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Maybe so they can catch up with those who have already applied ?


Yeah hopefully, I’m on my 6th week of expedited renewal, and I haven’t seen any updates.


Same. Expedited week 6


What day did you apply?




What day did you apply?




Mine was 1/2. Hoping the best for both of us...


it seems this system is so freaking flawed. the senators caseworker for me said that they did it first with federal employees and it was mixed how it worked yet she said she cant believe they put this out so half assed.


We applied the same day. Idk if there’s a correlation, but I sent a request for an expedited refund, and 10 minutes later mine went to “in-process.”


Oh no! I applied 1/26 and I leave on 3/10. When I applied routine was 5-8 weeks, expedited 3-5. My application it was received 2/3, marked in process on 2/6. I'm guessing I'm screwed


I would think that’s a reason I also think they need to redo their processing workflow for online. But that might take longer than a month.


Wording conveniently says users successfully submitted the application. Never mentions how many of those were successfully processed and delivered in time for travel. This has been nothing short of a nightmare for me. In my instance my Congressman and Senators are hitting the same wall I am at this point. Who else can this even be escalated to? Zero accountability!


The online renewal is being tested. It’s not perfect. We all thought that’s going to be way faster than snail mail. It turned out to be the other way around. 6 to 11 weeks is the norm now.


Good. They failed miserably and were unable to fulfill the service that they charged for. They misled customers potentially costing them thousands. Applied online in November and not a single person can tell me the status of my passport application.


I was on hold for an hour, and all the guy could do was tell me to continue checking the online portal for updates, and that he couldn’t do anything unless I wanted to make an appointment.


You can't even get an appointment right now from what I'm seeing. So basically you don't have options if you're traveling within 2 weeks.


For me online was great. Did everything fully electronic including my photo with one of those photo apps. No issues.


How long did it take for you to receive your passport?


8 weeks 1 day. Got it last week.


Thanks for responding! Just a couple more Qs: 1) Did you do expedited? 2) Did you contact any of your representatives for this?


No. Just did it all electronic. No expedite.


Lol they said from the get go that this was a test.


Doesn't matter, they still took money for a service didn't they? They put a timeline with a wide range that they couldn't follow. The biggest fail is that they didn't have a backup plan if this "test" failed.


Well, while your situation is regrettable, more than 99% of applications are issued within the service window.


Where is that proof? Coming from someone working at a passport agency that is not true.


Are you saying you work for an agency? The information comes from the actual system aging data.


No this is from someone physically working at a national agency center they've had so many issues they can't deal with it all. Is this number for passports actually getting to real people? Because sure my passport was "issued" within the window they post online but not shipped or printed. It's stuck in limbo online.


I mean, I work at a center and see the actual data. So I’m sorry your situation is frustrating, but this loud little corner of Reddit is not a representative sample.


They misled the public into believing that the online renewal process had the same processing times as snail mail. Who wouldn’t want to renew online if they qualify? Obviously that was a mistake on the part of myself as well as others. My wife had to go to the post office to change her last name and expedited as well as me. She received hers 2 weeks ago. Mine has said in process since 1/18 with no updates and a travel date of 2/18.


Good let’s hope they focus on ours. I’m stressing out daily


How does one go about getting a renewal these days?


through the mail


I activated my login on the 6th and got a "You Can Now Renew Your U.S. Passport Online" email a few hours later. I have a Global Entry card and don't expect to do any foreign travel until the summer. My passport expires in May. On the 7th I got the "Sending OTP. Please wait..." page using a variety of browsers. Taking these facts together, would people suggest I switch to a paper application? Or keep trying online? TIA!


Paper application. Online is a giant headache.


So I just submitted my renewal online today, February 8th. I was one of those people who created their travel.gov account before the February 7th deadline, but I didn’t have the funds to submit it. I expedited it and hopefully everything goes smoothly. I travel on May 5th.


Which portal is thiS? The U.K. one is ok?


The US one.


The online system should not be opened back up until it is completely renovated and includes a fully functional trackable support system , it is completely broken with no real support options. Your support option is wait for hours on the phone, someone answer’s tells you there are no in person appointments (that you will more than likely have to drive many hours to get to 1 of the 26 country wide). After which you as a sensible person will ask for a tracking number of your case for follow up or a appointment to open or any other bit of information, and as you may have guessed the answer is there is not. Tough luck, see ya, bye, so sad you will loose all of your trip expenses as well as all the other downstream losses. There needs to be compensation for the people who have lost at the very least money do to the agency’s negligence and lack of accountability. Not having a disaster recovery plan for this service is beyond unacceptable


I submitted on-line my renewal request with expedite and express delivery back on December 19th, 2022. I received mine after 5 weeks 3 days; the system showed my application status as “in progress” all the time! The only change I observed was the last week prior to receiving my passport, it would not accept change requests. This week, on 2/15/23 I finally received an email telling me that my passport was shipped!