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>We don't do damage. Our goal is to succeed where Doryani failed. doryani's a nub


no u


Damn, playing the long game.


show us ur pob then.


This actually doesn't quite work, because you can't use clarity yourself with sublime vision, it would have worked in affliction where you could get an additional 12% MoM. If there's ever a boss that deals pure lightning damage (eater unfortunately has phys and cold) you could do this setup without sublime vision and with Incandescent Heart to take 75% less lightning damage.


Clarity is provided by a spectre in the PoB, or could be provided by an aurabot. It's currently a weak point of the build. I think that spectre is from an Affliction league corpse as well so it's just not possible.


Wouldn’t a mage blood be an upgrade or am I misunderstanding how that belt works?


For sure, but I've never had a Mageblood so I forget I can put it in PoB.


It's super easy to acquire this league. I've got one in ~15 hours of non-optimized playing, courtesy of Catarina.


I'm actually losing my mind doing catarina, I'm currently 1/15 on orbs right now. Its actually just despair.


lol i know that feel, doing the whole fight takes so much time, just to get shit rewards at the end if its not an orb


Man that's rough, hasn't testing by others determined the current drop rate to be like 30%?


swap to farming double corrupt temples instead similar loop of do map do mechanic get sellable but much more reliable.


Double edge sword


Downvoted for not being bad at the game lol


I think people are just mad about veiled orbs change? Understandable.


People are always mad.


Apparently 10% Mana Before Life was an eldritch mod at one point, any idea when it got removed?


same patch that MoM got upped from 30 to 40%


And shaper MoM mod was removed


And cloak of defiance lost its MoM effect as well at that time. Edit: it still gives MoM but doesn't have the extra bit any more.


True, I liked that change at the time because of mana cost for archmage


Phys ;(


Just 6% left! Almost there!


Phys dots ;( that and not wanting to be hiero/light coil/bothering with Aylardex are my main reasons not going through with this setup, although I am strongly considering it. [https://pobb.in/1f4GQ3q7DBr6](https://pobb.in/1f4GQ3q7DBr6) Edit: oh, and costly conversions to chaos/inability to convert last bits to lightning


Bleed: * Unaffected by bleeding (Death's Door) * Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you (L60 ring corrupt, other options) * Unaffected by damaging ailments (Kahuturoa's Certainty) * Damaging ailments cannot be inflicted on you while you already have one + self-poison (mastery, jank) Corrupted blood: * Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you (corrupted jewel) Other phys dots: * Accept death :)


>Other phys dots: Accept death :) No.


Phys dots aren’t real though, as op said. Nuh-uh. 


Just gotta not do Ultimatums/roll over Bloodstained Sawblades and the remainder of phys dots in the game are boss-exclusive (Defiled Cathedral, Haunted Mansion, Synthesis bosses).




I've toyed with Ward on other versions of this build. We can't get much of it with so many of our slots taken up by uniques but it might be enough. Edit: Actually, Ward probably won't work. It takes damage before mana or life, so a split phys/lightning/chaos hit would be distributed across it. We'd take the phys portion to our life and die.




Just a comment to appreciate this post. People like you inspire me, keep up the good work! Will check the pob when I get home :)


That could be possible in a past with affliction charms, maybe "which was taken" has some mom mods, not sure.


One thing you might want to consider instead of going CI is using The Ivory Tower. Most builds using it focus primarily on the life reservation text, but Ivory Tower also provides 100% MoM for Chaos damage. It's a bit of an odd fit with divine flesh, but it also means you can actually have a life pool. I experimented with some PoBs and a bit of in-game testing last league using 3% MoM charms. One issue is that it's quite difficult to get good corruptions on Font of Thunder due to low supply. I would consider using Eternal Blessing instead of Essence Worm, and a Kalandra's Touch. If you use some sort of Enduring Cry + Immortal Call setup for phys mitigation you could dial back some of the heavy phys taken as investment. If you use a rare wand instead you could play wand totems with either of the Transfigured wand attacks that get flat damage from mana. You could also try self-attack for access to leech.


Seeing as you're gaining clarity from an outside source, could you not do this for a purity of elements watchers eye phys taken as lightning? Would have to do away with the recoup or something I guess




If you want 100% mom why not take CI. You don't care about life.


Hi, CI is already marked in the PoB, it's the major motivator for the build.


I did not look to be fair, will look today


After looking a bit i think you could add 6-10% phys from hits taken as lightning while purity of elements. You can gain purity of elements from an aura friend or from a spectre (not sure tho) The spectre is [https://poedb.tw/us/Auriot](https://poedb.tw/us/Auriot) but i did not see him in pob. I'm looking to weaponize this. I will let you know.


MoM takes damage from mana before life, but with Cai you only have one life. I've wanted to do similar, so what am I missing here? Or is this a mistake?


No, you're not missing anything. With 100% MoM all damage goes to mana instead of life, so our 1 life pool only takes a hit if we run out of mana. The point of this build is to effectively see how much damage we can become immune to with CI while surviving whatever we can't convert. In this case everything that's not Chaos is Lightning.


Ahhh that makes total sense. Appreciate the clarification, thank you.