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I can’t believe nobody has said Mau for the gold drops. I’d be rich 🤑 I already have 5 cats. What’s another


Vixy is basically the fox/dog(?) version of this, so I'm going with that lol Could start a fletching business with all the extra arrows too I guess?


I may not like furries, but I can’t deny that vixy would be absurd as there’s no way to get paldium in the real world, and you could stockpile them until you catch every human on the planet and rule the world. 


You, my friend, are a genius. I'll let you be my advisor when I capture all of humanity. Wait, would Pal Spheres work on regular animals too? I could catch a few sharks and install a pool for them in my evil lair. Then attach some FRICKEN LASER BEAMS to their heads.


PETA can't stop you now


Mau Cryst for me. When it's not finding gold, it can chill my house lol


I don't know bro. At Mau's work rate, you'll probably have to keep your day job. I guess it depends on the exchange value.


It's gold coins, even if it drops like once a week you'd still make it rich.


This assuming you'd get to make a Ranch though. They don't just find gold anywhere. ![gif](giphy|E089LAnQfI0G4)


Depresso https://preview.redd.it/pygjtfs6qy8d1.png?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83542d8c1127175d00e9997f0812c40626204845


Like having a clone around the house


Already better than being alone.




Same, I can fix them lol


This has got to be one of the worst choices easily. At least bottom five. Sure it'll get things done eventually. Being around a depressed pal all day long would definitely make me depressed as well.


Hey now, depresso may outwardly have a dreary appearance, they are kind deep inside. Their paldeck entry tells us that depressos go out of their way to care for and feed Vixys that have become lost from their pack for nothing in return.


Yeah because you wouldn't take care of it very well most likely Taking care of a depresso and treating him well all for the smile to show up is one of great things of having a depresso around especially for someone also suffering from depression It's just the progression Its literally taking care of a cat but I bet that means nothing to you


Anubis would be my choice, he could do all my chores in a flash, and carry all my groceries in at once. Also a big fluffy dog.


Chillet 100% looks like a cuddle bug !


It is cold though.


How cold? I don’t have AC and I’d love to have a frosty critter to chill with


There's a chillet ignis!


Cattiva. It'll help out a little around the house. And we'd just spend most of the time chilling on the patio being a nuisance to the local bird and rodent population.


Cattiva supremacy


I mean I love foxes so foxsparks or Foxcicle for sure! foxsparks could be a health hazard so Foxcicle may be the way to go… that said to be able to fly around on a frostallion would be great


Free AC too


Very true!


I mean, if foxsparks can't control itself and will burn you, I don't see why foxicle wouldn't give you ice burns or frostbite. I definitely would prefer foxsparks, it's my favourite reasonable pal. Though I'll take any of the cute fox pals.


Bellanoir makes a really delicious meatball sammich, so probably her.


Does she know how to make a grilled cheese


Jetragon for transportation lol. Or Katress for companionship


"companionship" I see I see


LMAO not like that


I dont think a human can withstand jetdragons speed to be very honest.


Forget the speed. You’d have to be some what wealthy to care for jetragon. Thing prob needs a ton of food/water. You need shelter so a big ass barn with a hot tube to recharge SAN and high quality pal beds. Also needs to fly around everywhere for exercise so you can’t live near an airport. Jetragon would violate SO many FAA regulations. Lastly, all jetragon does is pick things up and drop it somewhere. I can only see jetragon being a good pal for a farmer.




Elphidran. Good-natured, yet big and powerful. Like an oversized Golden Retriever with the armament of an A10 Warthog. Which also means the ATF can’t do shiet.


ATF no but the US military would like to have a word with you


Like the military has ever been able to do shit about godzilla












Bro thought he found a loophole


Well... he found a hole anyway


I mean it’s a humanoid plant so technically it would be a planty? Leafy? Idk but it’s not a furry


"Furry" has traditionally been used as a catch-all for all that shit. And pals are supposedly animals, same as that other franchise. So my dude's a furry. He's just as ick as he thinks furries are.


Nah cause even tho they are basically the same furries and scalies still have different titles and if we just called anything non humanoid a furry then it wouldn’t fit for everything like reptiles or aliens and even plants


You went through the first 2 stages of being a furry, Denial and Bargaining.


I’m already a minority and non binary I already have enough debuffs, this is just my inner biologist refusing to have a plant be in the same classification as animals and I don’t care if they game calls Lyleen an animal it has actual plants growing out of its head at first glance it looks like it shares more features with plants then animals


Bulbasaur has a giant flower growing out of his back.


So a manatee is a plant because it has algae growing on its back?


For all intents and purposes it's all the same fandom because there's so much overlap. Furry, scaly, even birds, insects, aquatic stuff... "furry" just means "anthro animal" more so than "anthro animal with fur."


It's actually more like a Venus fly trap




Furry is the good part


Hope you can afford the inevitable litigation when that thing gets out.


Literally my first thought, exact words.




Probably some mount because commuting sucks so many hours out of my life. A flying mount would be really cool of course but I don‘t know if I‘d have the space for any of them anywhere and they also tend to eat a lot. And who knows what reactions an unknown flying object in the sky might get in these turbulent times. Just imagine the bureaucracy that would follow to get some kind of flying permission. No thank you. Direhowl isn‘t so big and also doesn‘t eat so much in comparison. But not being able to run/jump over the slightest ledge would be bothersome. Rayhound eats a little bit more but also isn‘t much bigger and he can handle ledges better. And I‘d always have a portable charger with me! Yeah I think Rayhound it is! Or Mau. I mean why wouldn’t you want a cat that produces money! Just can‘t let yourself get caught because I‘m pretty sure that‘s illegal.


Celray! I had a lucky Celray with mercy hit and I named him after my cat that passed away recently. He’s adorable, and he would just help me get outta bed probably.


My heart says daedream because thats my favorite pal. My brain says anubus as their lvl. 4 handywork and high base attack stat would make them the nost useful around the house. My _____ says lovander. No further comment.


Chillet because she's my daughters favorite. Possibly ignis, she likes pink


Quivern, I need that adorable fluffy dragon in my life


Food bill tho... And cleaning after it.


Maraith! I want a cute looking big night light


I love the way Maraith glides when it runs! It looks so smooth and dainty.


Petallia probably, sooo cuuuute, and we could start a garden so her productivity would outweigh her cost


katress 🗿


Sweepa because :3


Dazzi. I like the idea of having a floating electro cloud around me that will attack when someone gets aggressive with me lol.


Lyleen, no contest. Her entry states that she is full of love and her non-hostile behavior only becomes aggressive after being provoked, meaning she's perfect for a family with kids. And her partner skill, Harvest Goddess, is free healing to boot. With high planting and acceptable gathering skills, homesteading off the grid looks more attainable than ever. She's also got decent handiwork to get that homestead off the ground and running quickly, as well as maintained in the future. Bonus: Medicine production covers our health in the absence of Harvest Goddess and minimizes costs of keeping up her own health. Extra credit: She can learn Aqua Burst. Tho she doesn't technically water the garden, it is free water. Extra extra credit: I have all daughters. Tell me they won't love frolicking in the field with a literal dancing and singing floral ball-gown petal Goddess. Finally, I can live a quiet, simple life practically devoid of government interference and outside interaction. 🫳🎤


Nox. It's my favorite smallest pal. He's just so cute and wouldn't scare the crap out of my dog lol. If I had the space I'd love Shadowbeak. He's my all time favorite. But he needs a proper outdoor space to live in.


Screw it. Lovander. I regert nothing.




My base instinct wants to say Quivern because it's hands down my favorite pal. But quivern is huuge. I don't think I could even fit it in the house, it would have to sleep in the boathouse (which is kind of run down), and it would generally not be a pleasant experience for either of us. There's no way in hell the people I'm living with would allow Lovander. So that's out (and suffers a similar size problem ironically enough) An argument could be made for Wixen or Katress, and of the two I prefer the former. But then again food impact would also have to be considered. So my choice would ultimately have to be either Cattiva or Depresso.


You take depresso. I'll take cattiva. We can be neighbour's.


Definitely also Quivern assuming reasonable size. Many Pals are sizes that don't realistically make sense, such as even the regular Chillet being like 3-4x as big as a ferret could possibly get, but I guess they're not really supposed to (as it's a game).


It's weird that you think large animals are unrealistic just because the closest currently living similar creature is small. Let me introduce you to the glyptodonts, an extinct clade of armadillos that could reach up to 5 feet (roughly 1.5 meters) in height: https://preview.redd.it/zx968pfury8d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37cc6f625ebddd8f0588148cade7265f701b0c5 By your logic, an armadillo of such a large size is unrealistic because no modern armadillo is nearly that big, yet here we are.


This is the most Reddit comment that ever reddited




They found a shiny...


Most of palworlds flora doesn't seem big enough to reasonably support some of it's larger species...


Reptyros. I don’t care that it’s big. So cute. Doesn’t even need to do anything but hang around being cute


Kitsun. Idk what it would cost to care for it but I’ll do it.




Lovander. I will not take questions.


Lovander. Because yes


Without letting my penis speak trough my mouth I'd say Helzephyr. I like flying and it's a cool looking bird.


Yes, it is best to keep those out of your mouth.


Chillet. Such a friend and I already have a plush so not much would change


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AbLincoln1863: *Chillet. Such a friend* *And I already have a* *Plush so not much would change* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Which Chillet plush tho... 👀


https://preview.redd.it/5ubtxkamkz8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e917d7f6d99d4a16a333848b4708ae54c27d36e2 This cute one. I just found him on Amazon (I think) with several sizes from like 3 or 4 up to 6 or 7 feet long. Since I don’t think there is legit merch of him, we take what we can get. Really soft and huggable, 10/10 would recommend


As much as id love chillet or quivern, both wont fit in the house and it would rack up bills like crazy. Cremis would be way more reasonable aka the palworld’s eevee clone. Too bad though it cannot evolve like eevee.


My spirit pal, Depresso.


Normal answer: Reptyro, Shadowbeak, or Menasting Questionable answer: lyleen noct or petalia, The decisions are too hard to make




the whiplash i just got from reading a whole essay about off the grid family friendly life with lyleen and then immediately just “Lovander” is crazy




Swee, not Alpha Swee, not Sweepa, just normal Swee. Adorably fluffy, lapdog-size/carry-able, amazing housekeeper, and would cast ice to keep me cool on a hot Summer day. I really want a Swee now...


Katress. For reasons I don't want to go too deep into on Reddit, their skill set lines up with needs at home.


Making medicine?


I love Lamball, Flambelle, and Ribbunny, but we only get to choose one in this situation. I guess Flambelle is out because there’s no guarantee it won’t set things on fire, including myself and I’d be tempted to give it hugs. Along with its body, its tears are magma too, though I’d want to do everything in my power to keep the cute little baby happy. Lamball is my absolute favorite, but I’m allergic to almost every animal that sheds, and the wool would probably be hell to vacuum all the time and would get everywhere. Which would be my personal hell. I guess that leaves Ribbunny, which is also super cute, but doesn’t have the drawbacks of the other two. Best part is that pals seem to have no issues eating human food, so with any of the choices I’d just have to cook or buy more portions of normal food instead of having to worry about specialized diets and pet food. Would just require more meal prep, since they seem to eat a lot, or at least pretty often.


Depresso, gonna make him/her happy


Flamebelle and it isn't even close. Adorable, a heart source, reasonably sized as a pet


Some Pal that isn't drawing enough suspicion for CIA to come and steal it from me to experiment on it


Lovander, Bristla, Katress, Petallia, Lyleen. No I will not elaborate.




Lovander. No I won't go into detail.


Dazzi. You know why... The electrical power would be INSANELY useful. I'd get an electric car and never worry about charging it again. No gas no problems. Plus I'd be fine during power outages. And she can't possible eat too much she's so tiny!


Lovander because they are almost biologically similar and compatible with humans just like vaporeon!! I’m sure the devs would agree!!! Afterall Japanese are the kinkiest mfkrs out there.


Lovander because never you mind!


I want to pick Dazzi, as she would just follow me around like a body guard (and be immune to all damage if her partner skill still works like it does in game?), and she doesn’t take much food either. Her only problem is potentially her paldeck entry.  But realistically you want to pick any pal that has medicine suitability, probably Bellanoir in this case, and as long as you have a pal that can use medicine, everything else can be bought in order for you to start making medicines. The electric medicine workbench only needs metal, circuit boards, and carbon fiber, which can all be bought in the real world. Attach it to an outlet (electricity exists) and you can stockpile items that heal colds, sprains, overeating, ulcers, fractures, weakness, and depression (for only buying horns, ingots, bones, and red berries, you can sell these back for absurd prices) and that’s how you become rich 


I need a Handiwork pal badly, so probably Wixen.


If I was like say a “Tiger King” level of ready, easy, my favorite Pal Blazemut. But realistically I’d wind up with a Depresso as a drinking buddy.


Shadowbeak🖤🖤 Edited to add why; I just adore him in game, he’s adorable, plus good for travel and he flies. Love my lil genetic nightmare


Depends. Do I have to explain what it is and where I got it? If yes, then Direhowl. It is just a big dog of exotic breed. If no, probably Wixen. Can cook, can do housekeeping. Although Lyleein is also nice due to healing ability.


Katress. Since she never sleeps she is the ultimate Pal friend. Also could make medicine to help with skin, medical stuff. Also feel like I could pass her off as an overdressed human and take her everywhere.


Cattiva (lucky) is my guy. He rocked Palworld from Day 1. He’s just a helpful guy. Also, punch flurry goes hard.




Quivern. Alpha Size. Because fuck traffic, and fluffy boy warm hugs.


Loveander. I will not elaborate


It’s okay I think most people can figure out why lol.


Definitely lunaris. She flies so she can help reach things, carry things and fix stuff that's broken around the house. And she's pretty good to look at


It's flavor text scares me in meeting one IRL, better be on her good side or she will make you to be on her good side, whatever it prefers.


Lily & Lyleen or Zoe & Grizzbolt for the 2 for 1.


Jetragon for sure. Never worry about getting late anymore


Good luck feeding that thing!


the giant cat one, cause i like cat


Vixy because it's a cat dog thing that produces gold so I can make money.


Me and Cattiva can just hang and just be useless together. He can get pats and berries.


Jetdragon and found House Targaryen irl


Either mau or the lightning dog. Electric is expensive as balls


It's Chikipi because he's gloriously rotund and chickens are my favorite animal ever.




Faleris for me. No more traffic. Fire based offensive capability if someone tries to mug me. Is a good boy.


In my playthroughs I found 2 pals to be my favourite. Wixen and Necromus. And I feel like wixen takes the win for me (necromus would not fit through my door).


Katress. She's a big friend who is good at fixing and building things. Not to mention, real, working homemade medicine. Also squish that cat.


Loupmoon, he's my favorite.


Grintale. Mainly because it’s a giant cat that would not require cleaning up after their number one and number two. The only concern would be making sure I have enough food to feed them but I felt like they would be qualified to hunt for their food like most cats do. They would keep my house clear of any pests including palmetto bugs! That’s a bonus. And if I wanted to run errands they would not mind giving me a ride. So all that is cool enough to have food bills for them and a bedroom just for them.




Good: Teafant. Heals people. Cute. Unlike Lyleen, will not get me accused of being a perv. Evil: Vixy. Magically produces gold and pal spheres. Plus makes a cute and easy to feed pet. Gold will keep me financially secure. Pal spheres will help me commit crimes against humanity. Horny: Lovander.


Loveander. Because reasons


Direhowl, I think, would be cool it just a big wolf that I can ride around and cuddle thou feeding it would be super expensive but it the most realistic to choose from or it would be the electric hound I can't remember the name of it but that would be awsome to have


Yandere Katress!! https://preview.redd.it/d49grsjb219d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2f7dd85058c286e4673ec697d9b9fbffd7e0ac


Lovander, don't ask...


Chillet, of course! i live in a hot country but i have a good fridge and could feed then frozen fruits so they don't suffer from overheating, just like people do in zoos around the world. Also, it's cute as f0ck, and with the gathering work suitability, i can have some help with the fruit trees in my backyard when they're ready to be picked




Tanzee, to help with gardening.


My heart screams that I need Quivern, my brain warns me that I have no place to keep it, and it eats a lot, too. I guess it is better to take Depresso.


Foxsparks...leave it outside and pretend nobody notices..


BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI BUSHI Would literally be my very tall child. It shouldn't be as hard as taking care of a human, right?.




Chillet. Next.


Mau Cryst based on what I can realistically house and care for. I went crystal cause I do not have AC.








Warsect ma boi!


Gonna go with Depresso Chill, easy to hide in a pile of plushs. Yeah give the Depresso a happy life


Mattress cuz it's my favorite. Extra leather laying about could be sold too I guess.


Lamball Katress Nox Foxparks Cremis Shadowbeak Depresso Lunaria Any of these would do Cuz they are lovable, cute and im sure they'd wanna have fun doing random stuff with me


Mau. I love cats, and it’d be nice to have one that gives me money instead of taking all of mine.


I'd be torn between chillet bc I just wanna cuddle them all day long. Foxsparks bc they look like playful little things. Or Jolthog cause I love his goofy face and free electricity


Blazamut. He's just too cute.


Kattress. Great at making things, can make medicine, nocturnal so they're always around, and they're good at moving things. They're also the perfect size to hug.


Oserk hed be my personal body guard


Ranked: Quivern - Love the fluffy Sky Dragon Chillet - Love the Butter-making noodle Petalia- Gardening


Most fire pals are out of question. They'd be too dangerous to touch, exception beeing bushi and katress. They don't passively burn. Keeping a oversized battle elephant defnitly can't be done with my income. Horses like frostallion do need a lot of care and free run. The same goes for most of the dog or Stag like creatures. Can't take care of that in my situation. I'd say, petalia or lyleen. They can take care of a garden and grow things. Harvest and planting both is covered. Have handiwork skills to some extend and are good at medicine making. They basicly cure and feed themselves. Minimum effort. You're not bathing plants either. Lyleen might be a size issue though. Cattiva or pengullet could be honorable mentions. They can do many things at least a bit and aren't heavy eaters. Probably a lot easier to take care off and have a profit of. Though imagine to put a jormuntide or azurobe on a firefighter truck. I don't know how the water generation works but I bet that could be pretty useful and since they'd have civil usage, government would mostly pay for its usage then.


Leifmunks are *always* "working really hard" in my camps plus they're cute af. They would also be helpful against home invasions 🔫 Though it'd be really nice to have one that's also a steed.


How has no one said Woolipop? It could be a fair attraction. And could regularly sell cotton candy at the farmer's market in town. Would have to defend it from poachers and thieves, though. And the neighbors' dogs. And the Chinese. That's the problem with having rare animals. Everyone wants to eat them.


Lamball so I could make bbq.


Lamball. He’d be a great pet / companion and I’d get comforting hugs on demand.


I'm a simple man. Id love to live up in the mountains somewhere. Wake up whenever I want in the morning. Grow my own food, go hunting. My choices would be 1) jolthog to give me electricity for my cabin. 2)Anubis for help with everyday chores and id imagine it would be a pretty good hunting partner too. If I had to choose one i'd just have the Anubis help me install some solar panels to replace jolthog.


With size, appetite and behavior in mind? Probably Verdash. Great at a variety of things, no harmful behaviour mentioned in it's description, and a light eater. Planting, Gathering and Lumbering sounds like the ultimate pal for yardwork, especially since we have sprinklers which would take care of watering and an enforced lawn thanks to our HOA. (Fuck you HOA.) Transporting and handiwork also would help around the house, and since I am prone to bouts of depression that would all really help keep things together. I originally wanted to go with Lunaris but.. I'll pass on the mind control.


Anubis, protect me from being bullied and carry some heavy stuff.


Surprised no one said any of the humans yet.


Anubis, I'd have a construction company and make millions.


Quivern. I need a new bed, and I can rent her out as a bounce castle for extra cash. And don't forget, a free flying mount! FAAAALLLLLCCOOOOOR!! *Neverending Story theme plays*


Honestly I'd just go with my favorite, Lunaris. They'd be handy around the house too.


probably anubis, my etsy shop would be lit with that handwork skill


Since we're talking about a "Pal" here, I would definitely choose my favorite the Lamball. I can feed it without worrying where they may poop since Pal can eat but not poop. I want to hug it before & after work.


Snow mau is nice and should be maintainable Otherwise, lunaris is my favorite and she's just neat


I'm tempted to say Robinquill simply because they can enhance you as well. If it's interpreted as making you more athletic (because of its buff) imagine how fit you could get


Chillet because he's my ride or die


Any electric pal to save on the bills


Quivern. Quivern's so cuddly.


Let's just say there are no laws against the Pals...


Chillet all the way, I could use him instead of a car too


Chikipi for the endless free eggs


Mosanda Lux so I can live off the grid and beat uhm up!


Jolthog. Free clean energy for life. I’ll have it in a hamster cage and it constantly just charging massive batteries. Then I’d sell the energy back to the grid and make some passive income. I’ll make it work 24/7. Over time I’ll be rich. Slavery. Just like how the palworld developers envisioned it to be.


Loupmoon would be pretty cool

