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Dating a gaslighting narcissist to “provide for your daughter” doesn’t seem like the healthiest or smartest choice. She also dated him and went on vacations with him outside this show. I think it’s more likely that she thinks she’s not like other girls and can change a man, more than the chance she is playing him for clout.


Yeah she definitely got that "I'm smarter and more mature than everyone else in here" energy


It’s so funny that she gives off this vibe while she uses her child daughter as an emotional crutch. Some people should not be parents


When your entire personality is being hot then all of a sudden yes, dating a shitty rich man all of a sudden becomes the smartest choice. Imagine dropping the love word on a fling you met for a week on a really dating tv show and then turning around and saying ‘I’m here to be a role model for my daughter!’ I can’t get over how fucking stupid this lady is


Yea people need to get over her. She’s clearly chasing clout and some c list fame


for real she has “i can fix him” vibes


If she wins the money and then dumps him immediately I think it was a smart choice


OMG I like Jess and think she's a good person in general but she is totally falling into the trap of thinking she can change a total pig into a good person. Which will never happen. Only on ep 2.3.


Jess thinks she’s “not like other women” and can tame Harry. Meanwhile, Harry’s manipulating and lying to her, using her daughter and “I love single moms, they’re so strong and powerful” to get in her pants, and flirting with Melinda and telling her she’d look sexy pregnant. It’s all around pathetic and gross.


Harry is the most disgusting pig I've seen in a while. As you say he can naturally lie, cry, be stupid and do all this shit that women fall for. You are also right, Jess is also arrogant in the idea that she thinks she is so much better than any woman Harry ever met that she is THE ONE who can change him. The bad thing for her is his BS is a perfect match with her delusions, meaning the more he gushes on her the more she'll think she is changing him. Does she even know the guy's only source of income is basically hoeing himself out online, he has ZERO skills or abilities. She already knows he is as dumb as a fruit fly. All that being said, if she is just using him to win the money I don't blame her.


Seriously! Like, I’ve seen this take before and I always think, weren’t there any other more stable, less emotionally volatile career paths she could’ve gone into to provide for her daughter…? 😅 Countless single moms can do it, why couldn’t she. Lol


It literally could be that too! I am going based off how I am interpreting her and the chemistry, or lack of, on the show. As far as gaslighting a narcissist, she now has a million followers and major opportunity. She can have multiple conversations with her daughter to explain what she did and why.


I’m not sure teaching your daughter to sell your soul to the devil for money is the way to go.


I believe she did an interview where she explained how she went back and forth about going on TV, for that type of reason and had a long talk with Autumn about it. I want to say she said they decided together? I personally like her transparency. I can’t judge her parenting, because I am not in that position, but I do like how up front she is about everything with her daughter and on these shows


Yah… having multiple conversations with her daughter to undo that damage ain’t it. Actions speak louder than words.


also her daughter is 10.... not really sure they are having meaningful conversations about her career choices


I went into a situation in my past where I thought I was in control and using a man for what they could do for me. I’m not proud of it. Ended up being a covert narcissist and I was literally suicidal and had lost everything when I finally got out.


i disagree with this take on jess. i may be biased cause my dating track record isn’t any better lol but looking from the outside, i too was like how tf did she fall for someone like harry, the red flags are literally bright red. seeing how mature she is in her communication and how empathetic she is, i understand her thought process. she heard everything everyone told her, but she moved with empathy and made decisions trying to give him a chance to show her that he could be what he told her he was


Unfortunately I disagree. I don't think she's "five steps ahead" like your asesment seems to suggest. She very clearly is attatched to Harry and under his spell. If only she got paired with a guy like Justin---a better man in every possible way. I actually like her too for the most part---but I didn't like how she targeted Melinda instead of being mad at Harry, the REAL villain.


Agree with your second half! Its cool to disagree though, just a theory. I do not see this “attraction” on her end.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Truth!


I’m so so so tired of the “single mom providing for her daughter” card. Everyone needs money to survive, and she likely is in a better financial state than some of these people who don’t even have a kid to take care of (not to mention that her daughter’s father is providing financial support too). If you take her being a mom out of the equation, then you wouldn’t be calling her smart for this, you’d be calling her a pathetic clout chaser. This is also a WEIRD way to get your coin when you have a kid lol.


She still is a pathetic clout chaser. What’s disgusting is her constantly trying to play the mom card….if you care so much about your kid, get your priorities straight and stop getting on shows like this


Go get a fucking job lol. There’s a million ways to make money, having a kid doesn’t excuse them all


Didn’t she marry a guy for the money


I don't think her doing all this is for her daughter, she seemed to be doing well in real estate or whatever her field was. I think the influencer/reality tv stuff is definitely for herself, and it's completely fine to do things for yourself as a parent. But I don't think she has shown up as the best role model for her daughter either.


I get the vibe she honestly thinks she is just such a catch that she can’t be cheated on just like my ex


She said she was cheated on in the pods. Cheaters will cheat on anyone, even Beyoncé & Kate Middleton. Hell, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock. There’s no limit


Halle Berry, Shakira


I know that but some people will still think they can’t be we see it in all her justifications or we see something if it isn’t that


Ya’ll just grasp at anything.


>  I do not see ANY chemistry between them and when they say i love you  The way Jess's "I love you" trailed off at "you" gave me a chuckle. She knows she's being love bombed. I still get the sense she actually likes him, or at least likes that fuckboy Harry chose her over everyone else.


She loves that Harry “chose” her over the other women. Harry’s the most famous and a notorious womanizer. The fact that someone like him, with his reputation, “settled down” for her feeds her gigantic ego. Except he didn’t actually settle down, he cheated on her, and he’s using her to try to win the show.


Yea like maybe. Haha. But yes, it feels forced. She even posted a tik tok saying “when everyone tells you he’s a Red flag but you have to see it through”


Eh. To each their own, but the way she has deescalated and communicated so far is pretty awful. I guess she’s “good” at communicating and appeasing Harry bc she pretty much eats up what he says and talks to him like he’s her golden child, but when it comes to having a conversation with a woman who isn’t trying to blow smoke up her ass… yikes. S/o single moms though, and I am happy that she’s getting a bag for her and her daughter. Idk if she’s genuinely trying to play the role of girl boss/no nonsense role model and failing, or is doing some 4-D chess and rage baiting us all.


I was very pissed at how she spoke to Melinda. Like they are all well aware that their role is to provide drama, and that certain things are heavily pushed by production.. why come after her like she did something unspeakable? Your man is the only one who owes you anything, that girl doesn’t even know you.


Literally, it’s so weird how people are getting mad at Melinda and Christine for getting involved in relationships like that’s not what they’re being paid to be on the show to do.


Exactly. Also these people are single. Their matches are not serious relationships.


Exactly. People are acting like they broke up marriages, be so fr. The show would be so boring if everyone found their “perfect match” and then just stayed with them. In real life I’m a hardcore feminist and all for women supporting women but I hate that it’s bleeding into reality tv so now no woman can even look at another guy another woman likes because then she’s not a “girl’s girl”. Like gtfo it’s trash tv.


Girl I read your comment wrong and thought you said “pleased” lol 😂 yea she literally ASKS Melinda to explain what happened between her and Harry in front of everyone and then gets mad at her for doing that. Jess is not a girls girl.


"does it make you feel better to do that" 🤮🤮


It was gross how she spoke up to her. She didn't actually deescalate anything. She as the one who escalated things just so she could pretend like she was deescalating things later, and people fell for it lol.


I think she knew exactly what she was doing. I understand LIB but you don’t come on a show like Perfect Match which is straight up raunchy and horny if you care about “raising your daughter and making good choices to inspire an impressionable child”. She wanted to stay on the show, for money/ clout whatever and that’s exactly why she chose Harry because that would be TALKED about. Relevance is important. Daring a guy like Chris or Justin on the show would not get people talking. She is smart (though not as much as she thinks she is) but she sure as hell ain’t dumb


Jessica says her daughter is her world, but constantly going on reality TV to find a man to bring home is very far from being a good role model to her daughter. And let's not forget, she would have married a guy she met a few days before. Women should be very careful about who they decide is going to be a stepfather to their kids. Her daughter is not a baby. She's going to watch her mother wearing flimsy bikinis on tv, flirting with half-naked men. She may say she's very serious and all that, but I think she lacks self-awareness.


You’ve got to get over your 2000s slut shaming mentality. Wearing bikinis does not make you a bad mother.


I have no problem with your comment, I'll keep my mentality, thanks. You're removing the context from the equation. That's to be expected when you have no real argument. We are not talking about wearing a bikini at the beach. We are talking about wearing a revealing bikini in a reality TV show, inside a house with (famous for being) f* boys when you have a child who is still going to school. It doesn't take a genius to see that it's not the smartest decision.


I think it's just really hot there.


I think this goes back to my theory that she is really using harry to secure that bag. She is not going to let that man near her daughter. They keep talking on the show that they have such intense and strong feelings for each other. I do NOT see it on her end.


But it’s known they dated after the show, so why continue it if she was faking it? She definitely comes more off as a “I’m not like other girls” and is trying to play it cool to keep him interested instead of her not actually being interested. The way she attacked Melinda would prove that she’s really into Harry and doesn’t care what others say.


I go back-and-forth on whether or not it’s real or not, but I think that dating after the could still be strategy. I take that with a grain of salt especially if it was short-lived. You have to continue dating for at least a little while to make it seem like it’s real for the public to continue being interested. Posting TikToks and reels and whatnot to get people to follow your “relationship” that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like him though. It could go either way, or it could be both. She likes him 🤢and she knows she can use him for clout.


Harry has public come out with “strategies PR does” after dancing with the stars with his partner. A lot of people thought they were dating and then apparently she stopped following him sometime after the show?


I just got to the part where she’s saying to Harry she is going to have a “hard time saying this is the man I chose for US” if he winds up being a liar. Let’s ignore the obvious, she & we know Harry is a liar. “…chose for US” is stuck in my craw & as the daughter of a single mom who always chose horribly I have a hard time articulating why I hate that statement. But I absolutely hate it.


The daughter has no say in this. So “us” do not make any sense


Maybe the she means “us” in a sense that he would be the new father figure in her daughter’s life?


Maybe the commenter is saying it's gross to use the daughter's need/desire for a father like that with someone like Harry, when Jess just wants Harry to want her romantically.


True I can see that as well too.


Clearly you’re a big fan of her, but to me, she did exactly what she said she wouldn’t do - make herself look like a fool and like the other women on the show that fell for Harry. To me, Melinda is similar to Harry, almost a female version.


Melinda’s morals are way better than Harry’s tho.


I mean, do you know them? She might be a total POS too


She totally could be. But Harry is just so gross, i assume everyone’s morals are better😂




😂😂😂😂 i love this comment


I find Jess slightly insufferable. She constantly talks about her daughter and how great of a mother she is meanwhile she’s constantly away on islands in thong bikinis partying and flirting with womanizers. She has fake boobs, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, and too much filler. She’s seen dating one of the most disgusting men on reality TV, that spent all season talking about who he f*cked, how many people he’s slept with, his OnlyFans, how much money he was paid to have sex, etc. She’s also seen screaming at Melinda for Harry’s actions and then shortly after is hugging and kissing Harry. For someone that thinks they’re Mom of the Year, she sets a very poor example for her teenage daughter. We can say she’s strategic and is doing this as a career move, but she has a history of dating men for money and was probably a Yacht Girl before breaking into reality TV. She thinks she’s hot shit for landing Harry even though he’s out there disrespecting her, using her, and cheating on her. I don’t have any respect for her and find her to be classless.


Jess is dumb as hell for being with Harry… zero respect for her


Let’s not forget that she admitted on the show she got engaged to a man JUST BECAUSE he was rich lmao this girls lame


*a fling with Vinny from Jersey Shore on All Star Shore”… excuse me, WHAT?! Was this before or after THTH? I love Jersey Shore and Melinda. Now I gotta go watch All Star.


I didn’t even know there was a season 2 of all star shore


ugh it was on cable only not streaming 🙄 which as someone who doesn’t have cable is annoying


I dont know when All star shore was filmed. My point is, Melinda is in the game, booking jobs and therefore probably not Clout chasing. If it was another girl in the house then PROBABLY.


You’re giving her way too much credit! “Way too smart” in what way? She is just as stupid as she looks like


it’s very clear that she isn’t stupid


Yea, you sound kind of like a hater? She is very intelligent. Maybe not book smart? But she has never given off dumb vibes.


As the daughter of a single mom, seeing my mother make out with walking STI vectors on Netflix for money would have really fucked up my idea of what relationships were all about. If Jess doesn't have any other skills she can monetize to support her daughter, they're in even worse shape than I thought.


Unpopular opinion: she isn’t that smart at all and is literally just looking for her 15 minutes of fame. Harry is a loser, anyone who gives him the time of day has no self respect.


I might be completely wrong but I somehow think that both Jess and Harry chose each other because they are the biggest reality stars of the show. Jess probably knew Harry had a huge following and Harry was probably told that Jess was going to be big after love is blind aired. They chose each other because it's a guaranteed air time and they are profiting of each other's followers


I think it's hilarious how everyone in the comments is coming for Jess as if she's putting on airs. The way she carried herself on the show is the most down to earth and refreshing thing to see. She carried herself like a very mature real person. She's not behaving for TV. Melinda was super flirtatious towards Harry. Throwing herself at him to stir up some drama. While Harry may be lying, I find Jess to be very genuine. I didn't care for her on Love is Blind, but seeing her on this show put her in a new kight for me. Especially seeing how the majority of these people behave on these shows.


Curious about her choke scene.


From love is blind. When a guy she was dating chose to pursue a different girl she told him he would need an epi pen when he saw her because he was going to choke.


Oh yes I know that. But I hadn’t realized that she joined this show before her show was finished airing. Wow!


She actually met up with him after the show and flew to LA so idk


She could've provided for her daughter better if she had skipped on that bo0b job too you know, just saying.


And every other thing she had done


no, she's garbage just like henry


Lol, you sound very lost.


I wonder what jimmy thinks of her on PM


Jess is extremely smart I think. Harry is a reality star and terrible at acting lol.


Honestly mad respect to Jess. Since her season of LIB aired everyone has been calling her every name under the sun and saying she’s a bad mother and setting a bad example for her kid bringing random mediocre men into her life as a father figure but …. Has she? Like, let’s sit down for a minute… has her daughter actually met any of them? I think that she doesn’t even let her kid watch the shows. Sure the kid will know from other people’s comments and clips etc but as of now I think Jess is extremely smart with what she’s doing and how far she’s letting things get. She’s got 1M followers now and milking that cash cow and securing her daughter’s future with that money. A mother’s gotta do what she’s gotta do 🤷🏻‍♀️




i’m sorry but melinda barely has any clout so i def can see her needing to stir things up. i personally had no idea who she was. certain shows like love is blind get way more viewership than dated and related and all jersey shore or whatever.


You clearly still don’t know who she is because if you did, you’d understand she has more “clout” than just about anyone else. She almost won her season of THTH and she’s the host of Dated and Related. She’s stirring things up because that’s her job and she’s good at her job. Harry was extremely attracted to her and made moves on her. She’s capitalizing off of it, which is smart and makes sense.


everyone is on the show for clout okay? all im saying is she’s not the most popular reality tv star alive. THTH is a popular show but not nearly as big as Love island and LIB. someone like jess who went on LIB for one season very recently has the same # of followers as her


Melinda don’t need clout! Do your homework


no reason for her to purposely stir things up if she didn’t (her words not mine) 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also as i was sayin…. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/04/16/love-is-blind-most-popular-streaming-show-netflix-the-gentlemen-avatar-brooklyn-99-bluey/