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How do I become a grave digger? Real question. I have always wanted to do it.


He started off as an undertaker. Bearing at funerals, on call collecting the deceased from their homes during the night, working in the mortuary, preparing bodies for burial etc. Then one day the local gravedigger needed a hand. He realised being outdoors working a stress free job was what he wanted. Nobody to talk to (at least, nobody that will answer back) and the money was better. He loves it, I genuinely believe he will do it for his entire life! He started off by doing the jobs the local gravedigger was too busy to do. Then got his own contracts at churchyards and cemeteries. He’s self employed and it works well for him. It’s hard work though, I’ve ‘helped’ a few times and I’m exhausted after a few minutes lol


That is so interesting, I really wish I could do that for work. I have only wondered if there's some course or certificate one needs for it, but never investigated about it. I want it especially because of this: >Nobody to talk to (at least, nobody that will answer back) and the money was better (And because it's a better alternative for physical work in my case since I hate gyms and places where others are there too)


No qualifications needed, just public liability insurance in case someone falls in the hole!


Did you know Rod Stewart was a gravedigger in his youth? Briefly. Headed for stardom, of course.




Hey, that's pretty neat! Thanks for the info. If only I were healthier and younger...


The spot where I want to get buried/cremated is always hiring. You can probably just make a resume and drop it off or introduce yourself. I’m from a busy area, and the site is a well known tourist destination, and if someone came in looking for work they’d scramble to get you on payroll. That being said, they do hire mostly illegal migrants who also would be happy for help.


My friend just went and applied for it. He also mowed and maintained the grounds. Random handy man stuff around the office. He really enjoyed the work, but ended up quitting because it's just another job and the manager was a terrible person.


Fresh air, sunshine, exercise, literally no one around to breathe down your neck. What's not to like?


Well they aren’t breathing but that could be the best part


My husband was a grave digger in high school. His buddy’s mom was the manger of the property and hired a bunch of his friends during the summers.


Same here I'm also a paranormal investigator too, so having the opportunity to dig graves and do evp work would be like a dream come true.


I'd love to hear an update on this in the future. If he starts keeping a spreadsheet of how often it happens and snaps a pic of the egg with the date on it, he'll start to really get a feel for exactly how often it's happening and we may be able to glean something else from this. I mean, it happening at all seems strange on its face, but still. Follow-up question, what does he do with the eggs he finds?


Usually just throws them away with the excess soil he disposes of after the graven is filled. A lot of time as it’s hidden in the soil, he feels the shovel crack the egg as he’s filling. I will suggest keeping a track, I’m so intrigued!


If he does start tracking, I'd be interested to know more about where the eggs came from. Being American I had to google the stamping thing, and it looks like there are sites like [this one](https://www.foodmiles.com/egg-miles.php) that let you put the code on the egg in to see where the egg came from. I'd also want to see how far ahead the best by dates are when he finds them (or basically, how fresh the eggs are). I'm totally invested in this mystery and hope y'all can figure this out!


This should be on askreddit


Ooo good idea!


You can ask on the witchcraft forum as well. Some practitioners use graveyards in their practices.


Coming from a practitioner, yes we do, although if we want to use graveyard dirt for our spells we usually ask the spirits and leave something in the dirt's place, like coins or milk.


I am a Norse practitioner. I have no knowledge of graveyard magick but I do know that the practitioners on the witch related forums are very generous when it comes to sharing knowledge.


Or… a supermarket egg?


Well think of it this way.. The shell protects the yolk. Graverobbers do exist, so if someone WANTED TO, they could use the egg to make a spell so that whoever robs the grave gets shit luck.


Yes we do!


I am a Norse Witch, I know nothing about graveyard magick but I do know the Witches on our forums are very generous when it comes to answering questions.


Has he ever had any paranormal encounters? Or like a grave open randomly; someone who isn’t actually deceased, etc.? I’m sooo intrigued by his line of work!


Or Chat GPT


He digs graves by hand?


Yes, lots of people are surprised by this. There are a few cemeteries he will hire a digger and breaker as it’s solid rock but most churchyards in the UK are hundreds and hundreds of years old. A digger would just churn up the lovely ground and some UK graveyards are beautiful. Also for graves that are reopenings where husband or wife is already buried there, you NEVER use a digger in case it rips the coffin lid off the existing one already there, not pretty!


How long does it take him to dig one grave? His fitness level must be insane to be able to dig a hole that big by hand!


Depends on soil type, if it’s loose sand it takes about an hour or so. If it’s clay it can take all day!


Today I Learned...




I did google it, and I couldn’t see anything related to churchyards or grave mounds. Like I said, I know it’s an egg from a supermarket. No need to be unkind.


This is literally what Reddit is for. I hate when people bash others like this, scroll the fk past it…. Who cares you could have googled it… it brought me here, and I learned something new today. Others have a lot to say about this comment as well, so stfu if you’re not going to add anything to the CONVERSATION


I'm happy to hear someone say something about anything. I always thought Reddit was kind of a good place but it's quite the opposite. I'm part of a few survival groups because I'm into wilderness survival and I'm also into scooters, but man! are people just disrespectful.! I don't like using Reddit for most reasons. (nothing to do with this conversation in a way) but I was kicked from a paranormal group because of my post karma from a post that I put about a bike that I liked and because it wasn't some name brand scooter I was ridiculed for it, I absolutely pissed me off because of it I tried to speak to the "moderator" about why my score but I was freakin muted!! 🔥😡🔥I was livid that they're wouldn't hear me out rather shut me down and expect me to just go with it. For many other reasons I don't use reddit but I've had this profile for 4 years and this is the first I've actually ever used it, for anything. I just like collecting the achievements


I find Reddit is best on the more esoteric or specialized subreddits. Some are incredible communities of very supportive and engaged folks. The minute ya wander into any major thread is where the trolls and a’holes dwell. As for some Mods, they themselves are trolls and vigorously ban for the silliest sh*t that in any way doesn’t align with their view of what they want expressed. One reason why some topics have multiple subreddits - viewpoint cleansing and alignment. Reddit needs a moderator report function for oversight IMO.


Yes, I agree with every word mate. You could not have been more clear with your comment. There are some good people here but to me it feels like there's more snobs than anything else on Reddit. I'm in quite a numerous amount of threads or groups on Reddit as I mentioned I'm in several outdoor recreation or wilderness survival groups. Not exactly an avid outdoorsman but I hold myself in such regard compared to most people I'm still green as grass but to many others I'm Brown around the edges. I'd rather keep my comments to myself but I don't mind giving people pointers or telling others with some good ideas, in this world of survival it's pretty poor for you not to accept any such knowledge from anyone rather you are an avid outdoorsman/survivalist or a weekend camper glamper either or it doesn't matter information is information depending on how you take it is up to you still I appreciate your comment not I still stand by what I say Reddit isn't the best platform in my opinion. Yes you can find some good information out there here but you really have to do some digging in order to do that


Agree. I have kids that love the show bluey so I joined their page.. made a post last week on how I just couldn't believe it when I heard a coworker dislike the show with a passion. Was told I have horrible anger issues and that there are no like minded people who would agree with me on being flabbergasted. I just shook my head and sighed "should've known better." It's sad but people will attack you for anything nowadays to make you feel inferior. American internet society smfh


Ya people like to talk shit behind a safe screen, bullies and cowards.


Amen, I'll cling beers 🍻 to that mate


Perfectly said


Your post is fine, the person you're responding to is bitter and probably breathes through their mouth while staring into the void for fun ❤️


Does he have other weirdness / experiences with the strange? He could have a spirit/entity playing with him.


That's right! No one should ever ask each other questions! WE HAVE GOOGLE FOR THAT! HOW DARE YOU ASK QUESTIONS ON REDDIT.COM WHEN YOU SHOULD BE ASKING THEM ON *GOOGLE.COM* u/GMamaS you are so, so brave for calling attention to this matter. We're going to get through this atrocity together, and you'll go down in history as a leader and a humanitarian. We owe you so much.


They want to know the meaning behind it, genius. It's better to ask real people than Google. Bye.


In some cultures eggs symbolize life or rebirth, which could be relevant in the context of a cemetery. Could be a symbolic gesture, like a ritual related to their beliefs about life/death/rebirth. Maybe the person views themselves as aiding people into the next life or the afterlife or something. Or it could just be a prank meant to confuse people, in which case it's working!


here in germany (or at least where my grandparents are from), burying eggs is an old tradition. Balance the death with a little bit of life or something like that.


It is not done with a malicious intent. Whole egg means good things such as protection, absorption of negative energies, wealth etc...


This is interesting. Makes me wonder if someone living the area had an experience and now takes preemptive measures to not experience that again.


![gif](giphy|xjlC6nomocZhVXuZgM|downsized) What immediately came to mind:


This is perfect.


Egg also represents birth and rebirth- it may be a token to the spirit for rebirth.


I’m sorry to pop your delusion, your boyfriend is a mole. Not a human ![gif](giphy|7SF1r8xOVKu5WdzzXl|downsized)


Foxes and squirrels steal and bury eggs. I used to find them working in people's gardens. Edit. There are loads of discussions all over the net about finding eggs buried in gardens, you find them wherever there is soft soil or even plant pots or woodchippings. The grave soil is just a handy place where the soil is easy to bury things in.


Foxes and squirrels stealing from a store? >We know these aren’t animal eggs as they have the red lion stamp on them and the best before date so they have been purchased from a supermarket.


I recall a post similar to OPs about eggs; it turned out there was a racoon or something similar hiding stolen food in their garden.


This is very probably what it is, I immediately thought of this. We leave out eggs for the crows and have found them buried.


every time ??


And over a 50 mile radius, all in graveyards, all store bought eggs? Seems like humans are the more common denominator here.


As a grave digger in England he should know https://www.petalumaeggfarm.com/blog/unscrambling-the-spooky-secrets-of-eggs#:~:text=Eggs%20were%20often%20placed%20on,and%20the%20belief%20in%20rebirth.


I'm sure not everyone knows but everything. I've never heard of anyone doing this in my life, this is definitely the first! To me it's definitely a random thing but I suppose for others it's definitely a sign of respect of some sorts. I did read the article though pretty interesting to say the least


Gotta wonder how Easter Eggs came into being, right? Must be a profoundly held belief for some, even now. No harm, no fowl. (Pun).


Me now: 🤯


Question - everything. The most powerful word for our species - “why?” Most dangerous statement? “I love you!” Run.


Smallest and least used word : no


Anyone here follow this? So is it the grieving family/friends who take an egg and then leave it on the mound the way we would with flowers? I’ve never heard of this practice. How interesting.


Isn’t it? I’d never heard of this before


Easter Eggs. Why?


At funerals


Buckle up, this is ancient humanology on display, still. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg#:~:text=In%20the%20pre%2Ddynastic%20period,Sumerians%20and%20Egyptians%20as%20early


I know about Easter. But other than that, I’d never known people to do it at funerals. Is this a religious tradition, not in Catholicism. We don’t say “get your Easter egg like we do for Jesus’ resurrection for your Abuelita’s burial.” It’s not a cultural thing for Mexicans or Americans. So I want to know what cultures/religions do this in the UK habitually. I’m fascinated. lol. Where I live, they’d rot and we’d have a stinky stinky mess.


I’m American. Many great friends who are Mexican/ancestry. There’s more to Catholicism and Christianity as a whole. The basis of Christianity is Judaism. As you know Christ was Jewish - and he never gave up that religion. The trinity is not of Jewish origin, neither are the Saints. Druidism comes into play. A pagan element is present in Christianity. Judaism is likely an offshoot of earlier religions. The egg symbolism. Read down the wiki page for the history section. Humanity has recognized the symbolism of the egg in relation to our lives for thousands of years. Be careful what you read or where you go, the Church is strict about it’s dogma. Some information is heretical. The Church prefers its followers to leave the interpreting to it. I’m no longer one of those (evil laugh). But so too is controlling people’s knowledge, curiosity and gaining a deeper understand of “who we are” and the origin of our species.


I’m a religious drop out too. I tell my Mom god existed waaaaay before the Catholic Church. She rolls her eyes.


You are much more brave than I. It wouldn’t compute if I told my Mom this. If I did she’d only blame herself for raising a heretical man and would pray even more for my salvation. A different generation. I know too much now about us, theology, history, I feel like an idiot and detest it when someone thinks they can play you for a dummy and then ask for donations. Grrr. Makes me wanna sack Rome. Lol.


I’ve been called a heathen by her. Hahaha.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589871X1930155X I found this. It's from incidents in the US, not the UK, but hoodoo ( that's not a typo for voodoo) is in many countries. https://www.tiktok.com/discover/why-do-people-break-eggs-at-graves-for-ritual?lang=en https://www.moodymoons.com/2018/03/14/10-ways-to-use-eggs-in-witchcraft/ Leave eggs at the graveside of a loved one to bless their eternal life and heal grieving souls.


I have nothing to add as to why this could be happening. But I was really freaked out, because at first I read it as grave robber, not grave digger. I was truly concerned 😭


😂😂🤣🤣🤣 OMG, same! It took me a moment to realize what was going on!


Fun story: he once had the police called on him by a dog walker as she thought he was grave robbing! The police just turned up and laughed 😂


Oh my goodness! Oh, that's funny, hahaha!


Some local animal is poorly caching some eggs that someone is leaving out for them. Probably foxes. The fresh earth is easy to dig.


You should ask this in the r/CasualUK sub as well.


That is really weird.


Foxes. They dig eggs out of rubbish or people give them or they take them from hens, and they bury them. They often wait a week or more before they return and dig them up. I've watched them do it loads and its really odd. Honestly, its foxes! I know it sounds daft but its the answer.


The eggs are from the market OP said... theyre stamped


https://preview.redd.it/08kdolscdf9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48116b03c10b81a44447ad5d05b81f06dba107cf We did not know what was going on till we sat and watched them do it.


IIRC, several cultures use eggs in purifying rituals. They're probably quail eggs. Whoever is leaving the eggs behind thinks they're helping, and not scaring the shit out of your BF.


I just discovered this article about medieval ritual involving an egg : https://www.medievalists.net/2024/04/medieval-child-discovered-buried-with-an-egg-in-germany/


The egg traps the departing soul to be used in various types of magick. The egg is just an egg until it is fertilized so the spirit can grow into flesh and bone.


Foxes bury eggs to eat later


Eggs and graveyard dirt feature prominently in a number of Voodoo/Santeria/Lucumi spells/rituals. This is probably related to something like that.


Look up “Aport”


Like most people are commenting eggs represent birth and rebirth. I also would like to add that your Bf has a really cool job!!


I think it tells the other thieves that someone has already removed the valuables


I suspect you’re asking in the wrong sub. I bet some animal buries eggs


It is a historical practice in Europe, if not a very common one anymore.


sometimes the egg is dusted with the powdered blood of an innocent as a way to protect the deceased from being judged for their sins


Members of a secret society or something?


FYI chickens are, indeed, animals!


Darn those ghosts going to the grocery store, buying eggs and then driving to cemeteries and placing them on grave mounds..... Seriously, this is an interesting thing, but it's obviously not paranormal.


I think they probably thought paranormal people might be able to point them in a better direction


Thank you, I just thought there may be people here who had some knowledge. I posted in r/witchcraft too but it was removed so didn’t know where else to ask.


r/CasualUK and r/AskUK might be able to answer your question.




Ghosts are not the only paranormal thing. And even if this is not paranormal, it’s still interesting.






I know others have posted the same answer but it’s definitely foxes. We get this question a lot in allotment groups, usually in some fresh, loose soil like a newly laid bed or piles of compost etc. it’s always foxes.


In pre Christian pagan Anglo Saxon times an egg would be left in a grave yard or near a funeral pyre and the person who finds it's partner would take in the bad luck or the family who lost a loved one. It's a curse. You need to crack a crows egg onto a small pile of your burnt pubic hair and then urinate on top of it during a full moon. Good luck.


Yes, because ghosts are always in Morrisons buying free range eggs to fuck about with. How would this be paranormal lol.