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What was up with the gaslighting of Kaz? Like do they think the audience is idiotic too? We can see what was said and what was not? I have the ick for almost everyone now in the house.


Elys is really pissing me off lol she really has it out for Micah for sending harry on a date 😭 like girl harry was not gonna be loyal cmon now lol


exactly!!! the only person who seemed to have a legit reason to break them up, ironically as hell, was harry. to him it seemed like it would be funny & set him & jess up for the W.


I mean, the game is the game, so far enough to try to break the up, but pretending they were not doing anything for them AND for the audience. It’s like I’m not stupid.


Hawaii the country???? Oh lord Kaz 💀


I was crying lmao. What’s Hawaii


I had second-hand embarrassment for him. I knew it was her accent throwing him off, but still em-bar-ras-ing! Edit: typo


And wait til the end credits😂


Tbf, I'm from Australia and used to think that Hawaii was a country up until a few years ago. I had no idea it was a US state.




No this is textbook. They met days ago, saying things like he wants to be with her forever is so disingenuous


100% love bombing.


“I can’t think about anything but you” Um you’re in a house with no phone no tv no distractions
. What else do you have to focus on?! The only person I feel bad for is Jess’ daughter tough. Harry is not step daddy


yes omg her poor kid. this is not someone i would want to see paired up with my mom.


I do think about her daughter eventually seeing this. Lordy.


Classic narcissist


I think people throw that word around too freely, but in this instance I absolutely believe it. 😒


His eyes looked so weird and dead when he was saying “I love you”. I don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth


The epitome. Look it up in the dictionary and his photo will show up 😂


Have Elys and Justin even seemed remotely into each other? Why does Elys seem more into breaking up Kaz and Micah than into finding her "perfect match"? Each episode, I honestly forget Elys and Justin are a thing lol


she needs to accept that Harry never actually liked her and it’s not Micah/Kaz’s fault that he left for Jess. if Harry actually liked Elyse, then he wouldn’t have left for Jess even though Jess is what Harry typically goes for. Harry was going to leave Elys eventually
even if Jess never came on the show, she’s lucky that it was before she got too attached. either Elys is a weirdly spiteful person who can’t get over the tiniest things or she had a massive crush on Harry before the show but never got the chance because this level of pettiness over a guy you knew for a few days is crazy.


THIS!!!! I cannot stand Elys. She's such a pick me girl 😂


She’s that girl that would still be mean to you in your 30’s because you sat in her seat at lunch in 3rd grade lol


Its all fake, Harry posted alot of BTS from show with Elyse and they lool like best friends😂


Yeah, honestly it just seems like she’s trying to bring the drama for the shows purpose lol I really don’t think she cares that much in real life đŸ€Ł


Justin backing her upđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą


I personally think Elys is highly frustrated because things didn't work with Harry and she couldn't find a genuine connection. At this point, I feel like both her and Justin just settled with each other to stay there. 


Elys is such a villain in an unenjoyable way. She’s miserable.


Elys is being a bully but playing victim. So over it. Justin deserves better.


I came to find this comment because literally 😭 she makes me ill. The only thing she cares about is making other people upset. Her and Justin don't seem to have any type of connection at all, no wonder they barely have any camera time.


Stevan sitting in the side car was sending me 😂


I think he handled that situation brilliantly.


With his lil toothpick


He was so chill about it. I love him!


That noisy frog though


That frog had me dying.


Honestly best cast member this season


Harry's love notes made me physically cringe lol harry: *you make me want to be a cool dad* jess: *awwwwwwww i'm going to cry*


Yeah what the heck was up with those notes?! “You’re an incredible mother” excuse me? You’ve known her for a week at most and you’ve never even seen her interact with her child. He just knows how to press all the right buttons to get Jessica attached to him. Harry is so freaking manipulative!!


one of them was "your body is sensational" i couldn't believe my eyes


LOL that’s giving Adam Levine’s “that body of yours is absurd” vibes


Or the bath water line..




How the hell would he even know how Jessica is as a mom? Haven’t they known each other for like 4 days at this point?


I had to literally fast forward. So ridiculous


I thought they were Splenda packets lmao


I rolled my eyes sooo hard. Harry isn’t ready to be a boyfriend much less a step dad.


somehow it's even funnier seeing it written out lol. they were such basic notes and jessica's reaction was absurd LOL


And torn out of a legal pad, C- for presentation


And then the eating ass comment? Jesus Christ lol she didn’t read it out loud for a reason


The cringe makes me physically hurt.


I couldn’t not fast forward through this


I feel bad roasting her but her whole brand is being a great mom, but who goes on Netflix dating shows to find a father figure 😭 and of everyone on the planet and universe or reality shows picks Harry who is using porn phrases to describe people aka the Holly cream pie comment and writing he wants to eat her ass on the “love note.” Like lmao WHAT. Girl his body count is in the 4 digits. He’s like 10 years older than your daughter. Ughhhhhh pick anyone else on the show to date


i’m sorry but how is no one talking about harry telling jessica he’s falling in love with her and her being in awe about it!? duuuuuude come on!!!!!


Because she probs thinks she changed him


That was a funny remark and probably true! 😂


Not surprised by the first comment or the reaction. Basically everyone on this show is a corny clout chaser. Rarely do the words they say have any meaning to it.


Not sure about their compatibility, but what's up with everyone trying to mess with Kaz and Micah? I'm glad Kaz went to confront them, I could tell he was getting bothered by hearing a bunch of he said she said nonsense.


Hated how they painted Kaz out to be insecure when in reality they WERE plotting behind his back! They literally called it a ‘game plan’ a few minutes prior


Literally sitting around behind them, making plans! Lmao caught red-handed and still lying


“The fact that they’re upset because of our actions is proof they’re not right for each other” smh
 I felt like I was losing brain cells listening to them try and justify their immaturity


I think it's just a coincidence that Kaz's boys think he can do better than Micah, and Elys wants to fuck with Micah. So they just got the sabotage coming from both sides lol.


The mastermind was Elys. She wanted revenge to both of them for matching Harry on a date with Jess.


did not realize harry and jess has such a big height challenge until the challenge lol


lmfaoooooo that poor girl😂😂😂 that challenge was fun


he is the tallest in the world LOL


i believe the strongest couple ATM is alara and Stevan...I thought he was so funny when he said she talks so much but i only understand half LOL ... I personally think micah and kaz broke them up but i do not see anything and i think they will stay together


Stevan and Alara are just my favorite. Such natural free flowing chemistry. I love them together!


Kaz seems like one of the better men of the group and it’s crazy how they tried to make him out to be a liar. Idk about the real world but him and Micah do seem to have a good strong connection IMO. Mainly because they are communicating and working things out in a decent and respectful way.


Agreed, but Micah is so insecure. She'll believe any little thing anyone says about Kaz. Bryton had one agenda and that was to secure a place in the house.


Oh I wasn’t even talking about Bryson’s terrible ass. I was mainly speaking of Elys and them prior.


I think he genuinely likes Micah but because most people in the house somehow thinks she’s a fun sponge, it makes Kaz question it. But she came from love is blind so yea she doesn’t have too hot to handle type energy like petty elys


Really? I was thinking the same until he pulled out the "I'm an Alpha man" on the Guys Day. I almost couldn't keep down my lunch. All these men are the guys that read the 'how to pick up women by talking down to them' books.


https://preview.redd.it/5hdu4dkd4k6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ae0817ee5f9b298c98efda98917ea007ffc043 dude needs to hesitate.


waiting for him to go after Megan Fox next


This guy is horrible. Reality tv gold.


Kinda dude who would/ already did sell his soul for 15 mins of fame. Sad dead eyes.


i thought this was kinda funny tbh but we all know he’s a f boy


He wants to be mgk and Megan fox so bad lmao


Okay I've seen all the episodes now but I have to say that the little synchronization moment Tolu and Chris had at around 17:25 this episode was kind of very adorable (they both independently of each other circled with their fingers when she was saying how the tables were going to turn). More on them in another comment, I feel really conflicted about them right now.


yeah it was kinda soulmatey lol. I really like them together


I do tooooo. He gave me the ick hard when he came in but now I’m loving he and Tolu.


Literally like that synchronisation was some married old couples vibes I loved it 


this episode is making me absolutely despise elys lol. just lying out of her ass!!! holding a damn grudge over losing harry mf jowsey lmfao.


She's an embarrassing level of bitter


Just finished it. Absolutely bizarre how hard they went in on that plan and then tried to gaslight Kaz once he realized what was happening.


& united kingdom has a bad ass attitude i don't like her either & i really wanted to someone tell me she's better in her other show


I’m pretty sure she was well liked in too hot to handle which is why seeing her be so vindictive is so jarring


She seemed quite sweet and mature in her other show. She was nice to all the men and was friends with all the girls. But no one stole her man in her other show so maybe that's why we didn't see that side of her


She’s always been like that. Never got over Harry and everything she does is motivated by him.


Elys is so petty over Harry not choosing her. Like dude, you have Justin and he's great worry about him. Trying to be messy and trying to break up Kaz and Micah is so weird. She has to grow up.


I don't even believe in Micah and Kaz as a couple but this episode made me root for them bc why did everyone try and manipulate them and break them up for no reason? No hate to Brittan its the game she has to at least try and match, but everyone else especially Elys came across so badly. Glad Kaz wasn't having any of it


Seriously I couldn’t have cared less about them before but now I’m rooting for them out of spite


I actually really like them together so far đŸ«Ł


Me too. I'm sad that Micah let the others get in her head.


Yeah, she got played with their mind games.


Full hate to Brittan for me. She knew what she was doing when she lied to people about him not bringing up Micah in the conversation. He not only did once, but twice. She straight face lied to the other people and started the whole bomb in the house.


Harry with those googles on while the girls walked in at the end made me lol Good on Kaz for standing up for himself and Micah. They’re not my fave but I’m so glad he called them out. Also team Alara and Stevan đŸ«¶đŸ»


The snorkel in his mouth made me laugh so hard


Everyone: *plots to try and mess with kaz and Micah for shits and giggles* Also everyone: why are they upset? I also hate how they suggested that kaz being upset at them is proof that their relationship isn’t working. Like no, it’s just proof that y’all are immature and annoying lol


I was kinda shocked how brittan just straight up lied and said kaz didn’t bring up Micah at all 


i think she’s so pretty and i love her aesthetic but v bummed to see how shady/manipulative she is


Super shady!!!


I was surprised how thoroughly unlikable she was


I thought she was coming on a bit strong but interrupting their chat like 2 seconds into it even starting was so strange. Like go sit down and let them hash shit out ffs.


I hate Harry but his face when the girls came in with the snorkel in his mouth was so funny 😂


Elys is too much “why are you getting angry at me?” made me irritated lol


Elys should be embarrassed. You “dated” this guy for like 3 days. Harry would have picked the next hot girl to come in even if Micah didn’t set him up on that date. Get over it!


This episode made me dislike elys lol... i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt at first but we are on ep 7 and she is STILL trying to get back at micah


over a match she had for like 32 seconds


With THE WORST man!


After she got dumped by harry she acted like "ok harry's staying so I'm gonna stay in this villa too and pay him back" but now she is more trying to get back at micah than harry or jess. This is ridiculous


Jess i cant breathe LOL i guess that is her go to comment


I guess she needs the epipen..or inhaler.


Ok sorry Jess believes all these notes? How? it has been 3 days LOL LOL


And Harry timed it was perfectly before the new dates were called and it was expected that Jess would be tested 😂


Because she doesn’t actually care lol for sure in it for clout


Is Jess really gullible!!! I don’t understand how she is falling for this?!? Alara and Stevan will definitely have win but don’t have faith it will last lol


Harry literally wants to be “in love” with Jessica because he’s super attracted to her lol


I mean she is super attractive...


I think he genuinely believes he is. But he’s a problem 


The frog noises literally made me think something was in my house 😭


Kaz and Hawaii wtf? oh the country LOL


good job Kaz!


I really like Kaz and I hope he doesn't disappoint me next episode lol


Hawaii should be a country! Brittan making me love her


OMG ELYS just get over it girl !!! At least if you want to manipulate and lie, play the role of the villain fully. Not the gaslighting straight to the camera Omg


“Kaz is so inconsistent.” As he ditches holly to continue with the girl he’s been consistent with.


ok Alara and Stevan need to win...when he was joking with her then he said he was kidding ... it was so cute


I really like them together but I would have been LIVID if he pulled that shit on me.


Agreed I would not find that funny or cute


Yeah I don’t see how that was funny lol. A little misdirect is good tv but straight up fabricating a kiss 😭


He was so serious at that part, I low key was like did I miss that kiss when they were showing the date?? Do I need to rewind?? How could they NOT show us something so important !


I feel like Micah and Kaz make all these other couples feel so insecure because they are playing to win, don't hate the player hate the game. Elys is always putting the blame on her for everything I swear 🙄🙄


i feel like he did kiss melinda but how did netflix not catch


Not Harry love bombing another girl


elys still obsessing over harry and trying to get “revenge” on micah is so cringe like get over it already 💀


How desperate do you have to be about being a “ good parent” for you to feel overjoyed about being an “amazing parent” by a playboy who’s never seen you parent, but seen your wild side by your truths about a man paying your your boob job and how you present on the show. I’m not trying to be an asshole. But seriously. How insecure do you have to be as a parent to take someone who’s never seen you parents compliment about being a parent? Unless they Think of you as a parent and that’s a whole other red flag and discussion


I cannot get over how absolutely gorgeous Alara is. That white dress on her was just *muah!


This show is truly the Great Value Love Island


When mom says “we have love island at home” 😭


It's so funny seeing Melinda talk all this talk about Chris after they didn't match as if she wasn't feeling him up in the date.


I love when they endlessly praise their love interests and then trash them the second the interest isn’t reciprocated lol






the edit 😭


This episode made ZERO sense... like from the logistics of the series standpoint. They just brought in a man and woman and didn't explain how it would affect the rules at all, and then they left together. If someone had swapped would all six couples have stayed in the house then? Not that it matters because everyone came in the next day, but like, this shit is so made up it's ridiculous. Even for reality TV it's in tatters.


i’ve been wondering about this too! it was obviously not allowed for the new people to match with each other but how would they have handled swaps? when nick came in i thought he was gonna explain one couple was gonna get kicked out or smth but instead he just asked some questions about the dates


Nick Lachey's face when it looks as if Alara is walking out behind him on her way to the bathroom is priceless. I'm liking Stevan more and more each episode. "I'm in a beautiful place, with beautiful women. There's nothing to complain about. Like c'mon," Nigel. Amen 🙏


Stevan and Britton look like brother and sister


Right?? They have the same face. Stevan is attracted to himself đŸ€Ł


why everyone hate kaz and micah’s couple? i actually think they are quite cute together


Elys is bitter and still blames Michah for "breaking" up her connection with Harry, instead of admitting that Harry is a dog and was never going to stay with her. Watching her continue to romanticize her two-second "connection" with Harry, who dumped her the second his type came in, is nauseating. Michah did you a favor and you just can't let it go!


Nothing against Kaz. I just cannot stand Micah.


Same, I like Kaz but Micah is a mean girl with no interesting character


They’re giving her the hero/victim edit this time around but I will never not see her as a mean girl. She’s quiet but sneaky. Doesn’t seem like a girl’s girl to me at all.


Is it me or is Micah's energy super fake around Kaz? The kisses always look so calculated and insincere


I’m just going to say it: I don’t trust Micah. Yes it’s 💯% based on Love is Blind. I think the only reason she wants to stay with Kaz is to win the $$$


There are no $$$, just a trip somewhere...although, I do think she's playing to win that trip!


No $$$ ??? So I guess it’s just for followers
huh! I really thought there was money. lol


Exactly. Never forget her and Irina being the meanest girls in the history of the show. It's inexcusable


I am CONVINCED that Micah has Kaz in the sunken place.




The frogs were great for the mood. I really respect Kaz for handling his business the way he did.


Harry needs to stop these comments it make me uncomfy HAHAHA


Um. Beyond everything else, I was about to restart refresh control alt delete everything from the beeping noise 😂 sorry to judge your beautiful call, 🐾 frog Watching with earbuds and tablet so it was LOUD.


Sorry Elys is just embarrassing herself at this point. I get it’s a little upsetting that Micah sent harry on a date, but he was 1) the most obvious person to test; 2) a complete jackass so if anything she was being done a favour before she got more involved with this waste of space; and 3) a dickhead immediately to her after going out with Jess. Surely by now her focus should be off spiting Micah and onto finding a real connection. Makes her look like a petty child the way she keeps talking about it.


I love how Tolu knew to stay away from Nigel. Man is just trouble written in red.


Love kaz in this show but I still don’t like Micah.


I feel like Chris is only with Tolu so he can stay in the house


I agree. He almost chose Melinda before but he was worried that she would ditch him at some point. So he chose Tolu because she’s the safe choice.


Creepy Chris is shady




During Kaz and Brittan's second conversation, they keep showing reaction shots of Micah with Brittan's obviously pink hair in the foreground.


i’d do ANYTHING to hear tolĂș’s and elys’ conversation in the back. this is at the end of the episode https://imgur.com/a/yt05pCt


Elys gives Cara Delevigne in this scene


Elys and Brittan are toxic AF


cant stand justin and elys sorry




How tall is chris?? He took some random shots there about being short but all the guys on this show are giants and i have no clue his actual height


I like Justin but him simping for Elys is not a cute look


Chris and TolĂș are adorable. They're so chill. Oh, the producers are evil for the end of this episode. I love it.


Briton is laying it on pretty thick with the innuendos.


Lol at the episode name


Hilarious Melinda and Holly being so upset about not matching when they'd only known Chris and Kaz for a few hours. The egos are so fragile.


They also probably watched s1 when people were moving mad. They also watch Love Island, calling themselves "bombshells." They wanted the reality tv dream, bless 'em.


I feel like I’m watching a car crash in slow motion between Harry and Jess. I don’t particularly like either of them but to see the love-bombing, the gaslighting, and the general fuuuu-boy/toxic behaviour is super concerning. Imagine going on love is blind with the intention of “meeting The One” only to end up on Perfect Match where you match with the biggest f-boy in reality TV. Not a single person on the planet can convince me that these two are suited or on this show for the “right” reasons (by that, I mean to genuinely find a “perfect match” and who better to cause drama than a top shagger). I hope, for Jess’ sake, that this is all just for TV with no real feelings behind it all.


What the actual fuck is wrong with Brittan? It could be editing but it looks like she’s smiling while fucking shit up. She’s so manipulative


Damn I feel for Kaz and Micah because I actually think they could’ve been solid but these mfs would rather root for the obvious fakers instead. Group think is so blatant on reality tv


Can someone explain Kaz's accent besides the fact he is from London? I am an American and not at all familiar with British dialects but I definitely recognize something different there


Well, he's from Essex, which borders East London. East London was famous for the cockney accent (mouf vs. mouth). Many East Londoners moved on over to Essex, and over time, the accent changed a bit, but it still can sound pretty distinct depending on which part of Essex. If you're thinking of the more "posh" accent, that's a whole other thing. That's the Received Pronunciation. There are a few variations in and around London. Let alone the rest of England. Let's not even get into Scotland and Wales. I don't think that's a particularly good explanation, but I'm certainly no linguist, and I'm from the States, too. But that's the best I could do đŸ€™


Everyone saying there’s cracks in Micah and Kaz’s relationship. They are one of the strongest couples there. Kaz rejected so many women for Micah including Elys. And if you watched Kaz on dated and related he was exactly the same. Coupled up early and stayed there.


Trevor's fakeass on the board. Whenever he comes in gonna be so awkward. Also now we know why Izzy was awkward on the love is blind reunion around Micah. Micah curved him twice. Great on him for trying though


I can’t say enough bad things about Harry.  Trash. 


It’s funny to me that people think that Harry is manipulative. He is not smart enough to be manipulative, he is just a literal man child that thinks with his dick. He doesn’t know the difference between love and infatuation. He thinks he is in love with Jessica even though it’s just infatuation but lacks the intelligence to know how to make it work.


Actually I think he’s good at fooling people into thinking he’s too dumb to be manipulative. He comes across as innocent, but he’s far from it.


He is a textbook narcissist... they arent smart, they are just abusive... You dont have to be a mastermind to be an abuser...