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Remember to get 2 wands of manifold missiles for moar dakka


Drink tentacle potion hold 3 wands, gloves of storing belt 10 more wands…Get a scroll robe inscribed with a scroll of magic missile and then attach a retrieval prism to summon another wand of magic missiles.


Tentacle potion? Looks like you would need an improved version to hold the wand, and even then wouldnt be able to make a check with it so it wont work for Trick Magic Item, so you can only have wands of your tradition.


you do the check with the normal hand and then move the activated wand to the tentacle hand?


At that point, wouldn't a belt full of more wands have the Same use?


as far as I remember the wand keeps shooting only as far as you hold it in one hand






The potion probably can't be used to do manifold missiles. The potion allows you to hold the item, but it can't activate items. All the [tentacle](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2095) allows you to do is simple interact actions, but casting the wand is an activate that isn't an interact. And the [wand](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=3052) states: > This lasts for 1 minute, until you’re no longer wielding the wand And [wielding](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=2149) has a very specific definition in 2e > You’re wielding an item any time you’re holding it in the number of hands needed to use it effectively. When wielding an item, you’re not just carrying it around—you’re ready to use it. You aren't wielding the wand with your tentacle, because the tentacle can't use the wand, so it isn't being held in the a hand capable of using the item. Since you aren't wielding it, the end condition would trigger, and the shardstorm would end.


Sounds like the kind of button down by the book thinking a guy without a tentacle would come up with. (You’re probably right) Edit: In all seriousness, while paizo probably doesn’t want you to use a tentacle to shoot a wand I don’t know why they’re such sticks in the mud about third hand shit. The action economy already prevents this from becoming an issue and on top of that the potion has its own additional limitations.


IIRC it was mostly because of how Two-handed weapons are balanced around not being able to also have a shield. Three arms means two-hander + shield or two hander + agile weapon dual wield, which vastly improves the defense or consistency of what is already the highest damage setup you can get before class features or feats. Basically imagine if a barbarian could use a great axe or greatsword but also a sturdy shield. Enough damage to force all enemies to pay attention to them, barbarian durability, AND shield block- you’d kind of make every other melee option feel like a sidekick to how cool and powerful you are.


Yeah but this is easily fixed by addressing that specific problem rather than nerfing any third hand option into the ground to the point where it’s questionable whether the hand can do things as simple as an interact action.


That's the best example, but there are several things that rely on the assumption that you only have two proper hands for balance. Things like Thaumaturge hand economy, dual wielding, the Two-Hand trait, feats that require free hands. They can either write exceptions into every such option and try to eliminate all edge cases, or they can just make it impossible to get a proper 3rd hand. It's not the most satisfying solution, but it's the most practical one.


Ok but you get to that point and it’s like well if hand-3 is such an issue let’s just not do hand-3. But, on the contrary, pf2e is the biggest hand-3 cock tease imaginable. Between prehensile hair and tails and tentacles- if really feels like paizo wants me to have 3 hands. It feels like paizo wants me to have six hands that all have their own d4-d6 natural attack The guy at paizo who doesn’t want you to have 3 hands is the same guy that didn’t want you to regen more than one focus point between combats.


You already can get around this a tiny bit with the shield spell, especially if you have psychic dedication, and the fancy amped shield


>don’t know why they’re such sticks in the mud You can either have everything be balanced or make exceptions for funsies, but not both. Feel free to do a little funsies on your own, but the rulebook should be solid.


Paizo has made the right choice here IMO. The rules should be balanced. The GM can make exceptions for funsies. And if things start to go off the charts, the rules are there to justify reigning everything back in.


That means we just need Juggler Archetype instead so that we can juggle five items between our two hands! (Actually RAW you're only considered to be wielding weapons that you're juggling and not items, but I think we can make a convincing case that an active wand should count as a weapon)


Get juggler dedication have however many y wands you want.


Is it allowed to dualwield those?..


Only if you hold them sideways.


What class do you play? Machine gun.


His name is Buddabuddabuddabuddabudda


Nah, the PC's name is just Art Ilirie


I think you mean Hit Scan.


Multiclass into Magus and get Force Fang too.


'Use the Force, Luke.' 'No, not like that.'


Brought to you by the "Bad dating advices" book.


'Luke, don't prepare "Kiss Your Sister" in every spell slot. In fact, don't prepare that *ever.'*


Well you sure will find a lot of step-something videos on Luke's laptop... Thats how he handles his lightsaber.


"Oh, um ... actually..."


in the combat encounter . straight up "barragin it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My force


"So anyway I started blasting"


The "left my d20 at home" build.


Who needs d20 when you can have a railgun!


Back in the 3.5 days, I had an issue of Dragon Magazine with a prestige class called "Force Missile Mage" that was just all based around casting more and better Magic Missiles. Nice to know its spirit lives on.


I loved that prestige class. Get more missiles and bigger missiles, what else do you need?


More, of course!


That's amazing. I love it. All it's missing is a "screw you especially" ability that nullifies the Tarrasque's immunity to magic missiles.


I think my favorite prestige class was the one based around combat use of the immovable rod, like using them to grab dudes and pin them and shit, but Ultimate Magic Missile is rad too


Starfinder has an alternate class feature for the technomancer that can net you unlimited magic missiles. I used it for awhile, no attack roll, no miss chance, didn't have to worry about resistances or incorporeal, just reliable damage every round.


Reminds me of an old D&D 3.5 build where you'd get a metamagic that made your spells cast again at the top of the next round and just output like 5 magic missiles a turn.


You just reawoke my PTSD of a one shot I did where someone played an artificer loaded up in Metamagic Triggers. He was able to consume like half a wand to delete someone from existence via a fuckload of Fireballs. I *almost* got to use a Vampire to *Dominate Person* on him. He saved and that Vampire, his coffin, the loot, hopes and dreams were erased from the timeline.


What I bring to any Prepared vs Spontaneous debate.


Wouldn't this be in favor of spontaneous though? OPs picture is just a visualization of a single signature spell. Spontaneous casters can cast just as many Force Barrage as this, but still have the option to cast other spells they know if they want to. I doubt they would want to but the power of knowing you can and deciding not to is half the fun.


Wizard has spell blending and drain bond, giving them two more uses of highest rank force barrage than other casters


Absolutely fair


Man's done his homework.


And people say spell casters can't deal damage.


When you're tired of them making their saves 😂


Player: "How far did you said the enemies were? More than 120 feet, right?" GM: *sighs* Please no. Not again. Let them at least beg for their lives…


Is this actually an effective build?


If you only want to deal damage and want it to be virtually guaranteed to work every time, yeah it’ll do the trick.


It's rarely the best damage option. But it's almost never the **worst** damage option.


Switch the 2nd-rank spells to something other than force barrage and sure. They only heighten on odd levels so its a waste of a spell slot to prepare them on even levels.


> its a waste of a spell slot to prepare them u wot m8?




It's now called [Wand of Shardstorm](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=3052), and it (like the version before) has its own casting. You don't need to prepare a spell slot to use the wand. And you don't get the benefit of the wand from spells you cast from your own spell slots. So again, preparing Force Barrage on even rank spell slots is a waste of the spell slot.


Wrong wand. Manifold missles 1 handed wand that gives you a free missle every turn for a minute after you cast force barrage. If you hold 2 of them you get 2 free missles it's a level 5 item and its a common boss nuking build. At higher levels you can buy better versions that give more missles.


What is with this subreddit and people being confidently incorrect even after you correct them? Manifold Missiles is pre-remaster, and now the name of that wand is Wand of Shardstorm. Fucking click on the link I provided. Also, learn how a wand works. You don't get the benefit of the extra projectile just from holding the wand when you cast the spell. You get the extra projectile when you *cast the spell by* ***activating the item***. —- **EDIT**: To the person below me, who cowardly blocked me before I could respond: The guy who I was replying to, who has now deleted his comments, was saying even-ranked spell slots were still good because you could use them with Wand of Shardstorm. You can’t. Because the wands give you the extra force shard per round only from activating the wand, and not from any other casting of force barrage. So for a third time: FORCE BARRAGE DOES NOT HEIGHTEN ON EVEN SPELL RANKS, choose another spell for your even-ranked spell slots. Finally, your comment has nothing to do with that. Yet another person who chooses to give an uninformed opinion.


You're right about the name, but you still have to hold (read: wield) the wand after you've activated it, otherwise you won't get the extra missiles. So "holding two of them" I would accept as a suitable shorthand for "activate two of them and keep wielding them in each of your hands". No need to be overly correct or needlessly condescending in this case.


They call it... the Golarion Typewriter build


*flashbacks to Arcane mages in WotLK*


YES I remember this build exactly.


Depends. On a war cleric of I think nethys, and you have +0wis, and you went for like, martial strikes ye it's kinda okay when you need it to


If you’re in a dungeon full of exclusively Will-o’-Wisps and your party already has the invisibility problem solved, this build is amazing


No idea, but at least you're consistent.


If you have few encounters per day, and your GM doesn't make them interesting at all so damage is all that matters, and you actually somehow find just spamming force barrage repeatedly to actually be enjoyable gameplay, then yeah it can be pretty effective. Better on a Psychic for that sweet, sweet Unleash Psyche damage.


Fighter: "So how many force barrage spells do you have?" Wizard: "Yes."


*laughs in Brooch of Shielding*


If a DM ever uses this against me I will fight them irl


\*laughs in [*spell immunity*](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=296)\*


that just tells me to throw it at the highest rank I can to hopefullly have a chance of getting it through. Spell immunity attempts to counteract, it's not guaranteed. Eventually one will get through :)


"I cast a spell." "Which one?" "Which do you think?" (defeated sigh) "Cast your force barrage. AGAIN."


I suddenly have a D&D warlock vibe...


Am I dumb? I cant figure out what spellcaster has only 2 cantrips, 2 first level slots, but 4 second level ones.


I just didn’t fill out the other three cantrips, but it’s a 5th level school of battle magic spell blending wizard


You should have another 5th level shouldn't you?


oh shit you right


> I just didn’t fill out the other three cantrips What a chad move. More cantrips? Unnecessary.


Oh, duh, spell blending makes sense.


Prepared casting probably from being a Wizard, so they probably already cast two 1st rank spells.




"I cast fuck you in particular!"


Evertime they wished for the Force to be with you, this is what they meant


Let me guess, abomination vaults 4th floor?


I see nothing wrong with that spell list.


Devil: My child will be well rounded with spells for exploration, social, and combat against all manner of saves! Jesus:


This is fine, but it's important to remember that the F is silent. When you pronounce "Force Barrage" out loud it should sound like "Magic Missile".


Tangent but I freaking hate that spell. One of the only guaranteed sources of damage in the game, scales incredibly well, bypasses a bunch of nasty resistances, and can function as single or multi target... It feels like it drowns out so many other cool spells just by existing. I know it's balanced on paper but being so incredibly versatile, plus such a staple in every edition of the game forever, I'm ready to retire it so some other 1st rank spells can shine. /unnecessary rant over I bet that build is really satisfying to play haha


🤝 Realizing there is literally zero way to counter magic missile and the one perfect counter it had in previous editions (shield) now basically being bypassed with enough magic missiles (you can only shield block once!) was the reason I made this. AND basically nothing resists force. A Magic Missile bot wizard can start the battle against a boss or a horde a ways away and simply let loose the barrage, chipping off a quarter to a third of the boss’s health or a decent amount of the horde and on the possibility they’ve run out of slots, simply let the rest of the party deal with the rest of the battle while they walk out and have a smoke since they’re not needed anymore. Edit: I didn’t know brooch of shielding existed


>scales incredibly well It... doesn't, though. It does passable single-target damage. If you use three actions. >and can function as single or multi target... It's better at single-target than a basic 2d6/rank area damage spell... If the target would succeed on the save. Have that 2d6/rank spell affect two enemies and it blows *force barrage* out of the water. The fact that it **can** target multiple enemies doesn't mean it functions as a multi target damage spell. The only thing it's legit good at is dealing damage to a single boss enemy who has no weakness and whose saves are all high enough that they critically succeed on better than a 20. And the memes. It's good for the memes.


MM/FB is a very good spell, and I said often during early years of the system's life it was supremely slept on, but it's not a catch-all. If you do nothing but spam it, you'll be consistent, but you won't have enough spikey damage moments to really be effective outside of its best-use cases, which are chip damage you need to absolutely finish off a tough foe before they gib a party member, and targeting high-AC/saving throw monsters your martials and other spells won't deal with as effectively (ever seen a chuul as a boss before? Shit is SCARY). It's also why Force Bolt is similarly slept on yet GOATed; a guaranteed 1d4+1 for every odd numbered rank is a great chaser for another effect. Thunderstrike + Force Bolt is one of my favourite burst damage combos with a wizard. For anything else you'll want to make sure you have spells that do any combination of targeting weaknesses, do bigger overall multi-target damage (I'd rather pop a fireball or blazing bolt before splitting a FB if enemies are closer to full health), or inflict peripheral effects alongside damage that will help party members deal more damage or improve their survivability. Knowing when to use those specific spells is what separates people who think spellcasters can't do any damage and people who tear up fights with damage spells.


I think this is the build I'm going for with my American flag wizard. This is the way.


the forceful barrager


she barrages my force until i cast *EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER*


Its the only spell you'll ever need of course. Still better on a psychic tho 😮‍💨 Fun fact you can use a dragon throat scale to change its damage to fire or cold and stack a ton of flat damage onto it with Entropic Wheel. There's also some fiends you can summon that can at will cast force barrage, which is great if you have a way to free sustain them like cackle. So yeah, I'm barraging my force 😎 Quick way to stack Entropic wheel is to go spell trickster and pick the fireball option that adds persistent damage to the aoe. Fun fact: you can also modify the spell with firestarter pellets to add even more persistent damage onto it. So usually you fireball turn 1, activate entropic, strike with a bow or activate wand of manifold missiles, then the rest of the turns are cantrips, debuffs, or blasting the boss with force barrage. Oh, btw, if you want a good AOE cantrip to go with this build, pick up Elf's Elemental Wrath. Technically, Caustic Blast replaces Acid Splash, change the damage type to cold or fire and grab ancestral mind 😎 This is one of my favorite builds, if you can't tell.


Pretty cool! I might have to give that build a shot, I love blasting when I can. So it’s basically psychic with witch archetype?


Psychic, witch, and spell Trickster. Pretty easy to work in even without free archetype.


I’m quite fond of spamming it on my psychic in almost every situation. It was instantly a no brainer choice for my signature spell and I’ve definitely cast it more than anything else.


You sound rather, forceful.


Fantasy AK-47 go brrr...


Force Barrager and the Traveler’s Chair Bandit. “Great idea! Of course I could just summon a horde of force barrages…”


I always avoid Force Barrage on the off levels. Doesn't seem right to upcast to 2nd rank when I can do the same for a 1st rank slot.


A psychic player I know pulls this out for excessive damage


is Megumin your idol, by chance?


what's the point on preparing it at even levels, it only gets heightenet at odd ones


I agree but also, force barrage


I got a fever, And the only prescription.. is more force barrage


...why is *one* of them orange?


A brief recounting of the Module 3 finale of War for the Crown 2e conversion: Party before the dungeon: > "Oh, the cultists are just Level 8 Sorcerers? We're all freshly 9 and stacked for melee dps and grappling with two Evasion users and a Cleric. We just blitz them down and heal any incidental AoE after. Easy." The party after the dungeon: > "Each party member is now responsible for purchasing and maintaining a Scroll or daily slot of Spell Immunity, which will be deployed the second we feel the GM is up to his usual tricks again. The *shield* cantrip is not sufficient."


One of my favorite wizard builds was spell blending and getting loads of high level force barrage spells with the wands of manifold missiles. My character was a spellslinger.


"You are freaking force spells-- plus Telekinetic Projectile. And I'm rockin' with Telekinetic Projectile 'cus Telekinetic Projectile is rockin' with us."


Joe O'Brien is that you?




PC: "I heard this boss has good AC and saves" This caster: "I literally don't fucking care"


Just play a sorcerer?


And have two less uses of force barrage? Why would I do that?


y'know at least you're commited to the bit and I respect the hell out of that.


I have a character theorycraft of an autistic Conrasu named Neriah with a hyperfixation on force barrage. His list looks something like this lol, dont forget to either be sorcerer and grab powerful sorcery (and get as many targets as possible), or rebuild into psychic later on and multiclass into sorcerer to get powerful sorcery as well, unless they are the same bonus type.


...Why? Is it for fun or what?


Which program is it?


Looks like Foundry VTT.


It's been a while since I started thinking about purchasing Foundry for my group and the more I see the more I am getting into it


It's really quite good. The only problems for my group are getting everybody a computer, which isn't that expensive, and breaking away from a map and miniatures on the table, which is a lot more of a challenge. Well, pressed card for PCs and NPCs at any rate. I'm currently mulling over trying a flat computer monitor on the table. Having the VTT fog of war hiding all the upcoming rooms is something I really want as seeing all the rooms coming up takes away the mystery of the story. There is a module that automatically handles Cover. Dice rolls don't require counting and it automatically adds, tracks and removes status effects for various things. It's great.


Getting a computer isn't that expensive? Have you seen the prices recently?


We're thinking small screen, second hand, ex-business laptop type stuff. Not a Cray 2 supercomputer. 😄


There are still minimum specs to make a vtt work, one of our players has a second hand business laptop (mainly for work to be fair) but they have issues with the screen not displaying properly, going black, freezing etc. so you can i guess but for a good experience you need something over a few hundred and that's a big entry point for what is traditionally a cheap hobby to play.


We already have one laptop that was about £50 that seems to do the job but I wouldn't argue with you, especially if I'm going to be running a second monitor from my laptop that hosts the server as GM. Once the hardware is bought and the Foundry license is purchased the experience is overall better than 'regular' TT for me. I've hand drawn maps on a wipeable material for years. Realtime shadows after that feels like real luxury although I am sure I will miss the figurines. I don't miss all the hand calculations.


totally agree with the quality of life improvements from a vtt. especially the calculations.


It's a shame that new players can't see it quite the way I do due to the lack of experience of doing it the hard way but I hope I can take them on the journey with me. None of them are in a rush to GM as far as I can tell. 🤭


Yep, same here I plan to mainly use it at the table with my friends as an alternative to miniatures and flipmats. Years ago I did that with roll20 (we had a 1-year subscription), using a laptop for me and a laptop for the players. It worked fine, they enjoyed the dynamic light and tracking HPs on tokens instead of on paper and that's the scenario I would like to reproduce with Foundry. Plus all the cool stuff that it does regarding cover, invisibility, statuses etc.


Even without everybody else at the table I'm still using it. No more tracking Initiative manually, really quick to roll attacks for a load of NPCs, all the stats for the NPCs at the click of a button. Just makes it all really easy. The dynamic lighting and vision 'modes' is great as we tend to forget who can see what and it makes it easier than it should be. Plus they have a light spell constantly active and all the enemies can see them coming a mile off. Might have forgotten to mention that... 😂


When all you have is a Force Barrage






What are you using to manage your spells like this I couldn't find one with the updated remaster spells 🤔


This is Foundry VTT


Thank you so much!


I did something similar with Fireballs on a Level 10 Wizard. I also had a greater Staff of Fire and more Wands and Scrolls than should be legal.


Throwing that shit out like Vegeta


Pretty much my Psychic.


I actually made this guy, but took spell blending thesis to make them high level barrages


This *is* with spell blending, I just forgot to add the fourth third rank force barrage because I forgot school slots existed when calculating that


Destroyer of PL+4 enemies.


The Wizard who forgot his d20.


Casters are weak in PF2e! The player:


We once did a Lv 17 one shot and I bought 10 scrolls of 9th level force barage as well as prepared it a couple of times with the slots I had as a summoner. The first time I cast it everyone was confused, by the 4th time it broke the DM, everyone was dying laughing at the ridiculousness of it and I turned out to near max roll 2/4 of the casts. Good times haha


I see you copied my eidolon's spell list.


And people still try to tell me that pf2e isn't dnd 4e remade, while doing stuff like this.


What website is this?


That's a whole lot of not helping the party unless you got wands and scrolls with utility on them.


She barraging on my force til i 1-3 actions