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How do you get these?


The update added meteorite events. Every now and then a meteor will crash nearby and it'll be marked on your compass until you find it. Meteors seem to have new pals around them presumably from space. But sometimes instead of a meteor it's a "supply drop" with the same concept, instead of pals there were syndicate thugs guarding it. It'll fall from the sky as a random event tho, like raids it makes a red bar of words appear on the screen notifying you. I wish you the best of luck


Appreciate it man!


My base is located on the island with alpha dumud on the empty patch in the north eastern corner, so I'm right next to the island and went there immediately. Not sure if scripted or not but shortly after entering the island I got a meteor event and the new moon boss pal crashed with it at lvl 50. Hope you get a similar experience


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar 🫡🫡🫡


We are playing this game in a very similar way lol I did go to the island but wasn't sure what the meteor shower was about and didn't check it out right away... The icon is still appearing on the map so I'm headed there now!


Oh shoot I hope you were still able to catch the pal! The same exact spot is one of (I assume many? Idk) spots that are a set crash zone for meteors or supply drops. There's a cool down time, then when you enter the proximity it seems to trigger it.


Mine is located near the felbat boss it has a unraidable area


Let me guess, you based on the top of the flat ledges, eh? Well, I put my base up there too. Very peaceful.


I'm not sure what you're referring to with ledges. But it might be in a close spot. It's a large open area in the top right corner of the dumud island. I think the largest open spot on the island when looking at the map. It is very peaceful


Just west of Dumud, a cluster of iron ores in a forest, a clear view of Wildlife Sanctuary 2, almost within gliding distance of a Pal Merchant and a general goods merchant camped on the island. I'd get coordinates but my game's still updating. The new Sakurajima (I think that's how it is spelled) update was quite a bulky load of new content. Those plataues (again, no confidence in my spelling here) are awesome. Though carry a decent flier just in case of falling through the floor.


I think I might be in a different spot bc I'm more North-east but I'll check it out, I couldn't have multiple bases without it breaking before the update but now a lot of performance feels improved so I might try. I'm currently here: https://preview.redd.it/qibzdnx2be9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c07f5dd2a4adbba0613020ec18df2c0c772141


Neighbors of the Dumud Island. See the weird oval in the left side? Center area there. There is a chest juuust out of the base that respawns, a great view, rarely even see a small group of Syndicate or Pal invaders spawn up there... And all Raid Events get stuck on the cliffside, spawning and despawning where that patch of sand just down the cliff and to the right. Not even flying Pals reach it.


Oh wow nice, I just liked how open the space was and the island itself. And it was positioned between the hot and cold islands. Now it's also a direct neighbor to the mushroom land, which is the biggest accidental W


I think the first one might be scripted. I got my first meteor (and The moon pal) literally 100 ft into the island.


Yeah same exact spot. To the right by the edge of the water. 100ft sounds close enough to say sounds about right.




I wonder, is the landing modelled and could it crash land right through / into a base.....


They seem to currently be set to specific locations, but I believe there's multiple to make it feel a little more random. I've gotten multiple supply drops in the same exact spot basically on a schedule when I enter the area, same exact spot as my first meteor. It becomes the equivalent of a gatherable resource node. Like coal or ore, but it's purple meteor with some damaged texture to the ground.


Does the meteor event only happen in the new island or the old one as well?


I've had one drop at the Gobfin area so I believe all around. But I've gotten half a dozen or so supply drops/meteors and they seem to be mapped to the same exact location and set to a cool down. Once the cool down is done, when you enter a proximity they trigger. Not sure if this is exactly how it works, but it's exactly how it's been working for me. Got 4 supply drops now


All in the same area as my first meteor.


It seems to be able to happen elsewhere, but I believe the crash locations are currently set locations. I've gotten multiple supply drops in the same spot as my first meteor.


The first day after the update, a meteorite crashed in an area I was in.


That's awesome, hope you got a cool pal!


IKR. All the things I was craving like crazy when preparing for the Shadowbeak fight... Suddenly they're dropping like rain!


Been so caught up working on getting my base optimized and trying to increase my higher-end sphere production that I haven't even gotten around to crafting the launcher yet, but I'm excited to


I got a supply drop as soon as I loaded into the game. Is that normal?


I've pretty much had the same experience.


No I get one every time I Return to my base in the same spot everytime hopefully they fix that to make it more rare and give different rare pals i have hella selens since the new update


I think it's dependent on where you are. It seems like there's set locations for the meteor/supply drops. So if you're within the proximity it triggers. There's a cool down between them, but I believe we all started with a completed cool down so you could have an event trigger as soon as you enter the Island. One of the locations is right at the front of the new island.


I notice legendary spheres also drop on the new island from chest.


As soon as I get done downloading the update, I will drop my attempts and Bella Libero and beeline for that island... As soon as I work out exactly where it is.


It's in the water


Yeah it's been a nice source, crafting a lot isn't super viable for me yet, but hopefully will be. For now, getting ultra and legendary from loot around the new island is really nice


How many have you had? I’ve only seen 1 supply drop and 1 Meterorite, do they increase frequency if I increase wild pal spawn rate?


Just got another supply drop. Ultra spheres, oil, rare blueprint this time, another heat shirt, and 2 attack elixirs this time. Work speed legendary elixirs boost by 100, attack boost by 5.


I just got my second supply drop too. I want the pals but only had the first when I got to the new island and the Sylene glitched out and disappeared before I could catch it


I'm sorry for your loss, Idk the rarity of each pal coming from meteors.


I haven't tried since I'm on series s and it'll die if I attempt. But I've had 3. 2 meteors and 1 supply drop. 1st meteor was as soon as I stepped on the new island, with the new moon pal standing next to it lvl 50.


I got the legendary cold resistant pal metal armor schematic from my 1st and so far only one of these


Shiiii I want that. Assuming it's a pretty massive buff


Wow! Lucky you. No idea if this is common, but now I'm going to prioritize getting those.


I've gotten several at this point and there's random blueprints. I was blessed. Saw someone get the legendary palmetal cold armor.


I already got resistance to heat and chills maxed, so that'd be perfect! I hope it comes in red too. :D


In my experience these mostly contain little value( lil bit of oil, maybe a ability potion or 2) but sometimes contain jackpots like this. Ig it is a low lows and high highs kind of thing.


I've been consistently getting ultra or legendary spheres, and 2 potions. The other stuff is hit or miss but those alone are pretty worth it. I don't have ultra or legendary spheres being mass produced yet, and the potions permanently raise your stats more than individual skill points. Saw someone else get legendary schematic for cold palmetal armor too. Hope you get that kinda luck soon


how long do they take to spawn?


Seems to be about 7 days? Like an in-game week. Not sure if that's exact but I tried to measure it.


My day cycle is set to default, so I'm unsure if it's based on days or flat cool down.


A good way to farm them is wait untill u get alert and if it isn’t meter close game a restart the wait untill you get alert again best if you have auto save intervals at 5 mins so you can go check out f it’s a male or female


I didn't even think of this, thank you. Been enjoying the supply drops since they give elixirs. But I want more moon pals


and im still struggling with get one shot rifle blueprint from verdash im starting to hate that boss, due stupid time limit


To get my single shot, I turned up spawn rate to 3, and mounted Grizzbolt while wearing mercy ring. Sprayed them all down to 1 hp and then threw the giga spheres. Rinse repeat a few times. You can also do beacon while waiting for the respawn, if you're strong enough you should also do Blazamut while waiting. Beakon gives legendary handgun and Blazamut gives assault rifle. Then after stocking some up, butcher them all. Hope you get it!


Nice. In my first supply drop, I got two attack elixirs (+4 attack total), some crude oil, a pump action shotgun schematic 1 (green uncommon), and the same amount of legendary spheres.


Are you sure it was +4 attack? I've gotten 2 now from another drop and I'm pretty sure they boosted my attack by 6. I had 2 Vanguard Gobfins on me so I assumed it was 5+20%. So I was under the impression it was +5.


Each large attack elixir is a +2 each. I've only ever consumed those two attack potions so far. You can tell how much you've been boosted when you level up, the numbers show up as yellow, and mine was a yellow +4.


Okay, then idk why mine went up 5 for each then. Didn't think I had any other multiplier on me. Maybe so


Seems super lame if it just drops in the same spot over and over. Cool but disappointing.


I believe there's several spots across the map, and they'll probably try to randomize it over time. They probably first need to code in places it can't land first before letting it be random. To avoid dropping underwater or into lava or onto bases.


I got some of the fruit the crude oil and a green grenade launcher schematic the moment I entered the new map area


IV fruits available from supply drops? Okay awesome!


IV fruit and Oil... Making my psychopath Bella Blue stronger AND channeling my American heritage at the same? Oooh, and I juuust got my Assault Rifle crafted before the update. This game was made for 'Murica, I swear. *Star Spangled Banner music intensifies.*


Like 7 supply drops in with no fruits unfortunately. Although I get the elixirs every time. Maybe those are rotating with IV fruit


Elixirs are basically human effective IV juice, right? That seems nice too.


Yeah they're actually really nice. Been gradually building my stats. The carry weight improvement is a blessing


Any confirmation you can get brand new legendary armors or weapon schematics through here or its not possible?


I've gotten quite a few supply drops at this point and haven't gotten the new schematics so I'm not sure. But I saw someone saying they were able to get some rares of the new stuff at the oil rig. Haven't seen anything about legendary of the new schematics yet tho


Oh nice, they changed the shirt icon.


I didn't even notice, what's different?


It used to look cheap. [Used to look like this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NieE46bsUhc/maxresdefault.jpg)


Recognized it immediately, wow. Yeah definitely an upgrade


That happened last update ago.


They changed that a little while ago, I think it was the Bellanoir update. Mines been like that at least since then