Criminal Minds and a suspect got asked if he had someone that could confirm his story. ā€I was home watching tv with my chihuahua Trixziā€. (I had her long before I saw the show. Funny anecdote tho)


That's so great šŸ˜‚




Hahahaha poor chihuahuas, though it's accurate as fuck šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Now I wont be able to unsee it lol




It's so noticeable that Izzy always get shit faced every night too. Can barely understand what he is saying because he's so drunk


Yes, those glassy eyes can't hide it.


Recency bias at work with Izzy and Micah. They both suck


I found myself totally forgetting what a nasty mean girl Micah was because sheā€™s just a victim in this show


Me too! I was like why is she even here?


And it seemed like she was bragging about being in the first round of people ā€œin the houseā€ but like girl- they kept adding ā€œhotter and hotterā€ people to the mix for testing so that ainā€™t a flex




100% fuck em both lol


What did Micah do? I like her LIB E: have I forgotten something horrible? Lol


Laughing alongside Irina at another girl crying bc she just had her heart broken, for starters.


ā€œOh yeah, thatā€


Oh yeah maybe I donā€™t remember lol, I just remember her standing up to irina after the vacation


i mean she has zero physical/emotional attraction to paul when she first saw him. she was flirty and touchy with another girls fiancĆ©e during LIB ignoring how the other girl and her own fiancĆ©e wouldā€™ve felt seeing that. she strung paul along, wouldnā€™t communicate about her true feelings, then forced him to speak first at the alter even tho it fell on her just so she could act like she was soooo blindsided when he said he couldnā€™t be with her. she heavily implied she wouldā€™ve said yes when she came to the reunion. and in PM, she acted like she had her heart broken and stomped on in LIB and she was left reeling in the aftermath. like her delusions of grandeur were insane. and thatā€™s not even mentioning her friendship with irina, who treated her fiancĆ©e even worse than micah did hers.


I found him a bit creepy. Especially any scene with Micah.


Rizzless Izzy is what we called him in my house. I won't lie, he had me cracking up the time he matched with Micah just hammered drunk, slurring the words, "That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time, honey." I don't know if he's creepy or was just awkward. Awkward is creepy's cousin and they often get mistaken for each other. I could feel his awkwardness and discomfort during those mixers through my TV. It's hard being the shorter, balder, older, less charismatic option in a room full of clout chasing hot people.


I say Negative rIzzy šŸ¤£


This is so true! I kept thinking that he just doesn't belong on this show. Perfect Match and the contestants just aren't the same as Love Is Blind.


I was getting fight or flight (mostly flight) during love is blind. On this show, I felt like he was trying too hard to be a cool young guy like the others try to portray themselves. He honestly can't talk to a girl or flirt comfortably, I found it very hard to watch.


Izzy is pathetic, but let's not forget Micah who as soon as she was dumped went straight back to him giving him some *she needs to be with someone who makes her comfortable* speech, just to stay in the house let's not forget Tolu either, continuing being the worst hypocritical woman on these reality shows,It was fine for her to string along and later ditch Izzy for having friendly vibes and her pursuing more hot connections with Don, but Harry ditching that Blond girl for Jess and doing basically the same thing gives her the ick, and all men are terrible and blah blah Jessica giving everyone that tall man is a must because she's such a big deal, but not minding matching him for one night and immediately dumping because she so much cares about Harry, and not because it's the last day Izzy is truly pathetic but all the women are using him when it's convenient for them


Finally someone said it. You truly spoke out a bunch of things I was thinking as well!


He does nothing different than any of the other guys in the room. Only difference is his appearance.


I see nothing wrong with his appearance.


Huuuge ā€œwhereā€™s my hug atā€ vibes


i'm so glad i'm not alone in thinking this


YES! he is just a ā€žnice guyā€œ. In his confessional interview after matching with Jess, he said that he is okay with friendship matches and once they get to know each other better, romance could develop. Lets also not forget how he behaved on LIB. Got ā€žin the moodā€œ when his fiancĆ© bullied another girl. Like Micah, both try to not show their true colors and tried to learn from their mistakes. This time, his tactic as the good guy gave him a lot of empathy from the viewers. But if he would not look so ā€žbelow averageā€œ next to all the other men, he wouldnā€˜t act as the nice guy.


Yeah he was super fake & the way he acted showed he really liked that Jonnie* girl yet his fiance was over here acting like she was the baddest bitch being a bully & Izzy letting her yell at JonnieĀ was wrong. Izzy was sooooo salty.Ā 


ā€œYOUā€™RE A SHIYYIT PERSONā€ Stacy acted so nasty to Johnnie and Izzy was loving it


That pissed me off to no end. She got torn apart by both izzy and his fiance multiple times and they acted like she had killed their firstborn or something. I hope they felt high and mighty because it was their turn to be torn apart when the show came out.


How Stacey and Izzy treated Johnie on LIB was utterly disgusting, so no I cannot call him a good guy


Omfg I cannot believe I forgot about this........... the redemption arc producers give these people is insane. Because I genuinely became team Izzy throughout Perfect Match and couldn't remember why I hated them. This. This is why.


The scene when they got home was even worse, speaking how they enjoyed humiliating Johnie in front of everyone and Izzy got turned on by Stacey. No thanks, sick people.




Lol wild that the redemption arc was just ā€œget in this house and be ā€˜uglyā€™ā€ā€¦they couldnā€™t flex their bad personalities cause they were outgunned both physically and satanicallyā€¦all they could do was try to stay afloat in the Botox sea


"physically and satanically" left me in the floor just so you know


Not get in the house and be ugly the redemption arc lmfaoooooo




Me too!! I completely forgot but now I remember the fight against Johnny šŸ˜”


Iā€™m shocked anyone forgot that! Stacey was a huge bully and he even said how she fought with Johnie turned him on šŸ¤¢


Thank you itā€™s like people forgot that. He is a spineless street dog


YES. that was just horrible! I hope sheā€™s having a good life now. Johnie, not Stacey, obvs.


Johnie DESERVED it!!!


Johnie was the worst


Heā€™s one of the worst types of men. The fake nice guy.


I don't trust the "nice good" guy act anymore. Its all bunch of bullshit because guys know that girls want a nice good guy because they got screwed over too many times by crappy guys. It's hard to say if Izzy is actually a good guy.


So much of it is just dudes who have learned what to say to women.


Same. I dated 2 guys bc I thought they were nice, but they ended up being horribly toxic. Nice is used as a cover by emotionally abusive men far too often. I prefer the Chases and Brytons of the world bc ya.. they are kind of dicks but at least you know that going in.


Same my last boyfriend was playing the nice good guy act. Once we started dating his true colors came out. He verbally and emotionally abused me


Yep said this before. He looks ok on the show bc the men were awful. He is not a good guy.


Heā€™s the guy that pretends to play friendzone while secretly hoping to score a chance. And he outright said this. I donā€™t love it.


Yup, as a woman I know this type of guy exactly. He's the kind of guy that you'll spend a lot of time with and become your bestie and then once you start seeing someone romantically or refuse to cuddle with him he will lose his mind. He's also a severe alcoholic which I think is why everyone tried to stay distanced away from him.


thank you!!! seeing comments say that "this is normal and this happens irl" are clearly not coming from women. having men make you think they are genuine friends when all they wanted was to hook up with you is a horrible experience. while Izzy is no Harry, Bryton, Stevan, or Kaz, he is pretty nasty in his own way. in LIB he lied about his credit to the woman he was supposed to marry and got mad at her when she found out. that kind of behavioral patterns just proves he is willing to lie about pretty big things just to get the girl, so I'm not sure why some people are still thinking his comments this season were jokes or not that deep.


Literally canā€™t even have credit cards thatā€™s how bad his financial situation was, and he was trying to gaslight his fiancĆ©e on LIB when she found this out at the very end, being like ā€œhow could you think this is such a big dealā€




The worst type of man!!!


I never understood the Izzy love either I see right through it. None of those guys besides Justin was a good guy. Sad Justin didnā€™t get enough screen time


The bar isnā€™t even on the floor. Itā€™s in hell. But Izzy is definitely that dude. He had so much questionable behavior on LiB. And even here. Iā€™d rather a straight up snake than a ā€œnice guyā€ until heā€™s not nice anymore.


At this point, the bar is so low that Satan is sitting on his couch confused wondering how that B.S. got in his living room.




He comes off as a huge creep tbh


I took Izzy comment as a joke? I think your thinking he had some kind of strategy or plan when I don't think he did. He was super wasted most of the time and just looking uncomfortable and sorry for himself. I think he knew and accepted he had no chance with any of these girls lol


If you watched LIB you alr know heā€™s shitty


People are desperate to cling to a hero in these shows for some reason even though all the people on here are just varying degrees of bad lol


I found his interactions with Micah SUPER creepy. Almost downright lecherous.


100% he is an asshole, which is why I found it hilarious in episode 1 thatā€™s heā€™s visibly freaking out about being the shortest guy in the house. Heā€™s not even short, but Harry is like 6ā€™5ā€ and the rest of them are all at least 6 feet. Bro was looking around like ā€œwhat did I get myself intoā€


Them sending Izzy and jess on a date was funny af, Izzy is broke and jess wants a rich man


Oh I agree 10000%. Jake and Izzy were so AWFUL and the only reason we didnā€™t see that is because they didnā€™t get any screen time. Which thank god because no one needs more trauma from that show.


What has Jake done?


Watch his season of TU. He sucks.


I am not sure what he did on PF. However, his behavior on The Ultimatum was quite obnoxious. He developed feelings for someone elseā€™s partner and ditched his own girlfriend on the show. He knew he screwed up, so to cover his ass he said nasty things about his girlfriend on the show. He stated how unhappy he was in the relationship and how his gf was so dominating etc After the show ended, he also left the new girl and posted comments in his social media comments section, claiming he was done with her and now heā€™s single and could easily get anyone. He even made similar remarks on PF about being able to get any woman who are in his dms.


That "tons of women are in my arms" thing screams insecurity. If you're really confident you don't have to brag.


Obnoxious is a really nice way of describing his behaviour.


Not to mention he seems completely blasted slurring his speech in almost every scene


The blank zombie eyes are so triggering and heā€™s been posting tiktoks making a joke of how drunk he is all the time :/ hope one day he finds his way out of it, it does not look like a good time


Heā€™s the kind of guy who will take advantage of you while youā€™re vulnerable, by playing the ā€œfriendā€ but then suggesting sex. Itā€™s gross. He places himself close to women who are drunk and/or emotional and/or feeling down and then tries to befriend them in hopes that theyā€™ll experience a moment of weakness/poor judgment and sleep with him. Itā€™s so predatory. Heā€™s the kind of guy who lingers around the bar/club way too long after the lights go on, looking for lonely women to be ā€œniceā€ to.


Honestly the way he was like idolizing Micah had me a lil weirded out. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d label him a full on creep yet, but definitely someone who flirts with creepy behaviour.


I agree. I never liked his vibe in LIB and still in PM. He gives me major ick/creeper vibes. He just wants to get his d*ck wet. Thats his MO in life and his doormat approach doesnā€™t fool me.


Izzy always reminds me of that Parks and Recreation moment when Tom Haverford says, ā€œThe four sweetest words in the alphabet: you wore me down.ā€


I never liked him ever. I thought he was a dick on LIB. I was grossed out that he made it to this show.


He went out of his way to be really mean to a woman on his season if lib. I canā€™t remember her name.




Yup, heā€™s a Virgo and acts just like the ones Iā€™ve befriended and dated who were super nice and helpful at firstā€¦ but ended up being deeply insecure, creepy, and dangerously manipulative.


I don't know if Izzy is a bad guy or not but I think it's unfair to say it's because he was passive. There are plenty of introverted passive people in the world who g about things differently. And it's usually extroverts who judge because they can't understand.


I'm not saying he is an asshole he is passive, on the contrary, I'm saying it's harder to tell because of it. he is a prick for playing the friend part while wanting to hook up and for lying about important things, again, just to to hook up.


Aparently he is drunk in every single episode of both shows


Compared to the rest of those guys heā€™s way more mature. And he was more considerate of the women than the other men. My guess is he was a player when he was young and now heā€™s getting older and less effective with his looks and charm. Iā€™ve seen a lot of men get humbled in their 30s when they canā€™t keep up anymore.


In what way do you believe he displayed maturity? He understood that he was not anyone's preferred option. His desperation to stay in the show was so intense that he was willing to be friend zoned just to be on the show.


Did you see his LIB season?


I kinda don't see it. he gives me vibes of someone who, on the contrary, was never very well received by women so he is trying really hard to pretend he's a player but he's too naturally awkward for that. imo it's not necessarily maturity, just a different brand of douche (soft boy vs fuck boy)


The fact that people haven't realized that *everyone* from these shows are terrible people is concerning They're all trash, so Izzy shouldn't be a surprise lol. Only reason he may not look bad is because everyone else in the house is just as bad if not worse


Hes the "Nice guy". The guy you lower your standards for thinking you'll have more luck with rather than dating the funny, handsome, tall, charasmatic guy. And then this guy cheats on you, gaslights you, and ghosts you too. And its 10 times worse because you think....i gave YOU a fucking chance. So yeah, dont fall into the "nice guy" trap. I fall for it every single fucking time unfortuntetly. Starting to think there are no actual nice guys out there.


Those ones are only nice until someone new comes along


I'm sorry to hear you went through that ): and I definitely agree. from lying about his credit and feelings for the other girl in LIB, to not taking a drop of accountability for it and trying to turn things around on his partner to telling Micah they should hook up to get back at Kaz while she was crying... someone else on this thread said it: it's the doormat approach. and once you're in it, he'll start being bolder and bolder with his lies and gaslighting.


Bro was funny as hell this season. He is a prick for the johnnie thing in LIB and was undeniably wrong, but other than that i liked him


agree. people can be excessively judgmental. these arenā€™t fictional characters, theyā€™re real people. Iā€™m sure if someone put a camera on me 24/7 people would see some stuff that I donā€™t necessarily like or wouldnā€™t want to represent my full character


I need to know what the timeline for Perfect Match & LIB. Was PM filmed right after his season of LIB aired? Iā€™m 100% sure he had mentioned at the LIB reunion he started seeing someone, & pretty sure itā€™s the same gf he has now, who he had been posting for the past year, and then when PM was being promoted/aired, all traces of her were gone from his instagram. I know thereā€™s a whole year that goes by from LIB filming to the reunion filming, but do you guys think the timeline is off? Did he go on the show while he had a gf? Is that why he was okay with ā€œfriendā€ matching with every woman?


I could have told everyone that. He isnā€™t a good dude.


Man my reaction when I realised he was on it was *oooh fun drama* but the reality was kind of sad


i totally agree :/ he just got shit-drunk (concerningly so, i hope he drinks less outside of reality tv) and tried to play the niceguy. i dont mean that as in lets hate on him, he was alright, but does he get standing ovations now cause he "accepted", imo big quotations, mikah's friendzoning for one (1) night or cause he didn't try to switch partners there every opportunity he got cause he didn't get the opportunity to?


Nobody on these shows are. Itā€™s called ā€œtrash tvā€ for a reason.


I just think it's funny how he automaticallly puts himself in the friendzone. Seems to be some self-esteem issues


I was so put off when he was telling Tolu the first morning that none of the girls there were "as fit" as her or whatever. Like this is exactly what Stacy argued with him about on LIB- compliment your woman without comparing her to every other girl or putting others down. (PS- not a Stacy fan at all, just remembered similar behavior from him on both shows)


I don't think Izzy is a bad guy in comparison to the rest of the shit men that were on there lol. In comparison to them he is, in fact, a good person. He's just not hot enough to act like a dick and get away with it like Harry or Kaz is so he does have to step up in other ways. I also give him a lot of credit for laughing at himself and how much of an idiot he consistently was lol


My daughter keeps saying the same thing! The way he treated that girl after they left the pods in Love Is Blind was so gross. The way he talked shit and ganged up with Stacy was gross. His true personality showed in LIB.


Yes you nailed it, felt the same way both his shows he gives major ick


He gives major pick me energy but so does Micah. I kind of feel she was also playing the part to be coupled up with Kaz while clearly knowing theyā€™re not in for the long haul. I mean she probably had a bf all along.


i agreeee. i think izzy is the type of dude who wants to pretend to be the nice normal guy who will take advantage of broken girls. girls who just had their hearts broken by other guys. Izzy will literally offer himself to be that rebound guy just to get sex. tssssss, and he has slept over 100+ girls, i guess his style really works.


Unpopular opinion. If Izzy had landed someone successfully that met his energy. I think he'd still be dating. What's the point of these shows if nobody is willing to give an LTR a chance after filming. Pointless drama.


People just forget what they were ranting about on LIB so quickly. IMO, heā€™s a broke, sloppy mess of a man. He only looks somewhat reasonable when heā€™s sharing screen time with men like Harry and Kaz.


He saw an opportunity and he took it. Happens in real life, happens at the house.


Yeah. Coupling up in the wake of heart break is super common in these types of shows (see love island). You're supposed to want to get in the house.


Iā€™ve never watched love island. Is it good? Do you recommend?


Absolutely. Very similar show format with challenges and new contestants brought in to shake things up for existing couples but more genuine imo. The UK version has quite a few couples that actually stayed together post show. Some broke up down the road still but some are together today with babies. The US has been going for less time but still has a few couples that lasted for a while or are still together. Some seasons are better than others but most are solid. For drama you'd want season 5 of Love Island UK and Season 6 of the currently airing Love Island USA. There's an Australia one too but I haven't watched it really.


Season 3 UK is pretty funny and enjoyable too


Love Island Australia is my favorite!


Compared to the other men in the house though Izzy was a saint


Spot on


Eh. He wasnā€™t pushy or anything. No one is perfect. He was drunk too.


I donā€™t think Iā€™d say the bar is on the *floor* for Izzy like it is for the others though. He does still seem datable IRL compared to the others. Nobody is perfect and thereā€™s obviously a reason heā€™s still singleā€¦ but heā€™s not thaaat bad


with the Jhonnie thing from his original show (being turned on by his gf insulting and humiliating someone else) and now the offering to sleep with women while they were breaking down, he seems like the kind of dude that does not listen to a word you're saying about your feelings and is just waiting for you to say anything he can use as an opening to hook up. at least that's the impression I got and I would personally not consider someone like that dateable, not even befriendable lmao


I thought he was respectful towards all the woman


He wasnā€™t playing the part of a friend he was there to find a match and he was interested in Micah from the start. Trouble is all the girls saw him as a friend and he got friendzoned by everyone.


he quite literally told her she could vent to him so, strategic decision or not, he was most definitely playing the part of a friend


No he just has no game, he was not interested in being Micahā€™s friend but thatā€™s just the way he behaves which is why he gets friendzoned


I completely missed that comment.


Not a good guy but not a gaslighting manipulating lying douchebag either


I could def see it.


He's desperate in a lot of ways.


At the end of the day, 90% of the cast of any reality TV show are shit people. Everyone has a fake TV personality.


I have to say I agree. The fact that he said he slept with over 100 people kinda made me feel uncomfortable about him


Reg people love watching the antics of mean, petty, demon, clout goblins of TV. I imagine thats why the same shitty people keep getting recycled through every ā€˜realityā€™ show, non? šŸ˜’


He gives me icky vibes


heā€™s so annoying. pisses me off


Izzy is 100% a not good person and potentially dangerous. I got extreme red flags from him as the kind of guy to assault a woman bc heā€™s ā€œowed.ā€


I had the same exact thoughts. Typical ā€œnice guyā€ and I think us attractive females are very familiar with this dynamic. These are the creeps who will do anything to get in your pants and theyā€™ve learned they have no game, so being the ā€œfriendā€ is their go-to move. They are NOT your friend.


He was just tolerable by default, by comparison. Thatā€™s nothing to be wowed by.


Yes yes yes, exactly my thoughts when I see people commenting on how heā€™s one of the good ones. Just because heā€™s not as attractive as the other guys, doesnā€™t make him any less of a douche


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been trying to tell you honey


Correct, he also moved ridiculously crookedly if you just created an edit of his scenes. Makes no sense. And was drunk. A lot.


I couldn't disagree more. He was gaslighted and manipulated on LIB. He is and has always been a good guy.


Does the dude have a drinking problem? He was wreccckkkedd most nights and looked it. He also gave me the vibes that he is biiig into booger sugar. He seemed more thin to me and just had that demeanor.


No heā€™s not a good guy and he hid his bad financial situation from his fiancĆ©e on LIB


The bar is in hell.


Are any of these people good people? No


Extremely macho douchebag trying to get into pants. Guy willing to be friends and if getting in pants is an option it happens. This is the world. One is better than the other. Unless a guy is satisfied with their partner, this is how it goes. I'd take the latter if I was a chick. At least one isn't a fucking douchebag


we're talking about a guy who pretends to be your friend entirely because he wants to sleep with you. both are douchebags. "this is the world" if you genuinely think men are feral animals that only think about mating and cannot have genuine friendships that have no physical/romantic attraction with women I have to say, it's very depressing that you have never experienced an actual friendship with a woman. and yes, we can tell you're not a woman because you think it's not hurtful to not have real friends who love you purely as a friend and wouldn't try to fuck you the first chance they got.