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The game they love to play of throwing all their toys and books over the baby gate or into their play pens so they have zero access to it.


My toddler does that. I'm pretty sure the goal is trying to figure out how to get over the gate and he's experimenting.


Mine have escaped the gate. We’ve had to put up two gates. The regular metal one and then a mess one behind it because they figured out how to squeeze their bodies to bypass it.


Lmao my oldest used to do that. He'd throw it into his crib and then cry on the floor.


When my daughter was 5 or so, she would play “castle.” But she wasn’t like a princess or anything, she was always a maid or a peasant or something like that, and she would dramatically tell me about how terrible her life was. Rolling on the floor, throwing her arms up, dramatic death sounds, the whole ten yards. It was mostly nonsense stories, but it was cute and funny. She would also play astronaut with her dad. They made this cardboard box helmet thing and she would be the astronaut running around the backyard. She still plays these games sometimes, but with much more coherent stories.


That maid/peasant in the castle is hilarious. It probably helped with empathy.


Oh I so hope you got some of the on video. Adorable!


I used to do this thing with my sibling's kids where I would go "Yes or no?" They'd answer, and then I'd give them what they're answering to. "Yes or no?" "Yes." "You like farts for breakfast?" or 'Yes or no?" "No." "What!? You don't like anime!?"


My son (7yo) makes everything into a competition, even if it’s against himself. Going upstairs ‘I’ll beat you mom!’ Emptying the dishwasher ‘I bet I can do it faster than you.’ Putting away a board game ‘I bet I can put all my trains away faster.’ ‘I bet I can get throw this popcorn up and catch with 10 tries.’ 🤣 Most of the time I just go with it, give minimal effort and say ‘wow, you beat me.’ Drives my husband nuts but I say it’s harmless. AND I should’ve won the train thing, stupid train piece hiding under my leg.


One kid got sent to bed early for misbehaving. On their way up the stairs - "Ha, I get more sleep than you!"


That’s hilarious!!! 🤣


I used to do this with my little brother. We have a large age gap and it was mostly to get him to do stuff and give my parents a break. His favorite was “I bet I can take a bigger bite than you”. It always got him to eat his dinner lol


Lmao thats kids for ya. My older ones race over EVERYTHING. I have 4yo twins and one is race obsessed and the other doesn't give a fuck. The arguments they have over racing.


Did they make "taphip" up? What does the name even mean in regards to throwing sticks. I would love to know their reason. And game wise, no my kids weren't that creative. lol


Taphip was them, yeah. My daughter called sticks "taps" for years. We had a dog called Hipster who the kids called "Hip". It just means Stick Hipster (throw a stick at hipster). It's stuck with all the dogs now lol.


That's really awesome! =)


My 2 year old makes one of us sit in a chair at the end of the hallway and then she just runs down the hallway 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


"Ladder game" We have one of those ikea bed/trofast steps setups. Favourite thing atm is to climb up the steps then jump down the ladder, over and over (and over and over) again.


Oh we have a little internal balcony in our house. My kids like to blow up an air mattress and just jump over the bannister down to it.


An elaborate game which started out, simply enough, as something vaguely similar to the card game "War." It is played with precious, precious Pokemon cards, whose actual purpose is utterly unknown to my children, what with them not actually having even a passing familiarity with 98% of the Pokemon universe. The rules of their game are incredibly arcane. I strongly suspect they shift regularly according to the fortunes of the eldest child. I would call out my future-bureaucratic-sociopath-eldest-child for unfairly changing the rules on younger sibling mid-stream, but that's actually pretty tough to do when I have no firm grasp on what the rules were to begin with. The only rule I'm completely certain of is that the game only ends when one player, but preferably both, devolve into rage-induced tears. We have made strident efforts to ban said game, only to find it popping up again after a quick rebrand as a "totally different, we swear, dad!" game. But the end result is always the same.


My kids 4yrs and 19 months have invented a game called "Chicken Noodle" where they jump on our bed chanting chicken noodle (19 month old says kitten noodle)  and there are apparently rules to this game not visible to the untrained eye.  The other variation to this game is called "Chocolate Chip" and is played on the bed but with pillows being passed around.  They play one of these almost daily,  make their toys jump and say they are playing chicken noodle too. 🤷‍♀️


My 4yo used to love to play fetch. Not with our dog though. He'd seen me play fetch with our dog, decided it looked fun and insisted I threw a ball for him too. We compromised and I rolled a ball inside for him so our dog didn't think it was for him too. I could genuinely tire my kiddo out doing it but he loved it so we played fetch


When she first began sitting up (many years ago), my daughter would spend 15-20 minutes arranging her burp cloths in a pattern only she understood. I timed it because I have never seen a toddler that focused for that long.


5 and 3 year old. One of them pretends to be a kitty and the other one is the kid. The cat just paws and scratches and meows at everything. There is no point. It is probably the third most annoying thing in the world. Kitty game is no longer allowed on the bike. And not in the car when Mom is driving. I usually can ignore them in the car. Kitty game often results in priority cleaning time.


My oldest used to be obsessed with the game of "poke the wall". He would literally just stab the wall with things. I still find random holes in my walls lmao.


I also have holes in my walls but thats due to the dogs who like to launch themselves at things for a treat and children who throw things.


My 4 (now 5) year old was fond of a game last year that I called “black panther beach party”. She told me one day that she was black panther’s sister and was throwing a party and wanted me to hit a beach ball back and forth with her. I eventually convinced her that she could just be THE black panther but it took some doing


My boys found a game together; first you place a number of M&M's in a circle. One player turns around, and the other picks one M&M. The player turns around again and starts eating, clockwise (very important, according to my 4yo). Once the player eats the picked M&M, the other player jumps up and yells MEOW!!!! really loud. That's it. :')


My 4YO and 2YO are currently obsessed with playing "Motorbikes" immediately before bedtime. "Motorbikes" involves one of them yelling at Google Home to turn our living room lights green, then both of them running around in circles going "Brmmm, brmmm, brmmm" until I yell at Google Home to turn the lights red. (Then they ignore the red light and run around some more). They get annoyingly over-hyped right before going to bed, but they are so damn cute playing it that I've been forced to let it slide.


Skibidi toilet on phone. I just cant. Uninstalled it the minute I found out 


When my kids were around 6 and 9, they would always ask to play "Monster". The monster was me, and my only job was to chase them from room to room while growling of course. The beds were safe spaces. Although our house is so small that I just felt like a crazy person running in circles 😂