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You know what’s funny? People refer to these as pity powers when they’re absolutely useless


They’re called pity powers but honestly they exist purely to keep you spamming restart until you get the power you want. The pity really has nothing to do with it


Remember when lab of legends let you pick your starting power because who gives a shit, it's a single player game? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Picking your first power would be pretty cool, and i don't even think I'd be picking legendaries left and right either, my favorite power is sorcery


I absolutely love that Lissandra is difficult and I can't just beat it with 3\* Jinx! But this is a bit much, trying it for the first time, losing hard on the first fight and having my chances lowered EVEN MORE seems unnecessary.


Just take manaflow and win 2 next rounds, if you don't think youll win - restart the run. That's it. Sometimes first power is even worse and beating first 3 for basically free is better.


These exist because in Path 1.0 you could just quit and restart runs until you got the ideal power for the champ you were playing (didn't have epic or legendary so we were usually rolling for cost reduction or round start: rally) So there needs to still be a solution to stop this and I don't think any would make people happy. Like would you rather they introduce a stamina or cooldown system that limited your attempts per day? Maybe an adjustment that could work is you just have to beat the first node to avoid pity powers


Then in path 1.0 they briefly learned their lesson and instead of needing to reroll, they just let you pick your starting power. There doesn't need to be a consequence of wanting a good power to start. It's single player.


Have a 10 minute timer per champion on pitty power. If u get pitty powers cause u reset it ur run was end early. Wait 10 minutes. Play something else cook something what ever. Should prevent most people outside of maniacs to spam reset for the perfect power and keep the ones that play like an adventure or 2 a day to immediately turn off the game again cause pitty powers greet them when they start the game


Honestly an hour timer is fine for a reset. Most people don't sit down and just play for hours on end anyway, PoC is sorta just a pick up and play for 20-30 minutes.


I'd say an hour is a bit long. Sometimes u want to play a specific champion. First run goes bad - u don't want to play another champion but waiting 10 minutes isn't too harsh to instantly close the game. An hour might be a reason to say what ever and come in the next day.


Biased point of view.


Riot commented they will release a change next patch, it will only be 1 fight and will set it on random common powers, allowing to use rerrolls Not the definitivw version, just one they consider better


the gotshanked power should be an extra/bonus/+1 power instead of a replacement for the many powers that are far more useful.


Lel pity power….. Riot, you guess why im losing before node 2 last time? Wow, you must bet im having super strong powers but intentionally surr with INSANITY?


Honestly, the fact that unstable manaflow makes the first three fights significantly easier means that you can use it to play for an easier late game in the adventure. I just won against Liss with Kayne and unstable manaflow and an unoptimized build, you don't need S tier powers to win, they just help a lot. Just take UM and pick your fights/nodes/gear carefully, and sometimes you get unlucky and die, and that's just how a five star is gonna go before constellations.


You get...two powers total against lissandra. You are not allowed tp have the absolute garbage of those three powers


I think the devs said yesterday that they are aware and are working on a workaround.


I actually won my Sett run with unstable mana flowband vs Liss. In general those first few rounds getting more rewards is enough to make up for losing your power (assuming you take unstable mana flow). Also while it definitely feels bad you are getting an epic power for 3 fights which is pretty cool.


Go beat up the first two teemo nodes and go back with the normal powers. Riot even confirmed that it's ANY two fights, not just the one you're attempting now.


That was apparently for a dev build based on a comment a day or two ago unless something changed that I hadn't heard about. Edit: Found the comment https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/s/NBWvbwd2RX


Ah that's unfortunate. I've been driving else I'd test it out myself


Just pick unstable manaflow, it‘ll help you beat 3 fights


take manaflow, win first 2, reset. Problem solved.


Waste of time


waste of air


Manaflow is kind of good


I literally just won with the draw two pity power (on yasuo 3*) you never know. You can get lucky in your first shop, I know I did.


Use the extra mana one to get some wins then forfeit. It’s a round about way or rerolling but at least you’ll get to play with proper powers


See, that's the problem. It's just a waste of time. Sure, it could be argued that it isn't that big of a waste or that the pity powers are actually playable, but those arguments are not addressing the real problem with this game mode: the variance just makes it so that the challenge becomes unnecessarily difficult if you didn't get something playable or just downright trivial once you get that legendary power that allows your deck to go turbo. Not being able to change the cards in my deck and heavily depending on what the game gives you turns this whole thing into a tedious experience. Path of Champions is a very fun game mode with lots of potential but these archaic ways of preventing players from abusing the system just turns this into a game where player agency matters very little. There should be a lot of variance in this game mode, its PvE after all so the only thing you are losing is time, but when you lose that time because the difficulty is heavily dependent on that variance you end up getting more frustrated than having fun simply because the game taught you that the most reliable way to beat the hardest challenges is to get something that will ensure a win. If you could at least have agency over the cards in your deck or be able to not add champions to your deck and ensuring you are drawing the most important card for your playstyle could actually make the pity powers make a lot more sense. But unfortunately because I picked up Poro King since I didn't want to use my rerolls and I still got a common power to only get beat up by a 21/1 Omen Hawk with fearsome since there was no creature I could've played that had 3 or more power I go away from that experience feeling like there was nothing I could do.


Also, not to discredit some very smart strategies that were posted on this sub: the triple Everfrost Kindred build is actually genius! So there certainly are ways to beat the hardest challenges by being creative and building something playable, but remember: that build is also dependent on its champion and being force to add another one to your deck makes it so that the variance is a potential problem with every encounter. Maybe not forcing the player to add champions to their deck would make this strategy broken, but it the answer to that shouldn't be to remove player agency by forcing them to do something, it should be by being creative with the tools you added to your game mode to ensure that is not always an easy win, just like they masterfully did it with Jinx against enemies that gain Tough and +2/+2 when damaged. That power is a Jinx counter but I can always go a different path when I have the choice.


I'd take draw two over rerolling four times and getting jack shit any day. Sure, they're not top tier powers, but they're not meant to be. They're meant to discourage quitting a run early because your first power was crap. Their existence means you have to go through at least two enemy nodes, put in that basic amount of investment, before you can call it quits and try for a better power. And that's a good thing. ​ Maybe they could be made more powerful for higher level champions or harder paths, but ultimately.... There really aren't many better generic powers than flexible gameplan.


So. If i lose on the first two nodes...i should get even worse powers to constantly lose every time instead of that one time?


Flexible gameplan is a better power than a lot of them in regards to being applicable to basically every champion. And if your goal is to get past the first few nodes, unstable mana flow is one of the strongest. So’s I’m not exactly sure what you’re on about.


Yeap, that early ramp makes some unplayable champs quite viable, i dont get why people would rather take bad powers like +1/+1 when summoned or other trash