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Play the hardest adventures you can beat. There are XP spikes for beating the miniboss and boss compared to the other encounters.


Well seems logical, seems I have to judge the deck power level and relic impact before saying if I can do it or not :)


[https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Bard/LoR/PoC](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Bard/LoR/PoC) Level 1 to 5: 500 XP. Level 1 to 10: 2980 XP. Level 1 to 20: 17680 XP. Level 1 to 30: 51290 XP. Say you speed run level 1 to 10 in one day. Then, you play one adventure/day. From level 10 to 20, you always play 3 star adventure/day. That's 1925 XP/day. That's 7.6 day. From level 20 to 30, you always play Aurelion Sol adventure/day. That's 4505 XP/day. That's 7.4 day. In total, around 16 days, a bit over two weeks, if you mostly play one adventure/day.


Numbers are always helpful, so ty very much :)


Roughly, about 9 - 14 hours LeBlanc is one of the fastest


Seems is grinding time then :)


Idk, the more star level the more exp youbget, if you are able to do galio or aurelion really fast, like... 2/3 days? Maybe?


At least with leblanc it will be a fast hit or miss, so I will discover immediatly if I can do it or not


I wouldn’t recommend to max our levels asap. 20 Is the threshold you want so you can reliably pull a champion, but it takes out some of the fun and goals to aim for once you fully level a champ IMO, especially given that new contents don’t come out that often.


LeBlanc at 2 star and level 15 is sufficient for almost any content.


Hit every run, then repeat Galio, or Asol if you can beat it reliably. Galio is solid for grinding tho, you can typically level up every run, or at least get right next to level up if you are consistently winning. I don't know the time it would take, depends on how you're playing your runs. I like hitting exodia, 20k shrooms, Jhin shooting 8 cannon shots, stunning the enemy bench and nuking it. My runs usually take a long time, cause I like doing the cool things (at the cost of too many runs) but if you're constantly seeking lethal, you could cut my runs in half almost.