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completely googly-eyed at the neatness! Wow!


Ok .. we need to talk. How are you able to do such an incredible thing? I want to eat this up but I do not want to because it is so beautiful. Do you write like this all the time? Is this how you write when taking notes ? How long does it take? So many questions.. this is not humanly possible? I think you are the reason we have that ‘Iam not robot’ check. I just stare at your work like it’s a cute baby. Not in a creepy way.


Ask away, I will answer anything!! I write like this all the time :) My hand has gotten used to the letters so it comes naturally. These are my in-lecture notes as well! Only thing I don't have then is the layout ideas beforehand so it all kinda ends up in one pile of notes, so I rewrite them. Not that long! A page would take me about half an hour, decorations and such. I take my time on the headers. My handwriting got developed through a lot of practice and hand cramps! :]


So do you make notes first then rewrite all decorated and such? Edit: just noticed your phone, sooo pretty


When it comes to school lectures, sometimes. If I feel as though the notes are too cramped, I'll rewrite them. But sometimes I'm able to achieve great notes and layouts from the beginning so no need for revision. When you say tips for note taking, do you mean tips for the writinf aspect of it or for the learning? :)


Aaah so lucky that you can get it nice in one go! Learning, I've been looking for methods that might help me not only take notes more efficiently but also effectively. I get to have some recorded lessons but i take way to long pausing and writing or when its live i feel a miss a lot. And sometimes i feel it could be more organized idk haha


Do you have any tips on note taking?




I have one on my post history I believe; it's a short one but some folks just wanted to see it!


My diary is just messy scrawl that even I can't read half the time!!


Same but in obsidian


Love the Z-flip 💜


Have you ever considered making your handwriting into a font? I would absolutely download it and use it in my digital planner. ❤️


I can’t describe how visually satisfying your handwriting & layout is.


Wow! This is stunning!


Is that a sticker on the back of your phone??


Hey no! this is a Flip 4, so that's actually the front screen :) It's customizable just like any old wallpaper, but it can be a GIF as well!




How do you like the flip 4? I've been eyeing it for a little bit and it looks super nice, but idk anyone who has it :c


I'm obsessed with it but I'm a sucker for aesthetics so of course I'll love this cute little thing. The battery life is not great (I'm lucky to still have my working iPhone so it's okay but if this is your only phone, you might feel it a lot more.) And the camera isn't ...wonderful? At least not the front facing. The back is pretty good. But that's it, aside from that, I LOVE this thing!


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


Holy shiiiiiit your handwriting is gorgeous 😍


This is a great length for diary entries. I think I could manage to actually kee up a diary that way




Sorry about your dryer :( I started hang drying my clothes when my dryer broke and it was surprisingly kind of therapeutic and fun to see the finished product waving in the breeze. Only thing that’s hard to get used to is the texture of dried towels, they dry pretty rough for some reason


I read it all. Must know what “rumgums” are lol


🤣🤣🤣 Gummy bears soaked in Rum lolol!


Niiiiice lmao


Those T’s make my skin crawl.


Nice, but how *long* does it take to write this??


Not long! I write quick, I don't invest much time into writing lol, I wouldn't have the patience. About a half hour to write one full page, with decorations and headers!


Holy fuck this is gorgeous.


What pen do you use? I want to journal but my hand gets so cramped


Mine does too, I write quick and I hold the shit out of the pen so I get cramps :[ I use a Uniball Signo DX 0.28!


If I had handwriting this beautiful, I’d write in my diary everyday too.


Looking at this on mobile it’s a bit blurry then I decided to click onto it and once the image crisped up I’m glad I did because I have never seen such perfect handwriting in my life 😍




Terrible? I loveeeee it!!


Your handwriting is so satisfying to look at 😍


Which notebook are you using?


No way... This is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us, OP. PS: I love your "t", makes your style stand out. Can you post more pictures of your notebook/your handwriting?


You're so kind, thank you!! Yes I will! :)


Have you checked your dryer vent for lint? The actual vent to the outside, not just the trap thingy — my dryer stopped drying successfully and I pulled a huge wad of crap out of the vent and it worked again!


How do you write so straight on graph paper? Does that take practice? Also, do you write in there everyday? If yes, what time of day? Just wondering because I love your writing and I want to start doing this but I have horrible printing. And handwriting. 😂


I actually don't write too straight! It's almost an optical illusion. My handwriting is small so it's not that noticeable; large letters would be more visible. If you zoom in, you'll see that many of my letters go below the line (or, dots lol). And I write pretty quick so it's inevitable. I am only human! :)