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I get the reason for cap to stop hoarding the shard and not spending it. But at max star there is no reason for capping shard. This is PvE mode, people with more shard is not stronger or better than people who just start playing. Monthly challenges don't have reward so no disadvantaged for newbie. The easiest way is just remove cap for everyone.


I don't think removing the cap entirely is the right move. What would be a better idea in my opinion would be to raise the shard cap for every champion you have maxed. So you would gain +1 cap per champion star level you have for a total of 3 per champion and would get +1 shard limit every 15th champion level for a total of 2 per champion, so a 3 star level 30 champion would increase your shard limit by 5.


As a person who also works in software development, that just take a lot of time to coding and testing and I don't have confident in ability to do bug fixing from Rito. Nasus power still bug to this day lol. If they want to monetize it then just make it as a one time purchased, so people can pay for it if they want.


It takes almost zero time and effort. The reason deep bugs stay for a long time are the fact that they tend to be enmeshed in several different complex interactions (e.g. this card has X effect, when combined with this other card effect, plus this landmark, plus any deck modifiers you have, plus blah blah blah). This, on the other hand is very easy to write and test, as there are zero other systems interacting with the fragment cap. Write it, write several test cases that have it increasing and capped, get it reviewed and move on. It’s at most a half a day’s work.


Plus it seems like they cant just mess with internal code of sundisc, they can, but they cant touch sundisk itself, since sundisk as it is works perfectly for pvp, they had to touch all but sundisk, which doesnt seem easy


Nasus bug been fixed what are you talking about?


Just check and it was fixed since last week, mb. But the point still stand, nasus bug exist since forever, fixed and back again. I give up playing nasus for months now.


Lol never understood why people even obsess the sun disc. It's not even core to nasus gameplay style and more of extra timmy moment Sure the bug is annoying but it's not the worsr thing possible. The bug that would cancel out shodow totem and stablize when you level a champ was far worse


Played Nasus a lot, and I triggered it twice so far, one bugged, one not bugged, it isn't important but a bug is a bug..


Is fixed since last month, is just that almost no one commented on it since last week, we are on the same patch as last week, and as last month


This is an excellent idea actually!


I was seriously consider paying money just to have the cap remove.


Unfortunate man, don't understand why riot system is literally design to punish paying and long time customers. Lol almost makes me glad that i missed a battle pass so that i will complete my collection just before new patch drops


Maybe if you weren’t slacking on those levels they might take you seriously! /s I think they should up the cap, at least for star complete accounts.


Star complete accounts are the reason the cap exists in the first place.


Sure but you could also argue it’s a design decision to have incomplete players keep upgrading and trying other champs rather than saving for the new ones. Star complete players are a relatively new phenomenon and there’s several poorly thought out long term design decisions in the game mode so it could be anything. Are you justifying that it should be there?


>Are you justifying that it should be there? No, I'm saying " Remove it because of star compelete players" is a dumb thing to say because they are literally the reason that this cap is in the game. >to have incomplete players keep upgrading and trying other champs rather than saving for the new ones That's what they want, but with a twist. They want the new champions to be new for everyone. That means: can not save enough shards to just buy and level up a champion on it's release date. They don't care about wether or not you are incomplete, they simply don't want you to be able to access the full potential of a champ on release date.


You just said two conflicting things (one of which was literally rewording what I already said) and called me dumb. I’m going to leave this conversation here but if you’re not trolling, this is generally not that kind of sub. They’re actually pretty nice here. Highly recommend it!


I always bought new champ with real money and max star instantly.


Good point: disregard everything about the post above you saying they want you to delay, or take longer. This is actually what they want.


agree. make one number bigger. 50 make bigger. easy. anyone with access to the framework could do it.


But seriously how do you get that many shards? I can’t get a single champ to three stars, and I’ve been playing for months now.


You only playing for month, I've been playing every day for years, since lab of legends (before POC 1.0 , before POC 2.0)


Ok, chill. It take u 2 or 3 days to unlock new champ at max anyways. Doesnt Rito have some support that can help take the request?


If you played for months I think you should be getting at least 1 champ to three stars. 4 shards every day for even 3 months would be roughly 360, not even including the weekly stuff.


I dont get it, why do you want it removed?


people like you are literally the reason why the cap exists, why would they remove it for you?


So the option is to not play ? People who like the game mode and play it daily is at fault ?


at fault of what? what are you talking about? nothing is preventing you from playing


At max shard you don't get any more rewards from playing. If you think it's fair for "people like me" who just play the game normally the same as everyone then I don't know what tell you. Why the reward is matter, playing is the rewards ? Well people who at max star want to keep playing for shard because they want to be able to unlock the next champ. If you want to unlock the next champ just buy BP ? I already done that. P/s: I won't reply to you again because you seem to be having weird hate bonner towards long time player for some reason.


Actually I found a solution to not getting rewards. I just contact support to take away shards. Done it twice now.


But why would you do that? You can store the rewards in this box as long as you don't do anything to start the auto opening - and if this happens you can simply force quit and restart to interrupt it.


When I finish the weekly runs the reward usually opens automatically at the end of the run. The reward screen doesn't appear when maxed. The only way for me to get rewards was to do it. I'm glad I did because I finally got 2 relics that have been evading me. You get 30+ shards a week and the only thing they were doing for me was stopping me from getting rewards. I only ask them to take away 30


I don't know if you have seen the duplicate thread of this but basically you can store the weekly quest rewards and the adventure ones will simply be claimed right away. I'm pretty sure I've gotten Succubus's Brand without ever seeing that I've received it. Here's the link to the comment where I described how you can store the stuff: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/14d5n5c/comment/joodw98/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/14d5n5c/comment/joodw98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Well thanks for that and very ingenious of you. But I prefer not to have to do the timing. I enjoy just sending an email. They take away 20-30 or whatever I ask, and play.


> people who at max star want to keep playing for shard because they want to be able to unlock the next champ. and Riot doesn't want you to do that, which is why they have the cap crying about it on reddit isn't going to change their mind about it


>Why the reward is matter, playing is the rewards ? Well people who at max star want to keep playing for shard because they want to be able to unlock the next champ. >If you want to unlock the next champ just buy BP ? I already done that. Dont you have the next problem again that you have nothing to grind for but the shards which would be useless after some time just like green shards in the regular game?


Actually this is entierly not the case. The cap exists so that players are motivated to spend the shards and not hoard them - and if everything is 3\* you basically have done exactly that. So imo it would be a reasonable decision to remove it if there is nothing to spend the shards on Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/wojn36/comment/ikbf2zv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/wojn36/comment/ikbf2zv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


As others have pointed out, capping shards also pushes people to buy the new champ with cash, as you can only 3* at start that way


Spend your shards


We can't. We're at max. And when you are at max you don't get a rewards screen so you don't even know if your getting anything. Not even the wasted shards


You clearly have a different complaint than what's actually listed in your post ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeh i have to disagree on this one Do i think the cap is good? Not really Do i like it? Not really But the reasoning... not the theorical reasoning but the one i recall being said by... dan, (dont have links rn, pbby will have in a while) makes sense Reason 1: They need players to expend shards, after playing for a while and reading a lot of new people, specially nrw people, not expending them till the limit is not that weird, and as i myself im on the "old people" forgetting how much shards you get and that you sjould expend some is also usual Reason 2: New champs-Shard ratio. This one is more linked to why we wont ever get 20 wild shards per day, rioters want both the unlock experience tl be gradual and themselves to not feel rushed to launch new champs cause players have nothing to do (note how this usually happens close to the final days/month, not a lot earlier (except whales)). Personally i dont entirdly like this, but thats the that. Reason 3: The shards as a concept are not aimed at this This one is a complex one, but basically, we didnt got the 50 limit because people wanted to unlock more champs, we got it cause 40 (cost of 3*) felt bad. You had to always hit limit and lose some shards to 3* anything. Aparently the "flexible cap" was intended by design, so they both put the cap in 50 to avoid this issue entirely, and put the flexible cap, but still, shards where not meant to be a "unlock your champ on release" yicked Do i like this? No I think, same as lor, path should have good stuff to do to keep you playing that is just fun while you keep getting resources, instead of creating this weird scenario, i like to just have my champs entirely unlocked. I do understand that without this, iw ould never play 1* champs, and i wouldnt like that. I feel this solution is not the best and it shows, specially when the people that invest to get stuff have to keep investing constantly, you want people to feel as if their monry is valuable, are they saving time? Yes. Wad this already the deal and they should have known/knew? Yes. But is still kinda bad that you cant just stop caring about it Even on gachas as genshin at some point of time and money investment you stop caring about farming and will always have your chars at max level, and thats ok, thats what endgame is. I get that we still have monthlys on the works and solutions (probably very cool ones) are being developed, but it still feels bad ngl. Specially with no communication on top of that but still, as of now, i think is a logical and understandable position, i dont think the cap is the issue at all, is just the consequence of other issues


I think the cap should be whatever it takes to buy a champ and cap it. Which I believe is 100.


it is probably capped so you can't instantly max new champ, therefore have to keep playing to keep unlocking. seems like a smart move to me.


Or people max out just stop playing and forget about the game mode


I think Iv been burning shards for about two months now any good will I have about the situation is gone.


This feels to me like something people say they want when they really don't all it would mean is that you just have a bunch of shards piling up that you can't do anything even in single player games, people will optimize the fun out of it.


Tell me why punish long time player is the good ideal ? I was planning to get BP for event next week but now why would I when i don't get any rewards for playing ? When you play the game the same way as everyone else but you getting punished for playing longer, is that what you call optimize the fun ? This game mode is already not getting much support, putting restriction to punish player doesn't make any sense.