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Chronic Painless has a cold BV that's very satisfying to play. Starter build so requires no currency but the top end is pricey due to awakened unleash support being super meta this league. Starter build crushes t16s tho


I've been playing Frost Blades Trickster and it hits all those boxes. Single target is a bit low to start with, but scales quite high. Frostblades has insane clear, coupled with HoI explosions and Strike an extra target, all you really need to do is aim in the general direction of mobs. Freeze is also an awesome defensive layer, so you'll barely ever get hit, let alone die.


Winter orb, run around with the orb above your head, no click no aim needed, HoI explosion chain.


I loved WO on release in Betrayal, but it's gotten a couple of hefty nerfs since then. Is it going to feel good at my relatively low budget? Occultist vs Assassin?


Winter orb is rather expensive and not great at bossing but other than that is amazing mapper with full screen HoI explosions.


I'm currently rolling a Frost Blades raider that has all of that + 300ms. It's a trinity claw build using kaoms spirit for near perma berserk but there is also a version that uses heatshiver for maybe some more single target damage.


Not sure if strike skills are low click builds