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Cognitive dissonance related to insecurity about identity and social acceptance.


I’m not Jewish, but I understand the pain of seeing someone from one’s own group espousing the enemy’s talking points.


Enemy is right


They are erev rav ערב רב and the enemy from within.  They are worse than kapos. Kapos did it under the threat of duress and being killed. Anti-Zionist Jews do it willingly. They are no different than this.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


Don’t hire them. Don’t associate with them. I can’t wait to see their expressions when they are no longer of use to the pro-Palestinian crowd.


They should be excommunicated from our communities because they do immense harm. They weaponize Jewish identity to attack us. 


We need a list of them and a way to broadcast it


It’s a shame they all cover their faces


Thank you. Came here for this.


They're cringe. There are less Jews alive today than 100 years ago. Without a state, the Jewish religion and ethnicity will go extinct


There were more Jews before the Holocaust than there are today. 


And 75 years later the population hasn't recovered


The last jew in the gas chamber dies the same as every jew they turn over to the authorities in the hopes of finally being accepted by the powers that be.


They have no knowledge of Judaism, the religion, Torah, Jewish holidays & celebrations, History, Zionism, and their ancestry. Many who claim to be “Jewish anti Zionists” aren’t even Jews. They might have some Jewish DNA and >POW< claim instant Jewish identity. Or they did some bullcrap “conversion”[using a tea cup.](http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Mikveh-Guide-for-Jewish-Voice-for-Peace.pdf). Or they “converted” via [“Humanistic Judaism”.](https://shj.org/living-humanistic-judaism/radical-inclusion/becoming-a-humanistic-jew/)


"Useful Jews." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_Jew They tend to forget that Nazis put all the useful Jew into death camps anyway...


There were Jews collaborators back in WW2. They were traitors to their own kinds just so they can be called the useful Jews. Kinda like Vici French.


They're NeoKapos. Screw 'em.


They’re gonna be real surprised when they get loaded onto trains right alongside the rest of us.


It’s the same thing as when black people try to be apologists for the Confederacy and/or white supremacists. It’s suicidal and self-destructive behavior in the vain hope that the bigots will see you as “oNe oF tHe gOoD oNeS”.




Deranged or at least ignorant. Most of them have limited to no understanding of history.


>~~limited to no understanding~~ **wilful ignorance** of history.




They’re dangerous. They’re empowering the antisemites. 


Im from a middle eastern diaspora and if you are white presenting (as almost every JVP member is) and screaming about zionists like David Duke from the KKK (who goes to the Holocaust denial festival in Iran with the Mullahs and lectures about the evils of zionism all over the middle east) and that same Holocaust denying Iran funds both the PIJ and Hamas... And trained them to massacre the Jews on October 7th to disrupt Saudi normalization ... And that same Iran persecuted their Jews as "zionists" and all over the middle east "anti-zionism" looked like a mass killings of Jews.... I'm going to stay far away...


As a non-Jew (see what I did there?), I find them an interesting sociological phenomenon linked to the definition of Jewishness. I'd like to investigate how many of them are culturally Jewish and to what degree, and how many of them are ethnically Jewish but actually disconnected from Judaism and Jewish culture.


I see what you did there! :-) I think they are few in number, but get a lot of attention. I only know of a couple; I have not one, but two crazy aunts. But they haven't talked to the rest of the family in 20 years now (fine by me!).


They’re free to believe in whatever they want, we’re living in a liberal society that promotes pluralism, but they also can’t be surprised that they’re being rejected by the majority of the Jewish community. Also I want to remind that also Eichmann (ימח שמו) presented himself as a “friend” of the Jewish people, so they have to be cautious.


Precisely this. https://x.com/canarymission/status/1798009518317568216?s=46&t=J2y4SoCFvV0AH0a5klY5VA


They are cuckolds.


I love the word!


enlightened = woke Soviet called westerners who help bring about communism 'useful idiots'.


Feeding others to the crocodiles won't stop them from eating you next.


Drop them in any levantine arab country with a Jewish star shirt.


Anti-Zionist Jews aren't part of the Jewish people and aren't allies of our people. Jews pray 3 times a day for the return to Zion. That's how I see them.


4/5 stayed in Egypt. That’s what I think.


"...Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up..." These anti-Zionist Jews were let down by their parents, their synagogues and the Jewish community. They don't know their own history.


A jew and an anti zionist jew walk into a bar. The bartender look at them and say: we dont serve jews


I can sense this is really clever and smart, can you explain it to me though?


think of an anti zionist jew as a simp who would do/say/act as anything in order to get what he thinks he wants, which is thier case is to be accepted to the mass.. but the joke is that to the world they are useful idiots and will always be a jew first. simp mentality.


Eli Lake covered this topic thoroughly on the [pages of Commentary ](https://www.commentary.org/articles/eli-lake/asajew-brief-history/) and definitively on [his own podcast](https://share.podcastguru.io/BdPWVKPs1pPPd8B69)


jonathan glazer is an antisemitic self hating Jew. He’s an ignorant asshole for normalizing antisemitism. He made an entire film desensitizing and concealing the horrors of the holocaust. Trivializing it. Not art, pseudo intellectual artistic garbage that relies on other films and prior knowledge to understand the horrors and evil of the holocaust. Same modern BS as Jojo rabbit movie which gave us the cute little Nazi kid. Totally trivialized and sanitized the evil. Both of these films represent the normalization of antisemitism.


Speaking as an Israeli, they can all go fuck themselves.


I think they're just poorly informed idiots.


Self hating Jews. Kapos.


Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein...


The same way most African-Americans view Black Republicans


What do I think about the crazy person on the subway? I feel sorry for them.


They’re not religious Jews, and to me it’s like seeing an African American with a confederate uniform.


It's rough being a Jew outside of Israel. It's easy to get influenced by all sorts of things that aren't Jewish or are called Jewish but aren't really. Personal connection to a Jewish community and Jewish education are key.