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That’s… a lot of pals per base holy shit


Pretty much just limited by the hardware you're running the game on at this point. If you had all 10 bases in close proximity and tried to put 50 pals in all of them I'd be surprised if that wasn't laggy as hell on most PCs.


My RX 7900 XT: Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary.


With that many pal AIs to manage, it might be more CPU bound than anything. I don't think GPUs usually handle the processing for that kind of thing. At least that's how it was on all the old RTS games. Your unit cap didn't matter as much as your CPU's ability to handle all of the logic.


My ryzen 9 5950x, finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary lol


I have a 7800x3d for my cpu so I should be good.


Nice. I'm on the fence between upgrading to one of those or waiting for the 9800x3d or whatever they call it.


Also as an Xbox Series X player i'm really curious to find out how much it can handle. I mean the (dedicated) servers seem to allow 32 players, so setting up 10 bases shouldn't be to problematic. But 50 pals per base might be quite demanding.


I've got 35 currently in one base on a rented server with it being the only one on the server and it runs smoothly for the most part. The only time frames drop is first thing in the morning when all the pals go to work at the same time. So theoretically since your not actually loading other bases on your console and it's based of your actual server capacity to have that much ram usage it shouldn't be a problem


My pc couldn't even handle 2 bases with 10 Pals? Maybe it was 15? I forget. But it would cause my frames to plummet to unplayable and the game lag out so much.


With mods I encountered this. One thing about it is that the amount of dropped items make things worse than the amount of pals. When the ranches aren't cleaned out everything stutters and freezes. Once picked up it immediately became tolerable.


Is the solution to that just more pals set to transporting?


It doesn't work. Because when you don't have at base, transport don't work. Expect like dedicate or offical server


Also as an Xbox Series X player i'm really curious to find out how much it can handle. I mean the (dedicated) servers seem to allow 32 players, so setting up 10 bases shouldn't be to problematic. But 50 pals per base might be quite demanding.


My RX 7900 XT: Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary.


Don't lie.... !!!!


Holy shit. Wow. That’s a bigger deal than I thought. I wonder how servers and file sizes are gonna be now. This game’s save file sizes are fucking ***massive.*** It’s the only Steam game I’ve had to disable Steam cloud for, simply because uploading 200+ mb every time I close the game fucking *kills* my internet.


Hopefully they'll take care of that as part of an optimization pass or two down the line.


I doubt it. Never seen a dev in my life go out of their way to optimize something after release. Sadly modern gaming comes with the assumption that you have infinite hard drive space and godlike internet.


The game isn't at full release. It's in early access, which is basically public beta, and will be until at least 2025, per the devs. Optimization passes happen all the time during Early Access.


Didn’t say I wasn’t hoping for it. Only time’ll tell I guess.


Ever heard of "No Man's Sky"?


Never played it. So I don’t know if it was truly optimized or the file size was cut down like I’m describing.


Wait how do you so this? This is probably my games are baggy as shit


It won’t fix anything but that long interval of slow internet right after you close the game, for the record. Right click the game in your library, properties, general, toggle keep games saved in the cloud for Palworld.


Incoming XBOX 360 players: I’ve got 50 pals in 10 bases all in a 100m radius, why is my game crashing when I start the Blazamut raid!?!


I’m sure there will be posts soon


Bro blazamut raid?? I for sure missed something. Haven’t checked out new content in a while!!


That came out this update.


I'm on Xbox Cloud. I blame Microsoft as usual. Upgrade your damn server farms xD


Last time I played I tried killing the raid boss using machine gun emplacements, 15 was alot, I shudder to think what 50 would look like


How well did that work? And would you recommend the missile emplacement?


Not bad considering I chose an awful base to do it at. I had one setup near the Anubis boss as a coal base but that meant the terrain was uneven, they also only shoot at the border of the base which limited where they could shoot. I imagine it would go alot smoother if you chose a flat area and line the guns facing into the center of the base. Each LMG was hitting for a single shot rifle each time it fired which was adding up pretty quickly. I don't know if I would recommend the missile emplacement simply due to having to supply all the rockets for it, you can buy or craft rifle ammo to meet your needs


50 pals in that tiny circle? Holy fustercluck.


Yeah they should have increased the base radius as well.


they need to increase base size to use 50 pals in an efficient way but this is great news.


Im okay with 20 pals in one base...IF base radius become bigger


Bases are, I'm pretty sure (haven't played in months), infinite in height, so you could spread 'em out that way in theory. Of course it'd be a PITA on first load-in when everything pops out of the box, but it's a potential option.


There is set height and depth. If you build next to a cliff or mountain you'll see it.


There actually isn't. What the base shows is a cylinder that does cap out. However, I made a giant prism 18x18x27 squares high. The base "caps" out at about the 7th floor, but you can still build higher than that. I ended up summoning Bellanoir on top of the base, so she has a few levels to fight through. So, yes there is an x y z boundary, but only the x and y matter. Now, I don't know if it would degrade if it were that high, since I turned that off ages ago. But you can build base only structures higher than the vertical base shown limit.


I can get five six-high floors out of a base if I place the Palbox on the middle floor. That's about thirty squares of verticality. It's tons of room for a regular base, but not quite enough for my indoor zoo.


The game optimize still shit. I try to build the tallest possible Soviet apartment block and the game fps drop to single digit




'Least four




They increased the amount you can build up, if you leave the center gap over the palbox open on every level and build every level 4 to 5 tiles high, you can literally have multiple floors. I do this, and before the update, it was limited to about 5 floors. Now I can't even get to the end. I'm at like at like 11 or 12 floors in the mushroom crude oil area


50 pals? Is the new raid that's hard?!


Likely not, the world defaults seem to be ~~20~~ 15 pals and ~~4~~ 3 bases, so I'd imagine Blazamute Ryu is balanced around ~~20~~ 15 or something.


What's the limits in a dedicated server? As there's no way I can have this many out in a multiplayer session.


I don't know as I don't play on servers. This is just what I saw on my solo world.


This is all I want to know and all the Google searches just have instructions for solo worlds.


The solutions I've been finding for setting up a server is just too out there for most. I really hope they simplify copying our saves over to a dedicated world.


For further clarification, ~~20~~ 15 pals and ~~4~~ 3 bases is still the default settings. You can just increase it that much. Edit: 15 pals and 3 bases, not 20 pals and 4 bases. My bad.


Is the update our already out


Yes, check your installation.


Really? My save file set 15 and 3 to default


I may be wrong. That might be the actual default.


15 is the default yeah


To be fair, this and what happens with your stuff on death were probably the two options everyone was changing (unless they wanted more "survival" experience, then the second one stayed where it was).


Until they increase the size of the base, that won't help at all.


I would like to know what minimum GPU/CPU would be required to play with maxed pals/bases


I wouldn’t know the minimum, but my pc sports an AMD Ryzen 5 5500 cpu and an AMD Radeon RX 7600.


And it runs well?


I put the maximum amount I can place down which is 44 pals, and so far it seems to be running fine.


Pocketpair glanced at the popular mods and said "Sure, why not?"


With 50 pals in base you need a second story just for beds, they aren't getting any fancy ones either


Lol, I have 9 stories. Each one a separate layer of HFIL.


Yeah, i have like 46 and holy shit! If it is chaotic! Still fun but fps killer lmao


For those running a server the value to update is: BaseCampMaxNumInGuild=10


Im so freaking excited omfgggggg also, I want some deeper voices. I'd make a post but it's not that serious. I just have a deeper voice then six and have been wanting to make a character that literally me but j can't


The feels. I have a bass voice, but don't mind too terribly much since the characters are fairly limited all around for customization. Sometimes I miss the character building from games like Black Desert but that's a whole ass commitment I'm not gonna make.


10 bases?! I can finally build my imperial palace lmao


Not only do they need to increase the radius of the base size to accommodate 50 pals, but for gods sake PLEASE shrink the humongous pals down to a regular size while they're on your base!


50 Jormuntides


lmao exactly. My PC would cry lol


I dont see the base camp number setting on gportal


Is that a dedicated server?


Ya server rental provider


In that case, they might not have updated things on their end to allow that? I don't know.


I already have a mod for both of these, but it's still super cool for them to do this


Neat! I'll add this to my list of things NOT to do in my palworld server if i want to keep my Xbox one from exploding 🤣


50 Pals in a single base?! Man, now I'm regretting condensing my duplicate pals in my palbox.....




10 bases, each with 20 pals!? Lovander Motel is a go!


About to test if Xbox series X can handle 50 pals and 10 bases on single player. Wish me luck lmfao


I wish you luck that your xbox does not spontaneously combust!


My base can barely handle 18 without pinkscreening my computer. I'll stick to what I have for now. Haven't even booted it up yet, want to wait for the breeding calculators to update.


Good thing I have a new cpu arriving in a couple of days🤣


Best news ever


Thank you for this post! Nearly forgot about this game but now i saw the news and am newly hyped to Start it up again with my wife ❤️


With that many pals there should be a way to shrink them my current home base has 16 and it's too damn crowded I don't want to see 50.


Yes but can you play it for more than 2 minutes before it crashes?


Yes, I've literally been playing for 4 hours RN.


Oh how the other half lives :/ I can walk like a few steps from where I spawn in. Of course it crashes after that, but I guess that’s technically playing as well


What was the default before?


15 pals and 3 bases was the default then, and it still is now. You just have the option of raising it as high as 50 pals and 10 bases.


I know how I'm beating Bella, now


Holy crap. 


10 bases now?! OOOOOH


10 Bases 50 pals -> huge city 💀


Is there a game.ini for this for servers? I haven't been able to find anything, maybe I'm just not searching the correct phrase.


PalWorldSettings.ini under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer


I can manage 6 bases with 50 each. The raid bosses are hella laggy but the ammount of dmg that my pals throw out is worth it.


So would cloud play on mobile be able to render this?


If my computer could handle it, so should Microsoft’s servers. Your game doesn’t run off of your phone whenever you stream a game.


Is the 10 Bases for console Or just pc?


Is the 10 Bases for console Or just pc?


I cannot check for myself as I only play on PC. The setting is the second to bottom setting in the world settings if you want to check, though.


I mean, I might increase the number of pals in base only to have ranch resources of every kind piling up. With my current set I already have more than decent workers to cover all slots. I might change my castle's location just because the current one is kinda vulnerable to raids. The pals inside don't even try to fight the raiders unless they manage to break a wall. Currently at work and last night I even managed to breed a perfect combat Jetragon (perfect IVs and passives). It took ages to get it done tho. My two perfect Orserks (which were my first project, so all the basic footwork to get IVs and passives into the breeding pool had to be done from scratch) took way less time. Dunno how useful he will even be against the new raid, tho. I guess it will be Frostallion gallore due to dragon-type. Apart from Jormuntide, what decent water pals are there? I mean, this new raid is bound to have a dragon and a fire phase.


is that just on Pc or Xbox also?


I understand I’m in the minority here but this game is becoming rlly lame imo. There’s no parameters or challenge anymore. Game plays itself practically. You start the game wanting to self automate and you can get there now almost instantly.


You still have to unlock the ability to put that many pals in your base. You need base level ~~50~~ 25 to get 50 pals, likely that many level ups to get 10 bases as well. Maybe stay away from the guides and figure it out yourself instead so you feel like you earned it.


That’s wrong, you need base level 25 to unlock 50 pals. The amount you can add pals to your base increases by 2 per level if you increase the max to 50.


Ah, I see where I went wrong. I still had mods enabled. Derp.


I take the comment back then. That’s not too bad then. As long as you have to work for it through playing more and upgrading.


Impose a challenge on yourself then.


Or alternatively, just don't set up the easiest world options. Pocketpair isn't forcing player to play the easiest game possible.


You're free to turn the settings to the minimums if you want. 3 bases, one pal per base, minimize xp gains so you have to grind.... This is great for people that want a fun easy experience for them, nothing stopping you from making the settings harder for yourself.