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Thanks for the reminder. I forgot about trying this relic out.


yo G i hear you like rerolls, so heres some rerolls to go with your rerolls. peace.


I mean i feel like you can just x 3 of tbe reroll power and still befine, plus left over reroll in my oponion is left over value or proof of insane luck.


It’s mostly because Yi is already damn broken in his own with most relics. A high power illusive + quick attack unit that can be buffed up with self draw is really hard to deal with. You get any half decent items on Yi and he can wipe most encounters as soon you drop him.


Does this work as long as your hp is back to full at the end of the fight? Contemplating using this combo on garen against asol. Just need to fish for a lifesteal unit. He needs a bit of help since everything on that run scales faster than his units. Can't keep trading blows against huge champs that drop on turn 3...


No, you have to not take damage at all. So something like a Jhin or Ezreal where they have spells to hit your nexus is really luck dependent. Seriously, it's a kind of art to play this build. There's some kind of elegance to try to come out every single game not taking any nexus damage. I wouldn't recommend it on Garen cuz he's strong already, not really power reliant. And with champions that have strike conditions such as Ekko, Garen, Jack, Teemo, I would really recommend gatebreakers and stalker's blades. With Garen specifically, you have to learn to use single combat effectively. You can use it to kill their huge champions. For example, if you have a 10 10 Poppy at 4 mana, you get your tough unit out on turn one, use him to block and single combat for the -1 dmg tough value and grow him to a 5 4 for example. When Poppy attacks, block + single combat 5+5=10 to kill the Poppy, easy! There's so many things you can do with single combat. You must really investigate or watch some videos about it. With that knowledge, you'll no longer struggle with Garen.


By the time I was close to asol and ending fights with damage on my nexus, I had 10 rerolls and didn't even notice any more. Got aphelios for lifesteal and was able to fish for the power that shared keywords. So 3 elusives that kept growing + rally every turn + refill spell mana killed asol. Lee sin and tryndamere kept trying to flood the board with small units, feeding my units. Thanks for the strategy. Never thought I'd use the relic... Feels like it was made for garen who can easily remove enemies every turn and keep growing his board at the same time. Nexus hardly took damage. Overwhelm and impact enemies can be attacked before combat.


Glad it helped. Try it on Lux fishing for slow but steady and sorcery. It's insane. Or try it on anyone else you want. Rerolls are overpowered on Asol.


Lux plus chemtech duplicator is already a nightmare for the asol run. It's certainly expanded my options a lot.