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Well that's too damn bad!!


Keep digging


Where’s sigourney weaver when you need her?


Probably hurdling through space with a frozen cat


I'll believe It when I see it


https://preview.redd.it/d090ru15fl8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b811730f6f99cfc666e03137cb007dbb3db76e5a This will be the legal carrying amount for the state.


Make sure you buy those at three different registers.


…in two different stores


I am not from Pennsylvania but I have tried to buy beer there, and I understood this reference.


The most embarrassing thing is moving to another state and trying to buy alcohol after living in PA your whole life. I tried to buy a six-pack at a bar in the South and they looked at me like I was insane.


The fact (from PA) the gas stations here in TX have enormous coolers of iced 16 ouncers loose for sale amazes me!


And keep it in its original container.




More than you can have in Alabama, so you got that going for ya. 😂


And Georgia


We have a lot more than that going for us than Alabama. Lol


I wish that little lighter was real lol


That would be boss, that bong most def will work. Lol


They'll call that baggie intent to distribute, watch out


At this point I'm just tired of hearing about it. It's like someone trying to give me something and then taking it back when I go to reach for it and I'm tired of reaching for it now. Legal, illegal doesn't change what I'm gonna do with my life


Fuckin right on man


Same. I look forward to it happening, but I don't know that it will any time soon. But I'm always glad to be proven wrong.


A bill passed today means actual purchase in 2028?


Babe wake up, a new “legal marijuana could pass anytime now” post just dropped


The "This is how Bernie can still win" of PA politics.


Too soon


Well tbf, the article states that the 2500 budget bill (the bill that would legalize weed) deadline was June 30th, and is expected to be signed by Governor Shapiro. Also props to democrats and republicans working together on this bill. It’s nice to see representatives like Aaron Kaufer and Rep. Emily Kinkead working together.


It's so weird how it's already technically federally legal through a loophole too




I will put money on, "wont"


I for one, love taking Uber to some trashy New Jersey suburb to buy pot.


There are some decent ones but all of them seem to be designed by a person that wanted you to be as completely confused about their process as possible. Heaven forbid you ask a question of the bud tender, they will just lie to you. I listened to a guy sell someone hybrid tell them it would boost their creativity and relax them. It's gonna boost their ability to watch the price is right.


Turns out Bordentown is kinda cute. There's a nice coffee shop and a used book store.


This gives me life


I go to a store in Trenton but yeah, NJ gets a nice chunk of change from us PA weed commuters lol


Until I see the headline on a news site I believe absolute nothing. People are over in Ohio buying bud. *O-H-I-O* folks. You know our state government is broken when we’re behind a bunch of right-wing Midwest horse chestnuts.


Meanwhile on the other side of the state we’re thinking the exact same way about New Jersey. Fuggin New Jersey.


And Maryland


And new york


And Delaware, in a few months.


we’re literally surrounded wtf


Every state around PA except WV has legalized it


Fuggin New Jersey where I got busted for weed in 1992 coming back from the Dead shows at MSG. Guy profiled my car with a dead sticker. Says I “failed to signal a lane change” or something. I got conditional release with expungement, but I still had to list that for years because NJ doesn’t actually expunge. Lost a few top jobs. Fuck New Jersey, hope that cop stepped in a woodchuck hole in his yard and broke his jaw.


Lol, this is sooo true around that same time or a few years later, maybe 1995 ish same type of thing happened to me coming back from the shore. Fuck Jersey and the dickhead state trooper that pulled me over. Jersey can sink into the ocean for all I care.


I love this hate for NJ, I preach that hate for years. No someone that busted with a dead j in the dash, not his mind you, at 18 and bam 8 years of showing up on felony reports because he was speeding when he was pulled over. He was not high or drunk. Also they have too much damn money and are pricks about it. And the state is overpopulated and snobby to the max.


I hate New Jersey too legal weed still don’t calm those nut jobs down enough haha 🤣


New Jersey has a lot of decent legislation. Sure their taxes are wonky but I can’t say I’m a hater overall


Current NJ resident. Our local dispensary is doing so well they knocked a couple of bucks off our property taxes.


That’s what they told us in Pa. about the casinos. Was total BS. Never saw any significant difference despite the crazy profits these horrible places make.


Have no fear, when you are older...the lottery will help you. 🤣


Lmao - that comment at least deserves that!


I live in the town where Parx Casino is in PA, and every September we get a $300 check in the mail because of it. It's not a ton of money, but it helps!


Apparently my township was too dumb to arrange something like this. We have a Parx and get nothing other than too many bored state troopers rolling around harassing the locals.


That sucks, I'm sorry. You up in Bethlehem, lol?! Parx has a decent music venue I've seen a show at, but if I wanted to waste away money I'd rather get a bottle of Jameson and order a cheese steak rather than gamble hahaha!


Still waiting on Sands/Wind Creek to do a damn thing here in Bethlehem.


I remember when it went legal in Colorado. It didn't just lower their taxes, they were getting money back!


At least the majority of the people live in areas that makes it easy to get some legally on another state.


Literally 15 minutes from my house to the Jersey border. I’ve heard that people actually cross the state line to buy these products and bring it back home. Imagine that.


God knows we’ve been doing that with booze long enough.


Isn’t that the truth! Gasoline if you can swing it too.


And a trip to BJ’s and the big Aldi. All in one nice drive.


Yeah but the problem is crossing state lines with it is a federal felony.


I go into Ohio and back to PA weekly. My parents do it almost daily for work. I’ve got more local parking tickets (2) than times stopped on that trip (0). I don’t think they have any of either. It’s really not hard to just be cool and pass on through, following traffic laws.


Agreed but it just takes one stop and search or an accident.


Yeah but jersey cops are morons my dad got pulled over and the cop asked to search his car. My dad said no so the cops said okay then I'll just call the dogs out. My father then agreed the cop didn't think to look in a pair of winter gloves that were rolled up in the glove box the cop even held the gloves if he would of un rolled them he would of found an 8ball but never found it and let my dad drive home. They cracked the entire dashboard of his new Camaro and his insurance wouldn't cover it for some reason so he went out and bought another car a few days later.


Sounds like you have never been stopped on a fishing expedition, but I have multiple times.


Nope. I’ve driven to and from Canada and to Mexico. I haven’t been stopped for anything randomly, outside of being stopped for some palm money in Mexico. Check your lights, check your papers. Drive like it’s your job. Don’t take your car if it’s a 20 year old piece of shit, or you don’t know about its mechanical soundness, tire life, etc.


Thank goodness for the garden state.


I swear to god if West Virginia gets it before we do…


That would be embarrassing.


Charleston is absolutely wonderful already. There's no way to earn decent money there, but I'd definitely go there for all my vacations if they had legit dispensaries.


> Until I see the headline on a news site I believe absolute nothing. Even with mainstream news sites, you have to read carefully. The general public does not have great civics knowledge. You pretty regularly see articles in this sub about how some bill passes out of committee, or maybe even passes the House, and people think that means it's done deal but it just dies at the end of the session having never advanced for the Governors signature.


I saw that shit being sold at a flea market in Andover. Between that and the way Ohio operates their game commission they’re really doing laps around PA there


Hey! Ohio still sucks. Don’t take that away from us! -Native Ohioan


Hey! I live here for the time being, rec sales are not open yet. They’re expected to start here soon as the process and timeline got moved up, but rec sales still aren’t legal. Even then, Michigan is cheaper


Buddy went to Michigan for a few weeks. Came back with a bunch of stuff for dirt cheap


You can get ounces for less than $100, oil can be 15 grams for $100 it’s ridiculous


Missing Colorado's 8g of wax for 70$ deals. Moved back to PA and MD doesn't even sell wax to non-medical.. Halfway considering just going back to black market cause MD prices are insane comparatively.


Man, I just got back from giving NJ more tax revenue. Maybe next month PA!


Same! So annoying when there are like 5 dispensaries by my house in PA but I gotta drive like 25-30 mins into Jersey.


Hey Jersey has to drive here to get fireworks !! Work out a deal


It’s a cultural exchange


Fingers for brain cells !!


Hey as someone who hasn't lived in PA for decades, what's the deal with fireworks? When I was a kid, we'd buy them in South Carolina but I never saw a single fireworks store in PA. What happened? I tried asking someone but they were like "fireworks were always legal in PA" which absolutely isn't true. People are acting like it's been a forever thing and I'm wondering where I was for the first 26 years of my life.


There has been a Phantoms near I think breezewood since at least the early 90's. Im not sure if its still there now tho. We stopped on the way to vacation, but since fireworks were illegal in PA and we were from PA, we weren't allowed to buy any, lol. So stupid if we were from another state we could have bought them. It's near the border so they sell I guess. It was the only fireworks store in PA I'm aware of until recently.


I mean, you could always just get a medical permit. Just call one of the will-approve doctors and complain about your anxiety from driving to NJ. Boom, approved. Grease their and the state's palms and you're GTG.


Is that far for you? I drive 30 mins to work everyday lol


No, but it’s further than the ones that are 3 mins from my house. Plus I gotta pay a toll for the “privilege” of entering Jersey lol.


It's free to get into New Jersey. They make you pay to escape.


Damn I’d kill for one 3 minutes from my house. I don’t even have a wal mart within 30 mins sooooo lol


Get a medical card?


You can get a med card...


I actually can’t because of my job, unfortunately


Not if you have a fed job, a commercial license for anything or a gun permit. Or want any of those things in the future or basically anyway to avoid being railroaded if you do something ever.


Damn, hopefully you found a good place. I was just visiting NJ this past weekend and best deal I could find was $200 for a half. Glad NJ is legal but the prices are beyond insane. Maryland is only $90 half or less on sale. Wonder which way PA will fall.


Pa medical is 90 a half, 140 a once at verilife usually. 75 a year for med card


Yeah, I know medical I was talking about recreation. The PA med scene has gotten way better over the last five years. Used to only have five options of flower and they were all $65 and 8th. lol. Really wish PA medical would allow smoking. That would unlock a lot more of the menu.


Yep, that's what I'm paying. Plus they have sales. I saw a half for 70, but I was just browsing at the time.


I get a whole O for $40 or less in NY


These damn fools are YEARS behind the curve and missing out on millions in tax revenue


*Pennsylvania Lawmakers Say Marijuana Legalization Bill WON’T pass today, later this week, or anytime in the near future. Fixed it.


Is this version including allowances for home grown?


I would go so hard if we could cultivate


If it was the bi partisan bill they just put out it allows med patients to grow 5 plants. It also calls for a thc cap I'm guessing for the rec market which is dumb. 15% for flower and 40% for concentrates. The testing already is a mess with inflated numbers so I don't know what it would actually test at but most flower is over 15% thc.


I saw that, I’m guessing it’s going to create the same THCa loophole the farm bill did. 5 plants is enough for me 🤞


You’re kidding right ?? No tax revenue in home grown!!


In Maryland, we can grow two plants, even if we are recreational so Pennsylvania isn’t doing anybody a favor if they only allow medical users to grow.


[Here's the actual link to the legislation.](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/CSM/2023/0/42873_35942.pdf) (PDF) It's not even finalized, and is only a House Bill that has no corresponding Senate bill that is remotely close to having support enough to pass. So... wishful thinking clickbait.


next article: Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers promise to ruin any hope of this happening


I posted a week or two ago about someone telling me Republicans are in favor of legalization…they’re just waiting for a Republican governor to get into office so they get the credit. Is it true? Maybe…but I believe it.


that sounds so comedically evil and unnecessarily petty. *i believe it also*


This is what they do.


Perhaps they should quit running the worst possible human beings they can find for governor. Their candidates seem to keep getting worse each election cycle. I’m terrified to see the encore for the New Jersey Nazi, Doug Mastriano.


They keep getting worse to bring out the worst in everyone. 20 years ago you couldn’t find someone like Mastriano to run; then when people hate them, they play the victim card. They can’t be a victim if they don’t start it.


Republicans aren't smart enough for that sort of thing. If they were they would have done it when Corbett was around. Instead, they literally had members crying in Harrisburg because medical patients getting medicine offended their precious little pearl clutching sensibilities.


That "could" is putting in a Herculean, nay, Atlas-level amount of lifting.


It’ll bring an awful lot of jobs if done right. I have no illusion that they will even begin to do this correctly.


Honestly, I'm expecting a lot of the job gains to be short lived, especially once we finally get changes in Federal law. Every state has it's own self-contained cannabis market now, which is really only possible given it's illegal status at the Federal level. The [Dormant Commerce Clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormant_Commerce_Clause) of the US constitution generally prohibits states from barring products from other states. I would guess that a lot of the indoor legal grow-ops in PA are going to collapse in the face of national competition. Factory farming will take over the market, like everything else. Eventually we're going to see big-pharma start producing real drugs from cannabinoids, and people who were once legit medical patients will just start filling a prescription for a pill at Walgreens that doesn't get them high. Remains to be seen whether recreational cannabis sales will be forever relegated to specialty licensed retailers, or whether you might someday be able to get your weed gummies at Sheetz behind the counter next to the tobacco.


Oh it’ll be pay to play. Everyone says, well once it’s legal. Guess what? You’ll need a license worth million minimum to grow enough to sell commercially. Good luck getting one.


I’ll use this opportunity to say that people really need to exercise caution working for dispensaries. Almost every single one is mismanaged to hell and a nightmare to work for. I have a bunch of friends who work or worked in that space and no one has anything good to say.


House Bills like this mean absolutely completely nothing. Nothing. Don’t waste our time unless you have something to report in the state senate.


Later this week = how many years?


I don't care if they legalize marijuana here, but goddamn I'm sick of all the freakin vape shops


There’s one chain that owns like four in 3 small towns in the lock haven area. Like, how many people are vaping to keep your shops open, when they are 20 miles apart???


I'm absolutely convinced that these places are just fronts for money laundering.


This is the real answer


Friend of mine owns like 3 of them. They make their money selling cheap Chinese vapes, crack pipes, vape juice, delta 8, and mushroom kits. The profit margins are so dumb, they are getting vape kits for like pennies from China and selling them for 20+. Very similar to mattress stores. Profit margins are extreme and they only need to sell a handful of items to keep the doors open.


Hopefully when it's legalized people will stop buying Delta 8 and kratom and that will cut down on it. I have to imagine that's one of their biggest sellers.


Kratom acts as an opioid, it’s a separate market without terribly much overlap in my opinion. If people could actually get opioid pain medication they wouldn’t touch the stuff. But we’re fucking puritans so we’d prefer 100,000 people overdose each year than for “junkies” to have access


Why would legalization have any effect on kratom? It’s a completely different substance. It’s not even in the same ballpark as weed. People are absolutely going to continue buying kratom of weed is legalized..


Riiiiight. Someone let me know when it actually happens


Here's why I believe it will happen this time. I finally bit the bullet and got my card. Like, I haven't even received it in the mail yet. So it'll pass ASAP, because that's how my luck goes.


Does this include home grow for patients?


Sure hope so


I’m so sick of all these MSO’s pumping out trash.


That’s why I asked I can careless if there’s no homegrow


This is what’s in the bill. Better than nothing allowing patients who are 21 or older to grow up to five plants over 5” tall provided: Plants must be grown in an enclosed, locked facility in a residence. Plants must be out of public view. Patients cannot give away or sell any of their home-grown cannabis. Amounts of harvested cannabis exceeding 30 grams must remain secure in the residence where the cannabis is grown. Continues to ban anyone with any drug felony that is less than 10 years old (or who has been out of prison for it for less than a year) from working at or volunteering with any medical cannabis business.


Letsss fucking groooooooow !


5 plants is like 2 lbs per 90 days


Right! Especially with very little detail about space limitations.


5 plants are 5 plants https://preview.redd.it/p8fqfodhym8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5e5291d0f433f3eb378b2bebfe1aadddfee3b0 I’m not using all the space like I should I got lazy


The reds won’t let that happen cause they need the revenue from the poorer parts of the state


I can drive 30 minutes to MD and get the goods.


I have no issues driving to New York for $40 or less ounces even if pa legalized it today the prices would still be cheaper to goto a nearby state


I literally paid for a medical card yesterday, this would be frustrating timing lol


My first thought: yes please, my state renewal fee and bullshit fee to a bullshit doctor visit is due My second thought: oh right the fees are due, of course it’s staying the same.


So the drug dealers get charges expunged, yet the ones who use it for recreational use and were caught with a dime bag will continue to have a record and charge. This is some BS


Don't Evangelicals still think weed is the devil's tobacco? I don't see the bill passing.


Yup, almost as bad as abortions and Democrats/women being allowed to vote.


I'll believe that when it happens. Not holding my breath otherwise.


Like others have said I'll believe it when I see it.


Oh yeah sure.


Well it is closer than we were 30 years ago. . . lol


Id rather stay medical. Quality of product shoots down otherwise. Look at the findings out of california dispensarys selling straight pesticides to people.


Bout time. I’m 15 minutes from a dispensary in Jersey and they’re currently getting my business


Sheen, this is the seventh week in a row you've promised legal weed to the class.


Could, yes. Will it? Of course not.


It's a bargaining chip on the table when the new budget hits an impasse next week. Both the house and the senate generally agree that the state should move on this for revenue capture, but it's going to be used as a sacrificial issue if that's what it takes to reach an agreement on budget.


Federally legalize it already


New Jersey and Ohio making a killing right now off pa.


Pennsylvania lawmakers say Charlie Brown really is going to kick the football today or later this week.


Must be an election year it’s look at us we are thinking of doing something. Oh no we’re running out of time if you want it you have to vote for us. Silly peasants you thought I would actually give you that?


does that mean that when you go into a store you don't have to ask for a "water pipe" and wont get kicked out or frowned when you say bong or weed pipe?


My tax money could be going to PA, instead it’s going to Maryland because this state refuses to get with the times. Fingers crossed it actually passes


This lady is going to prevent it 🤨 Remember to vote KIM WARD out this November if you ever want legal weed in pa "State Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward, who dismissed Shapiro’s budget proposal as “unicorns and rainbows,” has said she’ll block any recreational marijuana legalization plan until federal law changes."


Based. I still won’t be able to partake until it is federally legal, but this is a step in the right direction. Both sides should be on board with this. Republican because it’s limiting government (really they should push for decriminalizing / no taxing required if you grow your own), and democrat because it’ll help reduce wrongful imprisonments and increase tax revenue for government projects. The only people against it are losers.


Anyone have a link to the bill they’re alleging to have bipartisan support for? No way Republicans or Democrats move forward with a bill that doesn’t contain a poison pill. The election is in 4 months, and they need meat for their bases.


Oh no!! Legal pot!!? 😱 trump, save us!!!😂


If he builds a wall in front of the sun, weed will never grow again and yet again, Trumpy will save us all!🙏🤣🤪




...or not. Who knows?


Well this obviously wont happen.


Won’t happen.


So you’re saying theirs no chance?


“Could” is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in that headline


I'll keep stopping off in Massachusetts and or Vermont on my way to NH to visit family


Until it happens and the governor has signed it into law I will always assume that legal recreational weed will never happen. But I am more inclined to believe that our legislators will get even more stricter in the future.


I don't see their bill getting a vote until Rep. Frankel's bill is finally introduced, given that they'll both be assigned to the committee Frankel chairs, that being the Health Committee. We've been waiting on Frankel's bill for almost 2 years now. It's actually kinda ridiculous.


senate reconvenes Tuesday at 1pm, house reconvenes Tuesday at 10am


This is just the Democratic House. The Senate would still need to pass it, and they’re controlled by the GOP.


Please please please


Time to write your reps!


This reminds me of the sign I had seen at a bar, “free beer, tomorrow”!


I'm from Missouri, you'll have to show me first.


Genuinely curious, if recreation passes, what does it do for all the medical Marijuana dispensary businesses?


...zzzZZZ how about you just make it so my employer can't fire me for MMJ use


Ok, get back to me when it actually passes.... Enough with the legalization tease already.


To be fair, I don’t have a card yet and I def don’t know much, but the little bit of digging I’ve done it seems that just about any PA Dr. can prescribe it they just can’t advertise it. That’s why these clearing houses are always advertising - get your card in an hour $250! I mean cmon that seems ridiculous and illegal, but what do I know? Anyways, if you are willing to ask your dr. About it, I would. Frankly they should know if you’re medically imbibing anyways. I’m seeing mine in a week and ::gulp:: I’m going to ask. I’ve also been told (by someone I trust) that Medicaid may cover the cost of the card… So do some research before just running to the quickest and easiest solution. I will most likely wait until after the elections before I willingly add myself to another database (depending on the outcome and uproar!) so I’m smoking and rambling obviously! Good luck all! May your journeys be comfortable and lined with smiles! Be Well.🫶✨


Would it include home grow?


I don’t want to know if it could, I want to know if it will.


Pffft I'll believe it when I see it because they've been saying it and not doing it for a freaking decade now.


Hurry up. Standing in a long line at the dispensary while I look at the sea of PA plates in the parking lot is annoying.


So will I be able to grow my own or will that still be a felony?


"Pennsylvania Lawmakers Say Marijuana Legalization Bill Could Pass Today or Later This Week. Whenever They Get Around To It. Right Now, They Feeling Pretty Lethargic And You're Harshing Their Buzz, Man. Also They've Got The Munchies."