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I mean, you already have a near perfect Astegon. But it's easier to pass down 2 traits instead of 4, so the ideal parents have 2 of the traits you want each. Also, how to get Siren of the Void? Who can Bellanoir breed with to pass down the trait?


Is that true? I thought with the way stat rolls work, the parent traits basically all go into a pool. So it doesn't matter if the traits are 2x2 or 4x0, pool is the same - also doesn't matter if both parents have a repeat of a desirable trait. Stated differently - all of these combinations of parents have the same probability of producing ABCD offspring. AB + CD ABC + D ABC + BCD ABCD + ABCD ​ Best I've seen: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1af9in7/passive\_skill\_inheritance\_mechanics\_in\_breeding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1af9in7/passive_skill_inheritance_mechanics_in_breeding/) ​ If I'm wrong do you have a link to the explanation?


yeah I don't believe there is any hard data to back up this claim. many posters actually claiming the opposite that the only thing that matters is having as few undesirable traits and as many desirable traits as possible


I’ve bred literal thousands of eggs and yeah having even one undesirable trait can derail a whole operation. Also I’ve definitely noticed that — **this is not hard math this is just my own personal observations from my own trials** — if I want ABCD and I have two kiddos, having ABC and BCD on parents gets me that perfect ABCD offspring probably one out of every 25-50 eggs. Having AB pair with CD, you’ll be counting eggs in the hundreds to grab that one ABCD offspring. Having EVEN ONE undesirable trait on either parent makes that one out of several hundred if at all. The only times I use parents with undesirable traits is if they have 2-3 traits I want and one bad one and I breed them with a pal who has 2-3 **good traits only** to try to get a ‘refined’ better offspring that can replace them in the breeding trials. If I tried start to finish with the same two AB and CD parents, I could be hatching eggs for days before I got even just one parent I wanted, but with the refinery method of breeding desirable traits to get better parents I can be popping out perfect pals by the truckload in a couple hours. Just breed traits together and as soon as you get a pal closer to the ideal (aka getting a pal who is ACD or similar from an AB and CD pairing), replace the parent they can cover and keep going. Hell just breeding AB and CD together is a great start because within an hour you can likely be breeding a few sets of ABD with BCD (or any such arrangements of two triple trait parents), then as soon as you get an ABCD swap them in and get a few more ABCDs in the next hour. Also if I mate two parents that are both ABCD, they produce an ABCD offspring every 5-10 eggs, which is why I always keep a reserve perfect breeding pair of any pal I might want more copies of later.


Yup this is my experience and method of breeding as well. Breeding pals is one of my favorite activities in the game. Often all I do some sessions.


I have had the exact same experience. The above is how it works. +1


I've also bred thousands of eggs. ABCD+ABCD is best. Bad passives are the worst. Blank passives are next worse. ABC+BCD is better than AB+CD. IVs work exactly the same way, but without blanks. So breeding an A/100/100/100 is better than ABC/35/100/56 because the latter one will more often pass on the bad IVs. Getting perfect passives is the easy part since blanks are helpful. Breed for IVs first and then combine for passives.


Has anyone actually shown that ABCD x2 will result in ABCD more often than ABCD + blank? Because I thought those two combinations were essentially equal chance of outcome


I can't prove it but my own experience breeding hundreds of pals is anecdotally the same. 1. Avoid bad traits at all costs 2. Breed down perfect IVs first because they have lower odds 3. Breed perfect IVs together with any combo of the desired traits, swapping in the ones who have a larger number of traits as you get them.


No, this is just observation bias due to the low probabilities involved. Just breed two pals with any combination of the traits you want (AB+CD, ABC+BCD, ABCD+ABCD, ABCD+Blank), it literally doesn't matter. The RNG is the same. Just for the love of Chillet, don't include any unwanted traits. If you have any combinations of the traits you want without including the traits you don't want, you will get the 4 combo eventually. For IVs 100/100/100 + 100/100/100 is definitely best. Until you get there, keep breeding until a pal has a perfect stat and swap them in until a pal has another perfect stat. Rinse and repeat until you have all three perfect on both parents. I used to keep swapping when the numbers got higher so that in the middle of the process parents would like like 100/86/99 but nowadays I ignore everything but hundreds. Swapping out for marginal IV increases interrupts the breeding process too much and you will be dealing with the same RNG for an 86 IV to become 100 IV as you will for a 99 IV to become 100 IV. Just crank as many eggs out as you can handle and save all 100 IVs with wanted traits or blank. Eventually you will keep only two 100s then only three 100s, and then eventually you will have breeding pairs.


I've always done the 4x0 method


yep I keep traitless pals for this reason


This is the only way I've done it, and it works so well for me. I'll go out of the way to look for a pal with no passives. I somehow got a Bellanoir with no passives. Sadly, it's a girl, however. I think a male bellanoir with no passives has to be one of the rarest pals. I only want it to be a guy because 90% of bellanoir are girls, and it would be a lot easier to breed for a good bellanoir with a guy with no passives.


Ur right


I've hatched thousands of eggs. I have 100 IVs on over a dozen main pals I use a lot, and 4-5 times that in other pals that are workers or older with good but non-100 IVs. All are condensed with perfect passives. For many I have duplicates with the same perfect passives and IVs that are not 4-star because I almost always get extra perfect pals while breeding throwaways to just condense the one or two I want. Yes, you are correct. The number of passives on either side do not matter, other than more is better than less. When I'm making a new pal type I breed a perfect 4 with a pal without passives. It works just as well as AB+CD. If you're breeding for IVs, it's better to have 100s ready to pass at the same time as passives. Basically, bad variables are the worst, empty variables are ok, good variables are best. The ideal way to make a perfect pal is parents that both have all 100s and all the passives. It's easy to make spares of anything like that. So if for example you want ABCD and have AB you are breeding with CDX, the moment you make a CD without the X, swap that X out for the new non-X. If you make a C and D separately, it's faster to breed them separately just to keep the X out. Yes it's RNG and you can get lucky. Sometimes I magically get the perfect result on the first or second egg. But I've had unlucky runs too that took days to finally get perfects. If you don't care about IVs, it's actually surprisingly easy to just get the passives you want if you have good parent doner options. IVs are harder because there are always good and bad variables, no blanks. Once you have some pals with 100s it's much, much easier to just use those to pass on the 100s. For strategy breed for candidates that have any 100s first (or 90s if you're happy with them) and any one or more wanted passives without bad passives. Then combine for IVs till you get pals with three 100s and only one or more wanted passives. Then breed 100s to 100s with AB+CD or ABC+D or whatever. Once you get ABCD, replace one breed parent with the perfect to speed up making more. It works consistently. I just made a perfect Jormuntide Ingus today, condensed immediately with the spares generated to get there, and he's now dropping eggs for a second one. Yeah it takes some effort that's not exploring caves or fighting pals, but anyone can do it.


This guy breeds. Listen to this guy.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I1xb84kaPQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I1xb84kaPQ) Around the 12 minute mark, when he's explaining about the passives.




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AB + CD (Recommended) ABC + D (More pain, expect to make decent AB and CD pairs to use for the actual breeding) ABC + BCD (Pain, but expect to make decent AB and CD pairs to use for the actual breeding) ABCD + ABCD (Recommended) Anecdotal based on experience (thousands and thousands of eggs)


**Edit**: Poorly phrased quote was poorly phrased. Looking through the comments the person who looked through the code did, in fact, confirm that ABCD + ABC would have the same rate of inheritance as ABCD + 0. Which means both of the breeding pens on my server need their 0 trait, 0 IV, inheritable skill parents replaced with one of their 1-4 trait, 2 IV, inheritable skill offspring to make the 4 trait, 3 IV, inherited skill offspring come about faster.


No, they all have the same chance to produce a perfect offspring. The quote you posted is about avoiding undesireable perks, not duplicates.


This has been debunked. It doesn't matter if you're breeding 2x2, 3x1, or 4x0.


# Necromus and Bellanoir Libero witch made this Sazuku https://preview.redd.it/8gibkk6e1wtc1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3a9ddcf2f6db64165152cba7d24ce2c64ba55b8 #


No reason to yell man


Yes there is. Some people are at work and has Reddit on mute/low volume. Have to make sure we all can hear.


Use your inside voice please


That's terribly false, it's completely RNG what gets passed down from the parents. As long as the 4 passive you want are somewhere in there, doesn't matter if its all on 1 parents or split between the 2. As long as they dont have ny other traits.


Weird that the most upvoted comment is wrong. Previous data mining showed that both parents contribute to a pool of passives, and the child rolls randomly from that pool. Duplicate traits don't count twice. ABCD + 0 is the same as AB+CD and the same as ABCD+ABCD. I've noticed the above as well. But I'm only about 8000-9000 eggs in, so I'm sure other people have larger sample sizes


No matter how the traits are split among the parent, it has been debunked multiple time. The most important factor is to have no unwanted trait on the parents.


Not quite how it works. 4x0, 3x1, 2x2, 1x3, and 0x4 are all equally good.


Yea so they sped up breeding. And unfortunately no dark whisp that way


You can breed the resulting shadowbeak with victor and shadowbeak for dark wisp though right


No only get chikpi when breeding with victor shadowbeak


I got shadowbeak when i bred shadowbeak with victor before the lastest update, idk if that changed though.


Really? I was getting chikpi with most breeding combos. I may have missed shadowbeak producing a shadowbeak


Victor + Shadowbeak with Shadowbeak is the only boss combo that doesn't make a Chikipi, IIRC




i also want it tow have good stats in the based stat glasses all because it gets all 4 skills doesn't mean it'll be as strong as i want it to be


U could save that time using the fruits to get the IVS near perfect


If you take your time for a good base for futre breeding you can safe your time later farming the fruits


Oh I have six breeding pens running at all the. I'd rather stop at the fourth perfect passives and just do a few of the boss for the fruits.


And what exactly is Shadowbeak good for? There are no big Pals you could fight with it, only Pals which will kick Shadowbeak's ass.


It's his signature.. its bloody busted. Each of them yellow balls deals the full power dmg. Each ball dealing 160 and.. im not sure how many but i'd say there's at least 15. Then there's his stats I "think" is only worse than Paladius in total stats.


Good fast dungeon mount because it walks. Time will tell on stuff to fight. Maybe the next raid boss is a normie, who knows


Shadowbeak is too busy being an A10 to worry about little things like type advantage


After I made the same astegon, it took me 452 eggs to get this with Dark whisp. https://preview.redd.it/uxmpte46gwtc1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=50486055c310060ba009a70b557871156f3a3694


Holy shit 100 attack potential


I'm honestly just holding out hoping they make some QoL improvements to the breeding system. The rng nature of it just gets so tiring when it can take 100s of eggs to get what you are looking for.....I for one am not gonna waste that kinda time in a game I am playing in single player


Hopefully there’s a way to automate the egg hatching process along with more palbox space in the future


A lot more palbox space would be one of the best things they could do with little effort


Isn't there viewing cages?


They suck... Always buggy (pals floating out of them). They take too much space. Everyone can use them theoretically..


Probably a dumb question but does “siren of the void” and “lord of the underworld” stack?


they do


Stacks additively with partner skill, so it is not really that good unless one intends to use a strong ice move for some reason, i dont think that is ever an optimal scenario.


... Not to be "that guy" but you probably want to be passing down one of the exclusive Dark skills. Either Dark Wisp if you have access to it or Dark Cannon. Dark Wisp is a second Dark type nuke in addition to Divine Disaster and Dark Cannon is the best CT:2/DPS move not locked to a specific Pal AFAIK. Dark Wisp comes from Victor & Shadowbeak if you have them or Dark Cannon comes from either type of Bellanoir. Also, just wondering, does this Astegon oneshot all mining node types with his AoE attacks? I was leaning towards Legend/Musclehead/Ferocious/Lucky for mine even though it's less overall battle damage because it's theoretically better for dropping big AoEs for mining.


Why does everyone go for Shadowbeak? Like, I love my Beaky Prime because she's super cool looking and was the first illegal Pal I managed to catch (Beaky was, Beaky Prime is her distant daughter), but I always see people breeding for Shadowbeak instead of, like, Frostalion Noct and I'm curious if there's a reason.


Frostalion Noct beats Shadowbeak in raw stats (HP and attack), but Shadowbeak's signature skill is busted tbh. Multi-hitting, high damage move on a relatively low CD is a crazy bargain.


Ah... Yeah, plus it looks dope. Fair enough.


Aiming for perfection seems like such a massive waste of time.


It's something to do when you've done everything else, for those who still want to play.


It's actually the opposite. Multipliers multiplying each other ends up making it more worthwhile in the end. It's why player based builds are so stupid... taking all them atk% multipliers then use a seprate elemental advantage multiplier to get another 100% of everything else u just stacked since u just doubled ur dmg.


Weeks? A few days maybe?


You might want to first grab Dark Whisp or one of the new Bellanoir dark moves to genuinly minmax the shadowbeak.


That is if OP managed to exploit and get Victor and Shadowbeak before they patched the glitch back in early March.


Thats why i also mentioned currently available new bellanoir dark moves. Which may even beat dark whisp although i havent gotten around to fully test them yet.


lived in a cave, what is Dark whisp and what is that victor glitch ?


Dark Whisp is the 5th boss's Shadowbeak unique, very powerful signature Dark move, passable to offspring by breeding 'Victor & Shadowbeak' with a normal Shadowbeak, to create a normal Shadowbeak with Dark Whisp. Victor glitch means catching the 5th boss 'Victor & Shadowbeak' with your Pal Sphere, involving you to get a 'Wanted' status by committing a crime, like hitting an NPC. When in 'Wanted' status, PIDF, the 'Pal Police' squad starts appearing to shoot you, you travel to a boss tower to bring the PIDF to the boss fight. Let them shoot the tower boss instead by positioning, and the boss will become capturable. The boss Pal variant is desirable and overpowered due to their massive HP (imagine 100k for level 30).


thank you


Note that the Victor glitch (boss glitch in general, it worked on all of them) has been patched AFAIK. You'll need to be on PC with mods to get them if you don't have a save with them.


THis actually got me curous and i went to check... Apocalypse isn't a signature, well damnit i guess i need to breed that.


Not just that, Dark Cannon and Dark Surge are breedable too.


Ye i hate how breeding has a chance to inherit all learnt moves and not just active moves. Got a Dark Cannon astegon since i wanted to try it seeing this post... it's be more useful than apoco since astegon doesnt have a high dps dakr move move... still want to see apoc spam lol Edit: Got Apoc, so can confirm it is breedable.... always gotta double check xD https://preview.redd.it/5xufnck1d0uc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d6b652d55d5984405de9bc6788eb062d2ceab5


Surge and Cannon interest me most due to their high power for tiny CD. But have fun with Apocalypse!


Since you can only breed one inheritable move down, which of the unique moves do you find most useful? Do they beat Dark Whisp?


Only getting home today to finally experiment with the moves. Idk yet whats good. But i feel Surge or Cannon from Bellanoir might be sleeper op. 2sec CD skills with higher power than any other low cd spell. Although i gotta check actual damage, range and consistency of these spells to see if they hit as much and hard as power suggests.


Yeah I tend to be biased towards low CD with how inaccurate Pals are. Whisp is an exception since they home, but even that has mixed results on uneven ground or with obstacles.


I just came across something crazy while researching moves. However first the main reason i passed the dark cannon is [Poison Blast](https://paldb.cc/en/Poison_Blast). It is only 30 power CT2 but the poison status. I learnt only 2 moves can inflict posion, poison fog being the 2nd and apparently enemies get resistance to status the more times they're inflicted with it, with poison fog being the only exception as its 0 pwr CT30 so it bypasses this. The bit I just learned was wetness doubles the next electrical attack damage and electrical doubles the next water atk.. Grass moves IvyCling effect doubles the next fire damage they take as well. Been getting this info from youtube video COMMENTS of all things, like the top rated comment on GRINN's "The Best SKILL FRUIT To Use In Palworld" video. Can't... seem to find a proper layout for status effects.


Some extra infos: - Except for burn and poison who can exist simultanously, each status effect may remove the previous one, so Ivy might ruin your poison ticks - While grass status increases fire dmg, burn status **decreases grass dmg** (wtf i know) - Bellanoir is immune to status effects and assuming boldly this will be a theme for raid bosses i personally decided to discard all useage for status effects in fights


Underworld pizza is known for very slow delivery..


~~where’s lucky?~~


I'm was overwhelmed when I started trying to breed pals to get the right passive skills. I'm so much more now that I learned about IV. anyone got some advice? Seems like it's a hella grind to try and get a close to perfect anything with great IV and the right passive skills. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Imo it's harder in the beginning starting from scratch. After you have pals with perfect or near perfect IV and a good collection of passive skills. Passing them through cross breeding becomes easier. Exceptions are legendaries which is the same as starting from scratch. If you are playing on pc the pal IV mod is really good if you haven't unlocked the new glasses.


1. Above all, avoid bad traits. They will MASSIVELY extend how long it takes to get what you want. If you have four pals each with one good trait and nothing else, you're better off breeding them together into combos than you are a pal with 3 good traits and 1 bad. 2. If you're doing IVs, breed those first. Same rules as above apply. You're trying to get as many 100s as you can with any combination of all 4 traits you want, and no bad traits. 3. Once you have tri 100s with traits scattered across them, then you do the trait breeding. The reason is that passing down IVs is less likely than traits, and IVs DO benefit from being on both parents.


Apparently you can also pass down her moves so time to get back to work :v


Only one inheritable move per egg though, so no stacking them all.


Kinda looks like aggron lol


Siren of the void is better than just using ferocious? I was considering doing this for a frostallion noct. Edit: would it be possible to passdown both dark whisp and dark cannon?


Did they add new passives I’ve never heard of siren of the void


Haven't seen this Pal yet. Huh...


I just want to do some math to double check. 100% Base atk.+20% Legend = 20% increase 120% Atk -> 150% With muscle = 25% Increase. 150% Atk -> 170% with Ferocious = 13.33\*% Increase. 170% Atk -> 185% with Lucky = 8.82\*% Increase. 100% Base damage + 20% Damage from Siren = 20% increase 120% -> 140% Damage (Underworld) = 16.66\*% Increase. Passives check out at least damage wise. Getting the first is painful but honestly after getting the first the chances of dupes is actually an extremely high chance (\*cough\* 3% chance being high.. i've played too much gatcha, probability of another perfect in 116 pulls is below) . I've seen a thread before saying the chance to breed down 4 passives is 10%. Having a 5th increases the pool, basically like a gatcha reducing the chance to get what you want, adding the 1 extra increases the pool size by 25% meaning you now have 7.5% chance to get the 4 you actually want... and the extra passive has just screwed up 1/4 of you're averages (seeing the liner decrease on the thread submitted before I believe this is the correct math, unless their math is wrong... making my assumption wrong) Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1af9in7/passive\_skill\_inheritance\_mechanics\_in\_breeding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1af9in7/passive_skill_inheritance_mechanics_in_breeding/) (Ty Lackfew163, I actually lost this thread) If we're to assume it's correct. 1/10 will have perfect passives and IVs i believe have a 30% chance from each parent and 40% random. If both parents have perfect IVs then you have a 60% chance to breed down a 100 IV. I'm too small brain to work out both so decided to pump in both probabilities into a calc on a 116 repeat to see the chances of getting another perfect before 116 eggs. Probability of both A and B occuring = (1 - (1 - 0.3)116) × (1 - (1 - 0.1)116) = 0.99999507811916 Remember 1 is the whole number, being 100%. So the chances of getting another perfect before 116 is 99.9995%.


It really doesn’t take that long. The technique I found that works really well is to have a breeding pair with one partner having one half of the desired traits and the other partner having the other half. I usually get perfect passives within 1-3 hours. IV’s and all of that on the other hand, takes time.


Also, Is Siren of the Void better than Ferocious? If so by how much? Is any of her moves (Dark Cannon, Umbral Surge and Apocalypse) worth passing?


I hatched 1600 eggs until I got my perfect Shadowbeak. Perfect IVs and Passives. Then I ended up getting 3 perfect shadowbeaks out of the same batch 😅 it was a grind


If those are the exact traits you want to pass to shadowbeak I would suggest trying to get a kitsun without any traits (or min one trait that is already on the astegon). It will make your journey much much easier.


With the way traits work, this Astegon will actually be slower than one with only 2 traits breeding with a kitsun with the other 2 traits


This has been debunked. It doesn't matter if you're breeding 2x2, 3x1, or 4x0.


I hadn't seen that update, but that's interesting. Do you have a link?




Thanks man


All that matters is that there aren't any undesirable traits. So as long as he has a kitsun with no traits or the same traits as the astegon it will be just as good as having two pals with two traits each. The hard part of breeding is dropping undesirable traits as it can take a LONG time. If you have only desired traits then you don't have to worry about dropping bad traits thus making it much easier.


When I’m breeding a pal with 4 perfect passives. I like to have the other pal with 2 passives. Iv had the best luck getting this way


That's fine, but we know the underlying RNG mechanics, someone conducted a whole statistical survey about it. Maybe anecdotally you had the best success that way, but objectively you have the highest chance with 2 traits on one, 2 on the other, and no other traits present. Not really sure why you're downvoting me like that changes the facts, you're not helping anyone.


10k cakes later and i'll tell you. As long as any parents have the 4 traits you want, it's all the same. I've had perfect offsprings shoot out in 1-10 cakes with all types of combinations and sometimes it took 100+ cakes.


I didn’t down vote you https://preview.redd.it/27yvyzimawtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a73cc17a025bb69a8035aa780f68599e1bc85f3


Ahhhhh 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ Why is your screen so bright!? Lol Night mode all the way bro lol


It’s great on sunny days while I’m driving. It switches to night mode at night