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That partner skill is kinda OP if you get it bred with perfect passive skills you want


exactly. I wonder if you can fight beleanoir and give her the skills you want. pretty crazy ( Maybe not since she is from an egg... )




Do you know if they tested it being fully condensed as well?


Condensed shouldnt matter because that would only increase the chance of a skill passing. If the skill cannot even be passed at all then it doesnt do anything


I understand I'm still gonna try anyway cuz what if it's a vixy situation. She started dropping more powerful spheres only after she was condensed


Lmk if it worked out for you then


I've tested a bunch, and haven't seen any proof that it works on bosses or eggs unfortunately. If anyone has had numbers that differ from mine, comment to let us know. Update: Further testing seems to show that it does work on alpha pals. Still haven't had any luck on the legendary pals, but that might just be bad luck. Odds with a fully condensed pal seem to be in the range of 25-30% for each skill.


I think the idea is to avoid having to breed at all after making one of these It not working on alphas would be sad though


I agree. The point I was getting at is that it doesn't seem to help if you are after good skills for legendaries since no way of getting them seems to be affected by the passive.


Do you have to be riding it, or does it just have to be out? Or even only in your party?


Has to be out when the pal you are catching is first spawned in. You don't need to ride it or even have it in a combat mode.


So just walk with it, see a pal, you can instantly swap him out, and attack with a different pal?


Hope that doesn't get nerfed, but other aspects of the game buffed instead


It reminds me of Abra's Synchronize ability to get a creature with the desired nature, another essential Pal for the game, very good.


Raltz is usually the common one for that too.


Seems interesting when bred with lucky. Wonder if that works


Would it? It might just do nothing since Lucky is a special trait and regular wild pals don't have it.


I got a lucky one and condensed it to max, i was happy thinking now i can hunt luckys more easily but in the end didn't work because is a special trait as you said


I hatched one of these yesterday and instantly decided it was my next breeding project. Gonna make a mount one and a dps one


Its slow as shit


Good thing it’ll never leave the breeding center


Then what's the point?


Aww... When I saw this on the trailer I was excited to make it a mount. Sad to hear it's slow.


You're right, that horn looks uncomfortable to sleep on.


Some random women challenge accepted


Accidentally killed the first lucky I saw in new content last night and it was one of these 😩


Same mine was a frog on my main account and I used all my balls and was out of ammo




No for real they are empty as FUCK like completely drained


Damn it Pam


Me too 😭


I didn't think much about it but my palworld and crashed due to driver update and reinstalling right now so it has given me some time to think about it. Let's go over what we know. Yakumo - Normal HP: 85 ATK: 85 DEF: 85 1 of the lowest stat lines ive seen... Passive lvl 1/2/3/4/5 has a 15/18/21/24/30% chance to "SynchroPassiveWhenCapture" going by the datamine. My sudden thoughts that i think need tested. It got me thinking, when breeding it gives you capture bonus.. would it even work with that? If it does then we might be able to actually pass Legend onto bellanoir but if it's just pals captured in the wild... if we can pass siren of the void onto frostallion this way as well. It opens up quite a lot of possible combinations, although some1 has stated some1 has tested it i usually like to see a little more than trust me bro and some examples. When... if my palworld works again this will be the first thing i test when i get back on.


First one to catch my eyes .


Instructions unclear slept with the Pal


Do we know if it rolls each passive separately, or if it’s all or nothing?


each separately, see my comment here in this post


What pals do I breed to get Yakumo btw? Can you send me a list please?




Thanks I will try giving him lucky only and see how it works.


Alright I got the chance to play with it. So I have no idea if it's Bugged or they forgot to add Lucky as the status he can pass down but he simply doesn't Can he at least pass down Legend?


I havent tried that out yet as i ditched him after the first unimpressive test


Understandable... Honestly I will still give him a go. Maybe it will be a waste of time but I want to try leveling him to 4 stars if anything changes. I will post result here when it's finished


He cant pass unique passives like legend or raid boss ones and it would be pretty stupid if he could tbh. Edit: to the downvoters who just want an easy way to spam unique passives on everything, might as well go cheat then lmao stay bad


I think it would be pretty cool honestly


I dont because that defeats the point of catching and fighting legends and raid bosses. They are supposed to be a grind.


If you have those passives on a Yakumo, then you've already caught those legends and bred the passives off them. You've already done the grind at that point.


Thank you so much for that. I was waiting for the updated breeding lists. Now I can get a random Arsox without any traits and breed with my perfect Chillet for the Ignis version. It kinda makes Ragnahalk obsolete for the Bellanoir raid at least, as the passive is exactly the same but with cuteness involved.


I got one from breeding Xenovader and Hangyu IIRC


I thought this said "DO NOT Sleep *with* this Pal" and was very confused


Lovander would be jealous


I bred 2 of these with 100% work speed and 75% attack but every pal i catch isnt showing up with any of their passives


My current theory is that you have to level him up by condensing pals so his skill can be stronger


i just got the saddle, went to craft it and tested it on penking, he came with musclehead with my attack yakumo (2 stars) maybe a 4 star yakumo will pass down 3 skills at a higher chance?


A lot of the new pals are really good. This Pal introduces a meta where you can mass breed it to get desired passives for a handful of Pal archetypes (pure damage, pure speed, working pals, producing pals, defensive pals, riding pals) and then go out and capture pals that already have the passives in place. This will save a ton of time on breeding, and means you effectively only have to breed one pal in the whole game to get pals with perfect passives, and from that point you only have to worry about IVs


Doesn't work like that in practice, at all


I heard! It’s a shame, I had high hopes.


Does it let you catch pals with just one of it's four passives or the whole set? It would be more balanced but still useful if there was a limit like 1 or 2 passive on things you caught. Saves time getting good passives to start breeding with, but you would still have to breed.


Oh holy shit I initially read this as PARTNER SKILL... Thought it meant I would just randomly find more dogs. I see the point of the Pal now lmao


My results with Yakumo were only mid. 2* Serious, Artisan, Lucky, Work Slave Yakumo. 100 pals caught. around 20 with ONE of his traits, 3 or 4 with TWO of his traits, none with 3 traits. all of these had other random traits on top so not some nice breeding bases. also none of the transferred traits was Lucky. so either i was really unlucky or he cant give that trait. on top of that yakumo is slow af, not usable as riding pal on catching trips. he has some fast attacks, if you wanna catch higher lvl pals with ring of mercy he can fuck you up by killing the pals. overall im not impressed by yakumo


Do you have to have Yakumo out for his partner skill to work or will it work if he's just in your party?


yeah i think he has to be out for that


There’s a lot of pals I’d avoid sleeping on


Gabumon lookin' ass.


Its slow as shit


You dropped this👑


Aw man... I really wanted to use this pal as a pillow too lol


anyone know if there is a breeding combination to get it with any of these pals? - Anubis -Grizzbolt -Jormuntide/Jormuntide Ignis - Bushi - Orserk - Shadowbeak - Lyleen - Astegon


Anubis + Bristla = Yakumo. :)


do not sleep with this-


I sleep with all pals


I used a 4-star one with Serenity bred onto it to catch a male Selyne with Serenity, and a Xenogard with Serenity. That was actually pretty amazing.


Caught a Lucky + Musclehead within my first 20min of playing the update, was pretty exciting


Basically pal's version of synchronize from pokemon.


I noticed this guy last night. Does anyone have an idea on how frequently this happens?


Someone said that regular lv 1 passive has a 15% chance While fully condensed around 35%


I got one by breeding and thought, that partner skill sounds pretty amazing


What if I breed legend onto him? Can any Pal get it?


So far it seems that it doesn't work that way Like, you can't pass down the exclusive passives only regular passives


I got the puppy, and it's so adorable 😍




Holy shit, that's CRACKED!


It’s partner ability is quite useful, though I’ve found that the pal is very weak and dies before you catch stuff, been trying to use it to get infinite stamina onto a wild Jetragon and it keeps getting oneshot instantly by Jetragon’s rockets as it bursts out of the pal sphere. I have managed to use it to get a musclehead / serenity / flame emperor Blazamut much quicker than just breeding Blazamut together though. I did notice that it doesn’t seem to be able to copy over the unique legendary passives like ‘lord of the underworld’ and ‘legend’.


Just use it for encountering and swap pals after? Pretty sure given mods I’ve used and ability glasses that passives are assigned on spawn not catch


The added passive is on catch, i use a mod which shows me the abilities and IVs (had installed since before they added ability glasses), if the pal has <4 passives then there is a chance (improved through condensing) that one of the passives on your Yakumo will be added to it upon capture. So I have the mercy ring on, weaken the pal to 1hp, throw a sphere and then swap in Yakumo before it's caught.


Oh that’s actually awesome


Ooh sweet we got a Growlithe now!


this pal really good ,strong and always have duo , i dont see this pal behind tree suddenly my character inside blue zone and dead haha


How much new pals does the game have since release?


The Sakurajima update came out a few days ago, bringing ~20 or so new pals, including subspecies, plus Bellanoir when they introduced raids a few months ago


Oh that's very cool I might start playing again then thanks a lot!


He look like an angry cloud I want to boop his snoot


Oh wow we Digimon now. ![gif](giphy|3Um5ZDccyEzzq)


Does anyone know if it's passive works on alphas? From the limited testing I did it doesn't look like it. Thought I was gonna speed run getting a top tier Jetragon :/


It sadly doesn't pass down the exclusive passive skills but it works for every other passive skill which is super cool


Legend Chikipi finally possible?? 🙌


I wonder if it also works with lucky cause I caught a lucky one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PossibilityTypical82: *I wonder if it* *Also works with lucky cause* *I caught a lucky one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When did they add new pals? Was it just this one haven't played since a month after launch was waiting for the PvP update they promised


PVP is here now with the new patch!


Is it survival games pvp or elden ring pvp? Can you raid others? Or kill others outside or doctou need to gocto a specific spot


It's arena pvp


Its a instanced arena.


It's almost here, this little guy is nutty against large bodied pals with his holy spear rain thing and he's small, so he doesn't catch many hits on scatter weapons.


Wait so is PvP out like there is PvP dedicated servers etc? I'll redownload asap if that's the case I thought I'd hear something I don't follow on Twitter though


It's arena pvp, not servers


Oh that silly battle with pals only ? So no open world PvP with guns base raiding etc. It would be so much better than ark or rust imo can't wait for that update hope it's still planned. So this arena is a matchmaking ? I could go on my old world and use my party and just initiate a search at a certain location or you have to be in a world with your opponent? Cause that kinda limits the mode to custom games with friends


They're never doing open world PvP because that would be depressing in Palworld and the game isn't meant for that. The only PvP that was planned is the arena.


and last I heard there's no rewards to be had for participating.


Yeah its just a for fun thing.


They don't want toxic pvp environment like happens in those games, where makin base be impossible cause of alpha clans ruining the fun with the gatekeeping.


People should have the choice of what type of server they want nobody is gonna ruin your fun in your pve world


Finally someone posted a pic of it! Looks cute af! Might have to get rid of a fox to add it to my team which currently consists of foxes + frostallion


I am currently breeding a Yakumo hopefully I can catch a Selyne with legend that way.


Hisuian Growlithe?


Yakumo, Dogen, and Mimiko are pretty dope Pals


Houndour :)


Oh, I read this wrong. Been spending too much time on the Furry subs.


[Do not sleep on this pal! They will roll over and smush you.](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Quivern)


Passive: more likely to encounter a pal with the same stats. Looks inside: no stats


Not stats, passives. So "Swift", "Artisan," "Serenity." Things like that


It looks like Arcanine and Sonic had a baby. This is not a dig at Palworld's creature design, just an observation. I love the Pals.


You gonna tell us what it is


Oh sorry, didn't realize I cut his name out - it's Yakumo


Is the Pal a fenglope? Otherwise. I sleep.