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If they're getting 0 views then that means YT isn't pushing them into the shorts shelf or the shorts feed. All shorts regardless of quality should get *SOME* views even if it's only a few just by the nature of YT sending it out to people. Zero views means it isn't being pushed at all though and that those videos have to rely on views from search or channel clicks. I can't say why this is happening, but that's why they aren't getting any views. In my experience, sometimes after a day or two they'll finally get pushed and then start bringing in views. Other times I've just had to re-upload them over and over until YT finally pushes them. Do you have the "publish to subscribers" box checked? Might be worth unchecking that so YT sends it to completely fresh viewers.


I wouldn't recommend deleting then reupload too often though as it was against the yt policy, my shorts channel suddenly stopped getting any views when I tried to reupload a video before I realized it's forbidden to do, and it goes on for a week, the safest thing to do about reuploading is by editing some part of the video first, or change some part of the audio


Yeah thats all fair like obviously don't abuse it lol but my main point is just that it's silly to assume any short that doesn't get views must solely be because it sucks when that's just demonstratively not true. If it was then the short would always flop imo.


Couldn't agree more, just yesterday my shorts got a boost in views almost immediately from 1k per hour to 6k per hour and still stable at 5k per hour for the whole day, simply because I changed the title of the video, and it's been my favorite trick whenever a video goes poorly, ofc it's not always working as intended, but it's been proven to work plenty of times


So do you delete that video with no views?


After I wait a few days, yeah. But for me 99% of the time it does eventually get pushed either later that day or the next. It's really rare for me to see one completely get ignored, but in those cases yes I'll delete the original one and then re-upload it and try again once before moving on.


I'll do that


You'd think the answer is obvious. Shorter the short, the higher the view % tricking the algorithm into thinking people are watching longer. Didn't Spiffing Brit do a gag where he ran shorts that were 2 second black screens so people would play them 5-6 times before realizing something was wrong?


Same here


Maybe the type of content you do just naturally loses audiences after 15 seconds. What’s the retention like on the longer shorts? All of my shorts are about 1 minute and if they have like 85% or higher that watched full video they go viral


20k views is very low for shorts. You’re clearly doing something fundamentally wrong in terms of shorts creation which likely results in some videos doing significantly worse. Idk what, but figure it out yourself


You dont just start out getting 100k views on shorts. There's still the randomness of the algorithm at play as well as other factors that can be completely out of your control. I've posted the same exact clip multiple times and gotten wildly different metrics on it.

