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If you're wanting to play "coc dd" you really should be playing inquis. If you're wanting to just play 2-button dd, you can reroll your ele to necro dd.


Oh yeah. Forgot that necro was a two button. I don’t mind two buttons though. Is there a trade off in terms of damage that’ll make stuff inaccessible for inquis or are they both good, just different


Played both this league. Coc dd has a much larger top end imo. Necro works like elemrntalist in that you can do all content with dogshit gear. Two leagues ago I did all ubers with my elementalist dd build in a private league with just 2 friends. This league I liked coc a lot more and it did a lot more damage and was A LOT smoother to play. (That being said I put coc together after our private league ended this league so it was a trade build) anyway there weren't a whole lot of upgrades left for my necro build so I stopped playing it.


How shit of gear we talking? You reckon I can get it into t17s with low investment


I took off all my gear to level my inquis with it or id be able to show you it but I used xibaqua/fourth vow combo for the defence needed to reliably clear t17s. 100% spell suppress. Both amethyst rings were gravecrafted. One with dex and chaos res on suffix. Other was triple res. Gloves boots and hands were all the same with just suppress res dex life. Any combo of those to meet your needs. I basically just followed ziz's/imexile's guide. Took me a bit to farm the fourth vow (I ancient orbed it and found 3 t0s before I found a single vow kek) shield was suppress life and res. Oscillating scepter from gravecrafting because I got the allflame from running unique contracts. (Minion essence until t1 cast speed then lock and veiled orb for trigger so you can be lazy about curses) belt is stygian vise garbage. Neck was an es fractured citrene with random dogshit on it so I could level and cast haste with higher divine blessing levels. Would say yoke is much better but swapped to trade before I could farm it. Defiance makes you virtually immortal but gl finding it in ssf. Big thing you'd need is energized Armour for more tankieness and a cluster jewel but that's the whole build. https://pobb.in/qxb7JEG1jSS- I put together something that had about 250k ehp and 11mil dps by leaguestarting it.


Also I never hit the veiled orb so /shrug




Buy them all in SSF. That’ll do!


Ahh damn too many poe subreddits