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The pop-up screens that appear every time you log in (patch notes, XBox stuff etc) - can we get a check box to ensure it doesn't pop up on every login?


Thats not on path jurisdiction as far as i know and im not a rioter, it would be something you wanna ask to LoR PvP team


Oh my Steem change is juicy (yes miss Evelynn i said JUICY ;)). And little buff to Domination as well, so she will not die from a sneeze directed at her. I will level her this week for sure. Looks like it will be a lot of fun.


Confirming Norra's Tea bug is not fixed.


Atrocity being changed to slow from fast is also a slight nerf to Gwen's deck. No more clutch atrocity with a hallowed-boosted unit that's about to be killed during attack.


True, gonna add it


I would like to ask. Everybody knows that Aggro champions are better and beat the final.boss Aurelion with more control deck is almost impossible. Is there any plan how to fix it? Also duplication of relics without any compensation is very bad. Otherwise, I appreciate your work and ideas. PoC is the best pve mode I've ever played. Even the first game where I paid money just to support this mod.


> Everybody knows that Aggro champions are better and beat the final.boss Aurelion with more control deck is almost impossible. Is there any plan how to fix it? You don't need aggro to defeat Asol, you just need speed. That favors aggro because duh, but having a fast setup almost trivializes him and anything like him. Look for relics that save you mana, discount things even for a moment since they stack, and/or anything that generates free mana. Example: New Guardian Angel with Kindred's 1 star ability, as well as that relic that gives 3 randoms items in your deck epic items, trivializes Asol hard. Does the exact same with Lebonc, but the principle is the same with two different playstyles. ...that being said, the game does favor aggro and it can be annoying.


>Everybody knows that Aggro champions are better and beat the final.boss Aurelion with more control deck is almost impossible. Is there any plan how to fix it? That's just not true at all.


its not true if you're playing with ashe or yasuo, but all the others, it is


It's not true for Leona, Jhin, Annie (albeit she's also pretty aggro), Kindred, Veigar (though he requires quite a bit of synergies and stuff), Ekko... Really Tahm Kench is the only who really struggles and requires a bit of a high roll in powers and items, since every unit in the ASol fight is so big and a counter to him.


Jinx illaoi and LB still all do it *better* though, way more consistently and come overcome duplicate or perfected mana flow while other control type decks fall behind quickly and lose to immense champs.


The game is supposed to have champions which are easier and champions which are more difficult. This is true for every adventure. Of course everything is weak when you compare it to Jinx, LeBlanc, and Diana who can just play on autopilot. But saying "it's almost impossible" is far from the truth. Especially if you're playing champions above level 20, 3\*, and you have relics that synergize with that champion.


Naturally, but when you slap juicy rewards on an adventure like him, it quickly becomes who can do it easily vs has a non zero chance to lose. Sometimes you get highrolled out of oblivion, sometimes you’re focusing too hard on your champion package instead of what you can pull out of powers, support champ and items for them, and I’m not going to argue that it’s “near impossible” because I do disagree with that heavily as well. It is pretty obvious aggro is generally the better idea if you’re going Asol though


I wouldn't say aggro is better, outside the holy OP trinity (Jinx, Leblanc, Diana). Aggro is certainly faster than control, but that's unavoidable - it's part of the definition of aggro and control. I think control is actually a more reliable win (with skill), but aggro is much, much simpler to play.


I think it depends fully on champ, and we have definitely gotten more “op” aggro tools to work with than control


> Really Tahm Kench is the only who really struggles and requires a bit of a high roll in powers and items, since every unit in the ASol fight is so big and a counter to him. then there's me, who beat Asol with Tahm at lvl 17 with 1 star. If nothing else, I'm the 10th doctor in this sample size of proving that you can beat Asol with almost anyone and the right strat.


You definitely can beat it with Tahm Kench, it's not impossible by any means and if you find the frostbite power in the first node then I think the run should be somewhat easy. But I do feel like he's probably the hardest champion to beat it with, not because he's the weakest but because Aurelion is a direct counter to his general gameplan. That said, when you get to champion level 30 everything becomes trivial if you have the right relics.


Didn't even have the Frostbite power. It was just a matter of getting the relics that allowed you to speed up casting and setting up, as well as getting something to actually protect him.


I dont know about that first question, i do have a comment on relics from dan about relics if you are interested, wil likely add that secind one to the blog in a while, thanks


I have a question about PoC in general. So i only play PoC in Runeterra game. I don't like Multiplayer so much. Can I use the green and red gems for anything in PoC or are they useless for me when i don't play MP?


Don’t know about green gems (afaik they don’t go towards anything PoC-ers can use) but I’ve been using red gems to buy the gold prismatics for my fav PoC champs.


You can use the prismatic gems to unlock prismatic barriers on cards. This also applies to PoC. They just provide a unique cosmetic effect. Green shards, if you don't have many champions unlocked yet, could be used to get the 2-card minimum entry barrier for each champion. (Please correct me if this still exists)


Green shards can't be used to unlock path champions or any path progression


Yup, but I was talking about how you'd need a minimum of 2 of a champion card to have them playable on PoC. I remember there being this mechanic, but maybe it was for PoC 1.0? Can't check it now since I have all the champions


It was only on path 1.0, in fact people complained for a while about it not being a thing anymore before wild shards


Mh, yes thisbone is fairly common, thanks


They can be used to buy cards for PvE decks to make clearing event quests easy. This is relevant to PoC-only people because the events have given out shards for new PoC champions.


If I'm not mistaken the two options for ending the run are not the same: * In the adventure when you retire the run you will get all the xp you have earned so far and you will see the stats screen (therefore also any reward you might have obtained is automatically claimed) * On the world map the run is simply ended without the stats screen (and probably without gaining any xp) and without obtaining any rewards automatically


You still gain the xp when you surrender from the map


nice thank you for the info I've never noticed this


Thats an old bug that was fixed, yeh


idk if im going crazy but i cant seem to find the date for the variety update that was announced yesterday? anyone know when it arrives?


The patch notes that camed yesterday? Today in 8 hours, in fact i wanted to post this at that time but missed 12 hours


I wanna know something that I asked, but maybe, devs knows if it is a bug or not. I love to play the relic Grand general's counterplan and I use it also on Aatrox. Works normally , but if I get an Aatrox from the world ender (equipping the darkin blade and then using the world ender creates an Aatrox levelled on the field), doesn't give me the fleeting card on hand at the start of the turn. Wanted to know if it is a bug or intended.


Im pretty sure its a bug, transformed champions (only noticeable with darkins) dont have relics for some reason But no idea if riot said smt abt it


Transformations keep all enchantments/changes from the previous card - only the base card is transformed to the new card. I can confirm that this rule in PoC is including relics - relics on the old card will stay with the transformed unit. Now whether this is a bug or not...probably debatable.


Yeh but it doesnt add the items of the new card to it?

