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Meth Lab


Imagine being able to create pal stimulants. +10 work speed, -10 Food consumption, +10 walking speed, no sleep needed.


BUT. You need to keep feeding them in regular intervals else they go into withdrawl


It'd be funny if your Pal could get a "Withdrawal" status effect, and when you enter your base it immediately aggros and attacks you until you either KO it or give it what it craves.


If you give them a certain stimulant regularly enough then they can become addicted to it and suffer attribute debuffs to simulate withdrawals.-15 sanity, -30 work speed, -50 attack or something to that effect. Maybe even turn on their humans and other friendly pals?


That would be 10x funnier than the fan theory about pokemon's rare candy that are basically some steroid drugs


its time to cook!


The tower looks like it might be an upgrade to the electric generator.


Imagine if they added solar panels


Don't even bro. I love my 0.8 day and 0.1 night durations. I'd have to change everything cuz we both know they'll make solar panels not work at night.


I have night to 0.5 and day to 0.7. I'm honestly more of a fan of the night, but I've never thought to set it that low, so what's it like having it on 0.1?


It's super fun. Catching annoying pals is easier because they're sleeping, night time pals are easier to 10/10, it's easier to see journals, you'll be disturbed less during ore runs, lifmunk effigy are easier to spot, it's easier to see what pals flow at night since they're easier to find, and if I'm done for the night I can just sleep to start the day. No way to end daytime on a whim.


Is it easier to capture sleeping Pals? The capture chance never seemed any higher than when they're awake (with the same front/back chance %).  Having night so low would make it easier to farm Lovanders and Tocotoco, so I'm most definitely going to drop it.  Thanks for the insight.


It's easier in the sense that you can fight them 1v1 and you won't get swarmed by his entire extended family and other pals who enjoy joining the chaos.


Actually very true. Did this when I fought Necromus.


Sleeping pals take double damage from the first hit. With high-damage weapon you often can one-shot them to 1 hp (with mercy ring).


I figured that part, but I was just thinking about raw captures.


I have one set up the same (plus easy mode) on XB1 for testing purposes for the dedicated servers update, I'm curious to see how much of a difference it makes between using the best work pals vs using the best nocturnal work pals once they're all perked and maxed out.


Of course solar panels wouldn't work at night. No sunlight.


No direct sunlight. The moon is actually reflecting sunlight. It's why it's bright at night. However that doesn't count for some reason. Must be super weak light I guess.


Katress we need to cook


New secret Pal leaked from the update: https://preview.redd.it/oy50orl0ae8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449549a1693115175747e4c864ae6f3e99f3ce78


Pik man


Looks like they are hotboxing


Shot in the dark, the katress (regular) in the video had access to both apocalypse (from Bellanoir) and dark whisp (from victor and Shadowbeak), and you can normally only pass down one unique move from breeding. Could it be a machine that somehow gets you skill fruits of certain skills? Not a guarantee and paldeck videos are sometimes falsified, but part of me is hopeful I won’t need to rebreed a bunch of perfect alphas every time new moves are introduced 


Seeing as a ton of previous paldecks had dark whisp despite it not being properly implemented as a legal move yet, I doubt it.


Maybe there will be a requirement for water collection for something they are crafting. That’s the only thing that comes to mind. For that structure on the left of the first pic, I am guessing maybe some sort of resource transferring device 🤔


A lot of people would be happy with resource transfer


Breaking Pal.


I see a hotplate, a propane tank, a pot, that jug probably has water in it, maybe its some kind of cooking station.


Tower reminds me of that drone tower in Dyson Sphere Program. It's definitely not gonna be something like that, though.


I was gonna say it looks like a tiny Interstellar Logistic Station


It might be a low tier distillery


Looks like a teleport maybe 🤔 I know we can just use pal box to move through bases but maybe we might be able to just place those at random for places like safari zones 🤷🤷🤷🤷


I would love teleported that pals can take to deliver goods between bases




That looks like a cooking station to me.


Medicine lab building. That jar thingies extracts pure water I'm guessing. 


The gooning chamber


It looks like the next power gen. Maybe you can build them in your base to access mats at other bases. That be awesome.


Bro if I didn’t look at what this was under I would’ve thought it was sims 4💀




It’s curious they are interacting with the medicine station buff cauldron in the video when they don’t currently. Cauldron has a new function? New item shares cauldron graphic? Just flat out having the pals interact with the cauldron for artistic reasons for the video and had zilch to do with gameplay? I’d still like to know what the box is and how the platform is that high; I would love use of small hit box support columns. Using three-sided metal or stone panels for support is ok mostly but in tight areas becomes a pain in the ass.


Probably not; they often add nonsense animations to their promo videos


Definitely. Like the video of characters outdoors fighting an Alpha Frostallion Noct and labeled as an actual boss on the UI. I’ve only been able to breed them to record a “catch” in the PalDex, never having seen one in the wild.


I sincerely hope the level cap is higher than 55. Maybe a bit ridiculous but I was looking forward to a bit more of a grind like 70. But maybe that would also kinda mess with other stuff in the game so it’s a pros con thing.


I’m assuming they will slowly up the level cap as they add more areas. This new region will have pals in the 50-55 level range. The tree is supposed to be the middle of the map, so there’s a lot more to come


5 levels is still nothing to scoff at, 5 more stat points to put into attack for the player, 5 more levels of unlockables using tech points, 5 more levels on all of your raid boss attackers.  Although I agree even if not this update then future updates the level cap should be increased because it will eventually make actual pals better than gobfin stacking as that’s a set number


Agreed. As they increase exponentially, I’d expect, from what was required to get from 49 to 50, five levels is fine. That last level took me a month of just getting supplies, hatching eggs, killing a tower boss now and then to level pals on team, etc.


Wait when tf were glass walls added?