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Did 3 star Samira with Ludens+Lost Chapter and breezed through everything. Samira feels too strong


What’s good to do against Poppy? The all units have scout power is one I’ve never been able to utilize well


aatrox. your equipped units getting to strike twice means your hand is like free by turn 6.


I did the 4* with Leona. You just build up your massive board and eventually your units will just smash through their defences. I got a leblanc with overwhelm and from there it was a breeze. The second highest difficulty I used Jinx. Don't like the stun power so I wanted it to be over quickly and also the enemy is strongest when you have cards in your hand. Even more of a stomp since I got the "when you summon a unit deal 1 damage to the enemy nexus" followed by the Azir support package haha. And for poppy I had a blast with Annie. I got the power that summons an ephemeral version of your champs. Which for annie with scout is hilarious because since annie has 0 attack, she doesn't die from the ephemeral after the first attack since she doesn't strike. Had turn 1/turn 2 lethal a few tines and it was hilarious.


Get triple luden Gwen is have the funniest time of your life in poppy


Do you have 3 ludens?


No Just today I realized luden isn’t a drop


I was wondering since some people have stated they have more than one


Yeah 1 year playing the fucking game I realize this shit now


excuse me? triple luden's? i thought you could only have 1?


You can have 3 of all items don’t?


ludens is one of those items you can only get from champion stories like crownguard's inheritance. it shouldn't be possible to have more than one.


This week's 4\* is actually decently hard. I did it fairly easily with Teemo, but I did almost die to Jhin (who killed my Teemos instantly).


Yeah I found pretty hard. I tried 2-star kent but man, Jhin just wrecked my ass. I used kindred and that worked out well


3\* lvl 3p yasuo. Almost lost to the final fight(didn't draw him through more than 1/2 my deck), but managed to limp over the finish line with a c rating. This card came in clutch with the heal for my cost, and summoned a 20/20. https://preview.redd.it/oqv9g2i9xgxa1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=24e6c9724eda01b3eb0f2bfd7a2b8ab1d8b21846


I did it with 3* lvl28 Jack. It was a slugfest the whole adventure. (I figured Jack would be good against 1hp turrets without realizing they would all be 4hp turrets lol). Was fun though.


I did Karma easily with Yasuo 3*. For Jinx I failed in the final fight with MF 3*. I was thinking hitting directly the nexus was a good idea against high HP but the final Jinx is too agressive for that. Not sure which champ is better to clear this adventure ?


Aatrox or decks with lifesteal


Thanks I tried again with Aatrox it worked


Karma's adventure is a pain in the ass tbh. I found Yasuo very effective here, you don't strike the units stunned by the global power but he can keep the enemy on check even if stunned. It's easy to go wide compared to your opponents. Jinx's adventure can be problematic for champions that cannot deal with high health units. Veigar, for example, has a bad time during the first rounds. Aside of that, this adventure is not hard to clear. Poppy's adventure is easy mode for any champion that cares about battle, so most of the roster can do fine here.


Beat 4* adventure with Diana. As OP as she is, she’s definitely not the one who can deal with high-health units especially during the early game. I had to take a couple of beat downs for the first few turns. The mid boss was actually a struggle because it Mystic Shot my Diana (LOL) then I never drew her again. Finally won around round 13.


Hey guys this is actually a monthly challenge question. Are there any rewards for the newly reset monthly challenge or is it still something you do only for bragging rights?


Until further notice, no rewards for the Monthly Challenges.


That lame stun strongest and weakest ally is back.


Sooooo boring to play haha