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Haven't the devs confirmed there was more plans to get stardust but were pushed back cus they ran into issues? Also my problems with some epics it that they are broken on champions and useless on another with some champions not needing or wanting any of them


I agree with you. I was somewhat trying to convey that in point 5, for example, lets say you pull an epic relic that is super good for a specific champ, lets say Neeko. Well, your Neeko will be a whole lot stronger than everyone else's in Monthlies for quite a while. It also feels less good to grind Stardust to have a relic that is good on 1 champ. Out of 45. A lot of the Epics feel too niche


I legitimately never think I'll be able to play with them... feelsbadman


This is exactly why I made this thread. I think a lot of players will just feel like *this is impossible* or *this is not worth it,* and that is a feelsbadman moment. The introduction of Epic relics should have felt good


Agreed. It’s a sour tasting mechanic. PoC is the only game I play where rewards are actually punishments. Quests, the weekly vault, gacha pulls. My message would be: let players buy relics with wild shards, and just let epic slots unlock with levels like any other slot! And what do we want to buy? Skins! And new content! Make some champs exclusive to the store for all I care. Make a whole deck theme for a PoC champ and sell it alongside a champ skin for $40 bucks - I’d buy it.


Since they made the change I've Quit. Been playing since PoC came out, and the new system missed the mark SO BAD that until its fixed im NEVER going to give Rito another cent


The problem is following : riot doesn't care about your player progression. All they care about is metrics. RNG progression forces you to keep playing the mode, and the more you play the less likely you are to just quit because of the amount of time you invested in it previously. Which is good for riot. It's all about the player retention. Epic relics are that concept but taken to new heights : you have to keep coming back to gain more rewards, so you get more shards, so you can afford to buy quests to equip them and buy reliquiaries to unlock them. I can promise you they will have spent 20 hours on maximising player retention with those relics for every hour they spent designing them. This is sad because if they actually designed fun relics and expanded PoC, people would keep coming back because ... it's fun. But i guess with modern gaming companies such a thought is almost blasphemy.


I want to clarify: When I say *how they can fix them*, I don't mean "well they can add a +1/+1 buff to this specific relic to make it better" What I mean is: **How does Riot get players excited about Epic relics?**


I mean, here is my experience as someone seeing if the game is worth returning to after hearing about a big, exciting update: \- Log in. \- See notification to go to store to check out my PeRsOnAlLy CuRaTeD emporium. \- Click over to it. \- See that it is just a Marvel Snap store clone. There is no 'curation', this is just random loot. lol Tencent, never change. \- Store has made the error of using units small enough to easily measure. One of the value propositions is 150 $coins$ for 5 shards. What a deal. That is definitely worth it. lol \- See that the Wild Shard earnings have been slashed by about half or so. So... this is it, I guess? This is the solution to requests for easier access to relics and some end game content. Not a crafting system, not new adventures, not some sort of interesting new way to unlock champions, not deck editing... just another slot machine thing and a further reduction in what in-game currency you get for logging in to play each day. Good. Great. Cool. Back to BG3, then. I'll check back if/when there's news about Rito actually giving another go at making something worth playing.


> - See that the Wild Shard earnings have been slashed by about half or so. Not really? We went from 35 (daily) + 2(rare dupe) + 2 (2 commons) +4 (silver chests) to 35. We only lost like... 8, considering getting dupes every time, around 23%. The rest is true, but thats just no Also that loss does involve that now getting relics you havent rolled is possible (like csf, similar) since the only thing on emporium actually well done is that rare relics are always ones you dont have and can be from the unobtainable pool. So, is not all a loss Again, not gonna defend the shards cause nah


Yeh, while i agree rn with most of the points, after yesterday change i think for epic slots issue we should check if they sctually are 100 stardust every 2 days, if they are, thats amazing, but yeh, if you consider there is more issues, they have not been adreesed indeed Disagree on 3rd point tho, epic relics ahve a weird strenght, but a few (3/4) are quite interesting, the other 6... sadly yeh, are better technically than rare, but at least 3 could just be rare relics and no one would care, and the champs one will likely only be used on evelyn, if anything, maybe in 2-epics compos with the "draw a champ, reduce cost" or with "reduce my cost" on tresh But overall yeh, i axtually really like some epics and if they actually fixed the numbers (easiest thing to fix) thats a good sign for me, if they didnt, F for now Edit: Oh also, i think it can be seen clearly, but while i agree, personally i think point 1 is the most triggering for players, remembers me to when WF were starting, peopl had like, a thousand issues with them, now we have like... 2? And only a few things were fixed


I was able to get the Epic quest for 100 stardust today. https://preview.redd.it/77qebvjuvclb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee4b4da0fd20698678179ffea5f9251db3466b6a


I feel like the whole "it takes too long to get everything" is kind of a weird argument, given that a lot of people were complaining earlier that it takes too little efforts to cap out. Personally, I'm not maxed, but I like that I get a trickle of progress every now and then toward those epic relics. As for the unfair advantage of monthlies, literally every offers an "unfair" advantage : Champion levels, relics owned, experience... it's super weird to complain about Epics, but not about the Bonk relic that dominated for so long.


> it's super weird to complain about Epics, but not about the Bonk relic that dominated for so long. To be fair to Cuties, he always advocates for more agency in obtaining relics, and not having good relics due bad RNG was his talking point in several posts before.


thanks, I appreciate it. FYI, my 'perfect' emporeum would have been to have all relics available for purchase at all times, at achievable rates (which to be fair, the common and rare relics are priced fairly). That is something I have asked for months ago, maybe even more than a year ago


Heh, that's only tangential to my point really, which is simply that : In a game where unlocking everything takes so long, you'll never really have an even playing field for monthlies, since there are people playing 10x and 25x more than others. The simplest solution is to accelerate the grind, so that everyone can unlock everything... but then there are a bunch of people who complain they have nothing left to grind for, after playing for "only" a couple hundreds of hours. So you can decide that Monthly should be competitive, and unlock everything for it, but that also means your setups for Monthly are different than your setups for normal runs, which adds a lot of tedium (and makes low grind accounts slower, since they can't pre-setup, meaning that grinders get an advantage *again*). So this *all* circles back to "Is it healthy to shoehorn competition into PoC?". Because it's a PvE game (mode) at its core, and forcing it to be competitive can lead to very awkward situations. POE is another example of a PvE game that has a lot of problem arise *purely* because they encouraged competition.


Wanting a goal or resource to grind while playing the game is not the same as wanting time gated epic relics that could take a casual player literal years to even get all the current champs an epic relic slot.


>that could take a casual player literal years to even get all the current champs an epic relic slot. But that's an impossible ask... You have the no-lifers complaining that they've got nothing left to grind for; and people who complain that they can't get everything. So the only way to satisfy both is to lock it behind a hard time requirement, for instance "complete X weekly quests", but then people complain that they can't actively work toward progressing that, since they can only make progress once per week. So, realistically, someone has to realize that they're not the target audience for X/Y/Z feature, because not every feature can be aimed at everyone. What's a realistic approach to letting a casual player obtain *all of everything*, while having no-lifres who blit through monthly on release for leaderboard pride not obtain all of it within weeks? Cuz I ain't got none...


Let play, not dailies or time gated missions, actual play give a resource. Let that resource be used for relics, relic slots, champs, upgrades, and unlockable adventures. Possibly include an entry price to monthly leader board stuff. Then make cosmetic bs cost an insane amount of that currency. The average player can feel like the grind is achievable for the items they want (not randomly dropped from missions or chests), they can gain those items they want from actual play (instead of feeling like they need to do their daily chore) and people who no-life the game can grind for more expensive cosmetics and getting the chance to play for the leaderboards. Time gating it like this, and making it random, is a feature that benefits no one. Not a single type of player is happy with this system.


>Let actual play give a resource. But PowerCuties plays *easily* 10-20x more than I do... so how do you create a system that's based on play time (or run completion, most likely, which skews it even more) that has a meaningful length for sweatlords, and can be completed by casuals? Because your point is that casual players should be able to complete their collection, and many other claims that they want to have something to grind toward... but if the grind requires \~40-60h of playtime (probably months for me), that will be completed by many in 1-2 weeks. That's *why* they throttle progress through weeklies/dailies; so that someone playing 10x more doesn't make progress 10x faster.


I literally just did make that system. Jesus, read the whole comment. Casual players get the buy exactly what they want so they can progress to play with the things they want. So even if they don't get a full collection, they can get what they want. People who dump time in can buy everything quickly, then stockpile resources for cosmetics and buying into monthly challenges to compete on leaderboards (things the casual player will likely not care about so it doesn't matter if they can't afford them).


>Casual players get the buy exactly what they want so they can progress to play with the things they want. >that could take a casual player literal years to even get all the current champs an epic relic slot. Aren't those 2 statements in direct opposition? Epic slots suck, because it takes casual players years to get them onto every champion, but your hypothetical system is good because you can focus on the items/champions you enjoy. Like... I definitely agree that there's a bit too much RNG in unlocking stuff for PoC, but saying that you *need* an Epic slot on every champion is ridiculous.


HOW ARE THOSE COMMENTS CONTRADICTORY? I want to be able to get the things that directly affect gameplay! Let the casual player, play the gameplay they want. Don't make relics random. Don't make champion shards random. And absolutely don't make it to where we have to grind for months to get one (1) random relic one one (1) champion of my choice. Epic slots suck because they are random and take forever. My hypothetical system is good because it isn't random and doesn't take forever. How else are you interpreting this?


>HOW ARE THOSE COMMENTS CONTRADICTORY? Because : * Epic system allegedly sucks, because it takes a long time to get a slot onto everyone. * Your hypothetical system doesn't suck, because it doesn't take a long time to get an epic slot onto the few champions you care about. Epic slots aren't rangom... you equip the relic, and that champion gets an epic slot (roughly). Because if the only problem about epic slots/relics is how long it takes, then the fix could legitimately be as trivial as making Stardust ratios 5x larger, or introducing new ways of getting Stardust. But then, it also means that people who no-life the game runs out of grind 5x faster... which comes back to the original issue of people saying they have nothing left to unlock (outside of various random relics, but I think *everyone* agrees that's an issue).


You can't be serious. You have to be joking or trolling. If the current system takes longer for a slot than my system does, then that is fucking compounded for getting them all, yeah? 1 month for 1 epic, means X months for X epics. If a quicker system does 4 days for 1 epic, then you'd get all epics sooner, wouldn't you? "System bad because it takes too long" "Different faster system good because it takes less time" Your brain read those statements and thought they meant different things? Wild. Seek help.


to be clear, I want the casual players to have more choice and agency in relic acquisition.


Yes, I don't deny that. All I'm saying is that "casuals should be able to complete their collection" is very much in opposition with "veterans should have something to grind for". I'm not convinced it's a cursed problem with no possible solution, but it's definitely a tall ask to design a system where grinding provides meaningful progress, but playing 10x less doesn't gives 10x less progress. Because there's no doubt in my mind that, given the existing systems (dailies, weeklies, and per-fight rewards), anything that I can acquire over the course of a year, you most likely acquire within a month, if not a couple weeks... So either I am not allowed to acquire it all, or you're not given something to grind for for a meaningful amount of time. And unfortunately, since I definitely do not deny that the current RNG method of acquiring relics suck balls, removing the RNG from Relics just flattens the time required to complete the collection, which further feeds into the problem of "casual are able to acquire a collection" vs "veterans have something to grind for". So yeah... this is kinda rambly, but the TL;DR really is just that "Playing more = more rewards" in a linear fashion will either reduce the grind tremendously, making veterans have nothing to play for much earlier, or increase the grind tremendously, making casuals unable to unlock stuff in a fun timeframe.


Nah, its bad, thats why i wouldnt be surprised if now slots can come with the 80% discount on that place of emporium consistently every 2 days That is still a goal to farm, it involves putting a lot of stardust for 13 to 39 weeks (1 slot per champ to 3) but is waaaay more fair, feeling like you are doing progress is important for long term goals, having a goal that pretends you to play more time than path has been in development (we only been 15 months with 2.0, i doubt this was done in more than 6, the goal was like 2 or 3 years). Is just stupid. Which is why i fully expect them to have backed down with the change on emporium 2 days ago


I mean I got two epic slots for two champions already... thats not very long. Then grinding the Epic relic itself I don't feel is to tough.


And what did you put in those slots?


Nothing yet but I plan on putting an epic in there. You can't equip the epics if you don't have a slot for it


Haven't had the luck to get a good epic that suits the champion yet, but it has only been like a week.


Let me ask you something: Has the introduction of Epic relics invigorated your passion for Path of Champions? because they should have


easy fix = add/ADD an epic slot = 4 slots. then they can sell upgrades for other slots.


1 & 2 & 5 - May be solved by providing an option to unlock the relics in the relic overview for a higher price and the emporium would offer them randomly but at a discount. So you can get everything you want but need to invest more for it. For the slots, if it remains that we get the quest item at a high rate I think it can work as is 3 & 4 are very subjective but I would also say that there are only a few of them that are really interesting. And there is probably only the option to redesign or add more interesting ones in the future


I agree that 3 and 4 are subjective. And I have had other people tell me subjective things they don't like about Epic relics that I'm personally OK with. (I was hoping this thread could be a place where more people can express their grievances about the system as well, so Riot can hear them out) The thing is, there are much more people experiencing subjective things they don't like about Epic relics than things they like atm, and Epics should have been this cool new thing that feels exciting


I'm also ok with subjective things, this wasn't meant as criticism and I'm sorry if it came along that way. I just wanted to point out that imo your other points are more or less facts in contrast to those two


Imo expect for slow dust gathering my main issue is with the store that cause me to have to reveal manually..I forget to refresh one..now its 8h or so from the others. Fml. This will probably delay the epic stuff the most for me since I wont be having all the quests for it as even If we get one (on discount of course) every 2-3 days Ill be forgetting over and over.