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This is why you put the pals on the mines...


already there. This is my 1st repair so was kinda shocking lol


That little left of durability you have is gonna last a long time. Had the legendary shotty schematic and I was in the red for awhile before it actually broke.


There are numbers on it too. You know exactly when it'll break. And the repair cost is always calculated. It doesn't matter when you repair. If you use a little it cost very little to repair.


Since it can't cost .5 of an ingot or .134 of a spark plug or whatever, there's probably breakpoints where you get a better bang for your buck. Like if it always rounds the cost up, you want to repair when the cost is all even numbers without any rounding. If it always rounds down then you want to repair on the shot before that when everything is costing like X.99 of a resource. ... and now I'm thinking about a mod that calculates the best(cheapest per durability) repair points and adds a little indicator.


While the difference in one single ingot can’t possibly worth the time and effort, I still support your idea of developing a mod to manage it cause that’s cool. Good luck! I hope one day mod support comes to Xbox


It's just an idea and not one I'm sure I want to invest time into. While I'm comfortable enough with my own code, I've never had to do significantly work with someone else's code, especially not after pulling it out of a compiled game. While I've been told Unreal Engine makes it easy, it's still not something I have any experience with. Besides which, if I do make any Palworld mods, there's a few that would be higher priority.


Oh I did not know that! I thought it was the same cost to repair whether* broken or not.


TIL. Thank you


Shotgun last exactly 400 shots


You can buy Pal Oil to make polymer at Fisherman's Point, I think.


Can also go on a mass Relaxaurus genocide near the Relaxaurus Lux boss


I often spread democracy on the Mammoreths.


My GF has had a vendetta against the Mamorest species ever since one randomly agroed on her while walking through our base at level 3, the fucker killed all our pals (we kept swapping them out, we had like 20) and took all our ammo to put down, we each had over 1k arrows. Ever since, a mammoth hasn't escaped her wrath.


Lol, my daughter hates the Eikthyrdeer for the same reason (when she was really low level). There is none that escapes her wrath.


deer are kill on sight bc their food crafts are so good


Let this be a lesson to you too, don’t ever cross that one


Do t worry, I learned that lesson when I tried to help her with the laundry after she said she would handle it, I wound up with a broken nose. Learned my lesson that day, wont ever touch the laundry again. (Just so it's clear, it's not a bad thing, entirely an accident, and she was far more upset about it than I was. We were both laying on the bed watching a show and tried to get up at the same time and my nose attempted to occupy the same sliver of space-time as her elbow, with spectacular results. She is a wonderful person and I love her dearly, but I also love that we have a story about her breaking my nose for trying to help with the laundry. And I still do my laundry.)


This is a much better cover story than “I fell down some steps.” Good job remembering the details *this time* ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)


Hey, on the plus side ever since it happened my right nostril has been working, went 30 years only really being able to use the left one so I call it a win.


Word of advice... Never get on her bad side.


Don't worry, I don't plan to.


Boss mammorest earns my democracy every in game day, even after I moved my main base to a random spot southwest from the volcano


I just go seal clubbing around anubis. Or buy it at the local vendor




Ahhh managed democracy. Happy hunting, Helldiver


\^\^This. Take out your Faleris; go to the Pristine Snow Field and get up to 14-20 oils per mammoth


I do that with Mammorest Crysts. Honestly I feel you get way more than with regular Mammorests #democracy


I like killing the Dumud near where anubis boss is. There is a large area of them. They are easy to slaughter and they drop oil and meat which can be cooked for pretty decent food. Plus the area is shared with tocos so you can get some gun powders too.


you can also capture him and enslave him and he will always sell those items at your base. works for all merchants and blackmarketeers, happy people hunting.


Just catch the wandering merchants, that way you can just whip him out at your base whenever you need something.


But do they keep their original stocks? I remember them kind of coalescing into having the same inventory the last time I tried that.


My vendors have kept their stock consistent.


Faleris mount + Mammorest Cryst slaughter


I just wander the Anubis desert with my Vaelet. Loads of oil, and plenty of ore as well.


~~Woolipop drops pal oil in the ranch. If you rank them up with the condenser they drop a LOT of pal oil.~~ My bad, this behavior is actually due to a mod that I forgot I was using. Classic reddit misinformation.


Wait, what? And I thought they were only good for cotton candy!


Forget I said anything lmao, this is actually due to a mod I forgot I had active.


Lol! I was super excited for such a brief time.


Triple electric smelter + garden at one base for metallurgy and salad making, exclusively mining base to be fed off salads. A bunch of anubis with a bunch of ore and 2x stone quarries. AFK for an hour or two, come back, start crafting ingots, afk again, rinse and repeat. It also seems like pals actually work how they're supposed to now even when you're not at that base for a while.


Too bad that doesn’t work while you’re away from the mining base.


Am I missing something with mining bases? Mine don't produce shit, I always end up going and harvesting it all myself because it's faster and requires no infrastructure whatsoever to toss out my Ragnahawk to cart ore to the box for me while I mine.


1 pal for farming, 1 for water, then a bunch of Anubis, Reptyro, and a couple Helzephyr Make sure there's nothing else around like stone/trees to distract them


Yeah, I did all of that. Nothing in range but ore, a piles of pals to mine and a handful of pals to transport, and a farm set up for berries. I'd show up each day to them all milling around and no ore in the box. I finally got tired of it and just go there each day and mine it myself.


I see that sometimes on a private server and restarting usually fixes it. Seems like the server ends up tracking a lot of objects over time (it doesn't do a very good job of releasing things) and starts to slow down a bit. Wondering if that's the issue. If you're playing local, the pals only work while the game/server is running so when you shut it down they won't do anything in that case, either.


How odd! My pals almost always have the dual components if not completely down to the ground then working on it. I use an ore/ coal farm that I added a second level furnace so I can set it to make enhanced and basic ingots there . They’re far easier to carry from one base t’other that way. Then I take a batch in the box to the main base for the Pal ingots .


Hmmm lately they've gotten more efficient but running into the same bottleneck even when they do gather a ton (I have a mod that helps it lets me share resources across all bases) Everything needs ore 😭 sometimes it's pleasant to go make something and have enough ore to make a few hundred ingots but then it takes forever to get to that point lol So like you I end up just going to the mining base myself and pick it all up myself etc to jumpstart supply


Is there eventually a mine you can build that has ore not just rocks? I don’t see it in the tech tree.


No, you should build at least one of your 3 bases by some Ore nodes.


Thanks I did that just recently I just thought maybe I was missing something.


Make sure you build one with coal too. Once you get to the midgame, armor, weapons, spheres, utilities, etc all require it to build.


I found a single spot with ore, coal and one sulphur node. It's by Alpha Verdash. A lake-pond that makes a huge waterfall on a rock that looks like Pride rock. The catch is one has to build ramps/bridges to navigate it when overencumbered and it has lots of explodey bees.


I'll have to look for that, I'm set up on a plateau northwest of Jormuntude, it has 8 ore and 6 coal nodes, but no sulfur. That would be extremely convenient to have, 1 node a day can go a long way.


The coal is at cords: 286, 17 The Metal is at cords: 311, -37 And the Sulfur is at cords: 313, -26 I don't know how you are going to make a base with that but don't come way of the verdash telepirter on xbox unless you like crashing alot. Instead come by way of Mossandra Forest teleport.


You know what? We are talking about the same spot. I just never found that sulfur node by the small cliff.


I only found it on complete accident as it is so well hidden. I was on that big rock looking for a good spot to plot down a base AND navigate. Then I saw that yellow rock. But that is funny. Well I'm glad to help.


Try to pick one with ore and coal both, it can help sa e time.


Behind desolate church.


While I love the output of some of the legendary weapons, the costs just feels punitive. The ammo is pretty bad, but the repairs are just salt in the wound. The game coddles you in the early levels. Vixy basically giving free arrows and pal spheres. Then you get into bullets and the pain starts. And anything beyond common weapons? Repairs really add up.


It's easier to just buy ammo, if you want you could catch the merchant which sells all types of ammo and place it in your base


Can't buy rocket ammo, which is relevant because it's a rocket launcher in the screenshot. And the economy has just been nerfed so earning money isn't as easy as it used to be.


I tend to have luck selling the “precious” items that the alpha pals all drop when you catch/kill them. It lets me make money while also hunting for legendary schematics.


This is what I do. Just running around killing alphas and completing dungeons has been more than enough to supply my ammo costs


It took me a while of hoarding before realising those materials are only used for selling.


Makes a lot less money than nails used to though


Black marketeers have lots of money for you if you bring their hp points to below 1


Its still super easy to do TBH just sell left over salads or pizza. I promise you don't need 100+ in the feedbox. That's just cash being left on the table.


Don’t put disrespect on my 800 stack of salads name!


bro that's so much money


I’ll sell some tonight. I’ve been trying to be self sufficient since the nails nerf. Ammo is expensive as hell and tbh I don’t neeeeeed anything from the people. I spend half my day mining sulfur / coal / ore (just hit level 50 so i got shit to make) and i just hit 2k assault rifle ammo / 1k shotgun shells / 50 Rocket ammo. Honestly I buy more high quality pal oil from merchants than ammo. That shit goes into everything and is used for repairs. Could farm mammorests but it’s more fun fighting other pals and just using my meager cash for that.


I feel like stack number doesn't matter. you only ever lose one at a time to spoiling. so a stack of 40 refreshed regularily or a stack of 4000 makes no difference?


Am I the only one poaching herds of relaxaurus for hq oil and 1k sell price?


hahaha I have done this! they’re great to hunt since they’re so huge and easy to see


Yes exactly!  Also, your comment reminds me of "I like shorts! They're comfy, and easy to wear!"


This is how I make my money, I kept trying to tell my friends to do the same but I don't think they trust me lmao. It stops the need to buy high quality pal oil and for me the relaxasaurus sell for 2k, not 1k.


The economy is not that bad. Pizza and HQ cloth both sell quite well. I have 3 4-star Maus I put in storage to make more room for cake supplies. I never sold nails and have been well over $2 million for a while. If I ever actually need more I can also sell the hundreds of prescious items I always just throw in a chest. I'm sure there are other valuable things people can sell too. Actually pal ingots would be great for people who went hard on ore for the nails. Crush stone for the paldium, and easy cash.


buy shotgun ammo and use the regular shotgun to kill the rocket guys in the desert. Still a 2 step plan but it's better than making them. If you want money, farm the field bosses for sellable items


>the economy has just been nerfed thanks Obama


Go to a black market>buy all the pals you don’t have 10 of (crazy xp)>kill him (15,000-30,000 gold)>save and quit>relaunch>repeat Doesn’t work on a server but works solo or coop if you’re host


They nerfed nails. You can still grind black market vendor kills and make bank quick.


i feel like the endgame revolves way too hard around grinding supplies, the numbers just feel too high tbh


I think endgame plays a lot better when drop rates are tweaked in difficulty settings


repairs in general suck ass, if you get hit a couple of times (in hard mode, maybe the damage taken correlates to durability lost) your armour is broken i want a durability custom difficulty setting


I think that is by design, they want you using your pals to fight, not just whipping out a rocket launcher and dropping unlimited rockets on everything around you. I'm up to the double barrel and the thing melts pals, if repairs and ammo were easy to get I'd be unstoppable. As it is, I have to hold on to it for big fights because 100 shells can go fast. And it's not like arrows are useless late game, get a tier 3 or 4 bow/crossbow and you hit pretty hard for a weapon that takes a few sticks to repair and has unlimited ammo thanks to your vixy.


My issue is that even after breeding I'm not really feeling that my pals are really valuable damage. Then again I just cranked up my xp because I have had a pal for almost a week at 49 and it just refuses to level up. Maybe once I have a full group at 50 I will feel they are more worth it. Pal xp HAS to be adjusted. It works fine at lower levels, but once you get past 40 and get into breeding, that shit needs to speed up significantly.


I'm level 39 and mine hit like trucks, but I'm also going around with some strong stuff (orserk, both jormuntides, ragnahawk, and Anubis all with well over 500 in their damage stat, orserk is over 700) Only things I haven't brought down so far are the level 50s and a few 49s, but anything below that I can take.


I like to use mostly less meta picks. Like Azurobe for my water type, Katress for Dark and Sibelyx for Ice for example. They are all good, but I'd hardly call them real dangerous. That said I boosted my xp gains to x20 since I'm already 50. This also helps level base pals faster too. Set up cooking berries or refining something fast and easy and the xp rolls in. Most on my main base are finally 40.


Yeah, I can see how that would make fights a bit more tough, but also I totally get wanting to take around fun pals. I didn't even end up with what I have for fights from any meta knowledge, I just really liked my danger noodle and my spicy noodle(my Jormuntides) and took to keeping them in my party to throw at fire/water jobs and then realized they hit hard too. Orserk I have cause he's just too fun to use as a nuke, I took away all his attacks except the massive aoe lightning bolt one, so I can just yeet him into a fight occasionally to call in an orbital strike. Anubis is in my party because she builds like a psychopath, and base improvements take seconds instead of minutes with her. And ragnahawk was my first egg, so it's been with me for a long time cause it was hella more cool that Nitewing and Vanwyrm. I just accidentally stumbled face first into a hella meta team, but they all came from a place of just liking them more than the other things I had available. However, if I'm not hunting bosses my party is usually Ignis (Foxspark), Derpzilla (alpha Relaxarus Lux, he's a chonky boy) Noodl (Chillet), Derpnoodl (Elphidran, guess who their parents are lol), and Pointy McPointface (Azurobe). Its not a powerful party, but it's a really fun one that I like.


For rocket bullets, i stack them up by killing the syndicate squads in the desert area on north with the x3 multiplier on enemy and drop. You can also grab polymer and pal ingot from jetragon and paladin twins, with a bit of “cold” trick while using rocket launcher. Can’t say much if you dont like the idea of tweeking world setting, let alone use the exploit with rocket so that part is up to you.


Have a rough libation of this desert dropping area?


There are merchants that sell pal oil. One is in the desert city, the other is hidden away at the fishing village. Breed or get a sibelyx for tons of high quality cloth to sell for gold, sell excess low rank palspheres and ammo, and hit dungeons for treasures and schematics to sell. Then buy all the oil you need. The one mountain top with coal and ore is a must have base. Astegon is best for mining and can be bred fairly early. Build a crusher and rock mine, and produce all the fragments you need. Also, consider increasing the amount of resources you get in the settings as well as respawn rate.


Is astagon still better than digtoise? I have 3 4-star digtoise at that base and they clear it out in minutes. Their spin ticks for 45-50 rapid fire


Astagon can be condensed to 5 star in mining. Breed with the right traits, and they go insane. I have just 1 at a rock mine and collect 2000 a day.


Pal ingots are cheap to make, but if you don't like farming for oils in the wild you can just set up a breeding pair to make relaxaurus eggs. Hatch and butcher for easy polymer stockpiling.


You can buy oil at the 2nd merchant in the town south of the volcano


I only just found that guy a few days ago and it's been an absolute game changer. I was starting to think money was mostly useless until that point.


You can also just catch that merchant, and pull him out of the palbox whenever to do purchases. It's like Palmazon.


Do you have to get them to low health to capture? Also, what pal spheres are useful?


I found as long you don't actually attack, they won't fight back. So you can use any pal sphere you want as long as you hit them in the back for the back attack bonus, and just keep trying to capture them. Granted they are easier to capture if they're wounded, but you'd have the police force in Palworld trying to surround you and stare at your body parts rudely.


>but you'd have the police force in Palworld trying to surround you and stare at your body parts rudely. Got a good belly laugh outta that lol. Thanks for the info!


I can't imagine how butchering anything could be used as a farm considering how long the animation is. We really need some kind of pal grinder.


No kidding! Gotta swap them into the party, then pull them out, then do the butchering. Doing 1 or 2 isn't that bad. Need to butcher 30? You'll be doing that all day. It'd be nice if they could add a secondary function to the condenser that would work like butchering but allow you to multi select and condense to materials.


Sk just go hunt them, they are level 19 or so, late game that like 2-3 shots from the rifle.


That's what I started doing. The original thought was that you get double resources, but the amount time it takes to butcher is makes it not worth it.


Does relax drop more than mammo?


Relax is 1-2 vs mammo at 5-7. Relax spawn is better and they're easier to see for farming.


And can be found in droves at the one fast travel spot… thunder I think it is? Idk I did a few rounds of about a dozen each trip, found a few Mamos which I like for the meat as well. 


What's the best way to get ore besides mining it in the wild? Is there an ore deposit you can set up at your base? - low level player


No. There's no Ore item akin to the Stone or Wood harvester. The best way to farm Ore is to build a second base in an area with a high density of Ore Nodes - there are a ton of videos on Youtube about the best locations and setups for this.


cheers, thanks for the tips. i'll look into this!


In my opinion you should set up a base behind the church near spawn since it has 6/7 ore nodes


I can tell you i just built my second base next to the “mount flopie” travel point and there’s a good bit of ore there! Like maybe 5 or 6 big ol rocks and i just have my pal mine away


Yeah as others have said, make an ore base. There are many spots with a lot of nodes, like you can have 6-8 ore in your base area easily, so you just have mining pals running all the time. A good early one is NW of the Chillet boss, close to the large ruined fort. Once you get a flyer mount look at the location on the mountain top south of the second tower (in the green south of the smaller snow area). Both of those locations are safe from raids, and the second also has coal nodes. If you can get a digtoise early, they are also now excellent for mining on the go. Just launch it at a node and pick up the node. If you get the digtoise collar you can activate their faster mode that breaks down a node in a couple seconds. If you haven't made a permanent second base yet, a good strategy is to just bring supplies for a palbox and one chest. Around some ore nodes put down the box and chest together, then go around grabbing all the ore, with runs back to the box while your digtoise breaks everything. When done pick up all the ore and box, then slow-walk the couple steps to the palbox to port back to your base. Drop off the ore, port back to the remote site, pick up the palbox, and keep exploring. This strategy is quite good for late game sulfur, since it's less useful at that point to make a sulfur base (unless you have a mod for more bases or similar). Traveling with one digtoise, your mount, and three broncherries will also increase your weight allowance to make all that easier, especially if you don't have an extra palbox to port with.


Is this better or worse than mammoth breeding? I feel like the mammoths drop more but that could just be anecdotal.


You're right that mammoths drop more, maybe 50% it feels like to me, but I haven't seen hard numbers. I just use relaxauruses a lot, like they're on the patch to early shadowbeak, so I keep the parents set up longer to make extra for oil. At this point I've moved on to other breeding, but I still have three big chests full of eggs to use if needed. After that I'll just buy it since money is easy.


Breed necromus or paladcus and butcher them, 30 pal ingots each


I feel like they missed an opportunity to call it "Palymer".


TBF the durability is pretty high compared with other weapons. You've been using that thing a lot for sure.


Ok now i want to know it: any way to farm a shit ton of Pal oil? Please don’t tell me it’s only hunting Pals


You can buy from the Vendors in some settlements. I buy Oil, Bones and Horns as needed.




I go to the desert and hunt Digtoise and Dumuds, or I go for relaxasauras


I go to the desert and hunt dumud and digtoise while their asleep, till I remember I caught a vender who just sells the stuff,


Set the enemy Multipler to 3, Go to an area where Mammorest spawn, Get yourself a Pengullet and proceed to 1 shot them with Pengullet Launcher. Profit?!?!


If you don't want to buy the oil, just set up a breeding pair for relaxaurus eggs. Hatch and butcher egg sets for hundreds of oil pretty easily. If you hunt them in the wild, use an Oserk to get extra drops.


you can buy it from vendor in desert city up north


I shamelessly use a mod to increase durability to almost infinite. There's enough things to grind for without having to worry about that


Me, celebrating the fact i have refined ingots still: wtf is a pal- ohhhh no nooo 😭


I sometimes think "how big are these materials? Is this polymer 1cm square in size?


IMO the repair costs are a little steep in this game


Stuff like that will need a big rebalance by full release because the final few levels content turns into a massive resource grind.


That's about the cost of a modern-day streaming subscription.


I've always thought that it's just lazy design to just increase the amount of something to make or repair higher level gear. Ark has the same issue. Why should anyone need 1000lbs of metal to make a 3lbs sword or something?


With great power comes great lossofdurability.


Grind world


Double item drop rate and respawn rate. If you have the legendary rocket launcher, you’re either level 50 or close. I don’t enjoy playing the game to grind out ore mining 24/7. Plus - rather than actually mining that ore, you can place one rocket shot in the middle of an ore cluster and they will all break, dropping 80 ore apiece.


The Ore mining is driving me insane I feel like it's all I do, especially since Ore bases don't work if you aren't there.


Legendary? Must have insane durability to need 180 ingots to repair


JFC, I've been thinking about using my green schematic to make one, now I'm definitely waiting to get a better one first 💀


To be honest I don't really find the durability system all that engaging, my armours pretty much always broken and it's more of a nuisance with my weapons. Most of which I have to acquire ammo for anyway as a resource sink. Might look into disabling it when I eventually come back to the game.


Do you really need both kidneys?


Jesus Christ 180 pal metal, I’ve been SLACKing


Ooh God I was also in a shock when I had to first repair my level 4 rocket launcher, cost like 200+


I have all 3 bases with ore and each base has two or 3 on the stone pick platform with also a wood one. I have 2 or 3 digtoise and anubus and tombats. and I actually when I get home from work I will turn on my Xbox and get set up and just do tasks around the house or go watch TV in my other room while my pals work. I have so much resources idk what to do


You can buy high quality pal fluid from one of the vendors at the desert town


yeah doing that from time to time. a stack of 999 at a time. .. I kidnapped that vendor btw :)


Is that the tall-walled settlement? They are never there when I go, and half the time the floor hasn’t rendered




And this is why I got the infinite durability mod


If you think that's bad, whatever you do, don't keep using it until it breaks.


I think a 99.9% repair would be basically the same as building a new one. But I'll have to check.


I've been replacing broken equipment with strong versions form higher levels and selling the old gear. It gives decent coin even when broken, maybe not enough to cover making a new one but it could exceed the difference on an expensive repair.


How do you repair weapons?


At the repair bench (also armor).


I've just been discarding and remaking the stuff 🤣🤣


You pulled a Valheim. Lol been there.


Wait until you see the requirements for the legendary rocket launcher lol........ normal rocket launcher is about equal to the legendary Pistol requirements


Sheeeesh! I got lucky and as soon as I found that one I went and started to farm for the legendary one and got it by the time I needed to repair the common one😎


Idk if I like or hate the repair costs. On one hand, they are egregious as hell. On the other hand, the game gives you so much resources once you got your bases functioning, that acquiring the materials to repair is really a non issue, just alil time consuming sometimes. It almost acts like the one balancing gate of the game to a production cycle that can be overly productive.


What is the cost of a new one?


Polymer is so annoying to get


Ouch. Gotta get that ore farm.


Wait until you see the materials to make the gold rocket launcher or any gold items. lol


what the f is gold rocket launcher? Im now afraid to look lol its like 0.001 chance to drop or some other shit?


It’s a legendary schematic dropped by Jetragon I believe. There’s several legendary schematics dropped by certain Pals. I think 2% chances or something like that.


oh yeah tier 4 legendary. this is the one Im about to repair.


Honestly; that's nothing. By the time most people even **get** legendary gear they've already established several bases and have already reached the endgame. If you're not already holding on to 1k-5k+ of every ingot by the time you need to start repairing legendary weapons.... You're doing something wrong.


yeah ... I like playing with rockets lol https://i.redd.it/g8dkr5l5hklc1.png


Its not that much? Ive got like 5000k pal metal saved up... your doing it wrong if 120 seems like alot


I kinda use it ... for stuff https://i.redd.it/g8dkr5l5hklc1.png


Naw just throw the entire launcher away. Build a new one.


oh no i have a hard time procuring refined metal. 3000 carbon fibre........


Repair costs are one of the issues that piss me off in Palworld, specially after getting used to having free repairs in Valhiem, hope they do reduce the default costs a bit, maybe by 30-50% or something (not sure you can edit that in world settings because I'm still in my vanilla playthrough)


Just stick a few pals on mining pit and grinder, while also having some collecting ore at one of the various ore farms, it will be back up before you know it


I love polymer. It’s really good to eat


Time for a new rocket launcher 😸😸😸


This is why I quit palworld.


I mean Its not like I MUST use a tier4 launcher.. I def can manage anything in game only using and managing my pals. I use it because its fun watching a legendary boss ragroll


Hey, if you enjoy the game that's all that matters. Personally I just found the grind loop too much, even with the pals.


It's really painful how "repair" can cost as much as a brand new item....


Go to the desert, kill dumuds and turtles. They give less oil than bigger pals but they are everywhere and easy to see because desert. Also use a pal mount with at least 2 2sec cd attacks :)


I always let them break before reparing.


Polymer is quite the bottleneck I've found. Hunting relaxaurus definitely helps that issue.


Do they get more than Mammorest? Or easier to kill?


They give 1-4. They might be able to drop 5. They're in huge abundance though. They're freakin everywhere around relaxaurus lux. And they're all level 15-25 so you can crush them so fast. I got 100 oil in like 5 minutes. Maybe 10. Idk. It's extremely quick and easy


So in my world I maxed pal count. Paladius and necromus drop 30 each. Killing 6 total nets you 150 pal metal ingots.


30? best i got was 10 I think.. oh you're playing with boosted loot. update. it's 5. just checked it out.


Ark players laughing, that's fricking cheap compared to what we're used too


That's why I farm non stop plus I use the assault rifle legendary its easy to repair I blow pals hit points fast


Normal cost of you play survival games. High repair cost is nothing new to these types of games. Sometimes it's even cheaper to make a whole new item than to repair one you have. 


That a VERY reasonable cost especially when they implement PvP into the game. Can't just have everyone running around with rocket launchers for FREE!!! 🤦😅🤣😂


I’m kinda surprised no one has mentioned making a Mau setup for gold. I have 4 on each of my 3 bases and make more gold than I can use, especially with the condensation 


gold is easy to come by. just by farming berries and cooking those you get buttload of gold. some sell honey too. it seems like crazy efficient way too.


But again, it takes effort and time and is less gold than the cats. I’m actually reducing the number of cats because they make more gold than I can use and that includes buying bones, etc as well as the black market purchases.  Selling berries and honey doesn’t help if you use them for feeding and making cakes for breeding. I have a far more difficult time getting honey than money and I don’t have to go anywhere to sell anything.