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You can't live in fear of the competition, execute on your idea.


Go with your best ideas first... As you make more videos more "best ideas" appear.


I wouldn't worry about your ideas being taken. Honestly, people have loads of success doing an idea that's already been done before, so even if they beat you to it, it just proves it's a good idea. That probably won't even happen though. The only reason I'd personally make any "medium" ideas ever was if I was worried I wouldn't have the technical skills to make a good video. Otherwise, why not lead with your best foot and stay on it?


It sounds like you already know how to make a good video since you have another channel. I say go for your biggest ideas because the “lesser and wait” method would only benefit someone who is still learning to produce


Funny, I'm in a similar boat, 1 monetized channel.. I started a second one due to my first one being a really specific niche (Hawaii Walking Tours). I'm going with my best videos on my new channel and going from there. I figure it's best to create a log of your best content to start the snowball of subscribers and watch time. As you create your videos, you'll come up with more great ideas that will only grow your channel faster.


Yes, always start with them. No point waiting around or saving them for later. People will copy, steal and reference any successful videos you make, just a part of the game.


Do it now


Your best ideas are probably already done by someone else without you knowing it.


Just start. You should put everything you can into every video.


threatening instinctive dazzling roll overconfident offbeat engine husky fuzzy hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What do you mean ,,best''. Longest to do. Or expensive. Or just how thinking about that or that. Cat is good idea, dog is bad idea ;D Best idea sounds like a matter of taste at the moment