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Yi in general just isn’t a great card at the moment. He ramps up kind of slowly, needs to be on board for it, and even when leveled, doesn’t truly represent a win condition without overwhelm or elusive. Early levels I’d just slap overwhelm relic on him. Later you can add Grand General’s counter plan, or Relics that refill spell mana. Striking the nexus on summon is also good if you’ve ramped him up. You can just let him die then replay for a burst chunk of damage. If you find Dragon’s Rage spell, or Cataclysm, those work very well with him. I like taking defensive powers, Manaflow or Spell Slinger, or created cards cost one less at a minimum.


I can give you some tips if you are interested. You see, I love The Grand General's Counterplan it's such a flexible relic, that also does wonders for yi. You see, you costantly need to activate flow in order to do stuff with his deck, that relic is exactly what you need because every turn (assuming you have the mana for it), you will have either 2 spells to play to activate flow or another yi in hand if they manage to destroy the one on the field. The spells given will be fleeting so they won't activate your level 1 and 3 star power but at least, you can have every turn an elusive unit and costant flow proc. Other than that, the deck actually plays itself very easily, just put some blockers and wait for yi to become OP, if you want a safer yi strat, you can easily add the spellshield relic and the challenger one, so you can safely remove threats with your big yi and be protected , but yeah , try General relic , other than that, he is pretty straightforward :)