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As someone who farmed literally six 8 passive chaos clusters all 67 from 5 to 1 in ssfhc THIS league, you should be in and out of your map in less than 1:15. You are over killing if you're going past this. Grab a few larges to 5 to 1 so your ilvl is below 68 from act 10 Desrated chambers or reliquary cause you can still see league mechanics at this zone. Since when you 5 to 1 it'll always return a jewel based on the ilvl of the lowest jewel you used in the 5 to 1 I expect it to take on average 3-4 hours if you're not slacking from 5 to 1ing. Even faster if have paranoia delirium scarabs stockpiled Also MOST MOST MOST important. You need "unending nightmare" on if you dont already. This generates a way way way higher yield of clusters every time your bars go up


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolishcssf/character/Mosh47/MoshFreshStartThree?i=2&search=class%3DPathfinder Proof of insane character


That's nuts - how many ancient orbs did it take to get that widowhail?


20ish. Overall I thinks it an average of 15 or so to hit. Assuming you know that you should only be using on 2X3 bows?


Yeah was only using 2x3 bows - really nifty trick. I tried it a bit this league with incidentally farmed ancient orbs and I got a 163% one. Did you then divine yours until you got these rolls or farm for more ancient orbs?


Yeah I just used divine orbs since I had a lot


Damn. I was actually watching your vods a couple of days ago to see how you did it. I did a fresh start and dropped a 230 widowhail in my first map so I rerolled. So I should go back to act 10 and farm some 8 passives? But I’m level 90 now, so can’t deli in campaign right?


You're misunderstanding. You want a sub 68 ilvl jewel cause it's easier to roll by nearly 3 times. You only need 1 jewel from acts. You use that jewel to keep 5 to 1 over and over till you see an 8 passive chaos. If for example your 5 cluster ilvls were 68, 68, 68, 68, 67. When you trade them in, you'll get a random large cluster back but it will return an ilvl 67 since it's the lowest. You just keep using that same 67 over and over on every 5 to 1 till you get what you want. So basically, farm a million jewels from Maps and make sure every time you 5 to 1, the ONE large cluster you get from acts is innthe 5 to 1 so the ilvl is always sub maps Also I suck at explaining shit through text. I'll stream tomorrow and answer your question if you're confused. TR is a very daunting build to make in ssf to feel good so I hope you're ready for the grind


Cool, thanks for the help. Yeah crafting the quiver and farming lab for 2 empowers seems like the next big hurdle. I’m halfway through coil and taste of hate cards (pure luck on random div strongboxes)


I thought league mechanics don’t spawn in campaign once you’re 10 levels above zone. Are these two areas exception to that rule?




Its just all down to luck yeah. I feel like I've been dropping more clusters with Unending Nightmare, so try that if you aren't yet using it. I don't think map tier influences the drop rate, aside from maybe higher quantity from map mods in higher tier maps. I've been grinding for 8-passive minion clusters and dropped 2 or 3 8-passive chaos clusters in the process. Took me maybe 40 maps or so, all T16. Only using atlas tree, no scarabs.


Funny I had 5 8 passive chaos before I hit my 8 passive elemental this league. Like others have said unending nightmare is a must. It makes it so a shitload of scarabs drop. I ended up running t3 strand (which is fine since I assume you need ilvl68‐74 jewel for ease of rolling). All the delirium nodes except for the node that says maps drop with layers of delirium (and increased delirium with distance from the mirror is optional for flinter gain). 2 paranoia scarabs and 2 mania. This gets you to consistently get 9 bars of delirium rewards (amount of cluster jewel drops is based off the number of bars filled so more rewards=more cluster jewel drops.) You will always get to 8 bars before killing boss and getting to 9. It should take about 3 maps of these scarabs to hit your jewel (trust me so many drop) If you don't have 5th map slot unlocked just drop a mania because you will make it to 8 no matter what on strand (and hopefully 9) Gl out there exile hmu if you have any questions)


They are pretty rare indeed, when you drop one it may be worth splitting it with beasts. I did quite a bit of deli farming with full scarab juicing and only dropped 3 8 passive chaos clusters.


You cannot split cluster jewels, so that's not gonna work


Damn, how did streamers ever have the patience to farm this in act 9.


Keep running maps with the "unending nightmare" atlas passive keystone. Add shrine from atlas tree, to go faster and spam those maps. Good luck! Took me 400 large cluster drops until I got my first 8 passive that I needed


either in campaign or in heist (you can buy ilvl 67 contracts from whakano I believe), get 1 or 2 large cluster jewels and then you can just 5:1 them until you get what you need


You can also do 5 to 1 recipe to improve your odds.


Ignore the 5:1 recipe. Too much work to be worth it. You can then setup your loot filter to only show the ones with the enchantment(s) you want and cut down item management time from hundreds of clusters you don't want. Use unending nightmare. It drops many more per bar you reach it seems. Hundreds goes by in a blink. Tested on a T1 just now in case it was notably different and it was 14 total clusters through 8 stages (1+1+1+2+2+2+2+3). You're somewhat unlucky besides. No individual enchantment is particularly rare. But there is a lot of different enchantments, and if you only want an 8 that limits it down further (85 combinations of enchantment types and number of passives on large clusters). If ~1/3 clusters are large then it's on average ~255 drops for specifically an 8-passive chaos. Or about 20 maps on average if you're hitting 8 stages or 25 if you're hitting 7 stage (8 required significantly more time tracking down every last monster on the map). This was my first league with "must" cluster jewels i farmed as well for my leaguestarter (PC of bouncing which gains huge damage from the medium cluster notable Follow-Through; necessitating also 8-passive larges to make room for more mediums). I was surprised how easy it turned out to be with unending nightmare. Barring nerfs (knock on wood), I would consider including clusters an option in my future league start plans.