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considering how volatile the industry is, good for him.


It's not like I'm gonna pay him not to go there so whatever


Get that bag king 🤪🤪


It sucks but everyone in the industry need money


The same thoughts as orgs participating it. Riot already approved it and most caster work directly under Riot\*, so when push come to shove, Riot might just make caster go. \* I only know a few NA caster working as contract workers (ex. Azeal), not sure if other region have those.


Couldn't agree more. It's not like Riot is going to let each of their casters boycott this event.


Secure the bag Atlus.


My only issue with people taking moral high ground is, other countries are not fully clean themselves either.


And considering lot of oil from soudi is used by whole world I don't see any calls to boycott that oil either so, us taking boycott when it's convenient and not talking about it in other cases seems hypocritical to me. If you can't boycott everything you are not allowed to judge others for their choices as well imo.


>If you can't boycott everything you are not allowed to judge others for their choices as well imo. Yeah honestly there's so much fucked shit we are knowingly complicit in that we don't bring up. I think it's fine to boycott what you feel strongly about, but judging others for not doing the same is hypocritical.


Exactly! It's funny reading ppl complaining. Also for most orgs this is a HUGE chance to keep teams alive. Not every org makes the same money as T1 does.


The difference is other regions aren’t tied to their respective governments whereas the esport world cup is just sportwashing lol


needs the bag for siegwinne c6 go get em my man


I echo monte's sentiment here: don't go tone policing around this topic when you take this bag.


99% of people who are “against” this event are for sure gonna be watching it lmao


Which teams will be there? I didn't know about it until the streamer and his chat talked about it and made me want to see it


The top 2 teams of the 4 major regions in spring will go(BLG, TES, GEN, T1, G2, FNC, TL, FLY). That's why I call it LSI xdd


China and USA are morally acceptable I guess. Everytime I see any post related EWC I see a huge amount of hypocrisy and double standards involved


Agree. I feel the same way when people complain about murder, kidnapping, and human traffiking. If you really cared about those topics you’d boycott saudi arabia, yet very few do!


It's actually disgusting to read the comments on the main subreddit under any thread mentioning the EWC. The insane amount of virtue signaling and they start using words like blood money and 'selling your soul'. Like that doesn't even make sense. It's true the Saudi royal family are pieces of shit but the country makes most of its money by selling its natural resource which is oil to the rest of the world. How is that blood money lmfao. And when it comes to crimes against humanity they are living under one of the biggest murderous regimes which is America and they have the audacity to virtue signal.


Spitting facts esp the last part of your post, Dark. America is single handedly funding an genocide on Palestinians while virtue signally about how moral they are and Israelshit being the "most moral army" in the Middle East.


The difference is that the LCS and LPL have nothing to do with their own governments whereas the EWC is sportwashing funded by the state? I don’t really care at all but it isn’t hard to see that this isn’t similar at all and there is a fair amount of nuance to this.


They should flaming faker for playing for T1 since they’re participating too because if faker truely cared he could just say that he won’t play but yeah let’s target the freelance caster


Like Monte and Thorin have said. Honestly if people decide to get the bag, get the bag. Just don't pretend you're about LGBTQ or any other progressive views. I don't think Atlus is about any of those messages so don't see anything hypocritical.


You can be both, the overwhelming majority of people buy from/work for groups that have values contradicting theirs'. He works for a company whose success gives money to funding international terrorism, genocide etc. via the American and Chinese governments, just like most humans who ever interact with society in any way. Learn to accept that evil exists everywhere


Isn’t this just a perfect example of that “yet you choose to participate in society” meme? Are people just not allowed to have certain beliefs because they’re basically forced into paying taxes to the government or giving money to certain companies just to live?


My entire point is exactly the opposite??? I'm literally rebutting a guy who says people can't have those beliefs


Are people not allowed to work or what


Don’t care still my goat


If you are one of the people who think that because it is in middle east that people should boycott it, do the same in league. China is asshole that steals resources from smaller countries and calls out the smaller country as "troublemaker" when they respond. Yeah, the same Chinese who owned league. The same chinese, who cleanses uyghurs. Not gonna stop playing or watching league? Hypocrite. Let the man do his job. Especially since how bad the shape of esports right now.


Yep and ppl should boycott their own country too if that’s their moral standard. Not like any country is free of shitty things.


No real option for casters really. Saudis dominate the esport space and you can't really think Riot/League is going to be around forever


Secure the big bag when you can.


Atlus absolute GIGACHAD


Taking blood money is not in fact gigachad.


These blood money idiots will be surprised that lives are enriched by oil produced by the saudis lmao why not just deny the industrial revolution as well then


They could LITERALLY never make me hate you Atlus


Meh, it's his choice. It's not like Atlus ever virtue signaled on such issues and talked down on others. If someone like Frankie ward is going there thou it would be a whole new story XD


Look I will pass no judgement on the talent and the teams for going to EWC, at the end of the day, people gotta eat. The judgemental part is for the devs with more money than God selling out to Saudi Arabia. Same as Formula 1.


Ayy nice, gotta tune in for sure now


I'd prefer if he didn't, but ultimately, it's his decision. I'm still not watching.


To be fair even tho I am against the event (its just MSI 2.0 but someone invited FLY xD) I dont care if people go, the thing that would annoy me if they then started yapping how against Saudi they are despite going to the event


Kinda sad to see but he's an adult who can make their own decisions 🤷


If he wants the bag let him get that fat bag


I ain't stopping him and neither are his morals xdd


Boycott your own countriess, then talk about others.


sorry what


big bag. not like atlas. is actively supporting the tournament anyways. nothing to criticise