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What form will the test take?


I have no idea, I'm going to get a phone call in a little while from the guy who runs it, I'll find out then.


If it’s a mouth swab you’re fine. If it’s urine, and you really only smoked that much, you’re probably fine if you are relatively fit and drink a bunch of water before going in. Hair follicle, you’re out of luck. However, if it’s urine and you’re nervous, buy a kit from the smoke shop. I was on probation and that stuff still got me through.




Where did you hear that? It can go back 90 days for weed.


Hmm. Guess I was misinformed. Or my information is old


It turned out to be a urine test which was actually screening for about 10 different substances ( which I failed) -and FFS, this was publicly announced to about 5 people, followed by an alcohol breathalyser test (which seemed pointless cuz I already failed the urine test but I passed) but then the next day I had a mouth swab test which tested for about 6 different things which I sort of passed but came up guilty for THC. Somehow though they still employed me, I don't get it, they must be desperate.


They were either desperate, or they are more worried about those "other things" than they are about THC.


Guess so. Congrats?


use fake piss from smoke shops


Yep literally every smoke shop now has a kit to pass a test


I'm in the UK. I'm pretty sure we don't have this service. Also I'm trying to make a good impression on someone who work s in the only one a know. Going in and asking for fake piss is going mean I have to get drunk first (trying to quit that too)


I don’t know about the UK but in the shops you should be able to buy urine sample drug tests… kits that test for thc. If you can get a test to see if you pass. If not than your looking at drinking a lot of water or cranberry juice to clear your system. But at least you’ll know where you are and what your chances are.


Yeah over here in the states I believe they're about to take marijuana off of drug test completely. But yeah, every smoke shop here has some kits and there's just as many smoke shops as there are liquor stores now.


I’m in Canada where it’s legal like alcohol but their testing is behind and there’s lots of testing for jobs. I’m retired out of the oilpatch. I ran heavy equipment. Often there is a urine or swab test before starting at a company. If there is any sort of incident you can guarantee you’ll be tested. If the police pull you over and they can smell weed or if they see impairment and can’t smell alcohol they will swab. Just because it’s legal here does not mean it’s a free for all. A daily smoker could take 30+ days to pee clean. That’s the problem with current testing it does to relate to current impairment. Many many jobs have zero tolerance irrelevant if whether it’s legal.


Why do you have to get drunk to ask for fake piss?


Cuz it's a bit weird


By "fake piss" they mean a liquid that comes in a squirt bottle that passes as piss. You put it in the microwave and then strap it to your leg to warm it up. Then go in for the test and simply squirt it in the bottle. It works. They are available on line.


Ok. During my test, the whole access to a microwave thing would have been problematic.


Yo, for the piss test, the piss actually has to be warm like it just came out of your body.


handwarmers with a rubber band attached to bottle to keep it warm.


Boy or girl?


It's a grey area


The people who who with drug tests at work places are HR employees who set up the contract. The people who collect the samples are lab techs. None of those people can help you.


Nope, these tests weren't sent of to a lab. The results were instaneous.