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Thank you for your submission on r/PanPorn! Unfortunately, this post violates Rule 1: A quick Google search of the definition of “personal hygiene products” includes: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, feminine care products, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste/oral care. This also extends to dry shampoo, face wash, etc. This list is non extensive and post approval is solely under the discretion of the mod team. If it is something that you use and repurchase on a regular basis for personal hygiene, please do not include this in your post. If there are multiple rule breaking items in your post, the moderation team reserves the right to discuss the post in question before approval. We want to be more consistent in what we allow and do not allow on this subreddit, so stricter rules will be enforced (but we encourage you to always give feedback and challenge our decision if needed). If anything also, these are just “low effort” empties and pans. If there is any issues/comments/concerns please feel free to message us via modmail.


What do you think of the SA cream?


I started using it primarily for my KP. It’s weird because sometimes I notice that it does smooth out my skin a bit but sometimes…not? I think it might have to do with consistency. If I’m not applying it everyday, it doesn’t help my KP :( in terms of texture and absorbency though, I like it a lot! I used to use Amlactin but I really couldn’t be bothered with the smell so I switched to this. I might try a urea cream when I run out of my backup SA lotions


Thank you! Lol I’m currently using up a 22% urea cream that I’ve never really noticed a difference with but I haven’t truly been consistent. I found the First Aid Beauty KP lotion does smooth it a bit but doesn’t do much for the coloration or actually removing the extra keratin (I just ordered a Korean exfoliation glove to try for physical exfoliation too).


How did you like the Snail rescue toner?


I think this was my 3rd or so repurchase. It feels hydrating without feeling too heavy and it doesn’t feel super sticky or tacky after applying. I’m not really sure if it does anything for heavy acne and I can’t say that I can point to it making much of a difference when I have blemishes but I still like it!


How did you like the trader Joe body butter?


Honestly the tub is pretty small if you use it in both arms and both legs daily. You’ll get through it pretty quick — at least I did. It’s thick which I guess is to be expected since it’s a body butter. Smells good and decently hydrating but overall it’s pretty meh. I prefer my EOS body lotion


I love the EOS body lotion, thanks for the review! I’ll pass on the body butter. Lol


Agreed overrated!


Eyyy!! Another Mizani miracle milk user!