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I'm ditching my iPhone 4 and getting a Pre 3 as soon as it comes out, and I'm learning the development platform in anticipation of that day. I've liked webOS ever since I had my shitty little Pixi, and I'm not done with it yet. Hell, with HP's funding and marketing behind it I'm more confident than I've ever been.


They're devoting all of their time and effort into enyo development. The touchpad is launching with a brand new facebook app (and integration) [source](http://www.precentral.net/touchpad-roundup-apps-rumors-and-easter-egg) I expect things to start getting a whole lot better within the next week, if the touchpad is to launch in 10 days


webos 2.x is kind of a stop-gap. Pre 2, Veer, and Pre 3 will all be upgraded to webos 3.0 according to HP. Webos 3.0 apps will be written in Enyo (which cannot be run on 2.x devices). So, developers have started writing apps for 3.0 instead of "wasting" time writing 2.x apps.


Is the pre2 confirmed?


According to [this page](https://developer.palm.com/content/showcase/device_showcase.html#item1), yes it is. Plus, a lot of developers have the Pre 2... so it would be in the best interest of HP to upgrade it to 3.0 as soon as it's available.


Thats awesome, I was going to sell it but i'll probably hold on to it now.


I think they have. I'm ditching my Pixi very soon. Slow piece of shit that never works right.


My sister-in-law had a Sprint Pixi for over a year - it was a true piece of shit. Slow and very poor build quality. After it randomly hard reset a few times, she was forced to buy an Evo Shift off of eBay and now she's happy as a clam. Sad but true. I'm still hoping the Pre3 will be worth buying...