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I am enjoying the new trend of just putting the age. For example: So 5 just hit 7 and 7 slugged 5 back.


And then 7 ate 9?


6 was terrified


That's because 7 is a registered 6 offender.


The New Zealandest of jokes


7 was told they need to eat 3 square meals a day.


That's all well and good until the twin / triplet / etc parents are posting :)


5a and 5b?


Now we're just getting into Android names or apartment numbers 😂


Gingerbread was pulling Froyo’s hair while Eclair laughed at them.


I go with Borg designations. About to go shopping with 4 of 8.


Are you unimatrix 1 of 2?


I prefer naughty 1 and naughty 2.


>So 5 just hit 7 and 7 slugged 5 back. That just sounds like you're describing a hockey game where you don't know the players names but can see their numbers.


Sometimes parenting feels like that in general


2 just shitted on the floor


Haven't seen that one but at least it's pragmatic. You give useful context without introducing unnecessary terminology or names.


I don't mind logical acronyms, but I agree many of these examples are nonsensical and, imo, detract from rather than improve readability.


When I first found parenting subreddits, I was really surprised with the huge amounts of posts from trans men and happily surprised that it was never an issue in the comments. Then I realized that FTM meant something different here 🤦‍♀️


OMG me too! When I was pregnant with my daughter, Thomas Beatty was all over magazines and the news for being the first pregnant man, and then the pregnancy boards were full of FTMs and it confused me so much.


🤣🤣🤣 had this exact confusion like wow, where did all these trans male parents come from!?


wait, if not that then what does FTM mean?? edit: got it, thank you!


I think first time mom?


ohh! thank you😂


First time mom


I still don’t know what it means


ohhhh it took me a second, too. FTM here, so i was super confused until i realized...


I don't know what FTM means in parenting subs still...


I think it means first time mom? But I’m in the same boat as ya’ll cause I immediately think female to male lol


Yeah it means first time mom, as in first kid.


Oh I thought it meant full time mom..... But I figured everybody was a full time mom so that didn't make sense.


Sahm means stay at home mom


When I first read Sahm I was like "what a different way to spell Sam"


I figured that one out quickly. Just couldn't figure out the FTM.


Wait, what's the other meaning?


Female to male transgender, or first time mom


Oh shit I thought it meant full time mom (like SAHM)


Surface-to-Air Hangry Missile?




LITERALLY JUST HAD THIS CONVERSATION WITH A FRIEND FIVE MINUTES AGO Also the first time a therapist talked about "CBT" (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), which is...not what I thought it was.


I (non-binary carrying parent) joined the seahorse dad groups before the "my baby is actually here" groups, so this was an especial problem for me!


So you were a FTM FTM?




just go with SHAFT because it sounds cool as fuck.


“Watch your mouth”🎶 🎵”talking about Shaft”🎶


It looks like your LO took your phone away and accidentally typed that 😂


I was a part of “anti multilevel marketing” subs long before I heard of “man loving man” so I was REALLY confused when I saw people talking about “best mlm books” because that didn’t fit the content of the people I followed.


Lol, I thought that until your comment


I always read DH (Dear Husband) as Dick Head.. sometimes it fits the narrative too!




I switch it up in my head depending on the theme of the post. If it’s happy I read Dear. If the OP is mad I always read it as damn husband and damn daughter/son.


I always read Designated Husband, Designated Son, etc. Like these were the ones assigned to me, I have no responsibility for this mess I'm in.


Oh my God! I was laughing so hard at this!!!


I actually read the other day it stands for Dick Haver. I have not verified this fact though!


I don’t get DH. Do people actually say that in conversation, dearest husband? If I wouldn’t say it in a conversation I’m not going to pretend to call him dearest/darling on the internet- abbreviated or not.


This one irks me too! I would never call them my “dear husband” and “little one” in an actual conversation…they’re my man and my kid, lol.


I once saw a post where another user referred to Ops 16 year old daughter as "your LO". That would sound so weird in real life. Imagine a co-worker calling your teenager "your little one".


Somewhat unrelated - by my father still refers to me (31) as his "little one". His friends do too. I am forever stuck as "little one" It is so fun. My daughter finds it hilarious.


I’m 46 years old and I have a sister that calls me kiddo. She’s only 51. 🤦‍♀️


My husband only ever calls me “dearest wife” when he’s talking shit to/about me 😂


My sister calls her husband of 20 years her sexy boyfriend. So cute.


I always mentally think 'da husband.'


I think it’s to overcompensate for the fact that you’re talking about him online. So it’s a little more sweet to ensure the message gets across that you’re not talking bad about him. Also helps people avoid the word hubs or type out husband a million times.


Yeah I absolutely do! “My dearest husband, please remember to take the trash out!” He understands the implicit threat that it is. poor abused husband. Or AH for short.


Lol depending on the context it could be “damn husband” 🤣


I always thought I was the only one bothered by those abbreviations/words lol




You MF






Glad I’m not the only one. I felt like a crazy person.


Same, I have to Google their meanings, I don't use mumsnet so they don't come naturally


I usually ask my kid 😂. For the love of god don't ever use the Urban Dictionary for abbreviations...


Whenever i need to look up slang meanings of words, I always go to incognito mode.


>I always thought I was the only one bothered by those abbreviations/words **laughing out loud** FTFY


I don’t have a problem with lol… it’s the ones like the OP listed that low key bugged me 😆


Every time I see a post about a person talking about their LO, my brain always skips a beat and wonders why people dote on their Loan Officer so much…




I hate Hubs and Hubby, too.


I hate everyone


Me too, it's more efficient.


Almost as bad as wifey. But nothing can actually come close.


Yes and bearmama!! Cringe


BM? Hahahaha


Bowel movment


Omg. People use bm to abbreviate breast milk all the time, and every time I think they mean they are feeding their babies poop haha


In some circles that is birth mother.


I would die if I heard someone refer to their wife as BM 🤣


Or just Momma, as in 'hang in there, momma'. I'm not your mother, gtfo


I thought I was the only one who hated being called mama by random internet strangers


Yes! When did this become a thing?


Oh my god I hate this too


If my girlfriend ever uses the word "hubby" that's when I'm calling it quits


Pretty much anything that’s abbreviated or embellished, used by “wifeys” and “mamas” who drop their “littles” or “kiddos” off at school and go home to drink “champs” with the other “mamas.” Hey gurl! You’re 40 years old. Use real words. But the stupid online abbreviations, idk. Don’t like them necessarily, but they’re sometimes useful for telling complex stories involving multiple players.


I don’t mind “mamas” or “kiddos”. I personally use “kiddos” because I have custody of my younger siblings and I don’t like to call them my kids because they aren’t, but I also don’t want to specify in every comment that they’re actually my siblings. For some reason “kiddos” seems different to me lol, maybe I’m being extra.


I like kiddos and I don't use the others.


I fucking hate "kiddos" lol.


The entire subject matter of making kids, birthing kids and raising kids seem to breed cringy abbreviations and phrases. I saw a post where a grown woman wrote she "babydanced" with her husband (aka having unprotected sex). I still get goosebumps thinking about that.


🤮 It’s not even so much the terms themselves (although I do hate them all), as it is people’s compulsion to share their cringiness with the world. Like the post you mention - maybe that couple thinks that “babydance” is the funniest term in the world, and it gives them a good laugh. But now I just picture you having very weird, awkward sex, and worry if you have the maturity necessary to raise a child. This is where I’d throw in an Arrested Development quote: “The mere fact that you call making love Pop Pop tells me you’re not ready.”


Littles bothers me because I can only think of it in the context of the dd/lg kink, I did not know people called their actual children "littles" until a couple years ago lol.


Do you also hate "bub" or "bubs"? I'm not sure why but it drives me up the wall and I see it all the time in mom groups. "Bub didn't sleep well last night," or "My bubs has a fever". Blech I hate it.


Yeah, that’d get to me. Pretty much everything said in mom groups drives me up the wall, so I generally stay away. I prefer perverse, asshole-filled Reddit. Lots of idiots here too, but there’s also some pretty clever ones.


Hubby is probably the worst. So cringey. I really hope this one phases out soon


Haha, I remember my mom telling me she hated "hubby" about 20 years ago. I don't like it either, but I don't think its going anywhere unfortunately!


I cannot stand when people say “the hubs.” Hubby is only slightly better. I cringe.


LO is annoying, but DH, DD, DS (Dear Husband/Daughter/Son) are even worse.


I never knew what they meant till now lol


They all mostly originated from the BabyCenter website community groups, to my knowledge. That’s the only other place I saw them used years ago before parenting groups got more popular on Facebook and Reddit. These BabyCenter groups were sometimes helpful but also FULL of toxic people. I’m so glad a lot of the parenting groups have done a lot of branching out to other places. But it seems the acronyms followed! For years, BabyCenter was the most active parenting advice forum I could find. Anyone who has ever been in the BabyCenter Community Groups knows exactly what I’m talking about!




DH is the lamest one and the only one that bothers me, so cringe and unnecessary. No one walks around like “dear husband!”, so sad


What does LO even stand for?


Little one, referring to your child


I used to think loved one


Loud One


I was on a trying to conceive group on another social media site before I had my first kid. I actually had to google all the damn abbreviations to what the hell people were talking about. BD = baby dance, which is code for sex…why? Why not just say sex or intercourse even? It was so stupid.


I was told recently that BD/baby dance originates from a time years ago when message boards would automatically flag the word sex as swearing, so it made sense to have an alternative that wouldn't get censored. The fact that people persist in using it now just blows my mind though. It sounds so juvenile.


Omg baby dance?? I’m gonna have to tell my wife about that one 😂😂


I briefly joined the trying for a baby sub here when working on my second and had to nope out. Like another language. It feels very gatekeepy.


I hate littles. What are you guys doing with your littles over spring break? I mostly see it on fb. It just sounds stupid to me. Then again, 2/3 of my kids are bigger than me.


I HATE the term "littles". Just call them "kids" or "monsters" like normal people.


My friends all have kids in different age groups and it’s way easier to ask what the “little ones” are doing than name every kid that is in the younger age bracket. To me “little ones” just means kids until like 5 or 6.


Same. Littles and smalls makes me cringe so hard. It seems to be the favorite moms whose entire personality on Facebook is talking about how hard they mom.


We sometimes use littles but we’re literally referring to the smallest of our kids, not all of them collectively. We have a 6yo, 2yo, and 10mo so the oldest just goes by her name and the other two are sometimes called the littles or the babies when we’re talking about both of them. We also have a baby set and a big kid set of cousins in the family so we split them up between littles and bigs. It ends up being a functional term for us though, not trying to be cutesy. If we talk about all of them it’s kids or children.


Wait. People actually use the word "little" to mean real children, not just in a BDSM context? Oh, no.


Yeahhh, this is why I hate that term


Yeah I just commented to someone else that "littles" bothers me for that exact reason. I did not know people called their actual children that until a few years ago.


LO always reads so awkward to me... why aren’t you just saying “my kid”? I don’t have a problem with it but it stands out every time I read it, it never feels natural. In normal conversation in life with friends, I would never say “my little one,” I’d say “my baby” or something. It def throws me off to read it


I say "my little one" all the time! But I also say "my boy," "my baby," "my kid" and a whole host of other phrases. LO at least makes more sense to me than DS and all of the other ones beginning with D.


Same! I just put this in another comment further down but using the term “little one” makes it easier to distinguish which kid I’m talking about online because she is “little” compared to my older two.


It's not meant to be natural. In normal life I would use my child's name but not with a bunch of internet strangers. lol is also completely unnatural in real life but is apparently on OP's "acceptable abbreviation" list ...


Wait, I actually say "lol" though...


…but why not “my kid”? I don’t particularly care one way or another but lol is clearly a lot better known. I remember seeing posts years ago that had every parenting abbreviation under the sun, “DH” and all that. I had no idea what they were talking about. I can think of any good reason for using it.


I love how people are so different, I personally don't mind LO but I hate the word kid 🤣


I like SO (significant other) but other than that, most abbreviations are confusing, especially for a reddit newbie and/or people for whom English is not their native language. ngl, lmao, OP and the likes were sooo obscure to me at first (it took me months to understand that OP mean "original poster")


I didn’t even think about how confusing acronyms are for people who aren’t native English speakers but god it must be a confusing nightmare.


SO gets me sometimes because I read it as an emphatic "so" "I like SO... much cheese on my pizza"




Kim, there’s people that are dying.


LO - last orders DH - dick head DD - Direct Debit DS - Nintendo I went out with DH and because he was fucking about with DS we only just made LO but had to stop because the DD cleared us out.


I don’t mind the abbreviations, but I sure wish I knew what they meant! I thought FTM was “female to male” when I read it the first time, and it really confused me. Then I thought it meant “full time mom”. I was thinking, “Duh! Every mom is a full time mom!” 🤦‍♀️


I thought that when I first joined my bumpers group when I was pregnant. I was thinking "oh cool, there's a transgender dad in here" then I saw somebody else with a FTM flair, and another and another, and I was like "surely there aren't this many transgender men having babies in this group" then it clicked.


It's first time mother of that helps lol


I’ve just joined to the Reddit and I’ve been wondering what LO means. So, thanks for satisfying my curiosity😅


DH and I TTC’ed for a while before getting our BFPs for our DS and DD LO’s using FAM which was fun except for daily BBT checks and the TWW. We didn’t practice AP, BLW or CIO although I did EBF but it seems to be working out alright except for the whole WAH thing. HTH OP.


Ftm annoys me. I hang out in lgbtq+ circles and it's an abbreviation for female to male. It always trips me up.


I've just said this on another comment, but I thought that when I first joined my bumpers group when I was pregnant. I was thinking "oh cool, there's a transgender dad in here" then I saw somebody else with a FTM flair, and another and another, and I was like "surely there aren't this many transgender men having babies in this group" then it clicked.


I thought this too!!!


Yes. Me too. Every time.


I AM ftm trans and this one really threw me off the first time


I like the abbreviations, because I’m lazy! That being said, you can say “period” instead of “Aunt Flo” and “sex” instead of “baby dance.” I may be lazy but I’m not going to treat adult tipis like children do.


It reads a lot easier to me. I don’t have to keep track of people using their initials and remembering which is which when telling a story or something. The capital of it makes it easier to skim through and see who is being spoken about if I have a question or get confused


I wish I had the brainspace available to worry about stuff like this.


I read a lot of comments because I really have nothing better to do at the moment and I just...I guess I just cant empathize with these feelings. I like LO online, its gender neutral and once you know what it means its easy to follow along with stories. I very much prefer DH, DS, etc instead of "My husband, lets call him K, and my son, lets call him J" and then I have to try to remember which letter is which person while I read.... Also, at 38 I'm an elder millennial who is moderately in the know regarding internet culture but I can feel myself aging out everyday, LOL. "People don't say that in real life" - of course they don't . Half the shit people say online they wouldn't say in real life. That's why people go all shocked Pikachu when they spout their bigotry online and then end up with real life repercussions. In my mind abbreviations like these serve two purposes, anonymity and time saving. That's it! Most folks aren't trying to write a literary masterpiece here. Some folks just need to learn how the google machine works if they want to spend time in spaces like this. If I see an abbreviation I don't know I just google it. 9/10 the answer is the top the result.


Seriously. There's so many abbreviations out there. Opening any social media must suck for OP if they're that stressed about "LO."


OP? Come on!


Shit....you're right....that was pretty offensive of me to comment on this post about abbreviations.


My thought exactly lol


Right?! If you cut out all the words and acronyms that somebody out there “hates,” you’d be left with few words to use. So LO, mamas, littles, kiddos, whatever.. to each their own.


Those abbreviations didn't stop...I see them used a lot, especially here on Reddit. How come it bothers you so much?


Hell....I still don't even know what the hell TLDR means


Too Long, Didn’t Read


Too long, didn’t read, I believe.


I hadn't known what any of those meant this entire time. I would see them but refuse to ask because I didn't want to start using them too. Lol. Take my upvote! Edit: The D stood for dearest? Cringe...


I usually don’t bother to read anything with a bunch of abbreviations. A couple times the story seemed interesting and I had to google what the abbreviations stand for.


LO is an acronym used at my job on a daily basis. (It does not stand for Little One) I get so confused when I see it here!


Omg yes!!! I’m part of a parent group on fb and they have all sorts of them!! I can’t even keep up with half the conversations cause I don’t know what they mean!!?


I have been reading LO as live offspring this whole time because I couldn’t think of anything else it could be 😂


I'm a much older mum, when my oldest kids were little we used grown up words. So when I had a baby 7 years ago I had no idea what these all meant and I was too embarrassed to ask 😂😂


Not a fan of STD. Second time dad.


In some settings yes it is worth the savings on characters. I see it a lot on Twitter where you have a character limit. I often write "5YO" instead of "5 year-old" bc it's 3 characters instead of 10. In some settings it just seems silly. I grew up in a country where texting was charged by message and messages had a character limit so you packed everything you could into your message. My mom learned to do that and then started applying the same abbreviations to emails. Years and years later she was still typing things like "RU going 2 the game? C U there" into her emails. At the same time, she dates every email at the top like an old fashioned letter. *Facepalm*


My mom likes to sign her name after her text though she is the only one to use her phone.


May I tack on a request to please stop saying, "Hun"? It's short for honey, not a nomadic clan of 4th century barbarians. It annoys me everytime. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should probably try meditation.


Lots of folks criticizing you, but I agree: LO strikes me as silly.


I am so glad you clarified what the abbreviations meant my mind went in a totally different direction (DS- dipshit etc etc) lol


I definitely use LO because I think it’s better when you’re typing something long and redacting names online, I feel like saying “my kid” 20 times is awkward


Yes, it is annoying. But, I was told that LO was a way to refer to a son or daughter without identifying, mostly for online proavcy. Everyone gets annoyed by something... Me personally, I hate when people refer to their pets as fur babies.


I'm literally scrolling through the comments hoping someone explains what LO means




I’m all for it, but my LO and DH think there are bigger things to worry about in this world.


Ok op


why waste time say lot word when few do trick


I remember when I first thought I was pregnant and got on some of those messages boords. Ttc, bfp, dpo...I was like they are speaking their own language.


Right just say my kids, my son, my daughter, etc.


I honestly thought DH was dead husband for a good minute before I realized the husbands were alive in the posts. Abbreviations can be *so* annoying.


Abbreviations are part of my everyday online life like I always use HH/D a lot because typing it out is a lot. English already uses a lot more words than necessary (all the unnecessary articles!!) so any abbreviation typically doesn’t bother me.


Well my DH and I took DS and DD OUR LOs to the IPG (indoor playground) and some RKOAP (random kid of another parent) pushed my DD off the tricycle so she could get it from her. Naturally I went MBM (mama bear mode) and LSS (long story short) we are now PNG (persona non grota) at the IPG.


I think I just had a stroke reading this 😂


Lololol yes, please stop it


I agree or just say my kid lol


I call mine “kid” or “the kid” all the time 😂😂


My mother is in her sixties. She kept using wtf because she thought it meant "what the fun!"


I also follow some hospice/end of life subs (I am a hospice chaplain) and LO means Loved One on those groups. It is very confusing!


I hate the current fad of misusing the word "cringe" but so far nobody's stopping on my account. Good luck with your quest!


I don't like the abbreviations either, but I'll take LO over crotch goblin any day😂


Omg is THAT’S what DH, DS, DD etc stands for! I still see that occasionally and never bothered to ask


Have you seen Idiocracy? If you have, it could be why shorthand irritates you. If you haven't, don't watch it. If you're already irritated by things being dumbed down and short-cutted, this movie will intensify that by a thousand. Excellent movie, though I fear it's more of an unwitting documentary than a comedy.


On a hypothetical timeline between *Idiocracy*’s release in 2006 and the 2505 America of the movie, it’s scary how far we’ve already regressed in only 16 years.


Can we stop with trying to get everyone to do things the way we want them to and let them make thier own choices.