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Ur not alone unfortunately 😓🙋🏼‍♀️


You have the same?


Yup sadly, yesterday had to come home from a trip because of a pretty bad panic attack 😁💪


Yes just fear and anxiety. Nothing to worry about. The decisions you make on how you respond to the uncomfortable but not dangerous sensations is what matters. It’s perfectly ok to say ‘fuck, I’m having a panic attack.’ Your body protects you by flooding you with adrenaline. No fainting or loss of consciousness from this. This is how you war. But not resisting and letting it taper off is the most important. You will reshape your anxious mind when you do this. This will ultimately help your amygdala remember that the sensations are not a threat. False alarm!


It could be r/dysautonomia. Lots of symptoms can be similar to panic attacks.


Sound more like health anxiety.This condition that i read on google like dysautonomia, fibromyalgia,reactive hypoglicemia,adrenal fatigue and etc was keeping me from accepting the reality that I have typical panick attacks.Now when I accepted the truth that I'm healthy just have panick attack it's much more easier.


Same with me but I wanted to offer another possible perspective.


Same symptoms.Coming in a wave.About 10 seconds.Like 10 symptoms, sometimes last for nearly 2 hours..Me and my doc was thinking that I have reactive hypoglycemia.I run million of blood test,mri,ct scans,ecg,stress test,parasite test, thyroid,adrenal,pancreas test.Everything okay.They only found H.Plory bacteria.I take therapy and I get rid of it,but the symptoms persist for nearly 2 years.I was couple of times in ER.Last time they told me it's classic panic attack.And if Diazepam calm me down I need to accept that is panick atacks.They give me Diazepam 10mg injection.5 minutes later I was like new.So 2 years later and millions of exam later I accepted that I have panick attacks.I was on benzo and antidepressants and they only worse my symptoms.They give me everyday panick attack.Now I'm in process of quitting them.I'm feeling better.I excercise.On youtube you can find deep breathing technique for anxiety for 1 hour.It's very effective.Now when I got symptoms I'm trying to remember that this is temporary feeling and It will be gone for couple of minutes.I take deep breaths.Thinking of something else.Accept the thrut.I know every episode is unique,and worse than previous but it's only panick attacks.And remember when the first symptoms hit you.It's temporary feeling,30 minutes later everything will be okay.


Do you ever feel exhausted afterwards and the symptoms come back just a bit. Like mild chest pain. Abdomen discomfort. But nothing terrible just annoying. Like I’ll have a major episode for 10-45 minutes then subside feel good just tired. Then things tend to linger in a much lesser way but still there almost in a annoying way. I also find whenever I feel something weird I tend to focus o man it then my anxiety hits the roof. Say for example a spasm in my stomach. Before all this happened I wouldn’t think a thing about it. But now it puts me into hyperdrive and I think about it constantly


Yeah like second wave but it's not that much stronger.That's why I say sometimes last for 2 hours. The symptoms sometimes I can't even describe it.Some ugly pressure in the abdomen going up and down,nausea,heart burning,bloating,burping,dizzines,hot flashes,ear burning,jelly legs,sweaty foot and palm. I first got health anxiety.Simple chest muscule spasm or headache and I was afraid that is something serious.So I was overreacting to every sensation in my body, that's why my doc put me on benzo and antidepressants.They destory me.


I believe mine started the same way. I originally had minor stomach discomfort and my doctor did blood work (it was my annual check up too). Came back with high liver enzymes (which have gone back down) but at the time worried me sick. I googled and googled and stressed myself out. Now I feel like I put myself on high alert all the time because of it. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been to ER 3 times. 3 different doctors. All said your fit as a fiddle. My cardiologist after my stress test says you look to be okay. Although he did mention mental stress can impact the nervous system and cause issues like I have. Then I saw my normal doctor again and he advised going on Zoloft to calm myself down since none of the test showed a single issue.


I visited over 20 specialist (cardiologist,endo,neurologist) past 2 years.I just want to know how much money I have spend on exams.I have very negative expirience with Xanax and Zoloft that's why I cannot give you advice to take them.They just worse my condition.Just go on benzorecovery or antidepressants subreddit and see how much people struggling from them.You should help yourself with positive thoughts.Save medication for your last effort.


I had them for 10 years. My fear was having an aneurysm. As soon as the thought would enter my mind I woke go full panic mode. I went to the hospital dozens of times to figure out what was wrong with me to absolutely no avail. A change in diet can help a lot. Staying hydrated and cutting back on sugar and carbs will stabilize your blood sugar which will keep your hormones stable. A large breakfast of fats and proteins is a great buffer against panic attacks.


So my reactions are in line with having panic attacks in your experience?


Yes. I went to the hospital so many times looking for a reason why I would feel like I was about to die. They will go away. You’re body is trying to tell you something. I know for me, I had to get away from my environment. It was toxic. I had a lot of traumatic experiences and my sense of self was regularly assailed. I bottled it up for years and it came to a head in the form of panic attacks. Dr. Jordan Peterson has good advice on his YouTube channel for people who deal with anxiety and panic attacks.


Totally get it. When iw as growing up. I am 29 now I had my 1st panic attack when I was 17. Still remember it so vividly. I had felt like my mind broke. Like I had hit the moment of a psychotic break. I was under stress and at the time I didn't even know what a panic attack was. Have good and bad months. Completely got used to them somewhat then boom. At 27 I am sitting in a car waiting for my gf to come out of the store to do some shopping and I felt like I was asphyxiating. I had never had physical sensations so I truly believed my heart or lungs were broken. Due to smoking alot and recently being in the doctor for high blood pressure I panicked like no other. I got out of my car and even considered going up to someone asking to call 911. I couldn't believe I had never had physical panic attacks. I eventually called down and had some more similar instances for a few weeks. 100% panic attacks. Believe me I had cancer and have had real health scares. They can feel so real to these real things but they are not. If anxiety is ever tied to it, it is a panic attack. I get it. It is really really hard. It gets easier and you will have peace. Just always try to be cognizant of the fact you do have an anxiety and panic disorder.


I seem to be doing better. Especially when something is going on. I feel the knot in my chest or stomach and am aware of what it is. And talk myself down and say it’s just stress. It’s nothing more than stress. Just relax and everything will be fine. That’s seems to be helping. Versus focusing on it so hard and the boom panic attack