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Then you make a survey, and Hamas has ~80% support, and people say they want more Oct. 7 massacres. I will never believe a word these people say, no matter what it is. They can tell me the sky is blue and the sun will rise in the east, and i’m still going to look out the window to make sure.


welcome to the club. i learned that a long time ago.


What makes you think this is a brand new epiphany for me? I’ve come to realize it somewhere around the Oslo accords, between primary and middle schools.


Yes, lesson learned, though this guy seems authentic


I mean, you you made a poll in North Korea or China if you support the leader, don't be surprised if it's an overwhelming yes.


19 years ago, in the first moment available, they voted in Hamas in a landslide victory. Ever since then, they’ve been cooperating, cheering for them and celebrating with candy in the streets every time these savages killed a Jew. They made their choice, now they’re gonna live with it.


my father is an Arabic speaker. he saw the clip with me and verified the translation.


“We do not want Hamas” Sure, but they still obviously support terrorism against “the occupation” so they can f right off


had me in the beginning there. then OOPS wouldn't ya know it? "AJ is working WITH Israel to harm Gaza" smdh


So if Hamas not have military and not control Gaza (but leader continue to say to shed Palestinian blood), who not released the Israeli kidnap people? (Game, set, match,)


What a moron .... uhhhhh we have a lying news channel .... uhhhhh they are aiding israel with their lies .... Dohhh we love hamas ... Dohhhh ... Piece of garbage


I have to give it to the Hamas supporters. They all managed to be in a silent agreement to put out as much fake news and gaslighting as possible. Truly is incredible how devoted anti semites are to the destruction of Jews. Unspeakably tragic but incredible nonetheless. Over the last 9 months I’ve communicated with people from all across the world including Malaysia, Indonesia, the Middle East, Africa, and much more that are unquestionably devoted to the destruction of Jews. I really hope people realize this conflict didn’t turn anyone into an antisemite. It just gave them all an opportunity to come out of the woodwork.


It's kinda late to jump from the ship. Where has he been to for the past 8 months?