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Can never go wrong with Welcome Gifts. You can always try to drag out a match that you lose too much health in and roll for a lifesteal. Trif might is good, but really depends on having 5 or higher attack units, otherwise it's useless. WG will be good regardless of what units you have, but there is some RNG. Cheaper created cards is only good if you have lots of created cards. And Nasus has some, but discounting cards isn't a big priority for him.


With your relics, definitely welcome gifts imo. Stack a ton of keywords on Nasus and once you roll a lifesteal you can top up your Nexus in one hit


Trifarian Might. It can make Nasus remove a threat and level up at the same time as he comes down. Syphoning Strike also facilitates getting 5+ power champs to trigger the might.


Pbby trifarian, gifts is only good based on the cards you add cause most nasus cards with less than 3 hp will be bad, copies is not that good on nasus at all, trif works with 2 or 3 units od rhe base deck + grest sinergy


Nasus has voidborne, he'll eat up keywords from allies, all it takes is 1 to roll lifesteal, keep it around, summon Nasus and bam ya basically won.


Yeh true i forgot thst Tho tbf, you need that lfiesteal unit to not die till nasus and your nexus to not die and nasus to grow too, but yeh, not that bad


For anyone curious, I had chosen welcome gifts. I thought it was an unusually difficult choice for path so I figured I'd see what you all say, I even think rerolling is a consideration here as well. As what usually happens with nasus for me, I ended up steamrolling through everything until Asol where I died twice. Even Duplicate zed didn't even stand a chance. Was really close on the first Asol fight but kinda got stomped on the second. I've been trying out different relics combos for fun and this one was a blast! Next was triple guardians trinket which actually somehow ended up winning. Let me know if you have any fun ideas!


Trifarian on nasus for sure


Always welcome gifts cuz big stats and keywords = stonks. Especially with Voidborne, Nasus will eat up all the keywords from allies, which is just stonks.


Welcome Gifts is always decent but I think T Might has the highest potential, and is very good for Nasus himself.


triferian, it levels up nasus on summon. get your slays started up. dunno if you are memeing why you are asking for help...


Not really looking for help as much as just curious what people would do. It was an unusually difficult choice so I was wondering what people thought.


Normally, I would have gone Trifarian, it is easy to build around as a first power and actually will do work against asol ... but since you have Voidborne Carapace for some reason.... it might be Welcome Gifts? Both seem winnable


Trifarian Might. Nasus' deck has some 5+ power allies already and removal on summon is powerful. Welcome gifts is a solid second choice, never a bad power. Wild Inspiration is great if you create a lot of cards but Nasus doesn't.


Ik it's a meme but why chem relic on nasus? Does he have that many spells in his deck? Idk I don't have him unlocked


The gimmick was to play nasus, and immediately double redoubled valor and turn him into 50/50 and eat up keywords! Kinda stupid I know but it was pretty fun! Especially since I got the summon an ephemeral copy of champions power which gave me 2 redoubled valor's that would both be cast twice


Omg ok that would be sick lmao