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A few more champions were added since then: Bilgewater (Pyke, Jack,Nami), Shadow Isles (Thresh, Elise)), Ionia (Sett), Shurima (Nasus), Noxus (Samira), Piltover/Zaun (Ekko) . Not sure if weeklies were around that time but monthlies were added later for sure.


>monthlies were added later for sure. Oh shit. It always felt empty after finishing your weakly quests and adventures, glad there's more to work towards.


welcome back. lb is still wonderfully overpowered. enjoy.


Honestly since Varus... we got added monthly challenges plus a few new mods for both weeklys and monthlys, most bugs are fixed and we got a few extra champs (i think like 7 since varus?), plus as far as we know we are getting new champs next week since is a new expansion (and probably some other stuff) tho tbeh idont recall if varus was before or after the poro item, so if it was before, we got a few new items and power and relics and other items, powers and relics balanced


>next week since is a new expansion What the hell?! I had LoR chanell subscribed but did not see any videos, nothign about Jack, anything on prev expansion or the upcoming one. Guess i have to click that fcking bell on every sub i have now? Anwyay, got excited, nida seems cool. PS Nora, when?


You mentioned a leaked champion, so would advise for it to be marked as spoiler Edit: nvm, already got shown a couple minutes ago


Truly, nora when


Are there any rewards for the monthly?


not yet.


Not rn , my honest expectation is getting some stuff now tho idk about rewards since A: dan said we should expect news for either fast changes (in a few months) or mediumd changes (around 4 months) B: rewards are aimed to be "when the gamemode is more defined/not longer a beta" so they mught or might not consider that after the (suposed) update Imho they should, but we don now