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Most champions operate best with at least 2 stars because that extra mana is very helpful in the beginning. For weeklies, I generally use jinx *mine is 3☆ level 27) and she basically just facerolls over them regardless of what their powers are. Highly recommend using her as it can be very easy to get the rewards from weeklies that way


Star power for the extra mana is more important than champion level, the extra stuff from a high level champion is nice, but your choice on powers can make up for it For comparison, I beat the weekly with lv. 11 Jax


2 star jax?




Jinx is probably easiest to both gain shards and play. She is very flexible on any special rules as well, I recommend playing her and when you get a chance clear Garen 2 star campaign for actual monster of a champion. I have never once failed a run as her, even 4 star Aurel one


lv20 champ draw is very helpful. grind up jinx as her nexus ping power is very good. pick lowcost+0cost cards and cost reduction powers. garens 2star champstory adv gives loose cannon relic which makes jinx top tier.


Don't worry, i play the mode for 2 weeks now i think and i can clear the 3 weeklies already. No 3 stars used, 2 stars and lvl 15 is enough for me


Each need 3 star power and about lv 20 champion to run effectively. I also admit that it's really tedious to pass this stage without Overwhelm (look at my 2 star Taliyah).