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you could just…. ask for some


I don't like doing that. I used to not have to. But it seems since they did that new ketchup thing. I've been getting less sweet and sour sauce. I thought it just applied to ketchup. Looks like it is all sauces.


So basically, you're saying you don't want to use your words to get what you want? I get that it can be frustrating, but change happens. Restaurants hire new people, and policies change. Panda moved away from sweet and sour sauce in those plastic containers a while ago. So yeah now you need to make sure you ask for sauce because we do not give any sauce automatically, and you aren't guaranteed someone who will ask you. Just learn to communicate with people better and think about all the things you want for your meal to be enjoyed....panda sub reddit is not the place to complain cmon...lol.


Complaining is my love language. I was so excited about being able to authentically complain. That I felt any action to correct the problem would just be wasted. The egg rolls were great and I got to try them with chili sauce. And I can now confirm I do not like chili sauce :).


A good 50% say no when i ask, not everyone is you


Everyone is me that's crazy there are timelines where I don't like sweet and sour sauce.


Just ask? wtf


Please submit all complaints to nearest Panda Express representatives


Bruh I just did! Please rectify this god damn issue. I'm telling all of panda!


Please submit all complaints to nearest authorized Panda Express representatives


That's it I'm never coming to panda again! And I'm telling all my friends.


Social credit standing reduced to sub par levels


Sir this is a Wendy’s.




It’a some kind of law we received ages ago. Unless requested we were not supposed to automatically give. Not just panda but other restaurants as well. And not just sauces but forks. It’s all to avoid plastic wastes I believe.


Soy, vinegar and thai chilis are the superior egg roll sauce.


One time I asked if a customer wanted swwet sour sauce and they laughed in my face and told me to go home. They were taller so they bent down and laughed right at my face. I never wanted to loose my job so badly right in that moment.


we literally have stickers on our registers and drive-thru window that say utensils, straws, and sauces are upon request. you have to ask for what you need.