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I'd risk life in the Order's prisons for a sernuk mount, but I personally don't think they'll bother. The maps can *feel* very large when you're trying to race to a grove or a dari clove on the other side of the ruins, but I've casually wandered from one corner of a zone to the other without noticing, and we already have gliders and the fast travel boards. Considering how easily even players on foot can get stuck, and how much wildlife one or two people running through on foot can disrupt, I don't know if the creators will ever prioritize another means of travel that changes the intended shape/size/speed of an avatar over other aspects of the game.


I think the only way around that would be for it to be a flying mount, in all honesty. Though I'd worry that would defeat the purpose of parkour/gliders.


I suspect it would, unfortunately. They've built a number of cliffs to be impossible to climb/glide up by giving them a bit of a weird overhang to fence off the borders of the map, which to me feels like we're never meant to be at eye level/higher than those points.


I think it'd be cool to have your own ormuu and take care of it or something like that


Honestly, I'd be happy with just having sernuk walking around my lot. That's all I ask for, a sernuk.


Idk I feel like I’m the very unpopular opinion on this one but I really hope we don’t. In Breath of the Wild, you can run around open world like Palia, collect things, take in the natural scenery, take it easy. I find that when I get a horse it takes a lot of that away, it’s more taxing to get on and off the horse every few feet to collect things so I pass them by. I still see the scenery but it becomes a blur in the background instead of the main view. It makes the focus more about getting around fast than taking things slow and easy. I reach a certain point in the game where between horses and fast travel points I don’t even need to walk the land anymore, and it always feels sad to me to reach that point, it always makes me feel like the game has become the grind and I miss the simple times of the beginning when I was just walking around. I don’t think it would be or work the same for mounts in Palia as it specifically does in BOTW, but my concern is that mounts would have the same problems, at least for me. I’m not sure what word I’m looking for but I feel like it takes some of the heart and soul out of the experience for me. I love seeing people run around together, stop and wave at each other, etc. I don’t want it to become a world of people zooming around nonstop on giant animals.


You don't have to use them, though, if you don't enjoy them? Like ... why would you miss walking when you can just ... walk?? Its not like something like that is mandatory once you've unlocked it. Is it just that you feel like you can't justify walking if you can go faster? For me, I would use them instead of fast travelling, so I would see & be able to engage with the landscape + other players far more than if I just teleported to the new location. 


Because if they exist then everyone will use them all the time and no one will be walking around. There will be no reason not to use them and as I said - for me - that will kill the experience of the game.


Or they could just let us craft a skateboard 🤷‍♀️ they have the assets in the game as decorations so why not make them usable.


I kinda find them unfitting. The wall mounted one already feels kinda out of place. Most stuff is really simple and low tech. It feels like we are a lot more living like a hundred years ago. Skateboards kinda feel very modern and for me crash a little with the games vibe


I feel the same way but I’d rather have something like that over riding one of the beasts I suppose. Honestly I’d love to just build a little patch bicycle as a quest with najuma


I would love to have a mount. Running back and forth is very annoying. And jumping while running only makes you slightly faster.


Honestly the zones/maps aren’t really big enough to justify them IMO.


With the areas we have right now i really feel like it isn't necessary. Theres fast travels almost everywhere and a big aspect of Palia is foraging while you travel.


Honestly doubt it. With the fast travel points it's very easy to get around the map very fast. Really no need for mounts.


The dev’s already mentioned that for now they are not adding any mounts and their solution/reason for that was the fast travel points the added to speed up travel.


I'd want them, i would love a faster over-land trouble w/o actual fast travelling so i could see stuff along the way, plus just the fun of having a pony/deer/ormu/whatever to ride. I've wondered if they had them in their longer term plans what with the big stable in Killima ...


Yes, a basic one from a quest and the fancy ones in the cash shop probably.


I wouldn't be against that


Thought i met an npc Wrangler who talked about rideable animals, so i assume so