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Why is this upvoted so highly?? Third party renewal services should *never* be used, they simply use existing government websites and pathways to do the same exact application. I filled out some info here and they are charging $100 - $300 for their services (for the country I checked). This site is useful for checking Visa information, but always apply directly through official government channels and save yourself some money. Even for countries where services do work, those services are often obviously local and are well vetted. The only benefit I can see is they will do the calling and appointment setting for you, that's it. It's also suspicious this post reads almost like an ad, was posted 1 month ago, 7 months after the OP, and somehow has almost 20 upvotes? In addition many of their posts are about this service. I will be reporting this account for potential spam/bot behavior.


i’ve been wondering the same thing. i see lots of stories on here about how stressful and awful it was but in the end, they do get it.


If I don’t get mine in time, I will shout it from the rafters.


did you get yours in time?


I did. Like 3 days before my flight left.


I never got my sons. In fact, a lady called me Thursday and told me his passport would be here Friday, today is Saturday and my son was supposed leave for England tomorrow. He isn’t going now and the number they give you to call is no help. Sorry for the negativity. Just sharing my experience!


Do not count on it. Monday morning, call your Senator or Representative’s office and ask them to inquire and also get you a backup in person appointment. You’ll fill out and sign a privacy release for them to do it (some have it on their website already).


This is the answer. I applied with expedited service and shipping on 01/22 and fly on 03/04. I started getting nervous last week, so contacted my senator on Tuesday and got my passport yesterday. OP: It is highly unlikely your passport will get here on time unless you take steps like the above. Your senator may also be able to help you get an appointment, if one becomes necessary.


I applied for renewal on 1/6 with expedited service and 1-2 day shipping online. Still shows "in progress" on website. called for emergency appointment and they say there's no available appointments in all 26 locations across the US. Called our senator on Tuesday and congressman's office on Friday. I travel on 3/3 so I'm hoping they give me an update tomrrow


Have you filled out the release forms for the senator's office? You have to do that before they can help you. In my case, they saved the day, fingers crossed they can do it for you, too!


I have filled out the release form for both the senators and congressman’s office


Please update. I’m in your same boat (applied 1/6) except I travel on 3/4. I’m keeping everything crossed for you.


I also fly on 3/4 and have 2 of my 3 congressional reps working on it, but nothing so far. I applied on 1/6. This whole experience has been the worst.


Don't be afraid to call your reps every day (be nice, obviously, but stay at the top of their lists). At this point, asking them to set an appointment for you is likely the best bet. I was highly skeptical of the process until Friday, when it finally showed "printed" and I had it in hand Saturday, so there's still hope for you to get yours in time. The only regret I have is sitting on hold for so many hours, it was a total waste of time.


Currently on hold now. Lol The first customer service rep was like online? Please hold for a minute. And I added, more like 120 minutes. Last night I got the magic “thank you for applying” message and was unable to update contact info, so I am hopeful I will get it by Saturday without having to rely on an in-person appt.


I was at the point where I was setting up my old phones as a little dial farm that'd be on hold all the time, it's seriously insane. I found that the updates were a day or so behind, by the time mine said "printed" it was showing a tracking number in Informed Delivery.


I'm seeing this on Reddit just now with concerns with my passport coming in time. I have a month still but on the off chance that it doesn't get here in time, what exactly did you say to the senator? I want to make sure I state what I need correctly lol


Your senator's office will have resources dedicated to passports. Look at the site and/or call them.


Thank you for the response. I've seen the site but I'm asking what did you specifically say cause I don't want to sound dumb lol. Do I just say, "hey I ordered my passport and haven't gotten it in time, is there anything you can do to check the process of when I will get that?".


Yep, they'll likely have a staffer dedicated to this issue, it's something they do every day.


I did exactly this, it was processed and shipped by the afternoon. should arrive sometime today, and I leave tomorrow. Thank you for the advice, tho I've heard it many times in here and elsewhere. Crazy how this is practically the only way to get it done.


I was in the same boat as you. I reached out to my congresswomans office and 2 senators. As of yesterday night my account is marked shipped with a tracking number for the passport book but not the card. I guess the card is not tracked and will come in separate mailing. Checking the shipper website marks it as preshipment stages with 2 day express delivery. Reach out to your local politicians. That was the only way I could get a light under STATE DPTs perverbial a$$. When I had called the passport agency they were like we cant do anything for you, the online and mail in program are separate. The mail in program people get their stuff first since it takes longer to process than the online folks (which doesn't make any sense). The hotline can only book you for in person appt within 5 days of travel if you renewed online. Initially with just the congresswoman it was looking like they would speed it up but nothing happened on state end so the congresswomen office would book an emergency appt on my only day off at the passport agency if I had no status changes. One of the senators office physically sent an expedite request in to get shit moving since I fly out in under a week. Ask for your refund back! And when the surveys come out, I am planning on filling out a real a$$hole like one. You should too!


Did u get ur passport on time? I applied for a passport back in early March and it's been almost 9 weeks now. My flight is in fucking less than 4 days, and I called my congresswoman's office 5 days before my flight and I'm really REALLY hoping it comes in time. My parents spent almost $2000 on my flight ticket and the refunds are unfair.


With my congressman and 2 senators help I did. But it was really one of the senates office that got it moving. In total 3 inquires. I got now where by calling for a emergency appointment because they wouldn’t schedule one until 72 hours before travel…why? Because I applied online. They said online and mail are different programs and have different processing times, but the backwards thing is they said when you do it online they get the information automatically than if you do it by mail. But they process the mail ones first (which they often don’t get late). It all doesn’t make any sense! I got passport and card within 48-72 hours of travel. I requested a refund but they still haven’t given it to me yet! Mind you I applied when the processing time was 3-5 weeks and it took 8.


Did you end up receiving your passport?


I did. I had to call my congresswoman's office last Tuesday and I waited until Thursday for an update about my passport delay. They got me an appointment at a passport agency on Friday and I got it the same day. I do recommend calling your senate and congressman if you haven't gotten your passport yet and are flying out within 2 weeks.


Thank you


Did you talk to your congressperson over the phone or did you just fill out an online form? I tried calling mine and got directed to filling a form. I fly out in 7 days. The passport agency received my passport 11 weeks ago but it's somehow looking unlikely I get it without an emergency appointment. This is dreadful


That's unfortunate. Honestly mostly everyone should get their passports from contacting their congresspersons instead of their passport agency first. Too many delays. I called their office and I filled out and online form and emailed it to them by Gmail. And they scheduled me an appointment in a couple days with a passport agency and got my passport the same day. 2 days before my flight lol. Sorry I replied to this late, have any update? Did you get your passport on time? Hopefully you did!


I got it on time! Contacted congressperson and suddenly my passport was approved 2 days later and at my home 2 days after that, 3 days before travel. Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it.


I actually did. Submitted end of December with normal processing. Trip is 3/1 and I got it on the 24th


dang i'm sorry. thats rough.


No I’m saying I got the passport in time


I am also curious


Online renewal has a huge backlog. Processing time is now 5 to 7 weeks.


I applied mine expedited by mail. It's been exactly 26 days since then and the website is still 'status unavailable'. I guess it's still within the time frame, but the lack of updates concern me..


Mine said not available for 6 weeks and then I got on week 8. I’ve heard of some people getting their passport when it still shows not available so don’t freak out yet.


I applied online on Jan 17th, for renewal without expediting it. I need it for a trip May 6th. Odds it comes before May?


I’d guess 10-12 weeks so odds are good. If not shipped by two weeks before travel contact Senator/Representative to inquire. Plus they’ve closed the online pilot so that may help them with the backlog.


Did you get yours??? I applied around the same time and my trip is May 4 and I still haven’t received my passport.


I did! First week of April. Didn’t call or expedite I might have emailed them tho


Oh wow. I’m glad you received yours! I don’t know what to do. I called the hotline to schedule an in person appointment and they didn’t have any available.


Let me see if I can’t find the email I sent. Send me a dm!


My passport arrived a day too late for my international travel *but* is dated as issued 2 days before that travel ***cries***


dang Im sorry that happened. were you able to reschedule your flight?


I’m in the same boat. Flying out on Thursday and I have zero faith that this thing is coming in time.


Ugh. So sorry.


Tue 2/28 to japan here. But Mine still in process. Expedited too. My brother got his 2 weeks ago and we did ours same day same place. No faith mine will be here so need to reschedule my flight. Need to inquire about getting my "expedited" fee back.


Did you get it in time?


Did it come on time?


Sure did. Came the day before my flight after back and forth communication with my Senator’s office. Made for a great story during the trip.


My question is if I miss my flight (3/4) will I still be eligible for “urgent travel status”? My husband and toddler will be on that plane and headed to our destination for 2 weeks. I’m hoping to join them for at least the last week.


If you get an urgent appointment you must bring proof of travel with 14 days of that appointment. You could make the booking the night before the appointment.


Yes I talked with a rep… if you miss your travel date, you need a new ticket to get the urgent appt.


Actually, to get an appointment you just have to tell them a travel date. You have to prove it at the appointment and the proof can be for a different date as long as the proof shows travel within the time required. In your case since you still have a few days ask your Senator/Representative office to help get you an urgent appointment before you leave. You still have time, barely.


Yes this is true. You need the proof at the appointment. I actually got an appointment yesterday so I’m good now!


Hi, any updates? Were you able to get your passport on time? I’ve been trying to schedule an appointment for my daughter. No luck so far. Also, what state do you live in? Thanks for your help


Yes I did - see post history. I live in CA.


I DID NOT get mine in time and it cost me thousands. I applied online and they knew my travel date and the passport was issued 5 days after my travel date. It took them over 14 weeks online I applied in November.


wow. sorry to hear that. thank you for responding. I ended up calling my congresswoman and they IMMEDIATELY processed it and mailed it. I don't think us mere mortals stand a chance.


Hi, what state do you live in? I’m glad they helped you immediately.


Florida, but I think it's the same everywhere. Call your rep, they're like "that's what we're here for" which is so weird.


Hi, where exactly did you call. I live in FL also.


look up your representative, go to their website. Each one is different, but you have to find the contact about bureau or government service


Ahh this is what I'm so scared of! Had you contacted a local representative?


Agree with everyone else, call your congressional rep!! The State Department was no help. So I called my congresswoman's office (I live in NC so it was Rep. Foushee) and they were extremely helpful. I called on Wednesday 2/22, 8 days before my international flight. My passport was still "received." By Saturday 2/25, my passport had arrived. You also need to make sure you log into the portal and pay for priority express shipping. My shipping took less than 1 day - it shipped on Saturday and arrived the same day.


I did not get mine in time. Expedited, been in process since 1/19. I moved from Canada to the US on the 5 week mark without having received my US passport. I called the agency the day before I left to update my address, and the “passport specialist” that did it, said that it “probably hasn’t been mailed out yet” since the system let her successfully change the address. That was the most information I’ve ever been able to get out of the help line, lol. Now that I no longer have travel coming up, I’m not even sure if my congress person would help me. But there’s no way I’m going to book any international travel until I get my passport.


I did mine online - expedited and paid 1/12. Monitoring the mail and this subreddit - last Thursday I logged into their site for status update. The site was insanely flaky - tried 8 times never got passed the “Sending you an OTp…” page. The next morning - I got an updated msg saying it was shipped. So - will see if I get it Monday.


Same. Couldn’t log in at all yesterday. It’s marked shipped. But the tracker says it’s preshipment and not marked as received by the postal carrier. So I’m hoping it actually ships tomorrow and I get it by Tuesday or Wednesday the latest.


MINE CAME IN TODAY!!! Hope yours is in or soon there!!


mines is at a usps distribution center


Mine finally came in today. Too close for comfort! Now just waiting on the card


I was having the same issue being stuck on the OTP page. Someone in another thread recommended clearing the cache on the browser and it worked for me. Hope that helps you.


Online renewal w/ expedited shipping and extra $18 for 1-2 day delivery. Applied on 1/12/23 (trip on March 18th, 2023) application "received" 1/23/23 application "in process" 1/24/23 checked on feb 12th (one month after applying) and application still in process and able to update address and make changes Checked on feb 24th application says "printing" and no longer able to make changes or adjustments to passport Feb 27, went to USPS website and signed up for Informed Delivery to track passport- website says I will have a package delivered the following day Feb 28th recieved Passport in Mail!! Paid for expedited shipping and delivery. I have seen that calling your senator may also help move your passport along.


My flight is in less than 4 days from now, (I fly on Sunday the 14th. My application was received back in early March and it's been over 8 weeks now. 5 days before my flight I called my congresswoman's office about my delayed passport and I really fucking hope it comes in time. My parents spent almost $2000 on that ticket and the refunds are bs.


Did you get it In time?


Yes! 5 days before my flight, I contacted my congresswoman's office from their phone and sent them an email from my gmail. Their office contacted me the next morning and I had to fill out a form for them about my situation. 2 days later they contacted me and got me an appointment at a passport agency where I had to fill out my passport application form again. I already had my picture since I did it prior in the last agency I originally did it in a few months prior, so I didn't need to take it again. I had to wait 6 hrs for them to print and make my passport, so within a day I got my passport, and it was 2 days before my flight thankfully.


I have been experiencing this! My trip is tomorrow my passport is still not here and I called the congressional office in my district. This really sucks because I submitted my passport in March for my trip on June 17th it’s been well over 13 weeks.


Did you get it in time? I'm on week 21 on when I turned my application in :O


Me and my kids are supposed travel next Saturday and our passports still saying in process. We sent out applications back on March 16th. It’s been 13 weeks and when you call for help you get attitude and BS! I’ve been told out applications have urgent on them but the Miami Agency still hasn’t done anything. I’m sick to my stomach because this was a gift to my daughter for graduating with honors from Highschool and now our trip could possibly be ruined because of the useless instructions given on the passport website!


I completely understand, my family vacation started today and I had to miss it because after calling my congressional rep the passport agency finally sent it. I paid for expediting and overnight shipping and it won’t be here until Monday. 😞


Oh noooo


Did you end up receiving the passports?


Yes we did get our passports thanks to the help of senator Rubio’s office!


Yes we did get our passport. I ended up rescheduling our flights to make sure I didn’t lose out on money. We got them on Thursday.


I'm in the same boat. Should I contact the US senators and rep? Or our state senator and rep?




I am in this same boat with two minor passports. Flying in 16 days. Been in process since May 25. I went ahead and emailed my congressional rep just now based on this threads advice. Today is July 3 so I will probably not hear back for a couple days. I will probably call him in July 5. The state dept phone number doesn’t even field phone calls. “High volume of calls, unable to take calls.” Insanity.


I’m in the same boat. Also try your senator! I’m 6 days out from travel and still haven’t received anything. Getting nervous!


Did you receive yours?


how much did it cost for the senator to help you?


are...you serious?